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Chat GPT for Teachers: 3 Ideas for STEM [ep.68]

Chat GPT for Teachers: 3 Ideas for STEM [ep.68]

chat GPT for teachers

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Episode Summary

There has been so much talk about Chat GPT, but what in the world is it? How can we use it as STEM teachers? Is Chat GPT for STEM teachers? In this episode, I will be explaining what in the world chat GPT is and three practical ways you can use it in your classroom.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What Chat GPT is
  • How you can use it in your classroom
  • Examples of searches I did using Chat GPT

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

You’ve been hearing all of this talk about chat GPT, but what in the world is it? How is it even helpful for us as STEM teachers? In this episode, I will be explaining to you what in the world chat GPT is and three practical uses of how you can use it in your classroom. 

Naomi Meredith  00:51

First, let’s get a basic definition of what chat GPT is. Chat GPT is a type of AI or artificial intelligence software. I don’t know why it’s actually called Chat GPT, but think of it as another AI tool like Siri and Alexa. So it is a base where you can actually ask it questions, and it will answer you. In fact, I actually had chat GPT help me write a definition. I asked it. So you type your little question. I asked it to write me a definition to explain chat GPT to an elementary student. So here’s what chat GPT came up with, and I thought it was actually a pretty good definition. Chat GPT is a talking computer program that can understand what people are saying and can respond to them in a way that makes sense. It is like a smart robot that can have conversations with people and natural language, just like how we talk to each other. It has been trained on a lot of books, articles, and other texts. So it knows a lot of words and can use them to answer questions or have a conversation. I’m going to explain to you how I’ve actually used this in my STEM lesson planning. It’s actually pretty fun. As of now, at the time of this recording, it is a free tool. So look it up. It’s linked in the show notes. So when you go in there, you’ll just create a free account, and then it will actually save all the little conversations that you have with chat GPT. It’s almost like, in a way, if you remember Ask Jeeves, where you would ask a question, and he’ll come up with like a more conversational answer. It’s kind of like that with back in the day, if you know what I’m talking about. So it’s kind of like that it’s a little bit different than a Google search, where in a Google search, you’re looking for articles, blogs, podcasts, maybe podcasts like this one. But it’s, again, more in a conversational way, and it will come up with more of a conversational answer, which is pretty awesome. Of course, with any technology, there is a lot of pushback as to what the repercussions of this can be, especially since it is pulling from so many different resources. My worry is how is this playing into copyright and how much is it pulling for one source than another. So the ways that I’m using this in my STEM classroom it’s not so much to publish information but more as a way to really help with my lesson planning and more of a brainstorming idea. Kind of think of it like you’re bouncing ideas off of another person. That’s how I like to use it in my STEM instruction. Also, especially as a STEM teacher, and really any teacher in this world that we live in and preparing 22nd Century learners, we really need to learn to embrace new technology. Anyway, I am still learning what chat GPT is. So even after this recording, I’ll probably learn more. There are going to be some updates, of course. But it’s cool to try out new stuff and see how it can be helpful. You can always take a little bit of that, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and see how it’s gonna work out. So, of course, it’s not a perfect tool, and you’ll hear from my examples of how it’s not, but it’s actually kind of fun to play around with. So let’s jump into these three ways how you can use chat GPT in your STEM teaching. 

Naomi Meredith  04:13

The first way that you can use chat GPT in your STEM classroom is to help you with lesson planning ideas. The other day, my friend Becca McMillan, who you heard on the podcast back in episode 40. We were chatting because we are really good friends, and we were chatting about different STEM station ideas for a specific standard that she was going to teach in first grade. At the time, I actually didn’t have a bank of resources for this particular standard. But I had some ideas in mind but also wanted to do a little bit more brainstorming as I was texting her. So to help me brainstorm some ideas, I went on to chat GPT and typed in Kindergarten hands-on lessons for the weather. I know I just said first grade, but it was actually for Kindergarten, and it was pretty cool. It came up with a list of ideas written in a conversational way. Some really weren’t for Kindergarten, some were so great, but actually, it made me remember Oh, yeah, that would be a really cool idea for weather or, Oh, I could modify this for my grade level. So it didn’t lay everything step by step by step, but it was just kind of like brainstorming ideas. There aren’t any pictures; it’s all words. So it was a really cool way to gather ideas for your STEM lesson planning. We figured out some ideas for her STEM stations, and she was able to take that back into her classroom. In turn, I kept those ideas to the side. So when I’m ready to teach at Stanford, I have those ideas ready to go. As I mentioned before, once you create your free account in chat GPT, it will save all your little conversations with the AI. So you actually can go back into that conversation, reopen it, you can ask the question in a different way, you can have it reworded, you can maybe change the grade level you’re looking for. So pretty cool that it’s all in this one little area, all organized for you digitally. 

Naomi Meredith  06:02

Another way that you can use chat GPT in your STEM lesson planning is to have it help you write kid-friendly definitions. This in the STEM space can be really tricky when you are explaining these high-level concepts to, well, elementary students. In a weird way, this is something I actually enjoy doing. Back in college, I worked at a preschool, and I worked with an awesome lead teacher. I was her assistant, and it was in pre-K. She was so so good at explaining high-level concepts to these little four-year-olds. I took a lot of the things that I learned from her and have applied them in my teaching over the years. But I still get stuck on ways to explain things to kids, especially since I have to know how to teach things to K through five. So sometimes I might know it at a fifth-grade level, but I need to explain it at a Kindergarten level. Because when you look at the standards, well, they have a repetition of things. So for this podcast, I asked chat GPT, to write a kid-friendly definition to describe what the water cycle is. It had a really great example that could definitely help me when I’m creating an anchor chart for my students. Here’s what chat GPT came up with for that definition, “The water cycle is the way that water moves around the Earth. It starts when the sun heats up with water and rivers, lakes and oceans and turns it into water vapor.” So I kept on explaining that water cycle, but it was a pretty good kid definition that, like, hey, that’s really helpful. I like that explanation. I can use that to help explain things to my students, so keep that in mind. If you’re getting a little bit stuck on how to explain these high-level concepts to your kids, check out chat GPT. It might give you some ideas of the wording of those things. 

Naomi Meredith  07:54

The third way that you can use chat GPT in your STEM planning is by creating lists. I definitely love lists. I use a list to help me plan this podcast. But it’s pretty cool how this can help you create a list based on ideas that you give it and questions that you ask. One way that I use chat GPT to help me with list creation is to create book lists for K through two based on STEM standards. Now I did use other tools to help me research, but again, I use chat GPT as a brainstorming tool to help me get some ideas for books that I probably forgot about or books I have never even heard of. When I am talking about books that I have never heard of, be careful with all of the knowledge that chat GBT gives you. It’s not always 100% accurate. It came up with some really cool book lists. But sometimes, when I looked up the books, some of them didn’t even exist. The title of the book sounded awesome. Sometimes it was actually a real author, but they weren’t things that went together. So that was pretty weird. But overall, it helped me as a starting point to create these book lists. If you’re interested in seeing those, those are all in my K-2 STEM virtual planning workshop, which will be linked in the show notes. But you can also jump in on the recording, and that’s at naomimeredith.com/primaryworkshop. It did help me plan out those book lists when creating STEM and stories and books that would really go along with those grade-level standards. So again, another jumping off point to create a list. Another way it is kind of like before when you’re thinking of lesson planning ideas, you could have it list out things to do with certain materials. So I asked chat GPT to make a list of things that kids can do with cardboard. So this could even be a fun after-school club idea. So here are some of the fun things that Chad GPT came up with. Kids can create a cardboard guitar, and it kind of gave me some directions. They said kids can create a guitar by cutting out the shape of a guitar and attaching a cardboard tube as the neck. They can then decorate it with paint or markers. Isn’t that cute how to explain it? It also gives me the idea that they could create a puppet theater using cardboard. They also suggested students could create a bookshelf, which that would actually be a pretty cool STEM challenge. Maybe kids could create a bookshelf and then have books in the library displayed and see how many books it could hold. Just making this up as I’m talking to you. This is how my brain works. So again, another cool way that you can use chat GPT to help you with all of these ideas. 

Naomi Meredith  10:41

As a recap, here are three ways that you can get started using chat GPT as a STEM teacher and implementing this in your classroom. First, you can use chat TPT for lesson planning ideas. Next, it can also help you write kid-friendly definitions. Finally, chat GPT can help you with creating lists. After listening to this episode, I hope you’re not as scared trying out this tool. Definitely check it out, and play around with it. It’s actually kind of fun as well. Just hearing the responses that it comes back with, just like when we were asking Siri and Alexa things, I know a lot of people were very wary of that same kind of vibes, but it’s also a lot of fun as well. So don’t be scared; try it out. Now I will say I wouldn’t recommend using this for elementary students yet because it is so new. It is just we don’t know what it’s going to come up with and when it comes to filters, but think about you as a teacher and how this can be helpful. Now if you want more help with your lesson planning and want me to pop into your inbox like your own personal chat GPT definitely check out my free K-5 STEM year lag plan, where I have the whole year mapped out for you and all of the connected standards and lessons that I teach in my classroom. So that will pop right into your inbox a lot like how chat GPT pops in the little box there with its answers. You can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan. And, of course, it’s linked in the show notes. Have fun with this new to you technology tool, and let me know how you end up using it. I hope to hear from you soon.

chat GPT for teachers


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!