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Simple Building Ideas for STEM Projects for Elementary Students

How to Teach Simple Building Ideas for STEM Projects for Elementary Students [ep.130]

How to Teach Simple Building Ideas for STEM Projects for Elementary Students [ep.130]

Simple Building Ideas for STEM Projects for Elementary Students

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Episode Summary

Have you been wondering about the best way to teach simple building ideas for STEM projects for elementary students in your STEM classroom? Well, I received this question from a listener, and I’m excited to answer it in today’s episode. I also share some tips and strategies for teaching students how to build.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 3 ways to teach simple building ideas for STEM projects for elementary students
  • The stages of the Engineering Design Process in which I teach building techniques
  • Tips and strategies for effectively planning and implementing STEM projects

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

When teaching STEM to our elementary students, we always want to encourage that creativity and even celebrate that all of their projects look different. That is an amazing thing. You don’t want everything to look the same. It’s okay if they see the solution to the problem all differently, but at the same time, we still want to teach our students strategies and ways to build different things so that it can push their creativity along and even make their designs even better. How do you balance both when you are teaching STEM projects? In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you three ways to teach simple, building ideas for your elementary STEM projects to not only keep that creativity that they are showing in their designs but also ways that they can improve their projects. 

Listener Question [00:01:17]:

Hey, Naomi, thank you for your podcast, and congratulations on your wedding. I am new to teaching STEM this year, and a question that I have is, do you go over building principles with such as if you’re doing a bridge, do you touch on different types of bridges in a minilesson and then let them go? Or do you wait on that until you’re in the improve stage of the engineering design process? Also, for maker space stuff like working with cardboard, do you teach the kids different ways to work with cardboard and do different sorts of attachments, or do you let them figure out those things on their own? Just trying to plan my lessons and see what would work best for an experienced STEM teacher. Thank you!

Naomi Meredith [00:02:53]:

This is such an excellent question, and thank you so much for submitting this. If you want to submit a voice question like this, you can do this at naomimeredith.com/voice, and it’s also in the show notes and in every podcast episode. You can find this link because I love hearing your questions. Not only this audio message did I receive with this question, but a lot of you have asked this to me over on Instagram as well at Naomi Meredith underscore, and it is a little bit of a tricky one. How do you balance the actual teaching of the project and also those building strategies, and when do you do it? The first few years when I started teaching K through Five STEM, I had taught for six years prior to this as a classroom teacher, and when I stepped into this K through Five STEM role, I was given a brand new classroom with limited supplies and zero curriculum. On the flip side, I also didn’t know my students, and they didn’t really have a stun class before. And let’s be real, their projects weren’t really good when we first got started. Yes, it was my teaching, but also, they weren’t used to doing hands-on projects before, and they weren’t that great. They didn’t look very good. And so it really developed over the years. Of course, again, with my teaching, but also, this is a skill that students have to learn.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:12]:

They have to learn how to be creative and let that shine. And it’s okay to make mistakes and also learn those building techniques. And this isn’t to say that I had kids do everybody do the same project, everything’s going to look the same. I don’t believe in that in STEM projects unless it’s a Lego build, that’s completely different. But for the most part, everybody’s projects are going to look different. And that is scary for kids where there’s not exactly one right answer. But at the same time, you still want to teach them those techniques that are going to make their designs even better. What you are doing with your students when you’re teaching STEM, whether you are a STEM teacher, a specialist, or even a classroom teacher who’s implementing STEM, what you are doing is so important.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:06]:

Keep on doing what you are doing. This is so important for kids, and it’s really going to shine. And they love these types of projects. Also, think about it too if you are teaching STEM as a special subject, you’re not seeing kids as often as a classroom teacher. They are going to see growth a lot faster than you are. If you really think about it too, even go down to counting out the number of days that you see students and the amount of time you are spending on projects, it is way less than a classroom teacher, more often than not. And so that growth in their actual projects and what things are going to look like is going to take some time. The types of projects my students were creating my first couple of years weren’t as detailed, and they were more simple because that’s where my students were at.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:00]:

But by the time we got into the fourth and fifth years, their projects were more complex. They had more tools in their belt per se, no pun intended, but they had more skills, and they had a lot more background, experience, and knowledge with these types of projects. So, in turn, their projects got a lot better. This is going to take some time with your students. It can even take years. Don’t forget to teach these things. So say, oh, they’ll get it later. Every single year is extremely important.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:31]:

But don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself if it doesn’t work out exactly as planned because it is going to come. And so these strategies I’m going to teach you when it comes to actually teaching those skills when it comes to building your projects. Keep doing these things. But again, the students are going to get better and better and better, and it also depends on the project and even the experiences that they might have outside of your classroom. Now, two out of the three tips that I’m going to be sharing with you two of them go along with when you teach certain parts of the engineering design process. Now, if you want more background on exactly what the engineering design process is and more examples on how to teach it, I encourage you to go back to Episode 15, where I have a series all about the engineering design process. So, I break down every single step of the process to help you better understand what that is and what it can look like in your classroom. But for this episode, we’re going to talk about a couple of different stages of when I teach those building techniques that can help out students’ designs.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:41]:

The first time I will teach students different building techniques is during the beginning of the project, the Imagine stage. So, in the engineering design process, you have the ask, what is the problem they’re trying to solve? And then the Imagine, where you’re gathering as many ideas as possible before you start planning. This is when we first talk about different building techniques and getting as much information as possible. For all of my projects in my K through five STEM year-long plan bundle of lessons, I pre-research everything. And there are a couple of reasons why I do this for STEM in a specific STEM class, there’s not a whole lot of time when it comes to an open-ended Google search, and that is a whole skill in itself. Now, if you are a technology and STEM teacher or you teach both subjects, definitely zone in on those research skills. They’re very important if you’re a classroom teacher, zone in on those research skills. I definitely did that, especially when I taught third grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:49]:

We focused a lot on how to research, but at the same time, I also gave them pre-researched resources because the goal is for them to have them gather information from these sources and if it’s credible or not and all those things. So I really try to save time, and I pre-research everything so I know the resources that they are going to be looking at are going to give them the right types of ideas. So it’s open-ended in a sense where they have some choice as to which resources they can use. But it’s very focused also with that. If you are pre-researching, you might often come across times when you have this very high-level topic, but then there aren’t any resources available for your grade level. One project that comes to mind is when I was designing a strap motion animation lesson that is in the bundle for pollination, and I was finding really great resources about different types of pollinators, but it wasn’t really answering the question I wanted them to solve for this project. So what I did is I pre-researched using many different resources, and then I ended up writing my own articles. So that is also a time when you are getting that background information as a teacher so you can share that with your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:18]:

So, pre-research and have those resources in that Imagine stage. So again, maybe it’s articles, maybe it is resources that will really help answer that ask. It can also be videos that teach the science behind it that can be really helpful as well. Maybe they are showing why things are happening or even why things are built a certain way. And that could even be like if you’re doing something with birdhouses, like a birdhouse unit that I have for second grade, they create a birdhouse to help birds in the area. Well, we watched a video as to how birds build their nest and, using those ideas as to why they build a nest the way that they do, that helps students design a birdhouse that birds would actually like based on the nest that they make in nature. So, making those types of connections can really help when it comes to their building design. Also too, in this Imagine stage, this is a great opportunity for you to share pictures of real life examples.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:27]:

Again, I like to pull things that are related to the topic, not usually doing an open-ended Google search because we know the filters aren’t perfect and they might find some inappropriate things like, well, I’m not going to mention what I’ve actually seen students look up, but you know what I’m talking about. So having those real life pictures is really helpful. And if you have done the project before, having physical models of what students have built in the past is really helpful. Or I go ahead and take pictures of my students’ examples, and those are already there for you. So if you’re teaching any of my lessons in that K through five semi-long plan, you actually have student examples to help give a basis as well. When you are adding in those real life examples or those student examples, it isn’t really meant for kids to copy exactly what they see. But more so inspiration as a starting point, I will say when students aren’t used to doing hands-on or creative projects and they have examples like this, more often than not, they might copy exactly what they see because really think about it, they’re a little bit unsure how their own creative idea is going to work. So, they might feel more comfortable copying the idea up on the screen, which is fine.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:55]:

That is a great point. They are trying their best, and they’re going to keep growing from there. So just give them some grace if that is happening. I don’t say, oh, here, we’re going to make this exactly like the picture. I usually say things like, oh, this is how another student thought of this project. Maybe there’s something in this project that you really like. So, having those examples is really helpful. Now, I taught six classes a day, so K through five.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:25]:

I didn’t keep every single physical example. That’s why taking pictures and videos, you as a teacher, are really important. And even having students take their own pictures and videos are really important as well. That’s why I loved using Seesaw in my classroom because we could have a whole bank of different resources, and I would often go through and even download the pictures that were really great in their accounts and then save them for later. Another way to give students some ideas during this Imagine stage, especially when it comes to a maker space or hands-on type of project, is having different examples of the type of thing you want them to build and having a T chart so two columns and have one column be try and not try. I did this with my build a shelter unit. Actually, most of the lessons in STEM survival camp, we did this where we saw examples of the thing that they were going to build, and then they would sketch or draw ideas of things they wanted to try in their design, and then things that they didn’t want to try in their design. And this is also a great time to share some non-examples.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:37]:

Not everything in the videos is going to be perfect or even feasible for the materials that you were going to give them. So this is a really cool way to help students really think about how they’re going to build their design by seeing something else in action and what they could actually try. And things that for sure they definitely couldn’t do. Like with the Build a Shelter challenge, some of the shelters actually did not have doors on them in the videos that I gave them. And so some of them said, I actually want to add a door because for the purpose of our challenge, the videos weren’t really showing examples that exactly matched what we were trying to solve. Likewise, our Hiking Backpack challenge it showed backpacks having zippers, and some students actually really wanted to try a zipper. But I did tell them, hey, adding in a zipper is a whole other skill when it comes to sewing because they are sewing a backpack prototype. So that is something for this challenge we won’t be able to explore.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:44]:

So that is when students actually added that option to the not try because adding in a zipper would be great, but we just didn’t have the time actually to add that type of item. The next place in your teaching where you can teach students simple building techniques is during the Create stage. Just because students have gotten all these ideas from the Imagine stage. They made a plan they’re ready to create. It doesn’t mean they know how to build everything. Again, this isn’t a time where you teach students step by step by step. This is how you are going to build. This is a great way to show them strategies on how to build different things.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:29]:

If I am doing a maker space project and they actually have an open-ended selection of all the Makerspace supplies within reason, using our maker Space menu and money, which you can definitely check out in the show notes. I also have a podcast episode where I talk all about that and have the menu all set up, especially if there are things that are open-ended, and I’m showing them all of the supplies before they go start shopping for everything. This is a time when I might show them, oh, this would be a good tool for this. Or if you don’t have enough money for this, you can use this instead. And it kind of does the same thing. So even giving them some suggestions on how materials can be used is really helpful. A lesson that I actually don’t have in my year-long plan. But it was something that I did when I was co-teaching with first grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:24]:

We were talking about insects, and then they were designing an insect using all of the things that insects have. And I gave them some ideas of how materials can be used. For example, for the antennas on the top of their heads, I showed them that they could use a bendy straw as an antenna. So I had like on the poster antennas, and I gave some options on there. I also put some Qtips on the antenna side. For wings, we had tissue paper. So, I showed on that poster how tissue paper can be crunched up. So again, I wasn’t showing them, oh, here’s every step on how to make your insect, and all of your projects are going to look the same.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:07]:

Yay for you. You did it. It was just more of those strategies of ways that they could add this to their design. I also did this with my rock and roller coaster unit for fifth grade which is in the year-long plan. And they were building a roller coaster that a marble can roll through. And a lot of them wanted to use either tubes or straws to be the base to hold up their roller coaster. And they were having a hard time having the tube stay flat on their platform. They were building it on a cardboard platform so that their roller coaster could be moved at the end of class.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:47]:

So I noticed this while they were building. So they didn’t have a problem of shopping for supplies. They knew what they needed. They were in fifth grade, but that strategy was really tricky for them, and they were actually wasting a lot of tape because every time they taped their pole to the cardboard, it kept falling over. It wasn’t sticking to the base of their roller coaster, and it wasn’t sticking to the platform. And so this was an opportunity where I actually paused the class during creating. We already had the minilesson or whatever, but I showed them, hey, there’s a strategy I want to teach you. I’ve been noticing this issue.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:24]:

This is something that can actually help improve your tubes holding up things. And it’s called a phalange. I’m not kidding you. It’s called that. Look it up. I actually have a video on my YouTube channel. It’s called a phalange. So what you do with the tube is you cut slits a little ways down on the tube, and when you fold them back, then it will actually make the tube stand up flat because you tape down the little flaps.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:52]:

So just a simple technique. I didn’t teach them this right off the bat because you kind of want to see if they can figure it out. But I noticed no one was figuring this out yet. And so, just that quick teaching while they were building took me a couple of minutes. It drastically improved their designs, and they were able to keep their roller coasters steady. Now, some concepts during this Create stage, I will specifically show them how to do it. This doesn’t happen very often, but if I know ahead of time, this is something they probably do not know how to do. And this is going to be a troublesome point, different than the roller coasters.

Naomi Meredith [00:20:37]:

They’re actually doing fine. They just needed one little tip. But I’m talking more about something that is definitely going to hinder their design. And everybody’s going to be asking you, how do I do this? How do I do this? You kind of want to problem solve and think, what is something they specifically need to know? And I will teach them that right before they start building. So maybe not so much during the plan. Some kids might even ask, oh, how will I do this? And I’m going to say, hey, we’re going to talk about this tomorrow. When we get to the create stage, I’m going to show you specifically how to do this step. Put it in your plan, and I’m going to show you exactly how to do that.

Naomi Meredith [00:21:13]:

So, a big example of this is when we were doing STEM race cars in fourth grade, part of our STEM amusement park. And what we wanted for our race cars was that the wheels could actually turn, and they were making a race car out of maker space supplies. So when you think of if you’re listening to this, you’re like, oh yeah, how would you make the wheels actually turn? So, I pre-made a video, and this is in the lesson. Or you can pre-teach them, but I made a video where I specifically showed them how to add a piece to their car that will hold the axle that will actually allow the wheels to turn. I showed everybody in the class before they even started building because I knew this would be a troublesome point, and everybody had to have this in their car. Everybody needed wheels because they needed their car to roll. So that’s a time when, okay, this is when I’m going to teach you all of this. Another thing that I’ve done this for is when we were testing flood inventions for third grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:22:20]:

So, in my Earth’s engineer unit, students were going to be adding different measurements of water to test their design. So a little bit different. They already had built their designs, but I specifically had to show the class beforehand how to measure with a measuring cup because they hadn’t done that before third-grade standards, but they were very excited to pour their own water. But I did have to show them specifically as a whole class, hey, this is how we get water, this is how we measure it, and then this is also how we keep track of it. So really think through your lesson. Not everything is going to have something very specific like this, but if you know it’s going to be a troublesome point for all of your class, that’s a great time to stop the class mid-teaching or just start it off. This is how you do this. And then they still have all those creative pieces.

Naomi Meredith [00:23:19]:

The last way to teach those simple building techniques in your STEM lessons is by having STEM stations. I highly recommend having a balance of STEM projects and STEM stations for your primary students. And I teach all about that in my STEM K through 2 planning workshops where you can go through the workshop on your own in 2 hours and learn how to do your own STEM stations and even have a unit plan for you. But having STEM stations where aside from the projects, this is a great time for your younger learners to experiment with materials they might not have tried before. Not all of my STEM stations are building stations, but again, it helps them see, oh, this is how some materials can balance on top of each other. This is a way that different materials can connect together. So give those time for your younger students to explore when they get to their maker space projects. Within that same school year or even years down the road, they have more experiences where they have been creative with different things, and they can make those connections with the materials they used at their STEM stations and also with their building projects.

Naomi Meredith [00:24:38]:

Also, with these STEM stations, it’s a great opportunity for students to work in small groups and talk about the things that they are doing and problem-solving together. This is a low-stress way where they’re using reusable materials. They are figuring out this is how this material works. Oh, you built it like this. I’m going to try it like this, where they can talk about how these materials are being used. Likewise, as a teacher, when you are introducing these STEM stations, you can give them some ideas on how to use the materials. And again, this exposure is going to be helpful with those longer-term projects. As a recap, here are your three tips for teaching those simple building ideas for your STEM projects.

Naomi Meredith [00:25:30]:

First, we talked about introducing these building ideas during that Imagine stage. Next, we talked about ways where you can add this into the Create stage. And finally, we talked about ways students can explore materials in those younger years by using STEM stations. Again, teaching these building skills is definitely going to take some time. It won’t always be perfect. And for you as the teacher, you are going to be learning new strategies and things along the way. Just like listening to this podcast, you might have heard some tips or tricks that you hadn’t thought before, and you can go back to teaching your students, which is exactly why you are here. But also for your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:26:15]:

They are going to be learning some tips and tricks from each other and from you, and their projects are definitely going to get better along the way. If you are looking for further support for your STEM lessons, as the elementary STEM coach I am, I have been behind the scenes working on updating all of the lessons in my K through Five STEM year-long plan with me actually teaching the lessons. This has been a highly requested feature, and I’ve heard you, and I am working on it. It’s definitely taking me some time, but I feel like it’s so helpful for you to hear me talk through all of the slides that are included in the engineering design process of that project and why certain things are laid out the way they are. But I also am teaching the lessons where you can actually hear the language of how I would teach these things to my students, including these building techniques. Now, at the time of this recording, not everything is updated yet. It’s going to take me some time. So, definitely jump in on any of those lessons in that bundle.

Naomi Meredith [00:27:25]:

Now, whether you do the full K through five STEM year three through five fifth grade only, grab those now because as I am updating those new things and also new slides, the price definitely does go up. But I really feel like it’s so important for you to have the support where not all STEM resources have this extra teaching component. So, thank you so much for requesting this. I hear you. I am working on it and definitely feel like there’s a lot of value in this component in these lessons. I’m so passionate about creating for your students as I was about creating them for mine. Thank you so much again for being here and for sending me your request, your questions, and all those things. I hear you.

Naomi Meredith [00:28:11]:

I appreciate all of you so much, and I’ll see you in the next episode.

Simple Building Ideas for STEM Projects for Elementary Students


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

spooky stem activities

7 Spooky STEM Activities to Try [ep.129]

7 Spooky STEM Activities to Try [ep.129]

spooky stem activities

Check out the full episode on 7 Spooky STEM Activities to Try:  



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Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Are you looking for fun ways to celebrate Halloween in your STEM classroom without any chaos or your students bouncing off the wall? In today’s episode, I’m sharing seven spooky STEM activities that your students will love. Whether you’re looking for fun activities for a Halloween party or to incorporate some fall-themed activities into your lessons, these spooky STEM activities are perfect for your STEM classroom.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 7 spooky STEM activities
  • An overview of the materials needed for each spooky STEM activity
  • Tips and strategies for implementing each activity

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Looking to add an element of spookiness to your STEM lessons? Well, I have the perfect amount of ideas for you. Whether you are looking for something to do with your whole class or a lot of different STEM stations. These 7 ideas are definitely going to add in that spooky factor. When I first started teaching, I taught 2nd grade for 2 years and 3rd grade for 4 years. Once I got my feet underway after teaching 2nd grade, I moved on to 3rd grade in a new school, new district, and I had parents plan and host my classroom parties. Well, after that year, that was something I told myself, never again is that ever happening. They were absolutely out of control. The kids ate way too much food, and who was left to deal with them all day? Me.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:04]:

And it was absolute chaos. So I said from that day on, any party or event, I will get this covered. I know that I can plan this perfectly fine all by myself, and the kids will be calm. And let me tell you, it definitely works and why I would do the controlled chaos, but the kids were definitely productive during my parties and had a great time, and didn’t eat too much sugar. This really went on in my K through 5 STEM role where really it’s like throwing a birthday party all day at least 6 different times. So whether you’re hoping to add an element of STEM into a Halloween or spooky fall party, these ideas would be perfect for that, but also a great addition to your Halloween STEM bundle, which you can grab in my TPT shop Naomi Meredith, and if they’re not in there yet at the time of this recording, definitely grabbed the bundle now while it’s at its cheapest because whenever I add anything new, the price goes up and you always get those updates for free if you already have the bundle, so jump in on that as soon as possible. If you’re looking for the link, that will be linked for you in the show notes. The 1st spooky STEM activity is a witch’s hand.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:28]:

Don’t worry, it’s something that you will make on your own, and using cardstock, straws, plastic or paper, whatever you have, and yarn, students will actually create a hand that will open and close, and you can even have it try to pick up different things like candy corn. This activity does take some time and patience. So, if you are going to do this with younger students if you have older helpers or buddies helping out. That is a great option because it does take some time really tracing the hand, adding in those spooky elements, and then cutting the straws and placing them where the joints would be so that the hand can open and close efficiently. But once you get it, it’s actually really, really cool, and it does help students understand how hands basically work with your muscles and with the joints. So pretty cool to see that inside view of a hand by adding in that spooky element. The 2nd spooky STEM activity is creating monster mouths. I tried this for the 1st time a few years ago when I hosted a Lego after-school club, and this is actually probably when I was first getting started with clubs.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:50]:

This is one of my clubs. If you wanna hear more about my clubs, I do have an episode about the 8 different types of STEM after-school clubs that you can host. So check that out. That’ll be linked in the show notes. But this was really fun in our Lego 101 club where we just did some fun building challenges, and I just made this one up where students had those little Halloween monster teeth, googly eyes, and Lego bricks, and they had to design a monster that could hold the little mouth in place without being taped in, and then they put the googly eyes 2 or more or what however many googly eyes they wanted to create this cute little monster. They didn’t turn out very scary. They were absolutely adorable, and even one of my students figured out how to make their monster mouth open and close, which was so cute. So you can go through the whole engineering design process with this, or if you just want to do the building challenge, that is an option as well.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:54]:

The 3rd spooky STEM activity is exploding jack-o’-lanterns. If you listened to my last episode, I shared with you all different kinds of pumpkin STEM activities. So, if you haven’t checked that out, go back and listen. That’ll give you some more ideas if you’re looking for things that are more around pumpkins. This one is fun. You don’t have to use real pumpkins unless you really want to, but instead, you can grab some orange cups, orange plastic cups, baking soda, vinegar, and even a little bit of food coloring or glitter if you would like as well. And you are going to have students create like that volcano experiment but using the cups to represent a jack-o’-lantern. So before they add in all of those elements, they can actually draw on a face, or maybe you have some stickers that they could use.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:50]:

You could even find those stickers that you see that kids decorate pumpkins, and they can decorate their cup to be their jack-o’-lantern. And then adding in those mixtures and solutions. They can have their jack-o’lantern explode. But before throwing it away, You could actually even put a glow stick in there, and this could be decoration throughout the day, and students could come and pick up their jack o’-lantern before they go home. So just a fun activity where you can talk about the states of matter but also add in that jack-o’-lantern theme. The 4th spooky STEM activity is flying ghosts. To help students understand the third law of motion by Sir Isaac Newton. With every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:39]:

So, thinking about how rockets explode, that there is all that pressure building up that when it explodes, the rocket is blasting off in the air, and then so are the flames going back out of it. So that opposite and equal reaction. So same kind of idea, students will have white balloons, and they will design their ghost face, and then they will create their rocket that the ghost will travel on to fly throughout their zip line. So this can be pretty fun, too. Students can actually design the track and how that will go and how that actually makes a difference in how fast or how far the ghost can travel, and then they can definitely experiment with the different sizes of the balloons and all of that. This can definitely keep your kids engaged with a lot of different variables, and they could even think about having a ghost race. The 5th spooky STEM activity is having jack o’lantern and skeletal system robot coding. These are 2 different activities that have similar vibes.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:45]:

So you’ll have 2 different sets of cards. So don’t mix them up it kind of actually won’t make sense. But for the jack-o’-lantern coding on your cards, you’ll have different faces that go along with different complete jack-o’-lantern faces. So, for example, 1 jack o’-lantern might have a certain pattern of eyes, nose, and mouth, and then all of the pieces on the cards are separated and mixed up. So you probably have about 5 or so complete jack-o’-lanterns, and students have to take turns coding their robot to collect the pieces to complete the jack-o’lanterns first. You could do this in a lot of variations, maybe all of the cards are facing up, and they can see the cards. You can make it a lot harder and make it a memory game and then add in that element of coding. So this would be really fun and a lot of problem solving to finishing these jack o’lantern puzzles.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:40]:

The other robot coding game that you can do is all about the skeletal system, and this can help students understand the different major parts that are in the skeletal system. Likewise, they can collect all of the pieces that are on the card to finish up the skeletal system. I recently taught a STEM field trip here at one of our local facilities. And it was all about STEM and health and wellness and the human body, and it was 5th graders, and they hadn’t yet had their human body lessons, which I know that they would do eventually, that’s just something that they do in science out here in Colorado, but there are all these pictures of the different body systems and the kids were like, ew, that’s so gross. I’m like, you guys haven’t had your human body lessons yet, have you? And they’re no. I’m like, yeah. It is a little bit gross, So just be aware of your audience and also the images that you’re using because this legit is probably the most spookiest of them all that I am talking about. The 6th spooky STEM activity that you can try is kid-safe slime.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:50]:

Now, I know parents don’t love slime, and so this is a great opportunity to do this at school, and parents will be so grateful for that because they really don’t wanna do this at home. And really, don’t send it home with the kids. It’s better off if they put it in the trash based on experience. But I have 3 different slime recipes that I actually broke down and rewrote them into smaller proportions. Because if you’re teaching a lot of kids throughout the day, you will run out of supplies really, really fast. So, using those smaller proportions, they can try different slime experiments and compare and contrast the different types of slime, and one of those uses glue. I tried this specific recipe using glue and switching out the glue for glow in the dark glow. I was hosting a STEM after-school experience.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:45]:

It was a prize for something with our fun run. And I decided to do a STEM glow party, which I am gonna do a whole episode about it, I haven’t forgotten about this. I have it saved for in the future. But one of the stations was creating glow-in-the-dark slime, and it actually worked. It was super, super cool. We did have black lights going, so it did amp up the glow feature, but I’m pretty sure if you leave the glow-in-the-dark glue in sunlight, it will glow in a dark room. The black lights just really amped it up and made it look a lot cooler. And the final spooky STEM activity that kind of as activity, but not really more of decoration, is having a magic potion bulletin board. Now, when you are thinking about STEM and really the whole purpose of teaching STEM, what is the whole purpose? Is it all of these fun and amazing hands-on activities? Yes, that’s part of it.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:44]:

But a lot of the reasons why that we teach them and why it’s important is all of the soft skills that you are teaching students, collaboration, perseverance, grit, creativity. Those are the true magic potions of STEM. So, just using my bulletin board kit where you just print, cut, and hang. It has all of those magic potions where you can decorate your space, your bulletin board or your door, whatever, your windows to get in the mood of spooky season. When I print these out, cut them out, and try it, I usually print out 2 sets. And I gave a whole set to one of my STEM teacher friends, and she was like, oh my gosh. This is amazing. This takes me hardly any time to hang up, and it looks really, really cute. So definitely a fun way that you can decorate for this season where it’s STEM themed, but then you can also laminate and keep them for year after year.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:42]:

As a recap, here are those 7 spooky STEM activities that you can try in your classroom. 1st is the witch’s hands. Next is the monster mouse. 3rd are the exploding jack-o’-lanterns. 4th are the flying ghosts. 5th, the robot coding stations with jack o’-lanterns and the skeletal system. 6th, kids safe slime but make it glow in the dark, and 7, the magic potion bulletin board. I hope that all of these activities get you in the mood for spooky season.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:21]:

And if you don’t feel like putting them all together yourself, I’ve done all of that work for you. You can check it out in my Halloween STEM bundle at my tpt shop, Naomi Meredith, just to save you some time, and so you can just focus on your Halloween costume. Hint, hint, I am, and make sure to go and check it out on my Instagram page. Thank you so much for being here, and have a happy spooky season.



Code robots to collect different pieces of a Jack-o-Lantern to create a custom design. Grab the templates for this lesson here. 



spooky stem activities


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

pumpkin STEM challenges

5 Pumpkin STEM Challenges to Try [ep.128]

5 Pumpkin STEM Challenges to Try [ep.128]

pumpkin STEM challenges

Check out the full episode on 5 Pumpkin STEM Challenges to Try:  


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Episode Summary

With fall upon us, that means it’s time to start planning fall-themed activities for your STEM classroom. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 pumpkin STEM challenges for you to implement in your classroom. These STEM challenges were such a hit with my students, so I know your students will enjoy them, too.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 5 pumpkin STEM challenges
  • Tips and strategies for implementing each pumpkin STEM challenge
  • How each activity connects to the standards

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Fall is here, and it’s all things pumpkin over at my house. Take this theme into your classroom with these 5 STEM pumpkin-themed activities. I am getting in the mood for fall in this episode, and I am wearing the only orange shirt that I have in my closet, and it is a jack-o’-lantern shirt. So, if you’re watching the video version of this podcast, you can check out the shirt that I found at Target 1 year ago.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:00]:

And you guys know I love a good theme and that it really involves teaching my whole k through 5 STEM year-long plan where every month has its own theme and tool that it’s working on. But there are also times when I have liked to add in those themed seasonal activities, and the kids like it, too. So, it’s fun to mix these things into your lesson plans. And also they can also make great backup sub plans if you can’t seem to find out where to fit it in. So I saw over on Instagram the other day. It was a funny video. This guy was making something called a boo basket, where it’s a basket of things for your wife that have to do with fall. And you said, dudes, if you’re making this fall basket for your wife or your girlfriend, whoever, you have to figure out if she is a fall girly or a Halloween girly.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:58]:

There is a difference between the two, and you might even be laughing out loud because I did. And I’m, Oh, I’m a fall girly because I feel like with fall decorations. These are things that you can keep up from September through November. And you just add in those little pops September through November, and you just add in those little pops of Halloween when you want. I have a few little pops of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos because my teacher honey is a Spanish teacher, so he likes those little things as well. I do have these skeletons that are taking a selfie, which is super cute. And I do have some other skeleton pieces and all that. But I really go for the fall vibes in terms of what I have going on in my decor.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:44]:

The same is true for these STEM activities, these pumpkin activities, you can do these from September through November, and it will work at any time during those months, and it won’t exclude anybody or isolate anything when it comes to specific holidays, and pop them in when you need a little bit of refresh in your classroom. So let’s get into these fun 5 pumpkin-themed stem activities. Most of the lessons that I am going to be talking about I have them all bundled up together in a pumpkin-themed bundle. So you can check that out in my tpt shop, Naomi Meredith, or check it out in the show notes. Some of the things I don’t have an official lesson plan for, so I’ll mention that along the way, and just maybe there will be something one day. You never know. Sometimes, I just like to create ideas and think of them, and then you guys can just run with it. The first activity is pumpkin life cycle coding.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:41]:

All you need for this is the robots that your students will code with for their grade level and the pumpkin life cycle cards. This is a great way to really learn any type of life cycle. And there are a few variations that they could play with this. I recommend when you are using robots, have a grid where each of the grid spaces is measured so that the robot can travel to each space within one forward movement. So you do have to do some playing around with this to figure out the grid if you don’t wanna purchase 1. I do have, separate from the pumpkin bundle, for most popular robots that you use in your classroom, some editable squares that are already perfectly measured, and they can cut those out and everything. But have a mat for your robots, and then you have the cards that go along with the life cycle of a pumpkin, and students can code their robot to go in order of those things. You can add in other fun variations, like a matching game or a memory game.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:44]:

You can add in dice where they have the code to a specific part. So there are lots of different variations. I have that included in that lesson plan ready to go. But another way to think about that s, science, and stem and add in that element of coding. The second activity is pumpkin digital activities. And I have 2 different variations because if you’re teaching all the grades, you need a lot of different things to make sure you’re hitting all those standards and have those age-appropriate activities. For k through 2, my students really, really liked this one, and they added it in as a STEM station for one of the stations they could attend to.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:25]:

But for K and 2, I had this pumpkin digital activity where every slide had something different to accomplish. It had a lot of different cross-curricular connections and even audio of me reading the directions. I created a version for Seesaw, also Google Slides, and PowerPoint. It’s the same exact thing. My preference is Seesaw. You guys know that is one of my favorite tools, but the activity slides are really fun because they stay on that slide. They can listen to the directions being read to them, and then they can independently or even with a partner complete those activities, such as measuring the pumpkin vine with Unifix cubes, digital Unifix cubes, and see how long it is creating a pumpkin face using the different shapes. There’s even a chance to match the letters to spell different words that are related to pumpkins and even labeling a pumpkin digitally.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:23]:

The kids really liked it. They felt excited about each of the activities, and they wanted to have me make a lot more of them. Though. This is something that I really enjoy doing as a stem station. Likewise, you could do this as a stem station or even something that students can go to throughout the week if they finish a project, but have for 2nd through 5th grade, a pumpkin digital interactive notebook. It has the same kind of vibes as the kindergarten version or the primary version, but of course, activities that are more at their level. So compare and contrast. What do you notice in this picture, looking at a graph and finding out data and things that they notice about the graph?

Naomi Meredith [00:07:06]:

So, again, this could be something that they can get to throughout the week. It doesn’t have to be your day lesson. It can be if you have classes on a holiday. You know, students can be a little bit crazy if you’re having classroom parties, and when they come into specials, you might need a more chill activity. I would do these digital interactive notebooks all the time when I was a 3rd-grade teacher and had them themed and related to the topic. And, again, this is something that they could get to if we finish the other projects or, like, as a may do thing like a fast finisher. So that is something that you can add to your curriculum. The next activity is to design a spooky pumpkin.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:47]:

This is something I don’t currently have in my shop, but maybe sometime in the future. But using Lego bricks or if you have even some LEGO education kits like LEGO We Do 2.0. I know that kit is discontinued, but is still an excellent, excellent kit. Or maybe you have the upgraded, the newer versions like the Lego Spike essential kit. Students can create a spooky pumpkin, and using the motion sensor, they can code the pumpkin to make a sound. And this is a lot like when you see the decorations that you move past, and as soon as you move past that decoration, then it freaks you out. It makes you really scared. Oftentimes, those are turned on in stores, and you’re like, oh my gosh, it’s this, like, decoration is alive.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:38]:

So, the same kind of vibes and students can create that. And in the LEGO We Do Kit, the pieces aren’t exactly orange. There are more orange pieces in the LEGO spike essential, but you get the idea, and they can get creative with that project. The next activity is building pumpkin bridges. This is something that you can go through the entire engineering design process, or if you wanna pair it down and feed through some of the steps, you could also do with this in one day. The goal for this challenge is for students are creating a bridge to hold as many pumpkins as possible. You can use a lot of different things for the bridges, such as pumpkin candies or unifix cubes, or maybe students have to make their own bridges, but this is a fun one that, again, you can stretch out as long as you want. Go through it fast and see the different types of bridges students come up with, and you can even talk about the engineering of bridges as an architecture piece.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:40]:

This is in the bundle that has everything laid out for you. And the last STEM activity is a 7 stories reading, how many seeds are in a pumpkin. This is something that I did again as a classroom teacher, but you could do this as a STEM teacher. And I had some kids donate pumpkins that they had or went and grabbed a pumpkin. And we had a few different pumpkins in the room, and we did different experiments and things that involve math with these pumpkins. So first we tested things like Do you think the pumpkin is going to sink or float? Why do you think that’s going to happen? What is the outside like how many ridges are on the outside of the pumpkin, what does the pumpkin feel like, how many unifix cubes tall or you can even add in measuring with inches and centimeters. Students can even compare the data if you have multiple pumpkins in your classroom. And then students also had to guess how many seeds were in their pumpkin.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:41]:

And we did open the pumpkins up. And students scooped out the seeds. We had butcher paper all over. The students were on the floor, and they had to determine the best way to count all of the seeds in their pumpkin. And the great way of using butcher paper for this activity is that students can actually put the seeds in equal groups, they can draw, they can label, it does get a bit messy. So if you don’t like messes, don’t do this one. But it is a lot of fun for them to think about carving a pumpkin in a different way. Maybe some of your students have never done this before.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:16]:

You never know. You will definitely find out when you have them open up the pumpkin, and so are just another great way to get hands-on and make it a fun math activity. As a recap, here are the 5 pumpkin-themed STEM activities that you can use in your classroom. 1st is pumpkin life cycle coding. Next is pumpkin digital activities. 3rd, are creating a spooky pumpkin out of Lego bricks. 4th is designing a pumpkin bridge, and 5th is that STEM and stories connection, how many seeds are in a pumpkin, and dissect those pumpkins. Most of these lessons are packaged together nicely for you in a bundle so you can just grab and go and implement these in your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:01]:

You can find that in the show notes for this episode or even check it out on my TpT shop, Naomi Meredith. Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll see you later, pumpkin.

pumpkin STEM challenges


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

$1000 STEM grant

How this Teacher Successfully Wrote a $1000 STEM Grant [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.127]

How this Teacher Successfully Wrote a $1000 STEM Grant [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.127]

$1000 STEM grant

Check out the full episode on How this Teacher Successfully Wrote a $1000 STEM Grant [STEM Teacher Pathway Series]:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

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Episode Summary

Have you ever felt frustrated because you don’t have certain materials to implement innovative STEM lessons? One way I’ve been able to navigate this issue is through writing grants for the materials I need in my STEM classroom. Grant writing is a great way for STEM teachers to secure the resources they need to incorporate fun and engaging STEM activities in their classrooms. In this episode, I’m sharing how I supported one of the STEM teachers in my group coaching program with successfully writing a $1,000 STEM grant. I’m taking you behind the scenes of how we strategically prepared for the grant writing process, decided on what materials to write a $ 1000 STEM grant for, and so much more.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How I supported a teacher in my group coaching program with writing a $1000 STEM grant
  • How we decided on what types of materials to write $1000 STEM grant for
  • Things to consider when writing a grant
  • Tips and strategies for successfully writing a $1000 STEM grant

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Frustrated that you are required to teach innovative lessons but don’t have the materials to do so? While it does take some thoughtful prep work from the beginning, grant writing is an amazing opportunity to take advantage of as a STEM teacher and gather the materials that you are hoping to use in your classroom with your students. When it comes to grant writing, you want to be strategic in the type of materials that you are writing a grant for, the longevity of that tool, and how it’s going to impact not just 1 set of students but students for many years to come. In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you a STEM teacher’s success when writing a $1000 STEM grant and the things that she did to prepare for this opportunity. A big benefit of working together with me and other teachers in my group coaching program for STEM teachers is we take a look at your overall lessons and how they fit into a cohesive year-long plan, and we also take an inventory of the supplies that you have and how those things fit together.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:42]:

From there, a really big benefit is that we get weekly live calls together that are customized based on the group needs, and also a group chat where we can talk about the topics that are related to the live call or other questions that you have in your STEM space. Now, another thing that we do in the months that we have together in this group coaching program that I haven’t talked a whole lot about yet is grant writing. Grant writing actually has a really big impact on your STEM program because you want to use all of these amazing tools for your students. And unless you had a big huge overhaul and all of this money put forth into your program, more often than not, you have to fit all the puzzle pieces together and figure out how you’re gonna get materials at certain times and build up to the program of your dreams. Because of the work together in our group coaching program, I actually have, as the coach, the overall view of where everybody’s lessons are at, but also the types of materials and how that can even go into the grant writing process and what to even write a grant for. There was a teacher in my program that I want you to meet, the one who was able to write a successful $1000 STEM grant for her program. This teacher teaches pre-k, so even the little ones, pre-k through 5th grade STEM, twice a week, and like many of you, she is responsible for building up her whole program when it comes to lesson plans, figuring out supplies, and all of the things in between. She had a really great start to her year-long plan and even had some of the things from my k through 5 STEM year bundle of lessons, but I also felt like with the things she had and then didn’t have, her lessons were kind of all over the place.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:40]:

So she wanted to create a more cohesive curriculum, which, by the end of our program, we were able to do, and also add in more structures when it came to STEM stations. If you go back to the last episode, episode 126, you can hear more about the lesson planning that we did as a group and how we integrated materials that the teachers already had and planned an amazing k through 5 STEM ocean unit, and we even added in different types of STEM stations. So you can finish this episode and then go back to that one if you haven’t checked it out already. Towards the last part of our group coaching program, once we’ve done the lesson planning, we have our year-long plan figured out, and what we’re going to be teaching, teachers have the opportunity to work with me when it comes to writing their grant. And this teacher that I’m talking about had a really great program, especially when it came to coding lessons and the tools available for that. But they really needed more things when it came to hands-on coding and robotics. And we know that STEM materials are pricey, especially if you want to invest in things that have a longer shelf life and can be used with a lot of kids. You really want to get high-quality materials.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:02]:

Now, the timing of this was absolutely perfect. Great writing was something we were already going to be working on, but this teacher’s principal actually sent a grant opportunity her way to look into. Now, a little caveat to this: this teacher does work in a private school. And so, if you are a teacher who’s working in a private school, make sure you read the fine print when it comes to the type of grants that you can be eligible for because every grant has its different rules and regulations, and all of that. I do have other episodes that I’ll link in the show notes when it comes to grant writing and other tips and tricks that you can use along the way, as well as some different grants that you can look into to help you get started. So the principal sent her a grant this way, which was funny because this was actually one of the ones that was on my list, and she was thinking about, okay, how can I really make the maximum effort for this grant? In my experience as an educator, especially in my k through 5 STEM role, I have written a lot of grants. And you really can write a grant for anything. My biggest ones were $1000 STEM grants, so the same amount that this teacher was looking for.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:15]:

And the biggest thing when it comes to grant writing is not so much the tool but how you can create an engaging and innovative variance for the students where it is impacting the students that year but also years beyond, and also thinking about those cross-curricular connections. Now, if you’re thinking, okay, great, it doesn’t matter about the tool, it kind of doesn’t because let me tell you this, my school needed document cameras. Our document cameras were really old, and these are an essential tool in the elementary space. My teacher, Honey, who teaches high school, doesn’t really so much use a document camera. But in elementary, it’s super essential, and the ones that we’re having were dying, they were bulky, they had 5,000,000 cords, and we needed document cameras. Well, honestly, when you talk about it, it doesn’t really sound like that innovative of a tool. However, the way that I wrote that grant, I was actually able to get all brand new document cameras to outfit our whole school, just by the way that I wrote that grant. So that is one of many that I did in my experience.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:24]:

So, really, it’s just how you word things and put it all together. When it came down to it with recommendations and looking at her year-long plan and things that would benefit her program, even based on the supplies that she had and didn’t have, we decided on writing a grant for coding and hands-on materials like robots. The coding materials were things that she could use in STEM stations, which was a big thing that this teacher wanted to do in her year-long plan anyway. And with those STEM stations, you don’t have to figure out every single little thing and create it from scratch. There are a lot of great tools out there that lend themselves to STEM stations. So, we figured out a couple of things that would work really well for STEM stations. And even if students use them repeatedly over the years, this program actually has different apps where students can progress at different levels. So that was super great and, again, hands-on.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:21]:

And then we also added in some robots so she could build up her collection from there. With our collaboration together and from our live lessons, I was able to help her write a rough draft when it came to the questions for the grant writing. So I definitely recommend when you are writing a STEM grant, to figure out what the questions are when it comes to the grant, you might need to create an account, they’re always free to create your account. So create your account, figure out the questions, and then type those out on a document on the side. So when you get to filling out the actual well application, you can just copy and paste. I actually was writing a couple of grants for something else this morning, and I did the same exact thing. Because a lot of times, when it comes to these grants, you can’t see ahead what the questions are. Or sometimes you can’t, like, while you’re filling it out, like, you can’t go forwards and backward.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:18]:

And then, sometimes, with the grants, it won’t save your progress. So, if you make an account, see the questions, and type up your answers, this can also help you with spell check and everything. The couple of grants that I was writing today had a word limit. So, I was really limited to a specific amount of words to get all of the information in there. So that is something that we did. This teacher and I worked together. She added her own story, which is also really important when you’re writing any kind of grant. And if it’s a STEM grant, what is the story? Why is this going to have an impact on your students? Who are your students? Why do they need these tools? We, the people who are reading your grants, know that it is expensive, but why is this something that you need? So that is something that she and her principal really worked together once she had that draft that we did together and was able to put forth that information that was very specific to her school.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:18]:

The cool thing about this is that this document is actually available to everybody in the group because those specific things she added in on the side on her own copy, but we were able to brainstorm together as a group different opportunities, different types of grants you could apply for, What are those limits to the type of grants? What are certain materials that would work well? And what are different lesson plans you could plan forward to? There are tons of grants out there. I recommend going even for those smaller grants. You have a better opportunity when it comes to getting those materials, but also be really thoughtful with those things that you were hoping to get. With our time together in our group, this teacher was able to write her a first $1000 STEM grant for these STEM supplies and turn it in way ahead of the timeline. We are hoping to hear back, but the process was so fun and collaborative, and really no stress at all because we were able to bounce off and talk about ideas together. If this is an area that you definitely need support in, and also when it comes to thinking through your year of lessons, having somebody having that overall picture of what your year can look like and also taking a deep dive into your supplies and what would work well for lessons, but also what could work ahead in the future, I have some a few spots available in my STEM into fall group coaching program. The spots are limited, but we have a great time together as we meet for a course of a few months to really help you feel successful in your space and also have that community support that you have always been hoping for in this STEM role. I invite you into this program and would love to work with you. You can find the information in the show notes or go directly to Naomimeredith.com/STEMintofall.

$1000 STEM grant


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

After-School STEM Teacher Success with Curriculum Creation [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.126]

After-School STEM Teacher Success with Curriculum Creation [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.126]


Check out the full episode on After-School STEM Teacher Success with Curriculum Creation:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Creating a STEM curriculum from scratch is hard! However, this after-school STEM teacher had great success creating and implementing her custom curriculum. She took her learning from our group coaching program and was able to successfully implement it with her students.In today’s episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my group coaching program and sharing many of the wins that an after-school STEM teacher experienced when she joined the first round of my group coaching program.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • One after-school STEM teacher’s experience in the first cohort of my group coaching program
  • Where the STEM teacher’s after-school program was before and after we worked together
  • An overview of the lessons we mapped out during our time working together

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

What is it like being in a STEM teacher group coaching program? Is this even a thing? What does this even mean? What happens during our time together? What do you even do when you’re in a program like this one? Well, in today’s episode, I’m gonna be sharing with you about a teacher who is in my STEM group coaching program who is a lot like you. This teacher is in charge of creating her entire program from scratch for their STEM after-school program that runs for kindergarten through 5th grade. She’s not only in charge of the curriculum but also figuring out the structure for her students and even how to use the materials and what materials to purchase. Sound familiar to your story? It was all very similar to what I went through as a former classroom teacher jumping into a K through 5 STEM space. A big thing that wasn’t happening in her role was having the support to bounce ideas off of other teachers And find out what she was doing that was working really well. And also, what are some areas that she can grow in to build the program of her dreams? This teacher had taught in her position for about a year, and she was ready for the next steps and to be a part of a space to really figure all the things out and not be so alone in this position. In this episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of this teacher and Where they were at, the needs that we targeted, and ultimately, the successes that she had in our STEM teacher group coaching program. If you are listening to this episode live as it comes out, today is the last day for you to claim your special podcast listener bonus.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:27]:

The doors to my STEM into fall group coaching are officially open, and I would love to have you inside. You can get $500 off the level 2 group coaching program for just being a podcast listener, And if you put in that code STEM into fall, all one word, no spaces, you will get your special bonus Where you will be in a community of like-minded teachers to target specific needs, refine your year-long plan, and figure out the next steps of where your program is going. Make sure to jump on this. Spots are limited, and I would love to support you in our special special community. And you can grab that at nammeeredith.com/stem into fall. And don’t forget to put in that code STEM into fall for your special bonus. I recently ended my first Cohort of teachers in my STEM into summer group coaching program, and it was such a special experience. You know how you will never forget your 1st class of students or even your 1st year teaching STEM? That’s what this program was like for me being the coach of this program, and it was just an honor to be in this community of like-minded teachers to see what it’s like inside of their classrooms from afar, but also really target and look at the things that they are needing in their programs And work together to fill in those gaps and also play upon the successes that they were already having. Today, we are zoning in on one of the teachers who is in my STEM into summer group coaching program Who had amazing things going on already and wanted to take their program to the next level.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:24]:

This teacher was in charge of their k through 5 STEM after-school program and had taught in this position for about a year. So, she already had a feel for what it could look like in her program and tested out a lot of things through trial and error, which I know most to best do in that position. That’s definitely what I was doing when I started my 1st year in k through 5 STEM and figured out the lessons that worked really well for her program and then things that weren’t such a great fit. What’s interesting about her role is that she teaches one grade level 1 at a time. So if she’s teaching 3rd grade, she is 3rd grade at one time, 5th grade at one time, and so on. But it is after-school, so the kids might have different times when they come in and out, especially when they’re leaving for the day, and she definitely needed things that would work well for that structure so that students could be independent when she’s talking to parents or kids are leaving and that projects would actually carry on throughout the weeks in a nondisruptive way? Before taking my group coaching program, This teacher actually attended my K through 2 STEM planning workshop and then eventually my 3 through 5 STEM planning workshop And sought great success. So much so she even implemented the stations that were in my K through 2 STEM planning workshop In her after-school program and loved it so much. Her kids were totally engaged. She even said that they had a movie going on in the background, but the kids were so into the stations that were going on that they just turned off the video, it wasn’t even needed. That was a tool that was used before to help calm the kids down, But the projects and the structure of the STEM stations worked so well that she knew she needed more for her program. I was so excited to talk to this teacher to see where they were at and how this could be something that we could grow upon. And there were more things that we discovered during our time together.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:33]:

This teacher was also interested in having different themes to plan all of her content around because that seemed to be something that her students really loved, and also a really fun way to plan. You know that I am the queen of themes. I love a good theme. And I’m even here recording this podcast wearing a robot shirt with a matching headband? I love all of that stuff. So, she was definitely talking to the right person because I love planning in a theme. So, at the beginning of the program, the 1st month in my group coaching is really a self-led part of the process. Now, the awesome thing about technology is I’m able to meet with all of you in other places all over the world. But at this time, I’m not flying into your classrooms.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:24]:

So we started off our whole group coaching program with a live kickoff Call to get to know one another and also what the structure of the whole group coaching program will be and figuring out a common time where we would meet. I also talked about in this call how each teacher would be conducting their own lesson plan audit and supply inventory using the templates and guides that I created that are in this group coaching program. I actually don’t have them anywhere else but are in this group coaching program. And what teachers were to do is to really sit down with what are the lessons they have already taught. They’ve taught STEM for at least a year, But what are the lessons they have already taught? How have those been structured throughout the year? What grade levels? And mapping those out from the get go. And it’s okay that not everything was complete. I really just wanted to see a big picture of where we were starting at and where we were headed. The teachers in this group, not just the teacher I’m gonna be talking about, but the teachers in the group were all encouraged to also put in their plans What are potential lessons they want to teach, and at what time of the year? That was also helpful. Good. Because if they had something in mind they really wanted to teach, then that could be something that we could plan forward with.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:45]:

So that 1st month teachers had time to create this lesson audit and then alongside that is is they actually had a supply inventory. So again, going through all of the supplies that they had available in their space, How much of each items? And also categorizing that as well. This was really helpful to understand, oh, These are the materials that you are using, that you are planning with. Here are some materials that you have on hand but haven’t made any lessons yet for, so let’s do that? And, also, what are some materials that you might want in the future? So, again, this first Samantha is really setting that foundation of what does the program currently look like and how are we going to grow from there. Once the teachers in my group were finished with their lesson plan audit and their supply inventory, they were able to submit it to me for feedback. And I loved this so much. I really appreciated the detail that the teachers put into their inventories And their supply their lesson audits, and I really got a real clear picture of what their program is like so far? And I did give video feedback. It’ll so much easier than typing, but I was able to give video feedback and See some things and trends of what they had going on, what should we keep and build upon, and then how could we create alignment with everybody’s year long plans? Not all of them were the same, but there were some areas where we could actually plan together based on some gaps that were in their programs or things that they wanted to work on? And also I have the big picture of seeing all of their supplies? So putting that all together when it came to the future planning of our sessions.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:41]:

This teacher that I’m talking about in this episode had an amazing start to their year long plan. They really had a strong coding unit and did a really great job using materials that were accessible to their students And also appropriate for their grade level. That is a huge challenge in itself really understanding what tools Should I be using for which grade? And this teacher was already doing an amazing job using the these materials. I also noticed in the lesson audit, there were some materials that she hadn’t used quite yet and that was something that I wanted to Keep in mind, especially the Makey Makeys, which if you haven’t heard of Makey Makeys before, it’s basically this little controller that you hook of different electronic components? And you hook that up to your computer. And when those components are touching things that are conductive, It can produce an action like making a sound on the computer or making something jump. So super cool tool. How totally recommend using that. But I kept that in my back of my mind where she had a great bank of those but hadn’t quite used those yet.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:55]:

And that was something that we eventually worked on. I also noticed this teacher did a really great job incorporating robotics, coding, and technology into her lessons, but I also realize that there were some times that Makerspace could be a great fit for her program, especially with the layout of your program Where we know funding is really tricky, but Makerspace is one of those things that it can be pretty low cost to get started. And those projects can last for a long time, but they could be quick as well. Also, when I met with this teacher, they really wanted to implement more of those STEM stations for K through 2. Because they saw the amazing success that they already had with the ones that they had implemented in their space And also with the flow of their classroom where the kids are leaving at different points, STEM stations were a great way where students could keep working and not be as disrupted with the amazing work that they were doing. She was also curious about how she could implement STEM stations with her older students, and that is something I haven’t talked a whole lot about on this podcast, but it is something that I did when I first got started in my STEM space where I did move out of that just based on my program, it wasn’t a good fit. But definitely for hers when it came to, again, that structure, that was something that she really wanted to do for her older students as well. In terms of materials, again, she had great materials to work with, which was such a benefit. And this was awesome to see, okay, here are the materials that you had.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:37]:

And then, what are some ways that we can grow your materials where they could be used by many grade levels? And when we got into the grant writing, we had a plan going forward knowing that here are the materials she had to work with and also what types of lessons she was going to have. And that helped us again with that grant writing later on. So, what were these teachers’ successes during this group coaching program? Well, this Teacher was able to create a well thought out year long plan of the lessons that she was already teaching in her program she was able to visually map those out and also map out new lessons that she wanted to try, which was so exciting. She did have really great lessons and just didn’t need that structure so that she could see, oh, okay, Here’s where, and I’m teaching this coding unit. Maybe I can add in Makerspace here or maybe I could add this here. So, even putting all of those ideas in an organized structure was a definite game changer for her. Not only that, I was able to see, okay, here are those holes and here’s our things that we can work together in our program to help you build those up. Back to them makey makeies, we were able to create a common lesson in our entire group coaching program.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:02]:

The other teachers under program also had Makey Makeys, but we were able to create a unit where we could use those Makey Makeys in a Makerspace lesson. And this one was so much fun. I actually had a makey makey myself. So for part of our call, we actually all had our makey makeys at home, and we went through the guiding process That’s where we actually set up our makey makies, talked about an intro lesson that we could do with our students. We did the intro lesson ourselves, And then we also created a way where these makey makies could be added into a Makerspace project that went into an overall collaboratively planned ocean units? This ocean unit was really cool because this teacher really wanted to have themed lessons, So we took that idea of oceans k through 5 and created a whole Makerspace unit for k through 5. So for k through 2, we did map out some STEM stations that students can rotate through, and we created a bank of 4 STEM stations. And then if these stations were repeated, we also created some extensions that could go along with it. And this teacher implemented those right away. She even found some animals, ocean animals from Dollar Tree and added those to one of the STEM stations.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:23]:

As you said, The kids were having so much fun with that. We even created Makerspace lessons that could be carried on for one day or multiple days depending on the teacher settings? Again, this was a collaborative unit that we wrote together during our group coaching sessions. And then from there, we even took one of those Makerspace lessons for 4th 5th grade and had created an extension with the makey makeies. And then even from there, it was so much fun. We had so much fun with this unit. We created a choice board that 2nd through 5th grade could use that were related to ocean resources that could be used as an extension, as stem stations, or even as sub plans? So it was again so much fun. We were gathering all these ideas and resources throughout our times together and created this well thought out unit together? Our teachers didn’t have to do this alone, and we even had a chat going on where we could share resources in there. And when we came together for our live calls, we are prepared and ready to go.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:30]:

This teacher also got the Lego spike essential kits, the Lego Education SPIKE essential kits? And these are an amazing kit by the way. I highly recommend them And she was starting to implement those with her students, but wasn’t sure how to use it where with all the grade levels since she didn’t have enough kits where each grade level could be working on it at the same time? So that was something we did plan into her structure where she could use that kit at specific Times they could still do certain lessons, but their tool might be modified with that Lego kit which was a really great asset for her. Also, once that year long plan was mapped out, this teacher had some really cool ideas when it came to different lessons she wanted to try. She really wanted to do a unit in February for black history month and different black inventors, so we created different ideas where she could use robotics And have the students learn about different inventors and also thought of different cool Makerspace and 7 story lessons that could connect to this unit? This teacher also was really interested in stop motion animation which I Absolutely love. It’s a very fun unit to teach. And fun fact about stop motion, all of the work happens in front of the camera, not behind. It’s a lot easier than you might think. In another one of our sessions, we actually played around with the stop motion animation technology And talked about different units in different ways that that could be used in the classroom setting where it could be a small little task Or something bigger as well? I feel so privileged that I had the opportunity to work with this teacher in my STEM into summer group coaching program And this teacher already had great skills as a teacher and had a great program in mind but really needed that community and that extra push to continue for her to keep her going and even think about STEM lessons in a different way? If this experience sounds like something that you would absolutely love to jump in on, the doors are open to my stem into fall 2023 group coaching program? I would love to have like minded teachers like you who Has taught their program for a little bit of time, but you definitely need that community to really think through those lessons together And also have somebody on the side who can see where your lessons are at, what is your year look like, what are the supplies you are hoping for, And how can we grow it from there? Spots are limited in this group coaching program, but I would absolutely love to have you, and you can jump in on that at NaomiMeredith.com/STEMintofall.


Related Episodes/Blog Posts:


Connect with Naomi Meredith:


More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

connector STEM teacher

Taught STEM 4 Years or More-The Connector [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep. 125]

Taught STEM 4 Years or More-The Connector [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep. 125]

connector STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on taught STEM 4 years or more:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Once you hit 4+ years as a STEM teacher, you enter into the next phase of the STEM teacher pathway, which is the Connector STEM teacher stage. This stage is where you find your groove as a STEM teacher. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the successes and challenges that come with this stage, the importance of continuous growth and innovation in your teaching practices, and sharing behind the scenes of my journey at this stage.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • An overview of the 3rd stage of the STEM teacher pathway: the Connector STEM teacher
  • What Connector STEM teachers need to continue to grow in their teaching role
  • Challenges that arise during this stage of the STEM teacher pathway
  • Things I learned and experienced as a Connector STEM teacher

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

When I made it through my 1st 3 years of teaching K-5 STEM, and at this point 9 years of teaching in general, I knew I had found my thing in education. I have definitely developed a passion for elementary STEM, and it is something that continues to grow and a big reason why this podcast is here today. Getting to this stage in my STEM teacher pathway definitely has had many successes and also a lot of challenges. In this episode, I’m going to walk you through the 3rd stage of the STEM teacher pathway, the connector. 

Naomi Meredith [00:01:15]:

In case you haven’t heard, I am so excited to announce that the doors are open to my STEM into fall group coaching. If you’re looking for more support when it comes to your STEM lessons for the year, figuring out how to use your materials and what materials you need to purchase in the future, and having that guidance of like-minded teachers like you, and getting to learn with me and from me, Naomi Meredith, then I invite you to the limited spots in my group coaching program and for this super fun cohort. You can grab more information at naomimeredith.com/STEMintofall. I could not believe that I made it to my 4th and 5th year teaching elementary STEM. And not only that, getting into my 10th or 11th year of teaching. And if you’ve been teaching a while like I was, it’s a pretty big accomplishment. I never knew going into elementary education that STEM was even a thing or even how to implement technology. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience with that in my student teaching and really my 1st 2 years of teaching as well.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:34]:

I did do a lot of hands-on learning and experiments, so I’ve always known that’s important in a way that I definitely like to learn. I’m a very highly creative person, and I just really love to create, whether it is digital things or things with my hands. I love that kind of stuff. So elementary STEM, in hindsight, of all the things that I have done in all of my experiences, is definitely a great fit for me, and I love thinking of new challenges and new lesson plans that students can implement. I just really love learning. I really, really do. Super corny, but just ask my teacher honey, husband. It’s how I am.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:17]:

Yes. I am a bit corny, and I really mean what I say. I really, I really do love to learn. So what was it like? What is a connector? What is the stage on the STEM teacher pathway? Well, as a connector, you are in 4 plus years of teaching elementary STEM, whether you’ve been teaching in the classroom before this role but really you’ve been teaching elementary STEM for a while, and you are filling your groove, you’re feeling confident about your class, you’re probably like me, you have a whole bank of lessons that can carry you throughout the year and beyond. And you’re able to adapt easily. You know that your lessons are standards-based, but also, if there are new things that arise, you are able to implement those things into your program and take out the things that might not be working anymore. Likewise, you really do know your students. When you’ve been in a spot for 4 plus years, you know your students not only on that personal level but also as a grade level and those things that those ages like to connect with and the types of lessons that work best for them.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:30]:

You definitely have been able to differentiate your lessons, whether those are things that are planned or even things on the go, you’re able to figure out things because you’re really comfortable with the tools and the setting in your classroom, and it really shows too with your students. They really are comfortable as well, and they get to know you. I recently actually visited my school that I taught at their fun run, and I thought it’d be a good way to see all the kids in a less non-intrusive way. So I saw every kid, but I wasn’t interrupting all their classrooms. And it was so funny. They’re like, oh my gosh. Miss Meredith, the other STEM teacher, is over there. Like, it’s fine.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:12]:

It’s okay. It’s not like a competition. But, it’s just really cool because the kids were so used to me and a great, great teacher in that role now, but they got so used to me over the course of 5 years in the way that I do things that they didn’t know any other way that STEM could be taught. And everybody has their different rhythm and things that they’re comfortable with. So just really cool when you get to that place where kids really get to know you, and you get to know them and also the things they like and don’t like. Also, when you’ve been teaching in this role for a while. As the connector, you are looking for really in-depth ways to connect as a community and to push you along and push your thinking, whether that is in your own school, your own school district, or even beyond your district walls, where you can find a place to collaborate and continue to grow as an educator. Your biggest focus is when and you’re in this general because you are comfortable in that is to make sure that you don’t get stuck in your ways, especially if you are the only person in your building who teaches this subject, it’s kind of easy just to keep doing what you’ve been doing.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:23]:

But really, in any role in education, you want to be continuing to learn and grow and adapt, and that is the same with your STEM lessons. You might even notice with your students that they need more of a challenge. When you first got in that role, they might know some things they might not, especially if they’ve never had a STEM program before. So, you definitely need to grow and change your program based on global trends. What are some new things that they need to be learning? What are some skills that are important? And also, this might even be the types of tools. Do you need to update some of the things in your curriculum, all of those types of things you still want to grow and change and provide that innovative experience for your students? Also, you might even be experimenting with different teaching styles. Maybe you tried a little bit in your 1st couple of years, but you’re feeling really confident where you could be co-teaching with other teachers in your building.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:21]:

Maybe they do something in their class that they bring into your classroom. Maybe you’re co-teaching across your district, maybe you’re planning whole units with other teachers in your district, or maybe you’re even planning a lesson with people in a group coaching setting, which is something that I do in my group coaching program where we developed a whole ocean unit, a whole entire Makerspace ocean unit that doesn’t even exist in my shop. We created this together based on the passions and interests of the teachers and their students and also their lesson plans and created all of these different things together, which was so powerful, especially since the teachers in my program were the only ones who taught STEM. So, definitely looking for those ways because you have that capacity, you understand your program, but you really wanna grow in it. Maybe you’ve already dabbled in this before, but even your after-school programs have become more refined, and you’ve really figured out your rhythm and flow with that and really pick the programs that you’re really passionate about and are worthwhile your time after school. So, in my journey as a connector in elementary STEM. So, I was going into my 4th year. By this point, I had already completed my STEM certificate and my master’s in STEM education.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:43]:

So again, I will definitely record a podcast about this in the future. Just waiting on a few things. But that’s something I definitely have planned at some point. Because I am so glad I ended up waiting to get my master’s in education. Then I waited, what, until my 9th year of teaching to get my masters because I didn’t know what I wanted to spend all this money on. I always thought curriculum and instruction, which I still think, would be a good fit because that is something I really love doing. But I’m so glad that I waited because, again, I figured out by this point in my career, end of my 3rd year teaching STEM, going into my 4th and 5th, that I was super passionate about this. This is my jam.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:26]:

This is what I absolutely love doing. So that might even be an opportunity for you. How can you continue your learning, maybe even going into another program to pursue that? Also, starting off in my 4th year, my schedule had a big change. So, if you go back and listen to the other 2 episodes, I talk more about my schedule and how crazy it was, and all the different hats. My different hats didn’t go away. The only thing that changed was that I wasn’t going to be co-teaching anymore just based on the funding and my school and how the week was split up, and where the kids would go when they didn’t have STEM, that wasn’t an opportunity our school had anymore. So with that, it was exciting.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:08]:

I actually got to teach more STEM. So I got all of my kids, my 6 classes a day, my 150 kids a day for 5 days in a row, 45 minutes each. So I had 5th, 4th, 3rd, lunch, and then first, to kinder and second. So, I had the same 6 classes for those 5 days in a row. And this was really amazing to me because I was so used to teaching the 3 days out of the week. And for me, I was like super excited, and the kids were too. We literally got double the amount of STEM. And with that, because my projects would kind of carry on for 2 months, I was actually doubling my year-long plan.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:51]:

Now, I already had that planned out. I already know what knew what those lessons were, and I’ve tried some things here and there, but I really got to dive in and go through that whole engineering design process. So maybe if you’re thinking in this role, how you can better improve your program? Are there ways that you can even extend the time, the amount of time that you actually see kids? That can actually make a huge difference in your teaching, too, and be a different challenge. How can you make projects last longer? During these 4th and 5th years is really when I also started exploring more STEM stations. I had tried it before, but I am really being more strategic in those STEM stations. I talked all about it in my k through 2 STEM planning workshop, and we also did a lot that in my group coaching as well, is planning out those STEM stations that are purposeful and standards-aligned, not random, and something that the kids look forward to. And that was a huge game changer in my management and also my whole curriculum in k to 5. During these years, I really did refine my afterschool clubs.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:54]:

I was known for hosting a lot of after-school clubs because I wanted kids to be involved and try new passions and continue things that they really, really loved. I always had those certain kids who always signed up for my STEM clubs. Every single year, I knew they would sign up, and I always made sure they got in because that was their total thing. This is when I actually developed my school-wide video news. So I also did a whole series about this and have a whole workshop all about setting up your school-wide news. But this is when I really transformed our school-wide announcements and built that consistency and excitement over something that would show every single day and also deliver important information. So this became like a whole movement in my building, and since I had the capacity where I knew where my curriculum was going, I really could focus on having this really awesome program when it came to my school-wide news where we would video prerecord the news at least a week ahead and then also edit, and those could be shown in classrooms based on the teacher’s time and not worrying about the announcements blaring overhead. Also, with after-school clubs, I really was focusing on hosting clubs that would be a part of our district events.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:13]:

And those things were actually growing in our district at the same time. So before, I did clubs where it was kinda random, I was testing out tools a lot of times, like, I don’t even know how this tool works. Let me run a club so I can figure it out. But at this point, I kind of knew how those tools worked. So I picked clubs that would actually benefit a future event where a lot of kids could participate, and I could bring a lot of kids to that event, which was super exciting, especially in this 4th and 5th year of teaching STEM. Again, this was my 10th or 11th year of education. I am the kind of person who’s always trying to pursue and grow and learn and wants more challenges and opportunities. So I was really seeking out ways to connect with other teachers for myself, but also to connect with all of you because I know how important that is.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:04]:

So I’ve always had my business for this whole STEM world, elementary STEM coach Naomi Meredith, I’m really transformed within my 1st year of teaching STEM, but especially in my 4th 5th years is really developing things that could bring you together and help you dive in deeper like those online workshops and my membership. So, I’m really thinking about those things. Also for myself, I really wanted to share that knowledge with teachers in my district and present at a lot of events that we did. We did some professional development where we could sign up and teach about something. So, I really tried to push myself and be in that role where I could teach others about the things that were happening in my classroom and then also present at a lot of online summits and online conferences. Again, I will share information with teachers who haven’t heard of me before and need some new refreshing ideas in their classroom and push myself that way. It does take a lot, yes, I can do this with my students and figure it out and do all that. But it’s another where you can take what you have learned, refine it, and be able to present it in a way that makes sense to others.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:18]:

It’s really hard, everybody. Maybe I maybe I don’t make it seem very easy. And I apologize. But it really does take a lot a lot of practice to really go through. Okay. Here’s this concept I want to explain to you, and then let me break it down so that it makes sense so you can make sense of that. So, I mean, I guess that’s teaching, but really teaching how you are teaching, that is a challenge. So beyond that 5th year of teaching K-5 STEM, I did end up leaving the classroom, which I talk more about in episode 108, and talking through this whole journey in education, but really continuing that passion where I can be here to support you in all sorts of ways in your elementary journey so that you can be a connector, and you can be that navigator, investigator, all those things in your STEM teacher pathway where I can provide more time and support with for you with my resources, podcast, all of those different programs, and also have the opportunity to connect with other companies and still get my feet wet in teaching.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:27]:

I do have some things where I still get to teach them in person because I absolutely love it. I am also so passionate about making this elementary STEM community so much smaller. So when it comes to different resources that I can specifically provide you if you’re in this stage of the connector or going into this stage. You’re going into those later years of teaching elementary STEM, and you’re thinking, how else can I grow? What support do I need? Continue listening to this podcast. I absolutely love you being here. And if there’s something that you’re looking for, please shoot me an email or message me on Instagram. I take screenshots of those and save them and end up planning those into my content because that lets me know if I don’t have an answer for you, like, hey, I already recorded in this episode, if I don’t have that, then I will end up recording it. So it really helps me know what you are looking for, what are those things that I want to be creating and help make sense of everything for you? From there, if you’re really looking for a community, I definitely encourage you to join my STEM teacher bookshelf community, where we read a book a month to help us continue our growth.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:38]:

I read them at least 2 times where we can continue that growth in STEM and innovation. There’s always more to learn, and have that community where we can discuss the topics that are presented in the book and also have a really fun live call where we can connect together. Now, when it comes to more big lesson getting and really digging into your program and making sure everything’s cohesive, and you’re finding ways to grow, we do this in my group coaching program It’s open only a couple times a year. Currently, if you’re listening to this live, it is the STEM into fall cohort where we will get started in October, and we will go through part of the new year just with winter breaks and all of that. Want to make sure we honor all of our times off, but also honor the time that we are other. So, that is a great opportunity for you to connect and grow and learn. I absolutely love my STEM in spring group. It was such a great group of ladies, and we really connected within our chats and also our live calls.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:40]:

I had a plan going forward and then definitely after things based on what our teachers needed in the group, and it was just an amazing place to be. So, every cohort is definitely different. There is a plan in mind, but then also changing that for what you’re looking for. If you really just want some help 1 on 1, I’m also available for that too. So there are also some ways we can work together for the short term and the long term if you just wanna connect with me on a deeper level. And, Definitely, those workshops are available as well, some planning workshops and also how to host your own video school-wide news. So everything will be linked for you in the show notes. Definitely, I’m creating and always thinking of ways to help you grow as an educator.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:22]:

Even if I’m not sharing them quite yet, there are things that I’m always working on behind the scenes to improve myself in my STEM teacher pathway and ultimately help you and your students so that it is an amazing and great place for you to be.

connector STEM teacher


Related Episodes/Blog Posts:


Connect with Naomi Meredith:


More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

navigator STEM teacher

The Navigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.124]

The Navigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.124]

navigator STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on The Navigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series]:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

You made it through your first year of STEM as an investigator STEM teacher, and now you’re transitioning into the navigator STEM teacher role. Whether this is your 2nd or 3rd year as a STEM teacher, there is so much more to learn when you enter the navigator stage of the STEM teacher pathway. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my experience as a navigator STEM teacher, things that I learned, and giving you some great resources to ensure you excel in this stage.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is a navigator STEM teacher
  • My experience in the navigator stage of the STEM teacher pathway
  • Resources to support you as a navigator STEM teacher

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Once I got through my 1st year teaching elementary STEM, I was so excited. This 1st year in teaching STEM confirmed that this was a passion of mine, and I was ready for year 2. That 1st year in my STEM teacher pathway, I had the role of a navigator, and I was ready to step into that next stage as an investigator. What are these stages that I’m talking about? Let’s dive into the 2nd stage of your STEM teacher pathway, the investigator, and how my experiences can connect with yours. 

Naomi Meredith [00:01:05]:

The doors are officially open to my STEM into fall group coaching program, and you are hearing it first on this podcast. I haven’t talked about it anywhere else. I am actually ending my STEM into the spring cohort this week if you’re listening to this podcast live. And me and the group members, the teachers in this group, we’re So sad that our time is over. It has gone by so fast, and we had four incredible months together where the teachers audited their lesson plans. They looked at their inventory and were able to see where they were at in their STEM year and where they would like to go. 

Naomi Meredith [00:01:59]:

I really felt like during this time with these teachers, I got an inside look at their classrooms, and I really got a feel for what their teaching style is, how their program runs, and how I could best support I loved working with these teachers every single week, including our live calls and our group messaging, seeing pictures, hearing successes of lessons that we planned together, and how great they were, including the whole k through 5 ocean unit that we planned together. I am so sad that this group is over, but I’m confident that they’re gonna be even more amazing in their STEM spaces. The spots are limited for my group coaching program, and I would love to invite you in. There are 2 different levels for you to join that can meet your needs, and by being a podcast listener, you get a bonus of $500 off on level 2 of our group coaching STEM into fall. Now, this is a limited-time bonus. It will expire on September 28, 2023, so make sure to jump into that. You can join our group coaching program at namiemeridith.com/stemintofall. And to grab that extra $500 off in level 2, use the coupon code stemintofall, all one word and no spaces.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:19]:

I’ll see you in our group. Make sure to go and claim your spot. Making it through my 1st year of elementary STEM was quite a whirlwind, and there were a lot of comparisons between that 1st year teaching STEM and my 1st year teaching ever. Now, thankfully, I had 6 years of teaching in the homeroom classroom, 2nd grade for 2 years, 3rd grade for 4 years. Luckily, I had teaching experience under my belt, so it did really play into my success that 1st year teaching elementary STEM. What was it like my next couple of years teaching elementary STEM? Because I knew this was definitely the pathway for me as an educator. So, let’s jump into my STEM teacher pathway and how I moved from being an investigator in my 1st year to moving into the role of a navigator. So, what is a navigator in the STEM teacher pathway? This is a whole pathway that I came up with, and you might be in this stage of your STEM teaching career.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:25]:

A navigator is you’ve already accomplished that 1st year teaching STEM, and you are within your 2nd to 3 years of STEM. You are really getting the hang of managing multiple projects at once. It’s not as overwhelming as it used to be. You know what’s going on in your controlled chaos environment, and you are really getting those systems and routines down. Of course, tweaking things when they’re not working the way that they should, but you are getting that momentum in your STEM space. With that, you have your bank of lesson plans that went well your 1st year, and you’re starting to work on getting creative with your lessons. Maybe not a whole overhaul of every single lesson in your program, but maybe trying some new things to see how they will work and how you can really challenge your students who are ready for it. With that, your main areas of focus are to continue building your program and refining your practices, along with building your classroom community and starting a little bit with the community outside of your own classroom walls.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:36]:

You also, with that lesson planning, are starting to plan your own original standards-based lessons now that you have seen and tried lessons that are standards-based, You are ready to start creating and implementing your own. Now that you’re in your 2nd or 3rd year of teaching STEM, you’re not as overwhelmed. You were reaching out to Teachers before, but really, I need a solution to this for tomorrow. but you’re hoping to reach out to other teachers who are like-minded like you in a not so last minute type of situation, but people that you can talk to regularly when it comes to your lesson planning and also seeking guidance for what you’re trying to do in your classroom. For me, in my role as a navigator, It was very interesting these 2 years of teaching STEM. Let’s be real. So, my 1st year teaching STEM was a little bit crazy, In my schedule, my 1st 2nd year was very similar. In my 2nd year teaching STEM, I taught on Mondays instead of teaching GT science, I did my 1st year teaching STEM. I was actually teaching 8 classes a day. And that was getting a little bit crazy.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:49]:

It was extra planning time for teachers. I was getting paid through a grant. That’s a whole other thing. But I was getting paid for a grant for my Mondays, and I was providing extra plan time for teachers. So I saw that Monday lesson as an isolated one-day lesson where even if I had the same classes later on that week, I wouldn’t connect those lessons together. Then, on Tuesdays, I was co-teaching with the teachers in my building to help them implement STEM and innovation and creative ways. And then, throughout all this time, I was also the technology point person in managing our school-wide technology, cleaning that up, creating systems and processes that weren’t there. Then, students had STEM as a specials Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 3 days in a row for 45-minute sessions.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:35]:

So I had those same 6 classes for 3 days, and then it repeated the following week. Those Mondays did get a little bit crazy. I was really worn down after 8 classes. 6 says a lot. 8 is even more, and there was always 1 Monday where I had all my 5th graders and all of my 1st graders. And I’ve talked about this in a previous podcast episode. Those are, for me, my most challenging grade levels and for teaching both of those on the same day. And there’s so many similarities between those ages.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:11]:

I was really struggling, so I ended up splitting up my Mondays where I taught 4 classes, their extra plan on Mondays, and 4 on Tuesdays. So, things are getting off to a good start. And then in the spring of 2020. We know what happened, but we all went remote online. And that was really intense for me because, yes, I had all of these roles, but my role as the technology point person really came into play. Teachers were seeking me out for my knowledge of technology in general and what can they do with teaching their students online. How are we supposed to connect? What are we supposed to do? So, my role as a coach and a co-teacher was really amplified during this 2020 season. There were some things that I did have to do for elementary STEM.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:06]:

My teammates and I created a choice board. And, you know, for that spring of 2020, it was kind of a Let’s make the rules as we go kind of teaching because no one really knew what to do. And it was weird. It was super interesting. So, Again, I took on that role as a coach, and I got a lot of firsthand online coaching experience during 2020 time because our special schedule was really random and sporadic. So what I ended up doing is hosting a lot of mini work Shops for the teachers in my building based on their needs and based on the things that they were telling me that they needed when I popped into their grade level conversations virtually. And I was hosting these online mini-workshops for teachers that were really targeted for what they were looking for, whether it was specific Tools that they wanted to learn more about and how to utilize those online, or maybe it had to do with lesson planning. Maybe they were looking for creative ways to engage their students while they were teaching remotely.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:08]:

So I really had a lot of coaching experience and got to know my Teachers in a different realm, where I had had experience using online tools a lot, whether it’s in my classroom or just talking with other teachers online. And so this was a role that I really became comfortable with and really started to love this online coaching because I was doing this in person, but now I had this experience doing this online. And so this was in my 2nd year of teaching, so that was very interesting. Going into my 3rd year of teaching STEM, it was a weird year for us. We actually did Start off with all of the kids going into the building. We had all of our students 100% in elementary, and then at any moment, a class could go online, and we would be treat teaching virtually. So we definitely had to adapt, and I had to have lessons Since ready to go, that would work remotely because maybe even I was teaching 5th grade, and then 2 hours later, 3rd grade was gone, and I was teaching them remotely. And so it was just very crazy and chaotic in that fall.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:17]:

It did start to slow down in the spring of 2021, but definitely trying to make my lesson plans work for a lot of different environments in that 3rd year. In my 2nd and 3rd year of teaching STEM, I was already planning it along with my year-long plan and really looking into the standards when it comes to creating standards-based lessons. I had a few from the previous year that were really strong, and I was just refining them when I was teaching those. And then I was adding more into my year-long plan that you all know today at that k through 5 stem year-long bundle. Out of this, a very memorable unit was actually my STEM survival camp unit. That was something coming into the fall of 2020 Was a unit that I created that could be done remotely, but also be very beneficial in person. And students didn’t have to share materials, and they were actually using materials from outside. So that’s a really big insight behind the scenes of how that whole unit was created and where I was in my STEM teacher journey.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:25]:

Likewise, going into this 3rd year, I was looking for more meaningful connections with other like-minded teachers like me. I wasn’t finding a whole lot on Instagram. Yes. There were those little pops of conversations in relationships that I made, but I wanted to have something that was more consistent and could help me grow as an educator. So, at first, I was just going to get my certificate in STEM and have that endorsement or have that certification, which then actually ended up leading me into my master’s in STEM leadership, which I started at the end of the spring of 2020. So it was funny because when I was teaching students online or when I got to see them again in the fall, I was like, hey. You were doing online learning, and so was I, and I’m still doing that right now. Like, this is a real thing.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:15]:

Online learning is not a new concept. This is something that real-life people do. I’m hoping to do a future podcast episode about my masters in more detail. I know some of you have asked me about it, so I have that in mind. I haven’t forgotten. I’m just waiting on a few things before I can do that. Also, in these 2nd and 3rd years of teaching STEM and in this role at my STEM teacher pathway as the navigator, I was getting more involved with district-wide planning events. So, I was feeling confident in my STEM space.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:47]:

There were things I was still figuring out, but I felt I had more of that mental capacity at that time because my year was basically planned. I was just trying the lessons, but I had more of a capacity where I wanted to help my district even more. So I helped them with planning events such as an event we did called Steamapalooza, where we had a lot of different booths where kids could experience Different quick STEM experiences and also different people in the community to share how STEM works in the real world. I also planned our first RoboCon, and me and another teacher were in charge of the Wonder Workshop competition, where we actually created stations for the challenge where students could go apply their skills, and they were all Olympic themed. So that was a really fun experience. And funny enough, that whole RoboCon situation, that whole event happened right before The shutdown in March 2020, so that actually happened at the end of February. So we’re so glad, in hindsight we were able to kick that off. Also, in the 2nd and 3rd year, I was trying other after-school clubs, adding back ones that students really, really loved, and getting more involved a little bit more in our community outside of my typical 6 classes a day and all the other roles honestly that I had.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:07]:

I just really wanted to get to know my students in a different way, build those relationships, and really try out other tools that I could use for future lessons. If you wanna hear more about the types of clubs that I’ve done, I have an episode where I talk about the 8 different after-school clubs, And that will be linked in the show notes if you are interested. If you are having a similar experience and you are possibly in the role of a navigator in your STEM teacher pathway. I definitely have some resources here to support you and to make sure that you are feeling well and not searching for resources and not knowing where to go, I have been curating for those and continue to improve these things to make sure that they are that serving you. 1st is this podcast, the elementary STEM coach podcast, and I definitely plan lessons thinking of all of you in what you need and the questions that you were asking me. So, thank you again so much for being here. And if you’re loving it, I appreciate all of the comments and kind words and all of the reviews. So, this podcast is definitely a great resource for you.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:16]:

If you’re looking for something specific, I do have a free playlist for you to check out. I have all of my episodes categorized into topics. So it’s the same exact episodes, but they’re organized in a way. So, if you wanna learn just about robotics, you can have all the lessons and binge listen to those about just robotics. If you wanna hear just about how I can help you and your role, you can listen to those lessons. And so it’s pretty cool because once you get the link, you actually get a little private link. You can’t search it up in a podcast app, but you actually scan it, and then you can get it like a real podcast. So it’s pretty cool how it works out.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:54]:

Also, if you’re seeking out a community, that is a huge thing that Really helped me grow as a STEM educator and is continuing to help me grow. But there are a lot of different ways where I am pulling you all together in this Online space to help you feel successful. 1st is my STEM teacher bookshelf community, where we live once a month. And we also have questions that go along with the books that I put together for you based on books I have read or ones that I really think would benefit us in this STEM educator community. And so it really pushes you along to improve your professional development reading, but also connect with other teachers who are like-minded like you? So it’s a super fun community, and I live for those live calls. If you’re looking for something more where when it comes to really diving into your lessons and all of the materials and how to put everything together and you really want more of that support, I invite you into my STEM into fall group coaching program where we will work together over the course of a few months. We will take some breaks with the whole winter holidays. But over the next few months, to really go through your year-long plan and push you along with that, along with also how we can use the materials you have on hand and what are some other purchasing decisions you can make in the future. I welcome you into that group.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:16]:

I am so excited to kick this off. Our live call will be in mid-October, so make sure you sign up before then. And I do have a special $500 off for being a podcast listener. So if you put in the code stemintofall, you get $500 off for this next week, off of that level, too. If you just wanna work with me 1 on 1 just for a little bit, like, maybe for a week or two, and just have that 1 to 1 time with me, I also do offer that type of coaching as well. My main goal is to help you out, just as past Naomi would’ve loved to have all these resources all over 1 place and really build my STEM community and feel successful. Also, if you wanna hear more behind the scenes, I created another free pop-up podcast, my not so straight pathway to STEM teaching and what I would do differently today. There are 3 episodes you could binge within the hour, so pop on over. Everything I’m talking about is in the show notes.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:13]:

Know it’s a lot of things, but it’s all linked there for you. But with this pop-up podcast, you can hear more behind the scenes of what my pathway was like. In the next episode, we’re gonna be talking about the 3rd stage in the STEM teacher pathway and what my journey was like in that part of my STEM teaching career.

navigator STEM teacher


Related Episodes/Blog Posts:


Connect with Naomi Meredith:


More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

investigator STEM teacher

First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

investigator STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on First Year STEM STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series]:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

During my career as a STEM teacher, I went through different stages of what I call the STEM teacher pathway. The first stage of this pathway is the Investigator STEM teacher. In today’s episode, I’m discussing the first stage of the STEM teacher pathway and sharing my experience with navigating this stage. I also share insight into what I wish I knew during this stage and give tips and strategies to help you successfully navigate the Investigator STEM teacher stage. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is an investigator STEM teacher
  • What it was like for me in the investigator stage
  • Resources I wish I had during my first year as a STEM teacher

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Throughout my career as an elementary STEM teacher, there were different stages that I went through as a STEM teacher. I’d like to call this the STEM teacher pathway. With this journey in STEM, each stage had its own successes and challenges. Today, I am sharing the first of the 3 stages in the STEM teacher pathway, the investigator, and how my experiences were really shown within this stage of elementary STEM and how my experiences can definitely help you in your STEM journey. Before I was a K-5 STEM teacher, I was a classroom teacher, and I was extremely excited about my role.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:19]:

Now, not to say that it didn’t come with any challenges, and some not so pretty things as well. If you’ve been teaching some for some time now, or you are just getting started, or maybe you’ve been in it for a couple of years. I have put together for all of you a very special pop-up private podcast. You can’t find it in your regular podcasting app, but I do have a special link for you in the show notes or you can go to naomimeredith.com/STEMpathwaypod. In this 3 part mini-series that you can binge as soon as you get the link, I take you through my not so straight pathway in STEM teaching. And what I would actually do differently today if I were to do it all over again. Of course, it wasn’t all a miserable failure. But there are definitely some things that I wish I had the opportunity to do or even thought of and I thought that I might as well share that with you in this special pop-up podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:27]:

Now, with this podcast, it is for a limited time only. So make sure to jump in on that. Again, grab the link in the show notes and join me in that very special journey that I put together for you for free. From talking with all of you inside of my programs, whether it is my STEM teacher bookshelf membership, my group coaching program, my workshops, or even my STEM teacher 101 course, and sometimes even in my emails, and when you guys send me audio messages, and really also my experience in STEM is that there are a lot of different stages within this STEM teacher journey. Now, a lot of us have actually been in the classroom before getting into this role. Sometimes, it was voluntary getting into K-5 STEM. Like me, it was a choice, but some of us are kind of pushed into it because we might be showing some skills that can really benefit this STEM space.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:28]:

However you fell into this role, there are some markers when it comes to the stages of your STEM teacher pathway, and I’m going to be talking about that 1st stage today, the investigator. As the investigator, you have taught in STEM for no years at all, so maybe you dabbled in it within classroom teaching, but it is your first year in STEM, and you are definitely trying to figure things out. More likely than not, you actually were a classroom teacher before. You have some sort of teaching experience, and you are walking into this space with limited supplies, and, more often than not, 0 curriculum. You might have some formal training when it comes to elementary STEM, but you also are grabbing resources wherever you can. Maybe just like this podcast. You happened upon it when you googled elementary STEM podcast, and you saw me pop up in my pink jacket. So you are looking for resources to keep you afloat with not only creating this curriculum, but also building up the systems and routines in your classroom and getting to know all of your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:42]:

Oh my gosh. That’s a lot of names to remember. Right? You are looking at all of these different resources to not only help you professionally but also find the things that will work best when it comes to the types of lessons that can be used in your classroom. And you’re really figuring out what elementary STEM means and how to have experiences that are well rounded and different types of things that students can connect with. Here’s what it was like for me as the investigator. I had taught in the classroom for 6 years. I taught 2nd grade in a Title 1 school for 2 years, actually, the school that I student taught at. So, technically, I was in that building for 3 years. Then I moved and got a 3rd grade teaching role, and I taught in that role for 4 years.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:31]:

And within that role in the 3rd great is where I definitely fell in love with technology, innovation, and hands-on learning. I was taking every free and paid training that I could to definitely develop my skills and try these things with my students. A big turning point for me was actually when I went to the ISTE conference, I-S-T-E conference, which side note, is going to be in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2024. That’s where I’m from. And so if you sign up, you definitely have to find me. Maybe as I get closer, I’ll set a meetup where we can all meet up. That would be super fun. I will be there. I already have it on my calendar.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:12]:

But, anyway, that conference, it was in Denver, actually, years ago when I taught 3rd grade, and it definitely lit me up. And I knew that this was a pathway in elementary education that I knew I had to get into when it came to innovation and STEM. That word was kind of being used, not really. I remember clearly I was doing reading testing with my 3rd-grade students, and I was in between grading those assessments. And I was looking for other positions to help me grow as an educator and impact more students. And the position popped up for this K-5 STEM teaching position in a neighboring district, and I thought, okay. I might as well apply. You can listen to the full version of my interview and how that went all the way in episode 1.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:03]:

I’m very honest about how that went, but spoiler alert: I did get the job, which is awesome. And when I walked into my space, it literally was a brand new classroom. It was all remodeled I didn’t even have the glass walls. I taught in a fishbowl. One of my walls was all glass, but they didn’t have the glass wall installed yet. So it was literally this fiberboard that actually drew some innovation quotes, and I was looking at the pictures the other day. I’ll have to pop those into the video version of this podcast, but my room wasn’t even completely finished. And it was like, okay.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:41]:

Good luck with your position. My year is as an investigator. It’s this 1st year as an investigator had a very interesting schedule. It was super crazy. So this just kind of made my first year really, really crazy. It was super fun, but I’m telling you, it was nuts. On Mondays, I taught GTS science to students who are identified in science, I was helping them with project-based learning and meeting their science goals. Tuesdays I got to know the classroom teachers a bit better, and I got to co-teach in their classrooms to help them implement innovation and STEM within their regular content.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:21]:

And then, from Wednesdays through Fridays, I taught STEM as a specials K -5. So 6 classes a day, the same three classes in a row for 45 minutes each. Later on, in the years, I think it was my 3rd year, it was when I started teaching STEM 5 days in a row. But definitely, my role was very crazy, and I also was the technology person. So, managing school-wide technology that I may or may not know about and how to figure that all out along with after-school clubs, leading an innovation and tech committee for my staff, and also hosting trainings for your staff before and after school. So, needless to say, just even hearing about my schedule, it was a lot. Super high energy, which you probably can tell from this podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:09]:

That’s just how I am. I do need a little bit of coffee to get me going, but I’m a very high-energy person. And so it was just a lot. It was just a lot going on in a lot of different projects. Now, when it comes to the actual STEM classroom, I was really, really figuring out behavior management and systems and routine. And with every classroom setting, it doesn’t matter what you teach. I am huge on behavior management. And how to have a really safe space for students but also we can be successful together.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:43]:

I’ve talked about this before, even in my podcast where I about why your 5th graders aren’t motivated in STEM, and I will link that in the show notes. But it’s really scary for kids to be creative, and that’s something that I actually was realizing pretty quickly this 1st year as an investigator that, oh, kids are excited to do projects, but they’re also very wary if they haven’t had time to really experience these things yet, they might not wanna do it. So not only was I trying to figure out the curriculum in my schedule, but also how do I manage a classroom, and it does change for different grade levels? I had taught most of them in some capacity before, but it does change the way that you deliver content. What do my students either know What are they learning in their classrooms? What are the standards if I even had to look at them? I will say this 1st year, my lessons were a bit all over the place. I did start off my year with digital citizenship, but that was totally fine. I didn’t really know what else to begin with, so that’s why I started with digital citizenship because that’s something I did when I taught 3rd grade. So, I thought that was a safe space to start with, which is fine. Eventually, the 1st month turned into STEM survival camp, which I highly recommend.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:03]:

I know a lot of you are actually starting to do that in your classroom, so definitely look into those lessons in my TBT shop, but I started off the year with digital citizenship and just understanding what you can know about technology. What do they not know? It was really a big learning curve. With that, I was also trying to figure out where do I like things in my classroom. How do I like to teach in this space? What is the flow of the room? Where should the furniture go? How should I even have crayons? I had crayons. Like, they’re actually very broken. Now broken crayons still color. I know. But I had a big bucket of crayons, and it was a project with 1st grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:46]:

I put it in the middle of the table. My tables were fairly big. They were great for K-5, but for a little kid, they couldn’t reach everything. And I just remember the screaming and kids crying because one of the kids wasn’t sharing all of the crayons, and I said okay. We need to share. That’s what we do, blah blah blah. And that student proceeded to put all the crayons in their mouth, chew them up, and spin them back in the bucket, which is awesome. So I learned, okay, a big bucket of crayons, in the middle of the table.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:15]:

Not a good idea. So even little things like that my 1st year, I could not have predicted at all. And it was just definitely a learning curve, and that’s okay. In a lot of ways, I felt like a 1st year teacher, which, thank goodness, there are things I did know about teaching in general, but it was just all of those things coming up yet once. Again, my lesson planning was very random, and I felt like I was just planning day to day and kind of not always thinking about the big picture of things and doing a lot of those quick one day lessons, which, in turn, you actually are planning a lot more. I also remember when I did make her space, I ran out of supplies during the first lesson. I thought Makerspace was a free for all, and students just built whatever they wanted. They make it how giant they want. They use unlimited tape. I was so wrong about that.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:15]:

No. That is not how it goes. So, again, So much fun. The students were learning about the class along with me. We were definitely building the airplane wallet flu. But there’s just a lot of things within this 1st year of STEM that you’re like, wow. What just happened today? So, thinking back to past Naomi and the things that she really needed, that first year teaching STEM, and also thinking about your guys’ experiences when I talk with all of you, all the different ways that we chat, I needed a full thought out K-5 STEM year-long plan of lessons that somebody has already taught with their kids has a lot of different experiences. So I could literally just plop that into my lessons and focus on my systems routines and behavior management.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:07]:

And really, for me, it was learning the whole school. I would love just to have something that was authentic and usable with kids. Not one of those curriculums that are just, you know, those big box ones. There are a few I have in mind, but something that actually works with students. So that’s definitely something that past, ma’am, you wish she had in this investigator role. But a good thing for you that is already created for you. I also wish that I had a podcast that I could listen to. My crime podcast through crime ones weren’t really helping me, when it came to teaching elementary STEM, maybe a little bit of the forensics part, but not really.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:46]:

And so I really wish I had a podcast. So thank you so much for being here and listening along the way. Some of you even said that this podcast is a long time coming, and they’re so glad you’re so glad that I have it. And so, definitely using this podcast as a resource, I do even have all the episodes categorized So if there’s a certain topic that you are looking for, we’ll put that in the show notes, but I do have a podcast playlist for you. So same exact show, just everything is sorted into categories, so you can see the episodes for a specific need. I also just wish that there was a course that could line up how to set up those systems and routines. So yes, having those plug and play lessons, but somebody who could guide me and say, okay, here’s what you should do for setting up your lessons. Here’s what you should do for setting up your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:38]:

Here are some things to think about. Here are some other ways to grow in your STEM journey. Just a getting started course to have that all ready to go, and it does exist now. It’s some teacher 101. So definitely thinking about where you’re at in your done journey. Or if they’re even if you’ve taught more than a year and you’re like, oh, I need to go back to that systems and routines thing. Then those things are definitely available for you that I have created. And again, those will be linked in the show notes.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:08]:

So, of course, I got through my first year teaching STEM, and I didn’t give up. I would be exhausted every day, but definitely figured out and was ready for my 2nd year in STEM and transitioned into that role in the STEM teacher pathway as the navigator. Which I am going to be talking about that role in the next episode. As a reminder, if you wanna hear more about my journey and the things that I wish I had. There are some other things that past Naomi wish I had and things that I would do differently. I have created a free pop-up podcast for you that is available for a limited time only, and there are 3 many episodes that you can binge within the hour and hear of different things that I wish I had and things that you can definitely consider in your STEM teacher pathway. Thanks so much, and I will see you in the next episode.

investigator STEM teacher


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

elementary stem teacher

3 Stages of Being an Elementary STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.122]

3 Stages of Being an Elementary STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.122]

elementary stem teacher

Check out the full episode on 3 Stages of Being an Elementary School Teacher:  


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Episode Summary

Through my own STEM teaching experience and talking with so many of you about yours, I came to realize that there are three stages of being an elementary STEM teacher: the investigator, the navigator, and the connector. In today’s episode, I am discussing the phases of the STEM teacher pathway and highlighting what happens at each stage. I also share my experiences at each phase and tips and strategies to ensure you excel at each stage.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The 3 stages of being an elementary STEM teacher – The STEM teacher pathway
  • What happens at each stage
  • What you need to know and have in place in order to succeed in each phase

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Becoming an elementary STEM teacher is quite a journey. My experiences and needs definitely changed when I was a young teacher for 5 years. And a lot of those things, I know that you can definitely relate to as well. In fact, I broke down a typical STEM teacher’s pathway with what you are experiencing at different points in your role. The different types of needs that you have, and even the ways that I can best support you. This is the first episode in the STEM teacher pathway series, and I am so excited to jump right in. 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:49]:

Before I was a K through 5 STEM teacher, I was a classroom teacher for 6 years. I taught 2nd grade for 2 years 3rd grade for 4 years. When I made the transition into K through 5 STEM, I was so excited, but I was also very overwhelmed. And let’s be real. I didn’t know everything.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:36]:

Even if you have been teaching elementary STEM for a while or maybe you are just getting started, I wanna make sure that you’re not making the same mistakes that I did. With that in mind, I have put together a bonus private podcast with 3 episodes where I am sharing my not so straight pathway to teaching elementary STEM. And what I would be doing different today. It’s absolutely free of this private podcast, but you do have limited time to listen to it. So as soon as you get the link, you can binge all three episodes, and they are actually shorter than my typical episodes. These episodes will be available from September 14th, 2023, all the way to October 6. This is going to be linked in the show notes for you, or you can grab this at naomimeredith.com/STEM pathway pod. When I was mapping out this podcast series for you guys, I was legit journaling it.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:43]:

I have always been a journaler off and on throughout my entire life, but I was legit sitting on my back deck with my little dog, Frederick, and thinking about my STEM journey. And with that in mind, I noticed that throughout my years in elementary STEM, there are certain things that I needed my 1st year that were completely different than the middle of my career and also the 4 5 years and beyond. And you probably are feeling the same exact way. So I came up with the STEM teacher pathway and the 3 phases that You typically go through in this elementary STEM role. Those are the investigator, the navigator, and the connect These phases are, again, based on my experiences as an elementary STEM teacher and 11 years in education. But more specifically, those years as a STEM teacher, and also all of the conversations that I have been having with all of you over the years. Whether it’s been in my online workshops, my STEM teacher bookshelf membership over on Instagram at Naomi Meredith underscore, all of those different places and all of those different conversations is where I gathered information and really categorize these different STEM teacher phases and this pathway that you typically go through. Now I’m gonna be explaining these 3 different phases, but it’s okay if you’re feeling like, oh, I really resonate with 2 of these or all three of them.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:23]:

And guess what? That is absolutely okay. There are no technical pull rules to it. There isn’t a quiz to take or something to pass if you feel like that you are in 1 phase or another This is to really help you understand where you might be in your STEM teacher journey and how I can best support you. Likewise, when it comes to the resources that I will be talking about, again, these aren’t tied a 100% to each of these phases. I really wanted to go through and categorize all of these things so I can be your best support in your STEM teacher journey And if you were feeling overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start or where you are even at or how to grow and keep going, this episode is perfect for all of you. The 1st phase in the STEM teacher pathway is being the investigator. When you are in this phase, you have taught elementary STEM for about 0 to 1 year. So you are very new to this elementary STEM position.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:29]:

You’re typically a former elementary teacher in whatever type of capacity. So you have some background in teaching already, But this elementary STEM position is brand new to you. You are typically walking into this role with limited lies and 0 curriculum. And more often than not, you don’t have any formal training when it comes to elementary STEM. You might be really good already at hands on learning, engaging your students using technology in effective ways. And someone might have thought, hey. You’d be really good at that elementary STEM thing. Why not you give it a shot? That was exactly me.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:11]:

There are a whole lot of things that you need to do when jumping into this role, but typically the main focus in this investigator role are a few things. First, you are really focusing on building your systems and routines. Especially if you are going from teaching the same class all day to teaching multiple classes all day In a variety of grade levels, you need to figure out those systems and routines that are going to work for the entire day. Likewise, you are really building up those relationships with students. It does take some time to get to know those kids, but you you know as a teacher that it’s important to build relationships no matter how many students you have. Also, the lesson planning can be a bit overwhelming because you’re really focusing on those systems and routines, which is definitely the foundation of your program. And so you took definitely need ready to go lessons that are standards based that you don’t have to think about it quite so much this year. So you can focus in on those really foundational things in your classroom, and you can learn the tools as you go.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:24]:

You are in this phase where you are just gathering all of this information. You are in all sorts of Facebook groups. You are just soaking in all of these resources and all the different things that elementary sim can be. So you can build up the program and really have it be a well rounded experience for your students. Now when it comes to specific resources that can be really helpful for you, that I can help you with is, of course, this podcast. And if you’re here, thank you so much for listening. This podcast is definitely here for you. And I really encourage you if you haven’t already go back to the beginning of my podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:03]:

There’s stuff for — all the things, but really go back into the beginning and see all of those back to school types of lessons. I also have all my podcast episodes categorized, which I will link that in the show notes. So if you’re looking for something specific while you are definitely getting started or really new stage, definitely check that out. This podcast is here for you. When it comes to ready to go lessons where you don’t have to think about it, I definitely encourage you to check out my K through 5 STEM, your long bundle of lessons. There’s a lot of great updates that are always coming to those lessons and I’m always thinking about how to improve those. So when you have those ready to go lessons, you don’t have to worry so much about the lesson planning quite yet. They are there and ready to go so you can focus in on those systems and routines.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:53]:

When it comes to what things you should be doing in terms of building out the program. I talk all about that in-depth in my STEM teacher 101 course. Which there is actually a podcast component to that. But inside of that course, I will walk you through all of the things you need to do when it comes to setting up your classroom basic lesson planning. So you already have those ready to go ones with my bundle of resources. But really talk about, okay, here’s some lesson planning structures and other ways to keep going in your program. So this is the course you never knew you needed. You probably didn’t have much coming into this role.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:35]:

So I put it together in this nice little course where you can have it all ready to go and you can even do it in a weekend. Moving along in your STEM teacher pathway is You’re becoming a navigator, and a navigator has been in this STEM role for about 2 to 3 years. And you’re really gonna hang the hang of this elementary stent position, and it’s really a lot of fun. You are getting to know the students. You have some tools that you absolutely love and feel confident about. There’s other tools that you are excited to learn and you’re feeling comfortable enough that you are ready to be creative with your lesson planning, and you’re adding in your own things to make it your own. Along with that, you are excited to try other teaching strategies. So maybe your 1st year, you really focused in on whole group instruction So you can get the hang of things and how you are gonna actually teach the lessons to your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:38]:

But now you’re ready to try something new, maybe like STEM stations with your students and how to have all of these different things going on at once. With that, your main area focuses when you are a navigator is you are building behind students prior knowledge. You already know your kids a bit. You have that relationship building going, but you are focusing on, okay. So here’s what the kids did with me the past year or so. Let’s continue to build upon that knowledge so they can grow in their STEM skills. You are also starting to have the time where you’re not so overwhelmed by just the whole building the STEM program, but creating those original lessons. So you still are have those lessons that are built out for you, but then you are adding in your own twist of things based on what you’re seeing with your students, and your comfortability level.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:34]:

Now that you have some things under your belt, you’re also ready to collaborate with other like minded teachers to help you continue where you are at in your STEM journey and where you are headed. This also will help you see those different holes in where you are at and what you’re missing. So meaning with other like minded teachers is extremely helpful now that you have that year under your belt. When it comes to specific resources in which I can help you with, I have a quite a few options for you. My podcast again is always going to be an option for you, and I do have that private podcast that is available for a limited time. So definitely check that out in the show notes where I do talk about my journey in elementary STEM and the mistakes that I met made and what I would do different. Also, when you’re thinking about different planning structures and ways that you want to enhance your teaching strategies, My k through 5 STEM planning workshops are broken up into k through 2 and 3 through 5 are a great opportunity to have Awesome success within 2 hours. You get example lessons and also I talk through that structure so that you can easily implement that into your room.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:53]:

There also are a few ways that I can provide you some opportunities to connect with other student teachers. I remember how hard it was just finding other people who were doing what I was doing. Now I was lucky enough to some people in my school district who were other elementary STEM teachers, but it was also really amazing talking to other people who were not in my district because you get a lot of different perspectives and hear what things could be. You kinda get one-sided when it’s just your district because your district tells you one thing. But it’s nice hearing other people’s perspectives all over the country. So inside of my STEM teacher, a bookshelf membership, This will help you not only with your professional reading, but also where you get to connect with other like minded teachers in our online discussions and in our monthly live calls. Now if you’re needing more guided support and really ready to dive in, My group coaching program is opening up really, really soon for the fall of 2023. And you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers and, again, have weekly live calls where we can focus in on where your lesson planning is going.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:07]:

So creating those original lessons and also how we can use the materials that you have and also grow your program as well. So that’s coming up really, really soon, so keep an ear out for that. As you were traveling along this STEM teacher pathway, and you’ve taught for about 4 and plus years and beyond, You have become a connector, and you are in love with elementary STEM. This is your thing. You are never going back to whatever you taught before. That’s not happening again. Someone’s gonna have to pull you out by your coattails because you are ready and staying in elementary STEM. You just love it so much.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:50]:

You are, at this point, about 4 plus years in, you are confident about your STEM, your long plan, you have a whole year of lessons with a mix of already made lessons and also some of your unique lessons, and you’re ready to adapt to those STEM trends. So you have a firm foundation of what elementary STEM currently can be, but you are very open to adapting your lessons based on the things that your students need on those STEM trends, but also you are really focusing in on Okay. My kids have had me for a while now. They’re ready for harder things. I actually talked about this with Jennifer Mahhen in a past episode. We were actually talking about grant opportunities, but she noticed the same thing in her program that the longer she had the kids talking years, The kids had more capabilities and skills and in turn, needing more tools, needing more sophisticated lessons to meet her students’ needs and really challenge them. You are also focusing in on wanting to add more community building things when it comes to STEM outside of your classroom. That might be when it comes to collaborating on district wide events, or even adding in after school clubs that are bringing together your community.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:14]:

Maybe you’ve done some after school club before, maybe in those 1st couple of years that are just some quick and fun things like Lego building or makerspace challenges. But maybe you really want things where it’s more competition based where students are showcasing your skills or ways that you can in more kids like doing video school wide news where you’re really bringing your community together in bigger ways. Maybe you’re also planning STEM events where you are bringing outside resources where there are parents or other people in community who are sharing about how STEM is used in their real world. So you’re all of the pieces are coming together. And when you’re at this point, You’re ready to do all of those extra fun. I haven’t quoted you in March because STEM is always fun, but all of those extra things in your role. You also might be trying some different teaching styles. So again, those STEM stations are might be things that you are doing, but I’m even talking about things like co teaching with other teachers in your building.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:16]:

It could be ways where maybe they’re doing something in their homeroom classroom and then they’re bringing it into your STEM classroom and expanding on that idea. Maybe you are collaborating with other teachers outside of your building. Maybe they’re in your district or in another state or another part of the world. So you’re really thinking about those ways where you can enhance those global collaborations with your students and maybe even your own professional development. Since you are loving this role, so much. You definitely need an opportunity to continue your passion and have some help when looking at your program in a different way. And to push you along and having that feedback. Again, that group coaching program that I will be hosting coming out really soon for fall 2023, will be a great way for you to collaborate and really challenge yourself when it comes to how you can continue to build your program But then if you also need more guidance and just really want to brainstorm and bounce ideas back and forth, I love doing that, and I do have one to one coaching spots that are available, which those are open at any time, unless for some reason, I close them, but they’re open at any time, which, again, you can find that in the show notes.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:33]:

Teaching in elementary STEM is definitely a Ernie, and it’s okay if you don’t have it figured out going into this role. We talked about those different phases in your STEM teacher pathway. And we start off as that investigator. So you’ve taught 0 to 1 years, moving into that navigator role and then into that connector role. And who knows? Whatever it is beyond. Which phase of the STEM teacher pathway are you in and which ones are you really connecting with? Now don’t forget, I do have my private podcast coming out for you for a limited time only. So if you’re listening to this episode while it comes out, that is available for you. And I am sharing my journey in elementary STEM and the mistakes that I made, my not so straight pathway in elementary STEM, and what I would do differently if I were to do it all over again.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:30]:

You can find that private podcast link and all of the resources that I talked in this episode in the show notes. And for that private podcast, you can grab it at naomiemeritus.com/ STEM pathway pod.

elementary stem teacher


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

video making for students

3 Benefits of Video Making for Students [ep.121]

3 Benefits of Video Making for Students [ep.121]

video making for students

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Episode Summary

You may have heard your students talk about wanting to be a YouTuber or TikToker, and in this day and age, it can very well be a reality for them. If you’re wondering if you should incorporate video production into your classroom, today’s episode is for you. In today’s episode, I’m sharing three benefits of video making for students. Who knows, you just might have the next big YouTube star in your classroom!


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Benefits of students making videos
  • Why learning how to create videos and be on camera are essential skills for students
  • Tips for getting started with video making for students
  • The different types of video content students should create

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

When I grow up, I want to be a YouTuber, or I want to be a TikToker. Do you ever hear this from your students? More often than not. Okay, so I am a little bit biased about this topic because, yes, here on the Elementary STEM Coach podcast, I am also a YouTuber per se, where I do record the video of my podcast episodes and make other video content as well to share with all of you to help you with STEM education. So again, I definitely believe in this topic and see the power of it, and I know that students creating videos is really important. Being a YouTuber isn’t that far-fetched of a dream. In fact, YouTube is the number two search engine compared to Google. We, as humans, like watching videos. We like watching other people.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:00]:

Whether it is a how-to video on how to fix your microwave, I definitely watched one of those in the past couple of weeks, or even how to cook something. Video can bring so much content to life, and you actually get to see what is happening, whether our students become YouTubers or TikTokers. In this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you the benefits of students creating videos and different ways that you can get started. You are here listening to this episode, and I already completed my live virtual workshop when it comes to setting up your pre-recorded schoolwide video news.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:10]:

Now, if you’re sitting here, you’re like, oh man, I wish I should have signed up. Don’t worry, I recorded the whole experience, so you didn’t have to miss out. So you don’t have the opportunity to chat with me live. But inside, you get the whole workshop, all of the templates to get started, and all the tips and tricks to be on your way. So, in 2 hours, I know that you can be successful with your video schoolwide news. You can jump in on that at naomimeredith.com/newsworkshop. Okay, I have a confession to make. When I was a kid, I was a lot like my students.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:50]:

I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, and I actually made that dream possible, which is pretty cool. I always wanted to be a teacher. But on the side, there are a couple of things. I always wanted my own business, and I always wanted to be on camera, which is super funny. All three things have actually come true. I haven’t changed much, apparently, since I was a kid, but I always wanted to be on camera. It first started when I was watching the Barney show, and I got really jealous of the kids that they got to make all of these cool crafts on camera and show all of us how to make them. And then it moved on to Bill Nye, the Science Guy, again, he’s super entertaining.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:39]:

It’s a dream to have him on my podcast, go tag him and tell him I would love to have him on here. But I started with Bill Nye, then went to Bill Nye the Science Guy, and then I went to Disney Channel, and I loved just seeing other kids on camera. But my favorite parts again were the ones when kids were teaching you how to do something, so they’re like, here’s this science activity, or here’s how to do this. And I really loved that. So when I wasn’t playing school and messing with my siblings and trying to teach them how to read, only one of them listened to me, and I did teach them how to read. We were actually making a lot of videos with our camcorder and had the little cassette tapes in there. So, making videos has been something that I’ve been doing for a long time. I’m definitely not shy when it comes to the camera, whether it’s pictures or video, which here I am today, making my dreams come true.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:35]:

And I do make a lot of videos on how to do things, whether it’s here in the STEM classroom, elementary STEM, or even if it’s recorded videos, which is pretty funny. So super jealous of Selena Gomez. She was a Disney Channel kid and Barney kid, so I definitely knew the wrong people growing up, but we’ll see. Everybody has their own journey. The more that I was thinking about this, though, I asked myself the question, did I ever make any videos when I was at school? And the answer is no. I personally did not make one video during the school day. And not to say the technology wasn’t there, it was, but I just didn’t really ever have the opportunity to ever make a video. I was in a photography class, but I never made any videos, and so it was harder again to get that technology.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:32]:

But think about your students, think about your teaching career. Have you ever had students make a video with you? Even if you’ve taught within the past ten years, you’ve had the technology in your back pocket. And our students shouldn’t be going through school K through twelve and say, yeah, I never made a video at school. They should never, ever be able to say that. Videos can be super polished, like having a video school wide news, or they can be super simple, like recording what they did on their work. In Seesaw again, video is not going away. Video is super important, and even as little as pre k students should be making videos to share their ideas. So let’s talk about this more.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:25]:

What are the benefits of students making videos? Why should they be doing this? Why should they be in front of the camera and behind the camera? Why does this even matter? They’re not all going to be YouTubers, let’s face it. But they all need these video skills. So let’s get into it. The first benefit of students making videos is it brings the content to life. Everything doesn’t have to be a video. I mean, it can be, but it doesn’t all have to be. And you’re probably sitting there like, yeah. Naomi, you were a STEM teacher.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:59]:

Of course your kids made videos in your class. Yes, they did. But when I was a classroom teacher, they also made videos in my class. And when I was co teaching with teachers, I showed them to have students make videos in their class. The big project that I remember is when I taught third grade, we did a rocks and minerals museum. And so students kept bringing in these beautiful minerals that they got from all these places. They had so many of them. I said, you know what, we’re going to create a whole project and we’re going to create a rocks and minerals museum, and you are going to study about one of these minerals and create a presentation that when they come into our museum, they can learn all about it.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:42]:

But the part of this museum is we aren’t there to present when we go to a museum. There are people helping out, but there’s videos and other things that we can watch so we can have the project come to life. So I did have students create a video clip, and that was part of their presentation that had QR codes and different things. But I had them create a video to share part of the information about their rock and mineral. Same thing when I was co teaching second grade, was learning about weather. And so we did a whole weather report that they could present. And then I modified the same kind of thing when it came to third grade, which you can actually grab that lesson in the show notes when it comes to a whole green screen, worldwide weather report, there are so many different ways that content can be brought to life. So when you’re thinking about ways for students can share the information, think about does it have to be a poster that is stagnant and they’re standing next to it talking about it, or are there ways that they can share that same information and put it in a video format? When you do that, watch the engagement rise.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:57]:

The second benefit of students being able to create videos is it’s teaching them the skills to be able to explain things clearly to others. This is an important life skill. Now, the top tier of this, being able to explain the information to others is when I did my schoolwide prerecorded video news. And if you missed out on a bit, I have the workshop at Naomi Meredith.com Newsworkshop. And every day we shared news that was happening in our building, like the lunch, the birthdays, after school clubs, and other big events that were coming up. But students had to be very clear in how they were presenting the information. So everybody can understand what is going on. But you can even do this really simply with having things that aren’t as pre planned.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:52]:

So even going into things like Seesaw, Flipgrid, and WeVideo, students can either record their screen or record their face explaining more about a topic. It can be as polished as you want, or it could be as easy as hitting record and talking about what was their favorite thing that they learned today. So the more kids have practiced being on camera, the more comfortable they are going to be. You’re going to have little kids who say, I don’t like being on camera, and I say to them, that’s fine, but this is a skill that we need to get better at. And the only people as of now who are saying this are me, you, your classmates, maybe your parents. We’re not putting it anywhere else. And so again, it’s a very important skill. But not only that, in the elementary space, it’s a skill for when they get to be an adult.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:45]:

Think about how did you feel teaching online during COVID. Now, for me, personally, I didn’t mind whatsoever. I was very comfortable being on video calls, and that was something that I was doing regularly anyway. So teaching on camera was actually really fun and I really enjoyed it. But not every teacher had that same experience. There was a lot of teachers who had never made a video for their class before. So me transitioning online was very easy because I had that video experience. But teaching isn’t the only thing that needs video experience. More and more and more employers are looking for people who are confident on camera, who can speak to others.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:33]:

And we want to prepare students for their real world. In fact, I’m going to be working on the side with a company who was looking for people who can do STEM presentations well on camera and who is comfortable doing things on camera. And if I hadn’t had this experience before, there’s no way I would have even applied or they wouldn’t have given me the time of day. So just think about that for your students. Again, they might not all be YouTubers, but everybody needs experience being confident on camera so that they can present the information clearly for others to understand. And the third benefit of students creating videos is they’re going to appreciate the whole process of creating higher quality projects. You know, when you give students a project, they’re moaning and groaning, oh, we have to do this again. Well, you want kids to be excited about what you are doing and when it comes to a higher quality video, so still do those little quick videos, having them check in, having them explain their ideas, but also balance it when it comes to producing a video from start to finish.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:48]:

So you have the idea, you have the script, you record, you edit, you make some changes and then you’re ready to publish. So there are benefits to both types of videos. So you definitely want to do both. I tell the kids, anybody can just hit record and make a TikTok video, whatever, it goes viral. Woohoo. Good for you. But if you have the skills to create high quality videos, you’re going to have the skills for that longevity of where you can actually do more with your videos just like this podcast. Honestly.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:19]:

So when we did our school video news, the kids were actually amazed and shocked how much work it was behind the scenes to get a five minute video out there. They were so surprised that IDIS didn’t let them show up and just start talking to the camera. They actually had a script that they had to read and practice and perform so that they sounded good on camera. Likewise, my editing team was so shocked and they loved editing their friends news. They loved seeing all the mistakes, but they were surprised too. They’re all, oh wow, the actual video is seven minutes, but when I took out all the extra parts, it turned it down to four. I know. And they also appreciated students who practiced more and they didn’t have to edit as much.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:12]:

So there’s definitely times when there’s a lot of editing in my episodes for my podcast manager and a lot not of editing so that can happen as well. But they definitely appreciated the whole process and they were really proud of their work because it is work behind the scenes to get higher quality videos. Now it doesn’t just have to be your school wide news. You could even do projects in class when it comes to using research, writing a script and doing all of that similar process. I did this with students where they were learning about space junk and why space junk is a problem and even figuring out what space junk is. And students created a video to teach others about it and possible solutions. So they did go through a whole similar process and instead of their face being on camera, they added an audio narration. But they did add some pictures and video clips on top.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:08]:

Another lesson that I tested out with first grade is that we were learning about the four seasons and why they work, how long the days are, and students created little props where they would use the props to help them explain the different parts of the seasons and how they worked. And then they helped each other film the videos. That was a lot of fun. They did have a script in first grade. So that is something that I will definitely work on and refine and get that lesson out to you. But you can still use scripts and a whole process of video making, even with younger students. And another fun way to create videos when it really comes to storytelling, every type of video can have storytelling. But a big thing I really like to do this is with stop motion animation.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:56]:

So that is when students take a ton, a ton, a ton of pictures, and they’re played really fast where it creates a whole video through it. So one of my favorites is when students were researching about fossils and they picked a fossil and they had some information about it, but then they had to tell a story of how that living thing in the past turned into a fossil. What was its story? How did that happen? Because not every living thing becomes a fossil has to be in the right time and place. So that was a really cool way to use stop motion storytelling to add in that element of videography. So that lesson I do have and we will link in the show notes. As you can see, I am so passionate about video creation and teaching students proper ways to do this when they’re young so that they can be confident on camera and use these skills for things even outside of school. So when it comes to those benefits of students making videos, here’s what we talked about. First is that it can bring content to life.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:03]:

Next is students will be able to explain things clearly to others. And third, this helps students, when they create videos, appreciate the process of higher quality projects. Hopefully, after listening to this episode, you’re going to start at least one way for students to create videos consistently in your classroom. Whether that is doing quick little videos, explaining their work, or even starting your schoolwide video news, there are so many benefits to it. And your students are going to love this opportunity to practice something they’re already passionate about in a structured way. Thank you again for being here and I will see you in the next episode. 

video making for students


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!