How to Use a Digital Interactive Notebook in the Classroom
When I was a classroom teacher, I needed a way to integrate non-fiction resources to help build background about topics for literacy and science.
There were plenty of books in the school library that we were using, but I also wanted students to access information using online resources.
Soon, I came up with a digital interactive notebook template that I could send to students with a variety of resources to engage and learn from.
These can be an asset in your classroom and be used in any content area.
Digital Interactive Notebook: What is it?
A digital interactive notebook is a way to combine all of your digital resources for students in one file that is already organized for you! Students have access to all the links and places to respond within one paperless platform.
There are still benefits to interactive notebooks that involve cutting and pasting. Having digital options allows for less prep time and assigning quickly to students.
Using this technology option also helps build students’ digital literacy skill; copy & paste, resizing images and toggling between website tabs are just a few skills students will continue to practice.
Digital Interactive Notebook: How Do I Prepare One?
I prefer creating my templates in Google Slides and save the template as the background. I then add the moveable and editable pieces on top that I want students to access.
The same templates I create in Slides can also be downloaded and used in Seesaw or Powerpoint.
If you are using a premade template, there are some steps I typically go through to make sure the content fits my needs.
- Delete, add & duplicate slide templates that you think will work best for your content
- Layer & link your content over the top
- Delete any unwanted text boxes and tables. The design in the background is ‘glued down’ to protect the rights of the original artists
- If you are worried about the original being shared with students, make a master copy of your edited notebook as a backup.
- Share your final notebook with your students on the digital platform of your choice
- If possible, the checklist on the last slide works well printed out. However, this isn’t necessary and can be filled out digitally.
Digital Interactive Notebook: How do I assign it?
There are many ways to share digital interactive notebooks easily with students. Here are some of my go-to ways:
- Share the link with students in Google Classroom, Seesaw, Schoology or other platforms your school uses!
- When posting in Google Classroom, make sure to click ‘Make a Copy for each student’ before posting!
Click here to watch my free, 3 part video series all about Google Classroom.
- Create an activity in Seesaw. With Seesaw Plus & For Schools, you can create multi-page activities that work well for digital interactive notebooks.
- When using PowerPoint, share in Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Teams using other Microsoft tools.
Digital Interactive Notebook: Are there templates I can use?
I have created a growing collection of templates that you can edit and use to fit your content needs.
These sides are already organized for:
- Before exploration reflection
- Vocabulary
- Videos
- Photograph Observations
- Graphs & Analysis
- Individual Articles
- Paired Selections & Comparison
- Maps & Noticings
- Podcasts & Reflection
- Scientific Process
- Engineering Design Process
- Data Analysis based on Observations
- Labeling an Image
- Analyzing quotations
- Digital Creation
As a bonus, there are student checklists to help students keep track of their progress for each slide. There are also video tutorials to share with students (or use while you’re creating) to help you with Google/PowerPoint creating.
- Creating & Editing a Text Box
- Using the Shape and Line Tools
- Inserting Your Own Images
- Inserting Images from Google
- Adding & Duplicating Slides
Each template includes various digital file types to meet your sharing needs: Google Slides, PowerPoint & Seesaw.
All Seesaw files are pre-loaded into activities. Upon purchase, you’ll get the share link to copy & edit and add to your Seesaw Activity library, then assign to students. I saved you A LOT of steps!
Grab your favorite template style here from my shop!
Digital Interactive Notebooks: Are there any that are already created for me?
Yes! I also have content specific digital interactive notebooks that have all the resources linked inside for you. Check out my growing collection here!
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Getting Started with Google Classroom: Video Series
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Have you tried digital interactive notebooks in your classroom? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!
Want more resources to support Technology & STEM all year long? Grab this FREE downloadable guide that I’ve put together for you!