What Do You Need for a STEM Classroom? [ep.3]
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Episode Summary
Are you in charge of setting up the STEM space in your school? Have you been gifted a classroom with a collection of supplies but not sure what to keep, what to toss and what to buy?
And let’s mention budget; what should you be buying within different budgets and balancing that between consumable and non-consumable items?
Let’s break down what you actually need for your STEM classroom and create a system that will work best for you.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Tips and tricks gathering materials when setting up your STEM space:
- #1- List those current assets
- #2-Create a budget
- #3- Be creative when gathering materials
- #4- Plan ahead
Resources Mentioned:
- Free Download: K-5 Classroom STEM Supply List
- Makerspace Donation Letter
- Makerspace & STEM Supply Labels
- Makerspace Getting Started Bundle
- Code-and-Go Mouse Robot
- Posters for Code-and-Go Mouse
- BeeBot Robot
- Posters for BeeBot Robot
- BlueBot Robot
- Naomi’s STEM Classroom Amazon Wishlist
- DonorsChoose
Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you but I receive a small commission in return.
Episode Transcript:
Are you in charge of setting up the STEM space in your school? Have you been gifted a classroom with a collection of supplies but not sure what to keep, what to toss and what to buy?
And let’s mention budget; what should you be buying within different budgets and balancing that between consumable and non-consumable items?
Let’s break down what you actually need for your STEM classroom and create a system that will work best for you.
The first step when setting up your STEM space is to list your current assets. Now you might be starting with a blank canvas, so you have nothing to list; you can skip this step! But you might want to keep it in mind for next year so don’t write me off completely! First, pull out everything that you have in your space and notice:
-What are some things you absolutely want to keep?
-What are some things that you can toss or recycle? (like an old Boombox or CD player. I’m sorry you’re definitely not going to use that!)
-What are some things you can donate within the district?
-Are there items that are actually not age appropriate?
Maybe the items are actually too young for your students and you can get them to other schools or preschools that are within your district. Maybe even your ILC/SPED programs in your school would like them.
You might even have items that are actually too advanced for your students; that could be a possibility for an after school club. Or they actually might be better suited for your middle school or high school programs.
I actually had a lot of these types of supplies when I entered my STeM space that were purchased by other STEM and tech teachers who were in my school [before me]. I was able to donate those to our middle schools and they could definitely get more use out of them.
Once you have the items that you know you’re definitely going to keep, think about what type of balance of materials. Are you overloaded with robots? Are you overloaded with coding materials (like I was) and are you in need of more building materials? Or maybe vice versa! Maybe you have a lot of Makerspace items and don’t have any robots at all!
Definitely think about the balance because when you move forward with these supplies, this is going to help you keep in mind the types of lessons that you want to be planning. Again, you definitely want your lessons to have a balance.
Once you are aware of all of the assets that you definitely have in your classroom, next you need to think about creating a budget.
Budgets are really tricky, especially in the STEM space. Some teachers don’t have a budget, some have a little bit, some have a lot. There are opportunities to gather materials whether you have money or not; we will be talking about how to be creative with the funds you may or may not have.
First, you want to know how much money that you have available and when you actually need to spend it. Some schools are really particular about when money needs to be spent at certain times of the year. Some of them are flexible and let the funds carry over year after year. Find out what this means for your school and how and when you need to spend your budget.
Once you know how much you do (or do not have), this is a great time for you to create a donation opportunity. Amazon has a great selection for you to get started on a wishlist. You can easily get that set up and keep adding items throughout the year. You can share with your families and friends outside of your school.
Donors Choose is also another awesome website where you can create a grant opportunity and they walk you through step by step how to create that grant. They actually will gather the supplies once the funds are fully funded. The process is so easy; I’ve definitely had things funded in the past and now paying it forward into other classrooms and helping fund their projects as well.
Another way that you can be flexible with your budget that actually won’t cost you anything is to reach out to other STEM and science teachers within your district. They might have items that they have purchased already and they might be willing to let you borrow them for a unit. This can really help you as well to try things out if you do or do not or actually want to buy them! Likewise, you might also have items that another teacher would love to try as well and you guys can do a little bit of a swap. I have a few friends in my district where we do this and it’s such a great opportunity to help out their students that they have enough supplies and vice versa.
That last suggestion actually goes into this next tip; be creative with materials. There are a lot of ways to build up the supplies in your classroom that doesn’t cost anything.
Think about consumables and non-consumables in your classroom. What I mean by this is consumables are the things that once students use them, they are used up; you can’t use them again.
No matter what your budget is, you want to somehow get your hands on lots of tape. Kids LOVE tape. I think it’s the new pencils; I’m pretty sure kids eat tape. Definitely set aside a budget for that! I set limits on tape, I make baby tape rolls (where I wrap a certain amount and wrap it around a popsicle stick and that’s their tape limit), but I swear I don’t know where this tape goes. They love it!
Think about those consumable items that students love, and how you can have a budget for that.
Sometimes you might want to purchase things that are a little bit more expensive because you know are going to last a longer amount of time.
My best example is when I’m thinking about robots. There are the code-and-go mice and the BeeBots. They are very similar robots; they pretty much do the same thing. When teaching over 500 kids, the code-and-go mice are not the most durable. The code-and-go mice are awesome for a home robot and I suggest this for students if they love coding at home. This is a great robot. It’s about twenty bucks or so.
I do purchase the BeeBots. or even the BlueBots. The BlueBots even cooler; they can connect to iPads using Bluetooth. If you can invest in BlueBots and have iPads to connect to, I definitely recommend those.
Either way, the BeeBots and BlueBots are a great investment of my money. I will buy one or two each year based on my budget because I know that they’re going to last. They’re durable and also they don’t use batteries. They have a rechargeable battery so they are worth the investment.
When purchasing, especially when it comes to those non-consumable items that will eventually become out of date, you don’t always need a class set. A big part of STEM is being able to collaborate and use those materials as a team. So if you’re buying one for every kid, where’s the collaboration!?
Think about how you could buy items where it works for about half of the class, where they can work in pairs. Could they work in groups of 3 or even even smaller; how could they work in a station rotation? If you’re unsure about a material you would like to buy, start small, enough for where it could be a station rotation, and build up from there.
Don’t go all in when you’re none getting started! You might not even like the tool or have found you don’t even have time to use it.
Another way to build up your materials is to ask for donations. You can get very creative when you’re asking for those donations! You know at the beginning and end of the school years when teachers are cleaning out their closets teachers are getting rid of stuff and you’re so tempted to not look but you don’t need anything?
Okay, as a STEM teacher, go look! You will be amazed by how many science supplies you will find from past science kits, math manipulatives that kids can build with, even lined paper which is great for planning. You can find a ton of stuff in your own school building!
Even sent out an email. Some teachers have kids who are growing up and they want to get rid of a big bucket of LEGO (take them up on it)! There are resources in your own building that you can definitely pull upon.
If you know you’re going to start a Makerspace project, set out a box in your teachers lounge. Have teachers put in the boxes from their breakfasts and lunch meals that they’re heating up in their microwaves and save that cardboard for your projects. That is the best cardboard to use by the way; all kids can cut it with regular scissors.
Be creative with the things that already are happening within your school building!
Another way that you can be creative when gathering your materials is to have a LEGO Donation Day. Have kids bring in those little snack bags filled with some basic LEGO bricks. If you have about 500 or so kids in your school, that’s a lot of basic bricks that you can add to your collection! That would be a really cool thing to do for your Back to School Night!
Have kids bring you in a snack size bag filled with the LEGO and maybe you give them a cool sticker in return or another little behavior incentive for thanking them for their donation.
Also consider reaching out to local businesses. Businesses are looking for ways to have tax write offs, especially when it comes to STEM education. This is a big opportunity that businesses are just waiting for. They might have materials from their company they would love to give you. Or even if you write a grant, in return, they’ll purchase items that you’re looking for.
Finally ,when you are building up the supplies in your STEM classroom, you want to plan ahead. You won’t get everything that you want your first year. [If you do, I want to come to your class because it would be amazing!] Having an ongoing list of supplies that you would love to have.
This is great because what if a business reaches out to you and they ask?, “What do you need?” You will have a list of things you already know that you would want and you can hand it over. Same with PTOs or parents; you will be prepared with that list also for your planning ahead.
Also, plan for repairs you’re going to set all those systems routines and rules for all of the things in your classroom, but things will break. Now less things will break if you do have those systems and routines and rules, and you won’t have as many repairs. But, accidents happen, things break with wear and tear. If you can set aside a budget or what you’re going to do if things do break, have a plan for that.
Let’s have a recap of now that you have all of these tips and tricks for setting up your STEM space.
#1- List those current assets
#2-Create a budget
#3- Be creative when gathering materials
#4- Plan ahead.
Now that you have this system for setting up the supplies in your classroom that you can use year after year, you probably want to know, “What exactly do I need right now? Just tell me exactly the things I need to buy!”
I actually went through and inventoried my whole classroom and created a spreadsheet of the must have items that work well in K-5. You can download that whole inventory spreadsheet for free here: naomimeredith.com/stemsupplylist
Thank you so much for ah thank you so much for hanging out with me today I will chat with you in the next episode.

Related Episodes/Blog Posts:
- STEM Back to School Bootcamp
- How to Start a Makerspace
- 8 Quotes for Growth Mindset in STEM
- STEM Classroom Decorating Ideas
Connect with Naomi Meredith:
- Check out more inspiration on her website: naomimeredith.com
- Connect with her on Instagram: @naomimeredith_
- Watch this episode on her YouTube Channel: Naomi Meredith
- Join the Facebook Group, The Elementary STEM Coach Community | Technology & STEM for K-6 Teachers
More About your host, Naomi Meredith
Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.
With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.
She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!
More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast
Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate?
The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long.
Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!