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First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

investigator STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on First Year STEM STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series]:  


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Episode Summary

During my career as a STEM teacher, I went through different stages of what I call the STEM teacher pathway. The first stage of this pathway is the Investigator STEM teacher. In today’s episode, I’m discussing the first stage of the STEM teacher pathway and sharing my experience with navigating this stage. I also share insight into what I wish I knew during this stage and give tips and strategies to help you successfully navigate the Investigator STEM teacher stage. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is an investigator STEM teacher
  • What it was like for me in the investigator stage
  • Resources I wish I had during my first year as a STEM teacher

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Throughout my career as an elementary STEM teacher, there were different stages that I went through as a STEM teacher. I’d like to call this the STEM teacher pathway. With this journey in STEM, each stage had its own successes and challenges. Today, I am sharing the first of the 3 stages in the STEM teacher pathway, the investigator, and how my experiences were really shown within this stage of elementary STEM and how my experiences can definitely help you in your STEM journey. Before I was a K-5 STEM teacher, I was a classroom teacher, and I was extremely excited about my role.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:19]:

Now, not to say that it didn’t come with any challenges, and some not so pretty things as well. If you’ve been teaching some for some time now, or you are just getting started, or maybe you’ve been in it for a couple of years. I have put together for all of you a very special pop-up private podcast. You can’t find it in your regular podcasting app, but I do have a special link for you in the show notes or you can go to naomimeredith.com/STEMpathwaypod. In this 3 part mini-series that you can binge as soon as you get the link, I take you through my not so straight pathway in STEM teaching. And what I would actually do differently today if I were to do it all over again. Of course, it wasn’t all a miserable failure. But there are definitely some things that I wish I had the opportunity to do or even thought of and I thought that I might as well share that with you in this special pop-up podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:27]:

Now, with this podcast, it is for a limited time only. So make sure to jump in on that. Again, grab the link in the show notes and join me in that very special journey that I put together for you for free. From talking with all of you inside of my programs, whether it is my STEM teacher bookshelf membership, my group coaching program, my workshops, or even my STEM teacher 101 course, and sometimes even in my emails, and when you guys send me audio messages, and really also my experience in STEM is that there are a lot of different stages within this STEM teacher journey. Now, a lot of us have actually been in the classroom before getting into this role. Sometimes, it was voluntary getting into K-5 STEM. Like me, it was a choice, but some of us are kind of pushed into it because we might be showing some skills that can really benefit this STEM space.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:28]:

However you fell into this role, there are some markers when it comes to the stages of your STEM teacher pathway, and I’m going to be talking about that 1st stage today, the investigator. As the investigator, you have taught in STEM for no years at all, so maybe you dabbled in it within classroom teaching, but it is your first year in STEM, and you are definitely trying to figure things out. More likely than not, you actually were a classroom teacher before. You have some sort of teaching experience, and you are walking into this space with limited supplies, and, more often than not, 0 curriculum. You might have some formal training when it comes to elementary STEM, but you also are grabbing resources wherever you can. Maybe just like this podcast. You happened upon it when you googled elementary STEM podcast, and you saw me pop up in my pink jacket. So you are looking for resources to keep you afloat with not only creating this curriculum, but also building up the systems and routines in your classroom and getting to know all of your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:42]:

Oh my gosh. That’s a lot of names to remember. Right? You are looking at all of these different resources to not only help you professionally but also find the things that will work best when it comes to the types of lessons that can be used in your classroom. And you’re really figuring out what elementary STEM means and how to have experiences that are well rounded and different types of things that students can connect with. Here’s what it was like for me as the investigator. I had taught in the classroom for 6 years. I taught 2nd grade in a Title 1 school for 2 years, actually, the school that I student taught at. So, technically, I was in that building for 3 years. Then I moved and got a 3rd grade teaching role, and I taught in that role for 4 years.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:31]:

And within that role in the 3rd great is where I definitely fell in love with technology, innovation, and hands-on learning. I was taking every free and paid training that I could to definitely develop my skills and try these things with my students. A big turning point for me was actually when I went to the ISTE conference, I-S-T-E conference, which side note, is going to be in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2024. That’s where I’m from. And so if you sign up, you definitely have to find me. Maybe as I get closer, I’ll set a meetup where we can all meet up. That would be super fun. I will be there. I already have it on my calendar.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:12]:

But, anyway, that conference, it was in Denver, actually, years ago when I taught 3rd grade, and it definitely lit me up. And I knew that this was a pathway in elementary education that I knew I had to get into when it came to innovation and STEM. That word was kind of being used, not really. I remember clearly I was doing reading testing with my 3rd-grade students, and I was in between grading those assessments. And I was looking for other positions to help me grow as an educator and impact more students. And the position popped up for this K-5 STEM teaching position in a neighboring district, and I thought, okay. I might as well apply. You can listen to the full version of my interview and how that went all the way in episode 1.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:03]:

I’m very honest about how that went, but spoiler alert: I did get the job, which is awesome. And when I walked into my space, it literally was a brand new classroom. It was all remodeled I didn’t even have the glass walls. I taught in a fishbowl. One of my walls was all glass, but they didn’t have the glass wall installed yet. So it was literally this fiberboard that actually drew some innovation quotes, and I was looking at the pictures the other day. I’ll have to pop those into the video version of this podcast, but my room wasn’t even completely finished. And it was like, okay.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:41]:

Good luck with your position. My year is as an investigator. It’s this 1st year as an investigator had a very interesting schedule. It was super crazy. So this just kind of made my first year really, really crazy. It was super fun, but I’m telling you, it was nuts. On Mondays, I taught GTS science to students who are identified in science, I was helping them with project-based learning and meeting their science goals. Tuesdays I got to know the classroom teachers a bit better, and I got to co-teach in their classrooms to help them implement innovation and STEM within their regular content.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:21]:

And then, from Wednesdays through Fridays, I taught STEM as a specials K -5. So 6 classes a day, the same three classes in a row for 45 minutes each. Later on, in the years, I think it was my 3rd year, it was when I started teaching STEM 5 days in a row. But definitely, my role was very crazy, and I also was the technology person. So, managing school-wide technology that I may or may not know about and how to figure that all out along with after-school clubs, leading an innovation and tech committee for my staff, and also hosting trainings for your staff before and after school. So, needless to say, just even hearing about my schedule, it was a lot. Super high energy, which you probably can tell from this podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:09]:

That’s just how I am. I do need a little bit of coffee to get me going, but I’m a very high-energy person. And so it was just a lot. It was just a lot going on in a lot of different projects. Now, when it comes to the actual STEM classroom, I was really, really figuring out behavior management and systems and routine. And with every classroom setting, it doesn’t matter what you teach. I am huge on behavior management. And how to have a really safe space for students but also we can be successful together.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:43]:

I’ve talked about this before, even in my podcast where I about why your 5th graders aren’t motivated in STEM, and I will link that in the show notes. But it’s really scary for kids to be creative, and that’s something that I actually was realizing pretty quickly this 1st year as an investigator that, oh, kids are excited to do projects, but they’re also very wary if they haven’t had time to really experience these things yet, they might not wanna do it. So not only was I trying to figure out the curriculum in my schedule, but also how do I manage a classroom, and it does change for different grade levels? I had taught most of them in some capacity before, but it does change the way that you deliver content. What do my students either know What are they learning in their classrooms? What are the standards if I even had to look at them? I will say this 1st year, my lessons were a bit all over the place. I did start off my year with digital citizenship, but that was totally fine. I didn’t really know what else to begin with, so that’s why I started with digital citizenship because that’s something I did when I taught 3rd grade. So, I thought that was a safe space to start with, which is fine. Eventually, the 1st month turned into STEM survival camp, which I highly recommend.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:03]:

I know a lot of you are actually starting to do that in your classroom, so definitely look into those lessons in my TBT shop, but I started off the year with digital citizenship and just understanding what you can know about technology. What do they not know? It was really a big learning curve. With that, I was also trying to figure out where do I like things in my classroom. How do I like to teach in this space? What is the flow of the room? Where should the furniture go? How should I even have crayons? I had crayons. Like, they’re actually very broken. Now broken crayons still color. I know. But I had a big bucket of crayons, and it was a project with 1st grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:46]:

I put it in the middle of the table. My tables were fairly big. They were great for K-5, but for a little kid, they couldn’t reach everything. And I just remember the screaming and kids crying because one of the kids wasn’t sharing all of the crayons, and I said okay. We need to share. That’s what we do, blah blah blah. And that student proceeded to put all the crayons in their mouth, chew them up, and spin them back in the bucket, which is awesome. So I learned, okay, a big bucket of crayons, in the middle of the table.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:15]:

Not a good idea. So even little things like that my 1st year, I could not have predicted at all. And it was just definitely a learning curve, and that’s okay. In a lot of ways, I felt like a 1st year teacher, which, thank goodness, there are things I did know about teaching in general, but it was just all of those things coming up yet once. Again, my lesson planning was very random, and I felt like I was just planning day to day and kind of not always thinking about the big picture of things and doing a lot of those quick one day lessons, which, in turn, you actually are planning a lot more. I also remember when I did make her space, I ran out of supplies during the first lesson. I thought Makerspace was a free for all, and students just built whatever they wanted. They make it how giant they want. They use unlimited tape. I was so wrong about that.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:15]:

No. That is not how it goes. So, again, So much fun. The students were learning about the class along with me. We were definitely building the airplane wallet flu. But there’s just a lot of things within this 1st year of STEM that you’re like, wow. What just happened today? So, thinking back to past Naomi and the things that she really needed, that first year teaching STEM, and also thinking about your guys’ experiences when I talk with all of you, all the different ways that we chat, I needed a full thought out K-5 STEM year-long plan of lessons that somebody has already taught with their kids has a lot of different experiences. So I could literally just plop that into my lessons and focus on my systems routines and behavior management.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:07]:

And really, for me, it was learning the whole school. I would love just to have something that was authentic and usable with kids. Not one of those curriculums that are just, you know, those big box ones. There are a few I have in mind, but something that actually works with students. So that’s definitely something that past, ma’am, you wish she had in this investigator role. But a good thing for you that is already created for you. I also wish that I had a podcast that I could listen to. My crime podcast through crime ones weren’t really helping me, when it came to teaching elementary STEM, maybe a little bit of the forensics part, but not really.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:46]:

And so I really wish I had a podcast. So thank you so much for being here and listening along the way. Some of you even said that this podcast is a long time coming, and they’re so glad you’re so glad that I have it. And so, definitely using this podcast as a resource, I do even have all the episodes categorized So if there’s a certain topic that you are looking for, we’ll put that in the show notes, but I do have a podcast playlist for you. So same exact show, just everything is sorted into categories, so you can see the episodes for a specific need. I also just wish that there was a course that could line up how to set up those systems and routines. So yes, having those plug and play lessons, but somebody who could guide me and say, okay, here’s what you should do for setting up your lessons. Here’s what you should do for setting up your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:38]:

Here are some things to think about. Here are some other ways to grow in your STEM journey. Just a getting started course to have that all ready to go, and it does exist now. It’s some teacher 101. So definitely thinking about where you’re at in your done journey. Or if they’re even if you’ve taught more than a year and you’re like, oh, I need to go back to that systems and routines thing. Then those things are definitely available for you that I have created. And again, those will be linked in the show notes.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:08]:

So, of course, I got through my first year teaching STEM, and I didn’t give up. I would be exhausted every day, but definitely figured out and was ready for my 2nd year in STEM and transitioned into that role in the STEM teacher pathway as the navigator. Which I am going to be talking about that role in the next episode. As a reminder, if you wanna hear more about my journey and the things that I wish I had. There are some other things that past Naomi wish I had and things that I would do differently. I have created a free pop-up podcast for you that is available for a limited time only, and there are 3 many episodes that you can binge within the hour and hear of different things that I wish I had and things that you can definitely consider in your STEM teacher pathway. Thanks so much, and I will see you in the next episode.

investigator STEM teacher


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

1st year STEM teacher

3 Things I Wish I Knew as a 1st Year STEM Teacher [ep.107]

3 Things I Wish I Knew as a 1st Year STEM Teacher [ep.107]

1st year STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on 3 Things I Wish I Knew as a 1st Year STEM Teacher:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

As I reflect on my STEM teacher role, I can’t help but think about what I wish I knew as a 1st year STEM teacher. I faced so many challenges in my 1st year as a STEM teacher and learned so much along the way. In today’s episode, I’m sharing three things I wish I knew as a 1st year STEM teacher.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 3 things I wish I knew as a 1st year STEM teacher
  • How not knowing these strategies impacted my STEM teacher journey
  • Tips for applying these strategies in your STEM classroom

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

When I first got started as a K through Five STEM teacher, I was a classroom teacher for six years, and I was excited to start a new adventure in teaching. So I applied to this job, where I ended up interviewing and getting the job. If you want to hear all about it, go back and listen to episode one. I spill all the details on how that interview went, but I ended up getting the job as a K through five STEM teacher and coach, and I was absolutely thrilled. But in turn, this was a brand new to me school, brand new classroom. I didn’t know any of the students or the teachers, and there was limited supplies and zero curriculum, and not to mention I was the only STEM teacher in the building and I had to figure it out all by myself. Now, spoiler alert, I did figure it out. It took some time and a lot of trial and error, but if I were to go back and tell myself past Naomi, past STEM teacher Naomi, at the very beginning of it all, what are some things that I wish I knew at the time? And lucky for you, if you are first getting started in the STEM space or if you are thinking about that back to school mindset and you are wondering what to work on, what are those things that Past Nami wish she knew when she first got started in STEM? Well, in this episode, I am sharing that all with you, and I think that you’re really going to be able to relate to all of these things.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:36]:

Whether this is your first year jumping into STEM or if you’ve been doing it for a while, there are some connections that we are going to make together. Before we jump in real quick. I get emails when I get new podcast reviews, which is super exciting, and I wanted to read this one for you. Now, the podcast reviews are really silly with the usernames. They just make something up.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:30]:

So maybe you made this up or maybe you didn’t. I don’t know how to change it when I write reviews for people, but I love this review so much. So this is from C Waddell 14, and they said the STEM teacher job opportunity was sprung on me out of the blue at the end of the school year. And although I was excited to try something new, I was feeling very lost and overwhelmed. As I had no idea where to begin, I stumbled upon Naomi’s podcast, and I’m so glad I did. She has a great way of connecting with her listeners and making you feel less stressed and more confident. Thank you, Naomi, for creating this podcast and helping guide all of us to the amazing STEM world. Thank you so much for your review and taking the time to do that out of your busy schedule.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:24]:

I appreciate it so much. Not just selfishly hearing nice things about the podcast, because the weird thing about a podcast is, like, we’re not talking together. You know what I’m saying? You’re hearing me, and I’m looking right at my camera when I’m doing this, so I’m pretending it’s you, but I don’t know who it is. So leaving a review really helps not only letting me know what you’re enjoying on the show, but also helping other teachers who are just like you be able to find something that can help them in their STEM journey and make this whole elementary STEM world a little bit smaller. So thank you so much for writing that review. All right, so what are those things that I wish I found out sooner when it came to the elementary STEM space? Now, maybe they will seem obvious to you. They kind of are and kind of aren’t. What’s super interesting about being in the STEM space, especially if you’re a classroom teacher before, there are so many similarities, but there are a lot of differences.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:26]:

And I’ve talked about this before in a past episode. Like, what surprised me the most when I became a STEM teacher, these are the things that I wish I actually knew. So, yes, there were surprising things, but these are the things that I wish I knew. And once I figured them out and created a system and structure for them, then it was literally like magic and changed my life in the STEM world and really outside of teaching in general, let’s be honest. So the first thing I wish I knew my first year teaching STEM is that there are a lot of different structures when it comes to teaching a STEM lesson. Like I said, as a classroom teacher, you use all of these structures, stations, working with students one on one, whole group instructions, splitting the class in different ways. All of those different ways where you structure your class and structure lessons can actually still apply in the STEM setting. What I was starting with a lot more often than not, was whole group lessons, and especially when you don’t know any of the kids.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:31]:

So when you’re teaching over 100 kids a day and you’re doing whole group, that’s actually really hard. And that’s where I started. There’s all these materials and all these things I wanted to try and to get to know the students. So I quickly realized that I can do a station model where it is smaller groups of kids and really setting up those parameters. And that way I could really test out the supplies, get to know their skills, get to know their names, and really help them navigate all of those things while I was navigating it myself. Let’s be real, the things that I did my first year, there are a lot of things I don’t do anymore. But a big thing with that is you don’t have to teach whole group all the time. It is really helpful to teach whole group.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:15]:

It’s obviously the quickest. But again, when you set up those structures and think about STEM stations, especially with the younger kids, I talk all about this in my K through two STEM planning workshops, which you can grab. And everything I’m going to be talking about is in the show notes. All my workshops are at naomimeredith.com/workshop. So upcoming recorded. But STEM stations were a huge game changer for me, especially for the younger students, because whole group doesn’t always work well for 45 minutes when you are under the age of seven. And so that was something that was definitely a game changer for me.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:50]:

And the way that I plan STEM stations, I wish I knew that a lot sooner, where I could be more successful and really my kids could be more successful as well. Another thing too, when it comes to the structure of your lessons, is there’s one day lessons and multi day lessons, and there’s a time and place for both. And I’ve had some really weird schedules over the years. One year I was funded through a grant only on Mondays, and with that I was providing an extra plan time. And so I got students for that one day. It didn’t really line up with their specials rotation, so I really considered as a one day of a week. And I taught eight classes a day in one day. And so that was the case where I really did need a one day lesson that just made more sense, maybe.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:39]:

I just saw a class last week, we just finished their project. Does it make sense starting something new? So a one day lesson really made sense there. But when I saw kids Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, the same six classes in a row, that’s when it really made sense to do multi day lessons. And you can still do multi day lessons if you see everybody in the week and just once a week, maybe your multi day is among the different weeks. That can definitely be a possibility too. So with that one day option, for me, it was once a month. So I saw eight classes a day. It was once a month.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:16]:

So we kind of modified things after they got a little crazy. After eight classes, I don’t even know if I got a lunch. I don’t really remember, but it was crazy. So definitely knowing the difference between one day and multi day lessons can actually help out your planning as well. Another model too, if you have the opportunity, is co teaching and all those structures within co teaching in itself and what other teachers are used to. My good friend Becca, who is on the podcast on episode 40, she actually does co-teaching 100% of the time in her STEM role, which is really interesting and not a wrong way, but just another way that STEM can be taught. And that’s also something that I did in my role as well. I told you my schedule is really weird over the years.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:00]:

But having that co teaching model can be really interesting, and especially when you’re getting into the planning and making sure the content is aligning, teaching those lessons, modifying, coming back and reviewing, that’s a whole different way of planning as well. Also part of that coplanning and co teaching, maybe you’re copanning with those teachers. They’re doing something in your STEM classroom, and then they’re taking that thing from the STEM classroom into another place. Or maybe you’re coplanning and co teaching. They’re creating something in art. This is something I actually recently did. They are creating something in art. They’re bringing it into STEM, and they’re adding on some different components.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:40]:

So if this is something you’re interested in, send me a message if you’re interested more in coplaning and code teaching when it comes to STEM because this is definitely an interesting model and I feel like it can go this way a lot, especially if schools don’t have a lot of STEM. So this is something that I definitely figured out my first year. Another thing that I wish I knew my first year teaching STEM is that high quality lesson planning is an absolute game changer at first. Just like most of us in this STEM space, you get this position and not only are you thinking about the lessons, but how should you set up your classroom? How am I going to learn all these kids names, all these meetings I have to go to? Maybe you’re in charge of technology. You have all of these things going on that a lot of times it’s easy to get into this bad habit where I’m going to tell you why, but easy to get into this bad habit where you are literally planning day to day. And sure, you have lessons go out on the table, but when it comes down to it, you might even be wasting more time than you think. You’re going day to day today, not thinking ahead far enough. And then you might be spending your weekends lesson planning.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:50]:

Maybe you’re coming in and instead of enjoying a nice day out in fun in the sun with your dog, you’re bringing them into your classroom and watching The Bachelor rewinds. Not to say that I did that more than once, but that can just really create the cycle where you’re doing more work on yourself. And that even goes back to the different lesson planning structures. You don’t have to do a brand new lesson every single day. It doesn’t have to be a brand new thing, a brand new experience think about, especially if you were a classroom teacher, you’re not doing something brand new every single day. In fact, you are building up on those sySTEMs and routines the whole entire year. And maybe you’re switching up the content. Your STEM space can be the same way.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:37]:

And if you are a classroom teacher implementing STEM, maybe you have STEM Fridays. You can have that same structure and you’re switching out the content or you’re reemphasizing something you’ve already done. So it doesn’t have to be brand new every day. So after that first year, I really took the time. I sat down one summer and literally mapped out the whole entire year. I took a look at the standards also the lessons that I taught. I was planning with standards, but not as thoughtfully as I thought I was. And really looking through, okay, what is the time I have with kids? What are the things I can realistically do within that time? Maybe it took a couple of months to get through a project because at the time I was only seeing them three days out of the week, sometimes two, with things popping up.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:27]:

So it might take longer for a project, but we’re really getting to that content. And how can I really go through these standards in meaningful ways and also using the materials in meaningful ways that were low prep and high prep, having a mixture of all of that? And in turn, my year long plan definitely evolved into the lessons that they are today. And they are still evolving with updates and changes and things that are being added to help students be successful. So really thinking through your lessons and having high quality planning and taking a step back, whether it is during the summer or taking a few weeks to really think through the whole year, where you aren’t planning day to day, your plan time is for actually planning. Maybe you have an idea of what the lessons are going to be, but you’re actually planning through those during your plan time, how you should. And so you are getting your weekends back and you are enjoying the things. You are a person and you’re a teacher. You’re not just a teacher.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:25]:

And it’s okay to separate those two things. So that whole year long plane you can definitely grab. But if you need support too, I do have spots available in my one to one coaching that you guys have been asking for for a while. I know that my podcast says the elementary STEM coach. The STEM coach is real. I can be chatting with you and we can actually talk and meet live so that’s available in the show notes or go to Naomimeredith.com coaching and we can start working together to really think about those high quality lessons. And the third thing that I wish I knew my first year teaching STEM is that you actually need to go out and seek professional development opportunities. This is so different than being a classroom teacher, because I remember being a classroom teacher that sometimes there was too much professional development opportunities and too many things that they wanted us to do.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:24]:

And on the flip side, being a STEM teacher, a lot of those classroom things can still apply, but you might not be using the same curriculum as them or the testing methods maybe you are. And it can actually get frustrating pretty quickly because the professional development isn’t always tailored to you and what you need. And depending on your district and the opportunities that they have, they may or may not have anything that you are searching for when it comes to STEM professional development. And so that was a huge thing that I realized where in a way, as a classroom teacher, you’re kind of spoiled it’s like handed to you almost too much, but it’s handed to you. And then, as a STEM teacher, I needed to seek those things out so that I could still be innovative and relevant for my students and giving them the opportunities that they absolutely deserve. Here are some ways that I sought out different professional development that was really helpful for me as a 1st year STEM teacher. And also going through the years, I actually didn’t come into this space with a master’s degree. I just had my general education degree.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:33]:

I actually never knew what to get my Master’s in. So I found one that I really enjoyed, and I eventually got a Master’s in STEM Leadership. And so through that process, definitely learned a lot of things that helped me refine my teaching and improve what I was doing in the classroom. Likewise, if I had products in my classroom that I had inherited or things that I wrote grants for, I didn’t have anybody to teach me. And so what’s really great about a lot of these companies and a specific reason why I picked certain products over others is that these companies had different tools to help me learn the product. So if I didn’t know how to do it, I would go to their website, go through their tutorials, go through their items to really help me get a base understanding of how the product worked. And then while I’m implementing with students, I learned alongside with them. If you go on my Instagram, you see me all the time.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:24]:

I am reading constantly. I was a bookworm as a kid as well. I’ve always read a ton of books. Fun fact about me, I usually have about three books going at once. I’m listening to a nonfiction. I’m reading a nonfiction for the Sum teacher bookshelf membership. And also I’m reading a fiction to keep everything separated. But reading is a really great way to again stay relevant and keep you in that mindset.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:50]:

Even if you’re not implementing every single thing that you read, it’s just so good to fill your brain with those things, align with other people in the world who believe what you do in STEM education. So I just love having that always going. And in the STEM teacher bookshelf membership, we’re always reading a new book a month to help us stay motivated, along with that reading guide to implement some of the things that we learn. Another big thing, too, that I wish I knew sooner as a first year teacher is connecting and finding people over on social media and also podcasts. I don’t know if there was any podcasts at the time. I wish I knew there were. But finding those people again that you connect it with, whether it’s me or other people, just to continue the learning and get a sneak peek of what it’s like in their classrooms. A big reason why I am doing what I am doing for you is quite a few things.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:48]:

Of course, pushing out STEM to more kids all over the world, because that’s a world we’re living in and they’re growing up in, and you are the teachers who are motivating them as well. You are inspiring me. Past naomi is inspiring me. I want to be that person for you that you can connect with and have some guidance in this STEM education world. It is so exciting. There are so many resources out there, but I know there is a need for help with learning and talking to somebody who gets what you get. So I have all these things out there. The podcast is still going, and again, we can definitely connect with my one to one coaching where we can talk about those things that we can relate on.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:32]:

Like, for sure, kids eat masking tape. If you figured out where all that masking tape goes, let me know. It’s not always their projects either. So things like that where we can connect and talk and set goals and really work on the things that you are passionate about in your classroom so that you aren’t feeling alone and that you are feeling inspired for the next step in your journey. What is so interesting about this STEM job is that, yes, it’s teaching, but it is very unique, and you can definitely talk about it with other teachers. And there’s a lot of similarities in teaching that any teacher would get. But there’s something about STEM education that is so unique. And even my now husband, who was my fiance when I interviewed him on the podcast, you can go and listen to that one.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:20]:

It might be episode 94, I’m not 100% sure, but it’ll be linked for you. He’s a high school Spanish teacher, and I was an elementary STEM teacher. They are completely different. Completely different. He didn’t understand hardly anything, what I’m doing. He’s like, good job. That sounds really fun. I don’t know what that means, so there’s just something to be had talking with someone and connecting with someone who gets what you’re doing to help you move along and reach your goals in STEM education.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:53]:

As a recap, here are the three things that I wish I had known when I was a 1st year STEM teacher. First, there are different structures to teach lessons that will definitely make your life easier in the long run. Next, high-quality lesson planning is an absolute game changer. And finally, you still need to seek out those professional development and learning opportunities. Thank you again so much for being here. What are some things that you would add to your list? Are they big or small? Let me know. Send me a DM on Instagram at NaomiMeredith_.

Naomi Meredith [00:20:32]:

I would love to hear what you have to say, and I will see you in the next episode.

1st year STEM teacher


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session-Part 2 [ep.95]

Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session-Part 2 [ep. 95]

Check out the full episode on Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session-Part 2:  


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Episode Summary

Today’s episode is another behind the scenes inside the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. In this session, I am coaching Miranda B., who teaches pre-K through 5th grade STEM. Miranda sees students twice a week and teaches all of the pre-K through 5th grade students in her school. I know that many of you will be able to relate to Miranda’s story. During this STEM coaching session, we looked at what Miranda is currently doing in her STEM classroom and discussed what’s working and not working. I also shared some strategies she can implement to simplify her current processes, and we talked through her goals for the upcoming school year and how I can best support her in achieving those goals.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Miranda’s STEM teacher journey
  • The lessons she’s currently implementing in her STEM classroom
  • Strategies I recommended to help simplify Miranda’s STEM lessons and structure
  • The level of support I provide each teacher that joins the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

The elementary STEM coach podcast is almost a year old and this coach is coming out of the podcast and is here to personally help you. Well, this podcast is a great resource to help you learn and grow on the go. There are times when you need more personalized attention. What does it actually mean to have a STEM coaching session with me, Naomi? Well, I’m taking you behind the scenes in part two of this type of episode, where I actually recorded another coaching session with a teacher in the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. As one of the bonuses in this group coaching program, you receive a free one on one 30 minute video coaching call with me, where we get to know one another, your STEM program, and the goals that you have for it to set you up for success for back to school. If you go back to Episode 93, you can hear a different coaching session that I had with a member of my program. In this session, I’m talking with Miranda and she teaches pre K through fifth grade STEM in her building. She teaches two days a week and sees all the students in her school within those two days. I know many of you listening can relate since you also see the whole school within a week. This is a very common schedule. Miranda has many years of experience teaching and is in fact retired but found this awesome STEM role. She has a few great units already in place that were really successful, but wants to nail down her whole year long plan so that it can go smoothly, and she can adjust as needed. She has also noticed that her students have been needing support in specific tech skills and wants to integrate that content into her curriculum. Together, Miranda and I set up a plan of action of next steps to take now and what to expect going into the STEM Into Summer group coaching program. During this session, I’m sure you’re going to find similarities in her program and the struggles that she is facing to what you’re experiencing in your STEM space. If you’re interested in joining forces with me and other teachers who are building their STEM programs, there’s still a few spots available, you can jump in at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer, our kickoff call was recorded for June and you can still catch up and access all the pre-work you’ll need to complete as you set up the foundation that will build up your success for July through September. Likewise, if you are unsure about this program, and if it’s a right fit for you, let’s talk about it face-to-face. Schedule a free live call with me at Naomimeredith.com/call spots are limited in June, but more times will open up in July. Now let’s get into this coaching session. 

Naomi Meredith  02:45

I’m so glad that you signed up. I remember I saw your email when I was driving to the airport and it pops up on my watch. Like, oh my gosh, I’m so happy to work with you this summer. 

Miranda B.  03:29

Yeah, me too. I’m excited.

Naomi Meredith  03:31

Yeah. So remind me your schedule. So you teach STEM twice a week. All the kids in this school. So you have small class sizes. 

Miranda B.  03:39

Only once a week, I only see them once a week. 

Naomi Meredith  03:42

You see them once a week, but you teach twice a week.

Miranda B.  03:45

I teach two days. Yeah. 

Naomi Meredith  03:46


Miranda B.  03:46

Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And yeah, I see preschool, Kindergarten, fourth and second on one day, and the other day is first grade, third, and fifth.

Naomi Meredith  03:57

Okay. And then you just got that which and then you see him again. You said there’s one of each class, right one of each grade level. Yes. That’s so crazy. So how did it go? So last year was your first year so you’re telling me a little bit when we were talking? So it was your first year in STEM, but you have tons of teaching experience? You kind of mentioned a little bit but what were you doing with your lesson plans before like what were you doing for lesson plans? Are you picking and choosing or were you making your own? 

Miranda B.  04:28

I was doing a lot of like storybook STEM because that’s what I was used to doing from the library. Yeah, because that’s what I did in the library. I did a lot of yours like I looked at your year long plan. I did a lot of those. I would do some Carly and Adam lessons. I did some vivify STEM lessons at the beginning of the year they have some really good like icebreaker kind of lessons. I just did those but yeah, I mean, I had some units like we did a 3D printing unit where everybody except preschool and Kindergarten did that district As Kindergarten doesn’t have one on one, everyone brings their own devices. They are okay to bring from home. But yeah, Kindergarten and preschool, so they couldn’t do it. But everybody else did a 3D print. We did coding, like in December, we did Hour of Code, but I did for the whole month. Yeah. We did a lot of tinker with the older kids. And then we did doodle 3D with the younger kids. Different coding. Let’s see we did robot’s. I don’t know how many dashes we have.

Naomi Meredith  05:29

I saw one hiding back there yesterday.

Miranda B.  05:33

Because Maverick was afraid of it. Yeah. And it was going on. So I had to pick it up. I had it sitting behind me. And I had to pick it up because he was afraid of it. I brought it home for my niece, because I watched my niece this week. And so she wanted me to bring it home so she could play with it. 

Naomi Meredith  05:47

Oh, cute. 

Miranda B.  05:49

But yeah, now he’s down here asleep. And I’m like, where to go? Yeah, he was afraid of it growling.

Naomi Meredith  05:55

I don’t know why dogs don’t like that. 

Miranda B.  05:56

No, they don’t like it. I have code and go mice, those. So we do that for robotics. I have some oh, what are they called? What are the ones that follow the lines?

Naomi Meredith  06:10


Miranda B.  06:11

We have Ozobots I have I think six? Six of those. That’s kind of about all we have for robotics things. So I did those units. And then the rest of the year was just kind of yeah.

Naomi Meredith  06:24

Would you say? So? Like when you did 3D printing or your robotics? Just an hour? Could you do with everyone? For your 3D printing and robotics? Did you do that all the same month? Or did you break it up throughout the year?

Miranda B.  06:38

At the same time. 

Naomi Meredith  06:39


Miranda B.  06:40

So everybody was doing 3D printing. They were doing different projects. 

Naomi Meredith  06:44


Miranda B.  06:44

But they were all doing the same. It was all 3D printing. Yeah. 

Naomi Meredith  06:48

So that’s good. And then do you think it took about a month for all of those? 

Miranda B.  06:55

Yeah. Because I didn’t see them  like, even my like, so K-2 I just see 30 minutes a week. So you know, it took us, you know, a week or about a week just to learn how to use it one time. And next time, they kind of played around and started on it. And then you know, so yeah. And then yeah, about a month for that.

Naomi Meredith  07:14

Okay. Well, that’s good. I mean, and once we take a deep dive into that tonight, with our live call, you’re gonna organize all the lessons that you did. And if you hear me typing, I’m typing what you’re saying. So and I have my screen to the side, but we’ll you’ll organize everything based on what you did. So this won’t necessarily be the year long plan, but really auditing what you’ve done so far. And the types of units because it sounds like you have like good units and they were successful. Did you feel like the times that you did like the 3D printing, the robotics, the Hour of Code, did you how did it feel compared to like the hodgepodge? 

Miranda B.  07:56

Much better! 

Naomi Meredith  07:56


Miranda B.  07:57

It’s been nearly the time on lesson planning, because I know where it’s going. 

Naomi Meredith  08:01

Yeah. Yeah, that’s good. Okay, good, that’s good, okay, so that when that will set up your rest of the year like that, too.

Miranda B.  08:07

That’d be great. Because I do want to include, like something I do want to put to Makerspace in because we’re going to use that query, because I got approved to use that. So we’re going to do that. I want to put that in there. And I also need to put my kids have no computer literacy, like they don’t drop down menus, they don’t know how to copy and paste, they don’t know how to do those things. So I want to do that at the beginning of the year. So we’re not gonna have so much of our time when we’re doing our units, trying to figure out how to copy and paste. 

Naomi Meredith  08:35

Yep, that is something that my first year in STEM, I definitely had to do that. I only saw the kids three days a week and we did a lot more computer literacy based things just based on the same thing you’re saying. And I normally don’t do STEM stations for my older kids anymore. But that was something that I started implementing is I would do some stations and one of the stations was me. So like when you’re a classroom teacher, you have them rotate through and one can be you and just teaching those skills so it’s not chaotic, and everyone’s like, “I can’t, that’s hard!”

Miranda B.  09:16

That’s what I hear. And I’m going around to every single person trying to show them Okay, here it is. Here it is. Yeah, and I even have a to make things easier for them to find links. I made a Weebly. 

Naomi Meredith  09:26

Oh, good. 

Miranda B.  09:27

And then I’ve made on that Weebly, we have a oh, what’s it called? But I have all my links. Hold on, what’s it called? Oh, a Symbaloo. So I made a Symbaloo with all their links. So once they bookmarked that, Weebly page, then it popped up with all their links, so they don’t have to search for them. So that does help and they are getting better. They were getting better at that even good. There’s a finding that they’d say, Oh, I didn’t bookmark it. I’m like, Yes, you got there. This YEAH. OKAY. Good, teach them how to bookmark. Bookmark that. So I would like to have a lesson to, you know, some lessons that use those skills. Not only not just okay, let’s let’s type something and copy and paste, you know? Yes, I’m purposeful using those things.

Naomi Meredith  10:18

Yeah, we can definitely do that. What do um, do they use Google Docs? I have a couple of questions. What platforms do they use like Google Docs, PowerPoint? And are all their devices the same? Or are they all different? 

Miranda B.  10:32

Most of them are Chromebooks. But I do have a few kids that have a apple, whatever it is. 

Naomi Meredith  10:39

Oh, really?

Miranda B.  10:41

So yeah, because they all buy their own devices. So some parents buy what? I don’t even know the word I’m looking for. Because I don’t have one.

Naomi Meredith  10:49

Like the MacBook Air?

Miranda B.  10:51

Yeah, I guess. Yeah. So yeah, they have expensive computers, but most of them have either a Google Chromebook or PC or just a regular PC. Okay. I just got a couple kids that that have the apple.

Naomi Meredith  11:05

And then are you guys allowed to use Google Docs or anything? Do they have accounts?

Miranda B.  11:10

We have Google Classrooms. Yeah. 

Naomi Meredith  11:11

Okay. Yeah. 

Miranda B.  11:12


Naomi Meredith  11:13

Okay. So you do that’s good. That’ll help too. I do have some scavenger hunts for Google that I can give you can use. But it really it actually teaches them the actual tools of how to do things. Yeah, so there’s a Google Docs one, and then you could do Google Slides. I’m thinking probably this first year, you might be doing a lot more of the same skills, or your older kids might move through a little faster, kind of creating that base. And then, as we do it, yeah.

Miranda B.  11:49

Yes, yeah. Sometimes my fourth and fifth graders were having issues. And I talked to my principal, and she said, that would be great if he would do that. Because I think just a lot of times the classroom teachers don’t have time. 

Naomi Meredith  12:03

Yeah. Yeah. 

Miranda B.  12:05

But I’m thinking they’re wasting all their time going to every single student doing it for them.

Naomi Meredith  12:10

Yes. Yes, exactly.

Miranda B.  12:13

I know when they get in here, they look at me like I’m talking a foreign language, “right click, copy.”

Naomi Meredith  12:18

Yes. Yeah, I know. But that’s something for, we don’t have to plan the lessons quite yet. But something as it’s coming to your mind, throughout the month, I would make a list of the tech skills, and maybe you already have one, make a list of those skills you really want them to work on or things you’ve struggled with. And I can take a look at it to like give my suggestions like, oh, make sure you add this. And we can even talk about like how to teach those tech lessons. Because yes, like, it’s just like with any tool, like when you’re using Dash or 3D printing, all those things, you’re teaching them, here’s how to use the tool if they’ve never used it before. Okay, now we’re going to like implement this in our authentic way.

Naomi Meredith  12:19

Right? Yeah. And I think that’s why the 3D printing like took it took the whole month, because like the first couple of weeks, in the month, it was, here’s what it is, here’s how we use it, they kind of played around with it, then we got to the stuff we were actually going to do with it.

Naomi Meredith  13:21

Yup, you’re gonna be so excited when you do 3D printing this year, because the kids are gonna be better at it. 

Miranda B.  13:27

Yes, I’m hoping. 

Naomi Meredith  13:29

No, they will. Well, if I like try like this, this, what you’re saying is very, very, very common in a good way. Like, you’re teaching those foundations. And then this year, you’re not going to have to teach as much of the tech skills and you’re going to have more kids, oh, I can help you with this, I can help you with this. So you’re doing the right thing. You’re doing awesome already.

Miranda B.  13:50

It is nice when the other kids go, oh, I figured that out, I can show you how to do that. I’m like great, you go!

Naomi Meredith  13:55

Yup! That is so okay, if you read this month’s book for the STEM teacher bookshelf, the book Invent to Learn, you’re really gonna like it. You can buy it on Kindle too. And then the reading guide is there. It’s a little cheaper on Kindle. But there’s a whole chapter about giving kids ownership and letting them be leaders and doing what you’re doing is exactly what we want kids to do. Because we’re the facilitator of their learning. And so that book talks about that in there. And there’s also some really cool ideas. Just different things you can do in your class, but there’s a really good chapter about that in that book that I think you’ll really like. Okay, um, so making a list of the tech skills you want kids to know. Do you ever use so you use the links your Weebly and Symbaloo Oh, do you use like when they’re planning out projects? Do you do digital forms of research or anything like that?

Miranda B.  14:59

Yeah. Like I put it in their Google Classroom, and I usually have an Epic collection I’ve made for them that they can do some research from or that they can watch. Yeah. 

Naomi Meredith  15:11


Miranda B.  15:12

And what I’d really like, and then I don’t know what to do with it, I’d really like to have something that was really quick at the beginning of class that just introduces kind of, you know, a little quick little video or something for them to watch to sit to just introduce them to what we’re going to do. Yeah, I mean, yes, instead of me saying, here’s what we’re gonna do today.

Naomi Meredith  15:32

Yeah, I do that. 

Miranda B.  15:34

It sparks their interest.

Naomi Meredith  15:36

Yes, I do that for most of my lessons. And it’s like two full days. So extra interest, but also frees you up for a second to gather your material. So quick video to introduce so yeah, I have some suggestions. Um, so when we’re planning out your lessons, so maybe the video is yeah, like building background knowledge, like, SciShow kids? Have you used that? Use that a lot? 

Miranda B.  16:05

Yeah. Yeah, I’ve used that quite a bit. 

Naomi Meredith  16:07

Mm hmm. But purposely planning that. So having that all ready. 

Miranda B.  16:11

Yes. Right. 

Naomi Meredith  16:12

That’s we’re gonna do.

Miranda B.  16:13

Because when I do my lesson plans, I do you know, and Google Docs, I have all my links right there for every day and pull that up, and it goes up onto the TV.

Naomi Meredith  16:23

Perfect. Yeah. So you already have great structure in place. So I’m excited to fill in the holes with you. And we don’t have to get rid of everything you’ve done. Like even your storybook STEM, based on the lessons that you’re doing, that still could be a really good unit to do with the kids. If you enjoy, you don’t have to get rid of everything. 

Miranda B.  16:45

We don’t have a librarian. So um, that’s kind of my passion because I did that for 11 years. Yeah. So I like to do a lot of books introduced. And sometimes it’s a book that we introduce, you know, it doesn’t have to always be a video or it could be a book that I read or watch because there’s no library. So if I don’t have the book, yeah, I just find the YouTube link.

Naomi Meredith  17:08

Oh, yeah. I there’s nothing wrong with that. I do that.

Miranda B.  17:11

I have bought a ton of books, but that gets expensive. 

Naomi Meredith  17:14


Miranda B.  17:15

So we watch the YouTube videos quite a bit, but I like to use that too. And I like to do storybooks more like with my little Kindergarteners, more so than with the because just STEM is hard for them. I guess it’s hard for me. It’s hard for them.

Naomi Meredith  17:31

Yes. Yeah. 

Miranda B.  17:32

I can make it meaningful, I guess. 

Naomi Meredith  17:33

Yes. And making those connections. Do you when you’re thinking about your little kids, what is the structure? Because you do have a little less time, which isn’t bad. How does the day go? Do you do whole group stations? What do you normally do with?

Miranda B.  17:51

I have only done whole group. I have STEM stations. I’ve watched you know several of your things. And I would like to do more stations. Yeah. My problem is I share my STEM room. We have a huge STEM room, but I share it with our high school STEM teacher. I have kind of the front of the room is my area. The back end is his area. And so but when on days, I’m not there, his kids sit at my tables too. Oh, yeah. So I can’t leave things out. Now, I can from Tuesday to Wednesday. Yes, but I can’t leave them on Wednesday for the next week. Yes. So I kind of struggle with that a little bit. He tries to if I come in, he’s like, “Guys, remember Mrs. B. is here today? You can’t be at her table. She’s got to get stuff.” And I do have 30 minutes before I have kids. I have to be there at 1130. I don’t have kids until 12. Okay, so I do have time to set up. Yeah, leave it set up. 

Naomi Meredith  18:45

I have the same issue in my K through five STEM class because I had fifth, fourth, and third in the morning, then lunch and then first, Kinder, and second. And I actually didn’t leave up my STEM station. So the way that I planned it was like super minimal materials. And then you know, those fabric cubes from like IKEA. I actually put all the materials in those and there was a clip with the instructions on the box. And then the box would go on the table. So like during that quick video, I could go around in like five minutes and go put the box where I want their station in the classroom. And then all the materials were in there. 

Miranda B.  19:23

Oh, that’s a good idea. 

Naomi Meredith  19:24


Miranda B.  19:25

I thought about buying those trays. You know, they’re like, have a lid on them to keep everything in like for each table. I have five tables because we don’t have any more than 18 kids. So I have 20. I just have five tables. So I thought if I could get those for each table and all their stuff is at that in that table even if we’re not doing a station, whatever supplies it is they need and that way I have it ready and I don’t have to have that left out. I can just put it on my cart.

Naomi Meredith  19:54


Miranda B.  19:54

I have, you know and then put it out. 

Naomi Meredith  19:56

Yeah, that’ll help prepare. Yeah. So thinking it through our lessons, it sounds like to like systems like that will help because of your I mean, everyone has limited time, but systems to help with, like cleanup and just like more efficiency. And that’s you probably saw that too with your units. Like when you’re doing a whole unit, if you’re doing robotics, all your robots are out, and then you’re ready to go. And you’re not switching from Makerspace, to robotics, and to computers. And so that will help. But even just thinking through like the process of like the supplies, we can work on that too. And I think STEM stations with your little kids, since you, you can do up to station you kind of plan out for and then the kids have time to go to two for the week. And then they can go to two more than next week. So you’re not double planning, you already have the force setup. And I was telling the other the other teacher in our group that you can do the station’s again, like you can, they might I’ve done that before in a week. So you haven’t once a week. So you could do four stations to the first week to the next week, and then do them again. Or maybe you switch out something but it’s like the same materials. But okay, we were doing the sun, moon and stars, and now we’re going to really focus on the moon or on or something with that one. So that way, you’re not like scrambling every single time. You know what you’re counting on. And the kids do really Well with stations, especially when you have 18 kids.

Miranda B.  21:32

Yeah, so you don’t think like nine kids at a station? That’s not too many.

Naomi Meredith  21:39

I think that’s a little bit too many. I would do 4 or 5.

Miranda B.  21:44

So you’re saying have four stations set up and they only go to two? 

Naomi Meredith  21:48


Miranda B.  21:48

I gotcha. So yeah, they would have like, you know, four, five at each.

Naomi Meredith  21:52

Yeah. Yeah. 

Naomi Meredith  21:53

So then, I can put on the TV who’s at what? 

Naomi Meredith  21:57


Miranda B.  21:57

And then I could just rotate them. Okay.

Naomi Meredith  21:59

Yeah. And then one of your stations could be a teacher led station. So even with a younger kid, I do that a lot, too. I still do that. With the little kids. Like one of this. I plan the stations with STEM. So science, technology, engineering and math station. And a lot of times with the technology station, I’ll be there. So maybe I’m showing them something and see saw, like how to use certain tools or even using epic books like how to get to the collection? Or will do their 3d print? I am. Do you have iPads access with them or anything?

Miranda B.  22:38

I just have some iPads they have, but they don’t bring them to STEM because they’re only four in their classroom. Yeah, but just okay. Yeah. So they don’t bring him to STEM.

Naomi Meredith  22:50

But just having a few would work out for a station. Yeah, if you only have a few and then they’re used to that in their classroom. So then even talking with that might be something to I don’t know, if you have access, but even asking, thinking back to those text skills, you can already see what the older kids what you want them to know and what you’ve seen, especially with your teaching experience, but maybe to even seeing what the Kindergarten teachers are hoping for when it comes to technology since I know they don’t use as much. And that’s pretty common. But doesn’t mean you don’t have to. Do they use seesaw? Do you now? 

Miranda B.  23:34

I don’t think they do. Okay. I don’t think so. I think everything they have. Yeah, we have a blog every week that we post to on what? in their classroom. I just have to post once a week. Like, one week I do Kindergarten the next week. The next week? I do. That’s why I just have to post once a week. Now for every class. Yeah. So but yeah, we put pictures or videos in there. That way, are overloaded. Yeah, they get one special update a week like, Okay, we haven’t organized like music is this week or first grade STEM is next week for first grade. You don’t I mean?

Naomi Meredith  24:13

That’s good. I like that. That’s a really good system your school has. That way parents aren’t getting five specials emails, every Yes, yeah. Yeah. Um, Well, even if Yeah, so I would ask the pre K Kinder teachers, what types of technology they use with their students. And if they don’t, I mean, that’s a great opportunity for them to use it in STEM. It just, I’ve had that happen with my younger classes, especially since COVID. They’ve been using less technology. But it’s still important for them, because if we’re exposing them, they’re not on their iPad the whole time, but we’re exposing them so then when they are in those older grades, they’re not scared of using things and they can problem solve. So that would be helpful to know or even if you just want to check out got their newsletters? And then if they don’t, there’s still a lot of things that we can do. Yeah. And that would be a great opportunity in STEM for them. Yes, yeah. That’d be really good. Is there anything else like so you really want those units? So thinking about Makerspace? Just refining those units? I’m even thinking about the structure of your younger students. Is there anything else you really want to work on when we work together this summer?

Miranda B.  25:30

I don’t think I mean, that’s it just having some some units on, you know, so I know where I’m going from the beginning of the month to the end of the month. And I’m getting all those skills that they need. We kind of just used I mean, I don’t have a curriculum. So I’ve been just using like the NGSS standard. Because I asked her upper school STEM teacher, he goes, Oh, that’s just what I use. So, and she did tell me to go ahead, and I can start putting my plans into like their Google Drive. So she goes if you leave, the next person isn’t starting from scratch, like you’ve had to.

Naomi Meredith  26:01

Okay, yeah, really put those standards anywhere else. Yeah. I know they’re in there. Yes. So that’ll be good. You’ll like in this. So this template, when you’re auditing, you can actually list those out. And then when we create the year long plan, you’ll have them there. So even though you know them in your head, then you can see if you’re even overlapping things. The I use the NGSS as Well, because usually, I mean, I heard Texas is getting STEM standards. But other than that, we’re Yeah, no one else. No one else. Yeah. But at least you’re using standards, because yeah, sadly, not all STEM teachers do. But um, I think that will help you just visualize, Are there standards that I’m missing. And if you are missing some, then that can help us plan units, then give you some inspiration, oh, here’s how we could teach this type of standard anyway. So I’m just even just visually seeing it out there. So you’re not like recreating, again, what you’re doing, but just seeing what you have already can help us fill in those holes of what we can do for the kids. But yeah, awesome. Well, it sounds like okay, aside from what we’re going to talk about tonight, so the biggest thing is to think about those tech skills that you really want kids to know, or even less out what you’ve seen with the kids. And then same with kinder and pre K, asking or saying what types of technology they use, or don’t use or are hoping to use. Okay, that could be a chance that you’re not necessarily co teaching, but it could be a good way to expose them to stuff that classroom teachers might end up using anyway. Okay, which really helps. I know, classroom teachers, like thank you so much for showing them epic!

Miranda B.  27:50

Digital citizenship too. I’m going to incorporate that this year, just because they have it in the classroom, but they don’t get to it very often. Yes. So I do want to do digital citizenship unit at the beginning of the year, and I thought that might be a good one to kind of put those tech skills into your one. Yeah.

Naomi Meredith  28:08

Okay. Well, we can make that first unit digital citizenship anyway. Um, there’s a lot of great stuff out there. Do you use common sense media at all? 

Miranda B.  28:18

Yeah, okay. That’s what I’ve used. That’s what I’ve used before when I was in the library. 

Naomi Meredith  28:22

Yeah. So that can be your first unit. I do digital citizenship, my second unit. And this is just based on preference. I used to do it first. But then I realized I needed to do more team building and getting accustomed to my space. So I did it as my second unit.

Miranda B.  28:41

And that’s okay with me, because I do like those getting to know you, even though I know most of the kids because there’s not that many. We did have several new kids starting next year, but just getting them, you know, used to bring in a new grade level. And so I do like that those community building kind of things at the beginning of the year.

Naomi Meredith  29:01

Yes. Okay. So we have community building first, and then we’ll do digital citizenship computer literacy next and then we can go from there, maybe Makerspace you put that in and that’s that’s actually the layout I do. Or you could do this storybook STEM slash Makerspace it could be a combo but yeah, I’m excited yeah, you already have great stuff already do unit so awesome. Like your first year but you were doing STEM already in the library. 

Miranda B.  29:31

And I was doing a lot just with books like we have the Show Me nominees like the picture books, you know, 12 picture books, they could add picture books for the and so we always had a STEM activity to go with every one of those. Oh, wow. And then whatever else I was doing, I would come up with a STEM lesson. 

Naomi Meredith  29:49

Yeah, that book. Perfect. Yeah, so don’t get rid of any of this stuff. We’re just gonna organize it and fill in some holes and even thinking about Now that you’ve had the kids is going into your second year, what are things that you can do that are even a little bit more challenging now that they have that exposure with you then are like okay, now we can get into this next thing. Oh, now you’re ready for this. What are some things we could write a grant for? and enhance this space to?

Miranda B.  30:18

Yeah. Oh, I did get I had a parent give me $1,000 to lego.com got $1,000 worth of new Legos. Oh, Well, all the Legos are in your room and the cart you ordered to put a ball in his in your room next week and kind of sort it all and

Naomi Meredith  30:35

yeah, let me know what LEGO is. Good. That’s so good. You’re gonna have to show me what you have. Okay. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you that I was gonna ask you if you had Legos. 

Miranda B.  30:48

So I didn’t. See I do a LEGO club after school. Yeah. And so we just didn’t have a ton and bought some but oh, we have a ton. Now. She said this mom said you were always telling the kids Oh, I don’t have any more of those bullet kind of blocks, you know, oh, we don’t have enough. And so she gave us two $500 gift cards to lego.com

Naomi Meredith  31:07

Oh my gosh, that is so awesome.

Miranda B.  31:10

Yeah, I was so excited. Yeah, LEGO club over the summer. Good summer school. And we’re doing a storybook STEM. Yeah. And then we’re doing a LEGO. It’s Imagine your story. Why would we take a fairy tale? And then they have to kind of build something about the fairy tale, solve a problem with Legos.

Naomi Meredith  31:31

Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. Yay. And that’ll be fun, too. Because then you can play with all the like, see what you have and be like us?

Miranda B.  31:40

Yeah, yeah, email me she because our limit was 18 kids. She goes, you know, your your LEGO classes filled up really fast. I had two parents asked if they could please come. Would you want to increase it to 20? Kids? Oh, no. Like she goes, I’ll see if I can get you to help her because usually over 15 kids, they get us a helper 

Naomi Meredith  31:57

Cool. I love your school’s philosophy. Like everything that we’re talking about for everything that you hope for teaching is like what you have in your position.

Miranda B.  32:09

Oh, I know. It’s It’s so different from when I was in public school. Yeah. That’s to be the professionals. They don’t tell us what we were supposed to do. They trust to know, she’s like, you’re the expert in this. You do what you think is best?

Naomi Meredith  32:22

Ah, that’s that’s how it should be. Or should be? Yes. Ah, I’m so glad you found this school. And you just still seem very excited about it and passionate, which I love

Miranda B.  32:33

  1. My husband loves this. He’s like, You are so happy when you’re talking about what you’re doing with those kids. Oh, my God, they make you happy.

Naomi Meredith  32:39

Ah, that’s so good. Well, any questions for me? I’ll see you tonight as well in our live call and show you all the templates and everything that’ll help you get organized. But anything else from me right now that you’re wondering? 

Miranda B.  32:56

I don’t think so. 

Naomi Meredith  32:57

Awesome. Okay. Well, let me know. And I’ll see you tonight. And you’ll have access to talk with me. And yeah, I think you have a really great base. And I’m excited to like fill in everything. It’s kind of like a big puzzle. Just like filling in what do we have. 

Miranda B.  33:12

Yeah, it’ll be awesome. 

Naomi Meredith  33:14

And then thinking about all the cool lessons that you’ll start doing. Yay. Well, thank you so much, Miranda for your time and enjoy your afternoon. 

Miranda B.  33:26

All right, you too. 

Naomi Meredith  33:28

I’ll see you later. Bye. 

Naomi Meredith  33:31

I am so excited to work with Miranda this summer. She already has a great start for her program. And there’s so much room for streamlining lessons in her space so that the days she has with students are an absolute success. If you’re interested in having a one-to-one coaching call like this one and support throughout the summer to build up your program. Join us. There are only a few spots left at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer.


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

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Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session- Part 1 [ep.93]

Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session – Part 1 [ep.93]

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Episode Summary

You’ve heard me talking about my STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program and this new way to work with me, but what does that actually mean? What does a STEM coaching session look like with me? In today’s episode, I am taking you behind the scenes so you can see what a 1:1 STEM coaching session looks like with me! In this episode, I am meeting with one of the teachers who joined the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program, DeLisa S. Many of you will be able to relate to DeLisa as you hear about her STEM teaching experience and some of the challenges she’s currently facing. Listen in to see how I support DeLisa with developing a plan specific to her STEM needs. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • About DeLisa’s STEM teaching experience
  • What’s currently working and not working in DeLisa’s STEM space
  • How I support my clients in the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

You’ve heard me talk all about STEM coaching and how this is a new way that you can work with me this summer. But what does this even mean? What does it actually sound like having a STEM coaching session with me, Naomi Meredith? Well, I am taking you behind the scenes in a never heard before type of episode where I actually recorded the coaching session with a teacher in the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. As one of the bonuses in this group coaching program, you receive a free one on one 30 minute video coaching call with me, where we get to know one another, your STEM program and the goals that you have for it so we can set you up for success for back to school. In this session, I am talking with DeLisa who teaches a K through five STEM after school program. Like many of you, she was given this amazing position with limited supplies and zero curriculum. DeLisa already has some great lessons in place, but it feels like her lessons are a little bit scattered. Likewise with the structure of her schedule, kids can be in and out and sometimes learn some content, but miss out on others. She wants to develop a program where she has lessons she can adapt for the summer and during the school year, utilize the materials she has on hand and provide experiences for her students that are meaningful even when students leave at different times or when the schedule suddenly changes and definitely the life of a teacher, right? Together, DeLisa and I set up a plan of action of next steps to take now and what to expect during the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. During this session, I’m sure you’re going to find similarities in her program and the struggles that she is facing to what you’re experiencing in your STEM space. If you are interested in joining forces with me and other teachers who are building their STEM programs, there are still a few spots available. You can jump in at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer. Likewise, if you are unsure if this program is the right fit for you, let’s talk about it face to face. Schedule a free live call with me at Naomimeredith.com/call. Now let’s jump into this fun coaching session. 

Naomi Meredith  02:27

Well, thanks so much again for meeting with me and I’m so excited to meet you in person. Tell me how to say your name correctly.

DeLisa S.  03:05

It’s DeLisa,

Naomi Meredith  03:07

DeLisa. I love that.

DeLisa S.  03:09

I’d say DeLisa, and my mom’s like DeLeasa? Yes, Mama, you know, I’m used to a Deleasa is fine. Okay, DeLisa.

Naomi Meredith  03:15

Okay. Well, what I have everyone says my name wrong too. So I understand. Well, thanks so much. I was so excited that you signed up. What motivated you to sign up for this group coaching program?

DeLisa S.  03:30

Well, I have been actually in love with STEM, since I guess I was a kid, I’m gonna just, you know, throw that out there. But right now I currently work with K through five at an after school program. So along with that, I was originally working with pre K through a second grade teaching computer coding. And so we were using the robots and not a lot of fun things to go along with their literacy and math and all of that. So it’s just like, I wanted to do more with STEM, and a little bit of building activities. And we’ve done you know, with the coding, but including the arts and other things into it. So I love STEM. I’m just trying to find how to let me know I have great ideas and big thoughts, but I need to crunch it down and put it into a lesson plan and into a format of curriculum that I can follow.

Naomi Meredith  04:25

Mm hmm. That makes sense when I feel like that’s so common to when you have like there’s so many cool ideas out there and so many different cool things to try and then you want to do all of them and then it gets super overwhelming. And then you think okay, what grade levels should I be doing this with? Do I have the supplies? So that’s super, super common.

DeLisa S.  04:50

See in my background if I turn, I have stuff that I’ve purchased trying to do STEM activities like okay, my whole back room is gonna be so filled with educational stuff.

Naomi Meredith  05:04

Outside of mine, look at my floor. Like cleaning it out. I have a lot more stuff under my desk, but you can’t see it.

DeLisa S.  05:13

I’m just sneak over here. So you can kind of see, this is my corner of just collecting of stuff. And it’s like I know that too.

Naomi Meredith  05:22

So tell me more about your program. So you said it’s after school? Like, is it every day? How long? Do you have the kids? Is it something that they paid for? How does that work?

DeLisa S.  05:31

Yes, I’m there Monday through Friday, from three to 630. Okay, but it’s three to 630. And I do K through fifth grade on those each day. So I have with the school year, which is kind of crazy. I actually get them for an hour for each level. So say for instance, yesterday, I had K through first grade. Great. So I’ll get them. I had them yesterday, and today I have third grade. So with my third through fifth grade, which today I have third, tomorrow, I have fourth and fifth. I can do different things with them. But I Kindergarten first is kind of where okay, I don’t want to overwhelm them or no one’s cost, compared to what my third through fifth. So the summer coming along. I’ll have each group for two hours. Okay, so starting on the seventh, I’ll start with third grade, I believe. Now have them for two hours. So then,

Naomi Meredith  06:39

okay, so then it’s like third grade for two hours, fourth grade for two hours. Fifth grade. And then is it still okay, one combined for two hours?

DeLisa S.  06:47

Yes. I have them. Come on. Yeah. Oh, wow. hours during the summer, and then back when school starts back, then we’re back at our 45 minutes. Okay, stuff that’s going on at same time?

Naomi Meredith  07:02

Do you have it all like mapped out of when you see kids like how much time you have per grade level for the summer? And then the year? Do you have like a whole map out plan of that idea?

DeLisa S.  07:15

What happens is I can map it out. But if they have other educational programs coming in, it’ll throw everything off. So same day that I will have, for instance, yesterday, k one, Well, then a 330 to 430. They have Spanish. So that takes away from my actual coding lesson, because we also have to allow them to get the educational lessons in as Well. A homework help and assistance. So down to 30 minutes. So I usually have it all mapped out. But things change. So what that means it can be the same thing for the summer. So mapping out for me saying the summer I can say okay, yeah, I haven’t two hours. I haven’t from one o’clock to four o’clock. But then they may have a Spanish session coming in. everything off.

Naomi Meredith  08:05

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess having it would be helpful if you just a rough plan. And then we could always adjust what you have based on because that will help knowing how much roughly how much time you have. Because then you can always plan out for a little bit more. And then if you just have to repeat it the next week or do something similar or okay, we’re going to do this part of this lesson. And then we’re going to do the next part next week. So then maybe it’s not even new every single time. It’s like extending what they’re working on. Do the kids leave in the middle of that time? Or are they are they like so they go home? Okay, yeah.

DeLisa S.  08:47

And so now say for instance, today, I have third grade. So I’ll come in after their Spanish lesson, which is four o’clock, but then at 415 430 that you’re ready to break for dinner. Okay. Now during dinner time, I’m starting to lose my keys because I’m so I’ll have to start a lesson. And then come back, like I said the following week and try my best to get in as much as I can. And then the following week, try to finish up as much as I can. Yeah. So there because we started doing the Legos, not spike, but the other essential. Oh, yeah. So I have maybe three or four that’s able to build out robots, but then the other half they miss out because they don’t get the bill. So then then three or four get to come in and code the robot, but then my other group is missing out.

Naomi Meredith  09:37

Yeah. Okay. So that yeah, so that’ll definitely be something when we’re thinking about the lessons because I feel like you obviously have the materials and the ideas but thinking about the structure for that and how that’ll work because kids are leaving in and out. You have the different grade levels. So that is nice too though. You have combined grade levels. So that’s really going to help with your planning and Do you plan things thematically? Or do you just feel like you’re just throwing ideas out there? Like maybe third graders doing Legos, fourth graders doing robotics? And then or do you kind of do the same theme? So if you’re doing Legos, everyone’s doing Legos? Or do you structure it,

DeLisa S.  10:16

I do it differently per grade level. So like my fourth or fifth headache, haven’t even started Legos. And so third grade has been my only group that’s done Legos. My second grade group has done Scratch Jr. on the group has done Scratch Jr. I did introduce it to k one, but no slow down with that, because we’re leaving. And so they have the big bots. So they’re doing the robots. Yeah, that was kinda then what the fourth and fifth, we’re doing scratch, okay, I want to at least Oh, if I do this structure, I want to do it as a theme. And then it’d be much easier and to say, okay, I can introduce this. And then if we don’t get to a certain part, then I can continue on like I’ve been trying to do,

Naomi Meredith  11:00

I think it definitely can do that. That’s how I structure my year. So I was I started off like with you, where I was just kind of throwing things out there and just trying it out. Because I mean, I don’t even know sometimes like, Well, I don’t even know what this does. I think that’ll help too, especially when you’re teaching it and let’s say a kid leaves, I don’t know if they can jump in on your other sessions, like, oh, there’s two kids left, they can, okay, so they don’t do that. But that’ll help to with your materials. Because if you’re in the mindset of coding, then that’s going to help you think about the differentiation with all of those levels. And we can even talk more about resources. Like when we’re actually working through the summer, this is really good. I like Starbucks, I have a lot of ideas for you. But we can really think about that thematic planning. So you could have a coding unit, and then you can have a separate robotics unit, and then a LEGO unit. Now, if you don’t have enough supplies, we can mix up who does Legos. Because I know that’s really hard to because getting something for K through five for everybody is expensive. So maybe everybody but third grade is doing coding at that time or something like that. So we can definitely map that out. And then that way, when you’re prepping your materials, you’re like, Okay, we’re doing coding right now. Perfect. You even have a lot of similar anchor charts, a lot of vocabulary. So that’s going to help you and I’m really glad actually your k one is combined that that won’t be too hard.

DeLisa S.  12:33

It’s so much easier.

Naomi Meredith  12:36

I’m sorry, go ahead. Do you do a whole group lessons with k one? Or do you do STEM stations whole group,

DeLisa S.  12:45

Actually, and I loved your workshop on doing the STEM stations because I actually did STEM stations on Friday. Oh, they’re fun Fridays. Usually I try. If I don’t get to do coding on Tuesdays with k one, then I’ll do it on Fridays, where they have fun Friday. And so this past Friday, we did STEM stations where I did the playdough I did a coating. I did a little art station where they could color. And then what else did I add for Legos? We did LEGO challenges. Yeah, they helped me out so much with k one group. And so I definitely would like to incorporate them in where I work with one group, maybe with coding and then next time if I don’t get to them, I can come back and do another group.

Naomi Meredith  13:30

Awesome. I love it. I’m so glad that worked for you. And even at this time a year. I know. I know. They’re crazy. I just did sensations with k one and they’re fine.

DeLisa S.  13:39

Yeah, yeah, it worked out great. I mean, we’re fun Fridays for them. We put on a movie, we had the STEM station. So you’re more in tune with the STEM station than they were with the movie.

Naomi Meredith  13:50

Yeah. Oh, that’s good. Movie.

DeLisa S.  13:53

Yeah, go for it. 

Naomi Meredith  13:54

Yeah, You don’t need the movie, I think it’d be fine. And then that I like what you said to having a station where it could be even you like a station with you. I’m wondering too, I have done this. And we’re just thinking about the structure of how your kids are, and how they rotate in and out throughout the day and your program. I have actually done STEM stations with my older kids before. And it works really Well. We can think about what those are just thinking about what work will work best for you. Your kids are in school all day, and then they’re coming to you and so they have a whole lot of whole group instruction. And it really depends on the teacher from what I’ve seen. It’s actually not as common to do stations with older kids and even I with me, but it can it’s it still can be done. And I feel like just because they’re not finishing things or they might not have enough time or they’re leaving. I actually think stations would work Well for your older students. And that way You’re not planning as much, because you could still do two a day with your older kids, they will be at the station for longer. But then that way you okay? Okay, we have four stations in this unit. Let’s say we’re doing coding. We have four coding stations, you’re gonna do two this week and then two next week, and then you’re not planning week to week anymore. That way, you’re like, oh, my gosh, I have to do another unit again. Because you said you see each grade level once a week. Okay, so that, that’ll help too. Yeah. So if you did STEM stations, just thinking, I wouldn’t suggest it this for like a classroom STEM teacher, but for your program, I think that will help just with the rotation of kids. So then you don’t like if a parent has to talk to you, you’re like, Okay, I have to stop my instruction and go talk to them. And that’s going to free you up to especially, you know, they’re squirrely at the end of the day. So then excited yeah, and they love it. And they love what they’re doing with you. I’m sure they love it. But I think that’ll help with behaviors. Also, because they’re tired. They do want to do your stations, and your activities, but that’s gonna break them up as Well. So it’s just more focused on the activity. And then let’s say, Oh, I didn’t do this station last time, you could just split them into that station. And then maybe even the third and third and fourth week could be pick your favorite. And so maybe for your older I want to do this for the little kids. But I would have for the older kids, okay, so we did stations these past two weeks, maybe this last week, this third and fourth week, you get to pick your favorite. So then you could have, we could create like a choice board, where they pick their top two, and maybe they spend the whole day doing one station, and then the next week doing another station, um, just because they’re older, they’ll be able to handle that. With the little kids. I don’t know, you could do the same stations again, to be honest. So then that would take up a whole month. So if you have, let’s say k one, you do STEM stations, which was really good. How many did you get through with them?

DeLisa S.  17:08

I try to break them up and do a timer. So I allow them to get opportunity to get to touch it. So I put every 10 minutes. Okay. I give them 10 minutes per station, and then they rotate out. Yep. So keep them going. Yeah. So every last one, I’m here because I didn’t have that many kids because of course at the end of the year, they have comments. So every 10 minutes at least allowing their time so no, because now we’re into 730 to 530. We’ll have them all day.

Naomi Meredith  17:39

Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I think for Okay, for the school year, it says, since you haven’t a while with them, k one, you could do four, or however many board is six stations. I would maybe do four. But would you add five? I’d be at five. Yeah, five works. So keep the five because probably with your numbers too. And then I that obviously worked with your time so I would keep that and then you could do the same stations the next week. You don’t have to switch it every time. 10 minutes is not very long. And when I’ve doubled stations so sometimes the week I will actually do the same stations again and the kids are loving it they actually are excited to do it again. So don’t feel bad that you repeat things they probably want to go back to it.

DeLisa S.  18:31

They did they actually went I brought it they were they were all excited because they are the class is set up they’re actually already set up in kind of low stations anyway. Yeah. So helped me to be able to build their stations so they could rotate. So now this summer when new things come in, I don’t know how their classrooms gonna look because it’s yeah, I’m trying. But yeah, it they loved it. They love it every time.

Naomi Meredith  18:58

During the summer months, it can sometimes be a challenge thinking of activities to keep your students and your own children engaged in learning activities. Especially on a day when you have an afternoon rain shower, it can feel like your kids are bouncing off the walls. Well, let’s put those walls to good use. Let learning meet play time with the brightest glow in the dark stickers and all the land with glow play. Also, these aren’t your average glow in the dark stickers that you had on your bedroom ceiling as a kid that would fall off and hit your face while you’re sleeping. You know what I’m talking about? I recently received the sea animals that from Globe Life. I’ve mentioned many times here on the podcast that when I traveled with my teacher, honey, we frequent the local zoos and museums. So this sea animals set was a no brainer for me. My favorite were the sea turtles in this set. There was an adult and two babies so cute. If I were using these in the classroom, I would playing out in ocean theme week, where in each of the STEM stations, students could learn more about the topic. These glow plays stickers would be a great STEM station, where students could create a riddle about the traits they see on the animals and have others in the group guess which animal they’re talking about. For example, they could say, I spy a living thing with two flippers and no dorsal fin. The other kids in the group can guess which glow play sticker they’re talking about and say, Blue Whale. This is a great connection to the NGSS first grade life science standards. These glow in the dark stickers can be used anywhere, they glow a 70 times brighter than others on the market you might have used. Another great benefit to these stickers is that they can stick to any surface be peeled off and reapplied without any sticky residue. Your house will thank you and so will the custodians at your school so you’re not ruining any walls. Talk about on limited fun. Adding in the glow play stickers to your classroom materials and make an easy STEM station that would take minimal prep, but encouraged tons of engagement. You can grab this glow play see animals sets and other themes by visiting their website at let’s glow play.com. That’s LEGO. L e t s glow G lo play PLA y.com. Let’s slow play.com. Yeah, and they’re good at it.

DeLisa S.  21:36

Yeah. And I just did the same ones that I did the very first time you watched a workshop the same one.

Naomi Meredith  21:42

Oh, good.

DeLisa S.  21:43

They were excited about it.

Naomi Meredith  21:45

Yeah, I’m so glad I’m so happy to hear.

DeLisa S.  21:51

I’m just like, hey, this is an easy day.

Naomi Meredith  21:55

I know. I know. It feels so easy. But they’re not bored. They’re super engaged.

DeLisa S.  22:00

No, no. And even with those rotating and after once they go all around. Everybody had that one opportunity. They never like what I want to go from this stage. Can I go to this station? Where can I go to that station? And they spend their time wherever they want? Oh, yeah. So yes, it helped me out a whole lot. Yay. I’m

Naomi Meredith  22:17

so glad. Oh my gosh. Yeah, keep doing it. Because the kids are good at stations. And I think they’re kind of fun to plan because they’re not super high intense materials. Especially. Are you setting up so many different things? That way? Yeah. So for Okay, so I’m right, I’m typing notes when I’m talking to you. So thinking about your structure, k one, same five stations for two weeks, this would be like your school year, and then we could change it up for the summer. The summer too. We Okay, I have an idea for your summer. And then for second through fifth, I think you could do four stations. And they do two sets stations a day. And then you would have the same four stations for two weeks. So then you’re not planning week to week, you, they would have to do the other two, so and if they leave, they leave and then you would just maybe the last two weeks of the month, then they could have a choice and pick their like, top two favorite. And you could even have them do like one whole station that whole time. Okay, so then they could so kind of like for your older kids, your first two weeks, you’re exposing them to the materials like hey, this is like good when you have like introductory things like oh, we’re doing these robots. Here are the basics of this robot. Here’s how it works. So the station’s are done. It’s like introduction. And then for the last two weeks, you’re like, Okay, the next two weeks, you’re gonna pick your favorite. And you’re gonna really dive in and have a harder challenge with this. So then they get to spend that time really diving into it, you’re like, Okay, awesome. Now next week, you get to pick your second favorite, and really dive in deeper. And that’s going to help again with your materials so that you don’t have to have something for everybody. So then if it’s not their favorite that first week, they can pick for the next week. And again, that’s going to free you have to because then you’re probably just troubleshooting. But then they have they’re in independent with their longer station. So like yeah, like I said, the older kids do still do fine with stations, but they have more stamina. So you don’t need to switch it up. Like every 10 minutes for the little kids that I think keep doing what you did with the little kids because that’s totally good. You saw how good they were. But the kids like want more time they actually want to try more so. So they could do one station the whole time. And then I guess I mean, that’s okay if they don’t get to everything because not every kid is going to like everything that you do. Like I have kids. Yeah, you know, you’ve seen that.

DeLisa S.  24:54

Yeah, especially with the group

Naomi Meredith  25:00

Have you like, it’s okay. And then summer, you said you had each group for two hours. Um, so we can still do the themes. I think it’d be fun to like for your themes, because you’re just kind of like a camp, right?

DeLisa S.  25:13

Yes, yes. Yeah, we’ll have them I think for nine weeks, eight to nine weeks, I want to say, okay, so yeah, we’ll have all summer long, basically.

Naomi Meredith  25:24

Okay. That’d be cool if we could, and you might even have ideas. Like for having a like fun themes for the summer. Like you could have like a camping theme. And then all I do this, I have a sense survival camp unit that I do K through five. And so each challenge it’s based off of the show alone. Have you seen that show?

DeLisa S.  25:44

I have not. I’m gonna have to check it out.

Naomi Meredith  25:46

It’s for adults don’t show it to the kids. Oh, it’s for adults. I mean, the fifth graders are watching Indonesia at school, but they’re like stranded alone. And then they have to, like survive on the land by themselves. Yeah, so all the challenges are based off of the show, so that you could do something like that, like a camping theme. We could do like a space theme. Um, what else is a good one for summer? Like outside activities? Sign like sun and shade for the little kids face. And that could be of her part of space. But what else?

DeLisa S.  26:21

We did do animals. Yes. Trying to think what else did I I’m trying to remember some of the things that I did do last year for them. We did so camping space outdoors. I even thought about even even though this is even a technology thing. So yeah, owning in their studio.

Naomi Meredith  26:44

Do you guys ever bring in guest speakers? Is that something you can do? Are you allowed to do that?

DeLisa S.  26:49

Yes, yes. I think last week we’re bringing in actual, we have a place called Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub winning activity. So they have a mobile unit Makerspace where they’ll come in and let the kids designed like shirts or watercolor paintings. Not watercolor book chemistry. What else they get to do ceramics, they do different kinds of things that they can take back with them to take home that they can make. So they had like a mobile Makerspace form.

Naomi Meredith  27:20

Oh, that is so cool.

DeLisa S.  27:24

Oh, yes, we have them coming in. And then I wanted to do a Makerspace with them as Well. So I thought about maybe a Makerspace thing.

Naomi Meredith  27:33

Oh, yeah, do it. Yeah, Makerspace thing would be really good. And you could do even for the little kids based off those stories. I’ve done that as a club. So you read the story, and then have a challenge.

DeLisa S.  27:43

Makerspace story have put something like that for their their age group. K through two anyway.

Naomi Meredith  27:50

Yeah. That’d be really fun. Oh, I’m so excited to plan with you. I love planning. It’s so fun.

DeLisa S.  27:59

Still learning it because it’s like just trying to get all of these ideas and just condense it down. It’s

Naomi Meredith  28:05

hard. Yes, I know and don’t and like I said, Don’t feel like you have to do something new every single day with the kids. Okay, I always thought I had to, but honestly, sometimes the kids will get frustrated because they can’t go deeper into topics. And so then then they don’t feel successful because oh, I have to learn something new again, like sometimes they’re okay with having things be very predictable, in a sense, where Oh, I get to try this even more. I never feel bad about that. And actually, their behaviors went down because they’re not frustrated. Oh, I have to learn something new again. Oh, my gosh, oh, now it’s about something else. So even if it’s the same robots all week, but then you change out the content, then they’re feeling successful with the robot, but then you’re changing out the content, so then it’s not as overwhelming for them, because then they can get better at the robot. So it doesn’t have to be a new new brand new thing every day. Like you want to have a little bit of fun. Yeah, maybe it’s not a little bit. It’s a lot of fun. But, um, so don’t feel like yeah, you have to change it up every single time. Because that’s gonna make you feel so stressed out.

DeLisa S.  29:17

That’s where I’m getting because I feel like I have to change it out. Because I don’t want them to get bored. And I’m thinking, Oh, maybe they’re gonna get bored doing this. Now. I kind of was like, Okay, I’m getting overwhelmed with my, you know, trying to bring.

Naomi Meredith  29:29

Yeah, and those systems and routines, once you have a whole structure that will work best for you. That’s also going to help with the behavior. When I have kids come into my room, I like have the same thing that you come sit on the floor. I’m going to teach you for like eight minutes. If that six to eight minutes, then we’re going to have our work time and then we’re going to clean up and then talk about it and then I also go through the Engineering Design Process which I feel like for yours, you can still have elements of that. But also you have you have a little More flexibility because you know, you’re not in the classroom classroom, but you but you are, you have a really important role. So just having that same structure is really going to help you just how to plan your lessons have that familiarity, and then the content will change. And then also, in turn, all your planning is going to be easier, because you’re gonna know what to expect. And every, like, you just kind of have an idea of how things are gonna flow and it won’t feel so random.

DeLisa S.  30:26

Now I do have an opportunity, and I’ll probably sit more likely paying something out and send it to you because I know we are coming close to our time.

Naomi Meredith  30:35

Oh, no worries. No, you’re fine.

DeLisa S.  30:39

I have opportunities where I’m actually traveling further south to do some workshops with another group. So I’ll still be doing the K-2 five group, but I will be spending a whole day with each group.

Naomi Meredith  30:53

Oh, cool.

DeLisa S.  30:55

That I’m kind of stuck on there too. Because not just I have to plan for this. But I’m also having to plan at the end of June to do a whole workshop for each day for each grade level. Ah, helped me out so so much. So, ah,

Naomi Meredith  31:11

Well, this lesson, I think you’ll feel successful because this planning will help you. You can just teach him what you’re planning. Yes, yes. Yeah. So we can definitely work on that. Because, yeah, actually, it’ll all line up. You don’t need to create something, you know, you just you test it with your kids. And then okay, then that’s my workshop. Okay, I tested this. That’s my workshop. So that actually, you’ll have really good evidence of what worked Well. And what didn’t it? Okay, cool. Yeah. So then you don’t have to double Yeah, really try to repurpose this? Yeah. So then that’s gonna save you time, because you’re already planning it anyway. Now you’re just gonna present about it and how it worked out?

DeLisa S.  31:49

I work. Now I have, what do you say? Is your your standard activities? How do you go about if you want it to the sense to see how Well they’re doing? Or if it’s something that okay, I can bring back or something I need to take away or just to see if it’s helping them out in any other areas? Do you do anything like that?

Naomi Meredith  32:09

So I do more informal things. So there’s a couple of things. So first, obviously, my observations, noticing, really, is this over there level, like how our certain kids able to fit? Are they even able to finish the project? That’s a huge thing. Sometimes if they can’t, is it because of the week? Did we have less time? Is it too hard? So maybe they had plenty of time, but they still didn’t finish? So that will help let me know, oh, this was probably too hard to slash I might not have been clear enough in my directions. Also, like if I were to give a grade, I really would think about, like, for that individual? Are they able to really address the standard? So if I’m planning the standards, are you actually understanding what the standard is talking about, from that perspective? But then also thinking about the process? Are you like it? Let’s say they’re doing a stop motion animation? Are you doing a lot of pictures? Are you understanding how to actually use the tool, though, kinda, it is trial and error. And also based on the class, but really, it’s kind of like that process versus the product. I mean, I could use a rubric if I had to, but really more. So that observation, also their behavior, too. If they’re messing around too much, maybe it’s too easy. And if they’re really rushing, maybe the projects too easy. I’ve had that a couple times, not too often, that’s actually not as common as too hard. If it’s too hard, I will either maybe think about is this tool better for a different grade. Or maybe the tool is right, I just didn’t teach it Well enough. Like something you know, like when you are using, especially the technology tools, how many steps it is to actually get into the tool. So sometimes I, I haven’t done a good job, I have to go back and like really pre teach, okay, here’s how you actually connect your robot to this platform. So sometimes it’ll be okay, I’m going to show you how to do that, then go do it. And then come back, I’m going to show you how to use it in your project. So like it for your older kids, or even your younger kids too. You might have to show them Okay, for this station. Here’s how you do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then get started. So for me, it’s more observational, and based on their experience, too, because if they don’t have a lot of experience, you might have to do a little bit easier to get them familiar and confident. And then okay, now you have experienced now we can get more into this, so that’s okay, too. Gotcha. Yeah. Okay. So hopefully that helps.

DeLisa S.  34:48

It does. It helps me out on a toes stance to see how Well they’re actually catching on to it. So I think observation would definitely because I can observe him and sit there and look at him and kind of tell him or I’ve had some, like set a catch on real quick. Trying to figure okay, what can I do? Yeah,

Naomi Meredith  35:06

yeah. So for those kids, once you to get familiar with the tools, then you can kind of jot some notes down of ways they can improve. So for maybe the project is fine. And there are those kids who rushed through it. But you could even create like a modification checklist that could be there how to make it even better. So it’s not making the project, I guess, harder, it’s like going deeper in it. So let’s say you’re doing a Makerspace project, a Rube Goldberg machine where like it has that chain reaction? Or like, Okay, you did it? Could you add something that swings? That would be hard to actually how, where do you attach it? Where does it swing? Can you add something that rolls and then hit something else? So having multi step things? So really helping push those kids, you could have a modification checklist and just get from you observing? What are things like most kids doing? And even the kids who are improving? Or like, what are the things you are improving? So then again, you don’t have to necessarily change out the project, you’re just giving ways for them to go deeper in that content. Because that’s true. It’s like reading, writing math, for kids who are getting it quickly. Oh, it doesn’t mean you necessarily have to skip grade levels, you just need to go deeper in the content, and think, and even higher levels of learning. So it’s the same thing, the STEM to.

DeLisa S.  36:22

Definitely will try that.

Naomi Meredith  36:25

Yeah, bring all those sticky notes. Yeah, like bring your notebook, I do that I will write down notes all the time, when I’m watching kids, and you’ll get some random inspiration. Or maybe you’re driving your car, like oh, my gosh, I have to do this and then write it down. And done that. You too. And so I think for so we’ll meet, I think it’s I have it scheduled for next week for the kickoff call. So I’ll talk about in our kickoff call, like how we’re going to do like a lesson audit. So just take a look at I have a whole template for you. Looking at the lessons you have so far, or maybe ones you’re hoping to do. And then also have a template that you’ll use to like really map out the materials that you have. So having those you don’t need to have a year long plan yet we’ll get to that. But really thinking about with those templates, and I’ll take a look at them to kind of get an idea of what we’re working with, and what you want to do. So we’ll talk about that in our meeting, I think for before then, if you did have UI, if you did have a rough sketch of how often you see kids, even if it does change, that’s gonna help with knowing, like this doesn’t have to be like your year long plan, but just kind of knowing the timeframe, you see kids that’s going to help knowing how many different units that you’ll have to plan out. So then that will I think really helped bring the overwhelm down, because then you’re like, Okay, these are the timeframes I have to work with. So then we can think about like those bigger themes, like, here’s this chunk of time, here’s this chunk of time, here’s what you can do throughout the year. Even if I mean, that happens to as a classroom teacher, like you have school events, like I have that too, I have my year long plan. But sometimes I have to take out something in that unit, because we have Assembly that day, or that grade levels on a field trip. So that’s pretty normal. But if you are able to map out your kind of rough estimate of when you’re going to see kids and how often for each grade level, that’s going to help. And then once you have that spreadsheet on Google, I think it like this spreadsheet, it’ll like has all these drop down menus that you can plug stuff in, and then all the materials and then we’ll merge that together and then create your start working on that year long plan. And then at the very end of the whole weeks we have then we’ll even talk about like even more about materials and things like you might want to purchase in the future different ways to do that even we can work on some grant writing, too. So yeah. Do you have any other questions for me, I hope this was helpful for you.

DeLisa S.  39:05

Very helpful. I am very excited. I cannot wait. I couldn’t wait yesterday, I was like, fine, it gives me a stamp project. So yes, this is so helpful. And I appreciate it.

Naomi Meredith  39:19

You’re so welcome. I’m so excited to work with you this summer. And like I said, I love love, love lesson planning. And like this is like a big puzzle. So like using your ideas and every like things that you want to work with and what you’re comfortable with and the supplies that you have, I think we’re really going to be able to create something that will be definitely unique for your situation and something that you can keep modifying over the years and when new materials come in and out. Or your kids get better at stuff it’ll be easy to change things out because it’s like something you have that structure but then all the ideas will like fit in they have all the little little places for your stuff.

DeLisa S.  40:00

Yay, I’m so excited. 

Naomi Meredith  40:02

Yay, good. Well, I will actually see you next week. I think I put in your platform, the zoom, link, if not, I’ll put it in there. And then we’ll meet live. And then you’ll have that to work on in June. And then we’ll have live calls every week. And you’ll have audio access to me for the rest of the summer. So if things pop up like you have me in your back pocket,

DeLisa S.  40:27

And I was going to ask if I had to miss a meeting, and I think you just answered it. What do I be able to go back and replay it or? Yeah,

Naomi Meredith  40:35

yeah, yeah, you’ll be able to replay it. And then I’ll also have some of the video replay. And then I also take out the audio and make it like a podcast. I don’t edit it. I just use the audio so that way you can listen on the go as Well. Yeah, so you’ll have the replay options and all that.

DeLisa S.  40:53

Oh, I’m excited. Yeah, me too.

Naomi Meredith  40:56

Well, thank you so much for your time, and I’m excited to be working with you.

DeLisa S.  41:01

I’m glad I decided to work with you as well. 

Naomi Meredith  41:05

Yay! Me too. I will talk to you soon. Thank you. Oh, Well, quick question. Did you get your present in the mail?

DeLisa S.  41:13

I did get it. I have my pen but I forgot my notebook.

Naomi Meredith  41:18

I made myself one too.

DeLisa S.  41:22

I was looking for it and left it on the table. Grab some real quick. Oh, yeah. I have my pen and I appreciate it. My son took my STEM sticker. He’s like, Oh, mom is my sticker now. It’s like, hey, you know what? All right. I let you have it. Go ahead.

Naomi Meredith  41:36

I’ll send you another one.

DeLisa S.  41:39

So yes.

Naomi Meredith  41:41

I’m truly glad you got it. Well, thank you and I’ll talk to you later. I’ll see you next week. Okay, thank you. You’re welcome. Bye. I am so excited to work with DeLisa this summer. She already has a great start for her program and there is so much room for creativity and fun lessons that Deleasa and her students will enjoy. If you’re interested in having a one to one coaching call like this one and support throughout the summer to build up your program. Join us. There are only a few spots left at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer.

STEM coaching session


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

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Are You Complicating Your STEM Lesson Planning? [ep.89]

Are You Complicating Your STEM Lesson Planning? [ep.89]

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Episode Summary

Do you find yourself wanting to implement all of the cool STEM lessons you see on social media or hear about on this podcast? Do you feel the pressure to try to implement lots of new STEM lessons in the hopes you will keep your kids engaged in STEM? In today’s episode, I’m breaking down things you may be doing that are complicating your STEM lesson planning and sharing what to do instead.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 3 things that complicate your STEM lesson planning
  • Why these 3 things complicate your STEM lesson planning
  • 3 ways to simplify your STEM lesson planning to reduce your overwhelm

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

Are you complicating your STEM lesson planning? Teaching elementary STEM is such a highly creative subject to teach. But it can get overwhelming very quickly. With all of the cool ideas that you’re seeing all over social media, or maybe even things that you are hearing on this podcast, you might be getting a little bit of FOMO or fear of missing out, you want to teach it all. Trust me, I was like this too, especially when you first are getting started teaching STEM, you feel like you have to do all the cool ideas that you see, or your students aren’t going to get a great STEM experience. But guess what this could actually be contributing to your STEM, overwhelm, and making your lesson planning a lot harder than what it should be. So let’s the solution. In this episode, I will be sharing with you the things that are probably contributing to your STEM, overwhelm, and some solutions to combat this.

Naomi Meredith  01:17

If you are listening to this episode live when it comes out, the doors are open only for a little short while to the STEM into summer group coaching program. With me as your coach, you will have 16 weeks with a hands on experience, along with other STEM teachers who are doing what you’re doing. But also create a scaffolded STEM lesson plan that will work best for your space. Be prepared for the whole year, along with lessons that are actually going to work along with templates and lesson plans and resources that will help you along the way. Along with that you will have access to me with video messaging and weekly video calls. So you definitely want to book your spots before they all run out and really be prepared for this upcoming school year. You can jump on in and get started at naomimeredith.com/STEMintosummer. Also for being a podcast listener, you can get an extra 25% off, make sure to use the promo code STEMSUMMERPOD to get your special discount. As soon as you sign up, we will set up your bonus one to one video call with me so we can get to know each other and set you up for success. So join me and other STEM teachers at naomimeredith.com/STEMintosummer. 

Naomi Meredith  02:49

When I jumped into the K through five STEM space from being a classroom teacher for six years, I absolutely fell in love. And I was spending all my weekends doing the lesson planning going into my classroom, staying late at night and getting there early in the morning. And definitely I felt a ton of overwhelm. And the biggest thing with that not to mention teaching 500 plus kids and six classes a day. But it has a lot to do with the lesson planning. What’s very different that I have found from being a classroom teacher to being a STEM teacher is you really don’t have any curriculum to work with like not really even a little bit. A lot of different programs come with things to get you started. But then it’s so hard to make everything fit and everything pieced together and make sure it’s not random. Or maybe you are making things random, but having it all go together cohesively. So you are not rushing around from class to class and not knowing what to teach when you show up or not even feeling prepared. And it can get overwhelming very, very quickly. So let’s take a deep dive into your lesson planning habits in your STEM space. And let’s see if you are doing these things that are probably overcomplicating your STEM lesson planning. It is hard, however, it doesn’t have to be that hard. And let’s see if we can refine those things and make this end of the year and going into the next school year a lot smoother for you. 

Naomi Meredith  04:23

The first thing that is probably complicating your STEM lesson planning is you are doing too many ideas at once. That is actually a good problem to have. But it can make it very complicated. Maybe our lessons look like this. Let’s say you are teaching all about landforms the first day you have kids doing robotics. The next day you are going to have them do a mini Makerspace project. The next two days you have a another Makerspace project. And then the last day is some free choice time Whoa, that was exhausting even explaining that, yes, all those ideas are probably cool, but you actually don’t have to do all of them. Well, these are all awesome STEM lessons to teach, they are really all over the place. Back in the last episode, Episode 88. I talk a lot about this. So make sure to go back and take a listen. But this is really probably contributing to your overwhelm. You are rushing from lesson to lesson a lesson you are making sure, okay, we’re gonna do this this day and do this this day. That’s a lot of planning to keep up with. Likewise, you might not even be realizing this, but your students might also be feeling rushed as Well. So not only as you as a teacher, you’re rushing from lesson to lesson a lesson. But so far your students, and they might not find that they are finding success, because they have to do something new every day. And you might be feeling as a teacher, “Well, I am the STEM teacher, I do need to make it fun.” It’s like a party every day. It kind of is like a party. But it doesn’t have to be something brand new. It’s okay, if you are not implementing every single fun thing that you’re seeing all over Instagram. You don’t even know with these teachers if they taught this lesson five years ago, and maybe they’re just posting an idea to give you some inspiration. You have no idea what’s really going on behind the scenes, it really is a highlight reel. So don’t feel like you have to change it up every single day to keep your kids entertained. In fact, this is something that I did when I first got started. And this is what was really taking up my weekends, coming up with new ideas every day. However, when I switched it to having more long term projects, where we were working on the same thing throughout the week, or throughout the days that I saw them if it was once a week, then what the new things that I would be implementing is the new things using the Engineering Design Process, or the process that we were using at the time. So students were able to improve and really think about the project that they were doing. Rather than switching from project to project to project to project. There’s a book that I have read years ago that I highly recommend it is called the Talent Code. And it shows these case studies of famous people who are experts in their craft, athletes, people who are sharing content, artists, and it shows that they are more successful because they have more repetition and more ways to practice. So think about that with your projects. If you are rushing from project to project or project and they’re all completely different, sure, you might be giving them some awesome exposure, but they’re not really getting the time to really go deeper into that process, and really improve what they are working on. So in the long run, they aren’t really refining what they are doing. One way that can really help with this too, is to take a supply audit, look at the materials that you actually have in your classroom. And this is actually going to really give you a big picture of how you can use these things in more effective ways with all of your different grade levels. Also think about are there things that are in your supplies that are outdated, maybe you need to replace a few things, maybe you will have things that are actually better suited for older students or an after school club. So understanding all of the materials and supplies that you have in your classroom can really help with this lesson overwhelm certain supplies. And I’ve talked about this in past episodes before, certain supplies can actually be used again, over and over again within the same grade level, or even multiple grade levels, but you’re switching out the content, and they can practice it in a different way. So it all doesn’t have to be brand new every day. That’s exhausting. thing about being a classroom teacher, you don’t always have to do brand new every day. So why do you have to as a STEM teacher, just because you’re the STEM teacher. So thinking about that whole supply audit will really, really be helpful. In my STEM into center group coaching program, I actually have created a template, the same one that I used, when I looked at all of my supplies to really think about what do I have on hand? What do I need to get donations for what could be something I could write a grant in the future years, or what kind of human purchase with the limited budget that I had. So this will help you again, make that big picture and really help you not have to rush through all these different things, but zone in on the topics that you want to teach your students. 

Naomi Meredith  09:46

The second thing that is probably contributing to your STEM planning overwhelm, is all of the grades are doing different themes. So we just talked about how you’re planning all these different lessons for one class, think about what you’re teaching all the grade levels. Maybe you’re teaching all different themes. So possibly first grade, you’re working on animals, maybe fourth grade, you’re working on space, third grade, you are working on fossils, that’s a lot of content to track. You found all these cool project ideas, and again, you want to teach them all and keep track of everything. But then you have certain supplies for one grade level, and then you’re switching it out for another, you need robots for this one. And then you’re going over to 3D printing, you have all of these different things going on. It’s not even controlled chaos, it’s chaos, and you have all the supplies out too. That’s a lot. You have Makerspace things out, you’re charging all this stuff. What’s happening in all there, it looks like a tornado hit your room. So what is actually the solution for that? Think about can you plan in your grade level theme? So let’s say you have K through five, or K through eight? Can you plan in content themes. So if you are going to teach robotics, can you do robotics for everybody, K through five, they could be learning different standards within those robotics lessons. But that way, you’re only worrying about robots at the time, maybe you have a handful of different kinds, that you can switch out throughout the classes, the robots will actually hold a charge better than you think I have tried it. So definitely try it out. But when it comes to your planning, if you are planning within that same theme, and maybe you also have that same, let’s say you have earth science, and then robotics, you are doing this whole umbrella within the earth science and the robotics, and then this is going to get you in the mind as a teacher to find lessons and really think through those lessons that will work in that theme. This is also going to help you with supplies, some of you actually go into the classrooms and have to bring your supplies with you. So if you are planning within this whole consistent way, then you’re not switching out things as often that you have all the things in your mindset, but also ready to go. So you’re not switching out from Makerspace, through robotics to 3D printing, you have a whole consistency and differentiation within all of those different grade levels. So a great way to do this is having that big picture of your year long plan, and then taking an audit of the lessons that you are going to teach or the ones that you have taught for each grade level. And think about how long that lesson is going to go. What standards are going to apply to those lessons, what materials are you going to need, and really think through every single grade level in this way. And it’s really going to help you with that progression of learning. And again, help you beat that overwhelm and that complicating of all the lessons, this is something that I actually did one summer, I used to have a little bed and my home office and me and my little dog Frederick would cuddle. And he loved all this time it took me because he got extra cuddles while I was lesson planning. But this is exactly what I did to help create my STEM year long plan. And this is something that I am also constantly updating as there are more materials come out and other ways to look at standards. So taking that time really sitting through during the summer. And this is something that I will definitely help you with and you’re in the STEM into summer group coaching program is giving you that template with spreadsheets with drop down menus that will really help you think through those lessons. And this is also a really great time to to think about, oh, is this lesson even good? Or is this just a fun activity kids could just do for fun, but it’s not really getting getting to the standard at all. So that will be part of the first thing that we will really take a look at in that first month together is the supplies and also your lesson planning so that you can be set up for success and then go from there and actually create the year long plan. 

Naomi Meredith  14:14

And the third way that you might be complicating your second lesson planning is planning the same way for all your grade levels. So I was just talking about how you can use those same content themes and STEM ideas for the grade levels. But when it comes to the actual lesson planning for each of those grades, are you planning everything the same? Or are you really keeping in mind the ages of your students and their capabilities? When I first got started, I kind of really didn’t. I did and I didn’t. I was really planning the same way and I was really getting so frustrated as a teacher because I felt like I was a failure. We weren’t finishing the projects at all, especially With my younger students, we weren’t finishing them. There wasn’t any motivation of the students, I wanted to do a cool project over the course of five days. By day four, and five, they were super over it, and then didn’t want to do it anymore. They just didn’t have the stamina. Likewise, when it came to my older students, I actually was making the projects way too hard. “Nothing is impossible. Everything is figureoutable,” as Marie Forleo says. But the way I was planning things I had too much going on, I was changing up the process I was using each time the way that they were taking notes, adding in too much digital or even too much paper things. I was making things way too hard. I was too ambitious. And likewise, I was kind of planning the same for all the grade levels, and that wasn’t going to work. So again, after taking that audit of my lesson plans and thinking about the materials that I had, this is when I actually figured out the hack when it comes to planning for K through two, and then three through five and above. And I kept that same system up for those grade levels, just changed out the content, change that the themes. And it was like magic. My planning was so easy. And also the way that I was teaching made it easier. The students knew what to expect. They weren’t complaining about brainstorming and planning their ideas anymore, because they knew this was part of the process. This is what we do in the projects. I had my younger students begging me are we doing STEM stations today, I’m like not today we’re doing our projects, like, okay, it sounds great. But really thinking through the way that I plan for my littles is helping prepare them for when they get to the older grades. And likewise, the ways that I was planning for my older grades was something that they were actually ready for, and not feeling overwhelmed. Once I figured this out for myself, I was way less stress coming into the classroom, I felt prepared, even if I was teaching something new I’ve never taught before, like 3D printing. And I think I’ve said this before, 3D printing is weirdly one of my favorite units to teach. There’s quite a few I really like I really like video and audio production. I also really like 3D printing. Even if it was something new I haven’t actually taught before, I still felt really prepared. Because I was using this same process of planning, I was just plugging in those content themes and thinking about those standards and creative ways that all the tools would come through, it would actually start working out those are just little troubleshooting things that as a teacher, that’s what we do. Anyway, we’re not going to know every single tool every single time. But it was exciting to try this new stuff. Because the structure of my lessons were very consistent. And again, for same for my students, the structure was consistent, but the other things would change out. So then they didn’t feel stressed out overwhelmed, probably because I was stressed out and overwhelmed. Planning and engaging lessons is literally one of my most favorite things to do as a teacher. Even as a classroom teacher, I loved doing this. And I think sometimes my teammates would get annoyed with me, because I had all these creative ideas. But I think they were a little annoyed because I actually could do them. And they’re like, Okay, I guess we’ll do this. But it makes it so much fun. Come on you. If you’re having fun as a teacher, so are the kids. So it’s all for the kids. Okay, part of my role. Also, in this case, your STEM teacher position is also being a co-teacher and co-planner with the classroom teachers in my building to help them implement innovative strategies. So I was working with our first grade team, and they had an upcoming insect unit. And they had a whole system of things that they would do in the past, but they really want to make it more hands on and engaging, which I was so excited that they were on board with this. And we came up with a whole thing for students while they were with our classroom teacher. They were researching more about insects and all of the things on their anatomy. So we’re thinking about their antennas, their segments, their eyes, they have six legs. So all of those things that insects have. And then they had to pick their favorite one. And they came into my space. We got donations from the parents. So this was something that we did. We played up to this. So parents had donated things. And they came into my space and they had the opportunity to build their insect or a new insect. And they had to make sure to include all of the parts that An insect has. And their little things that they came up with were absolutely adorable. And I gave them some strategies have different things that they could actually use to put on the insect. How could they represent the antennas? How could you represent the eyes? What could you use for the legs? So we’d talked about those different strategies, and then they had the opportunity to build. So this really beefed up their projects, they were actually just drawing things before great way to plan. But then we went from there and created this whole experience for the students that they were so proud of. If you are actually interested in this lesson, you can find the whole Makerspace lesson that uses the Engineering Design Process in my TPT shop, I will link that in the show notes. But this was a really great lesson, especially for the end of the year, getting those little hands busy. 

Naomi Meredith  20:35

Also, in my STEM into summer group coaching program, you will actually have a similar experience by being able to audio message with me, where maybe you have this idea for a lesson or maybe you have a standard, that you’re not quite sure how to take it to the next level. Oh my gosh, this is my jam. And I love brainstorming with people. You can hear it in my voice. I’m like so pumped up about it. So this is something that we’ll be able to do over the summer, it gets feedback on chat back and forth. We also have the live calls with the other teachers where you can feel successful and not feel like you’re planning alone, because that can definitely help that can definitely contribute to the overwhelm as well is you are doing this all alone. And I didn’t list that as one of the three ways because that’s not really always in your control. You’re not the one hiring other seven teachers usually. But there are options out there. And there are teachers I know who are feeling that same way. So let’s support you this summer is a great time to feel inspired, you have the sunshine, you are ready to go. And I would love to be in your back pocket where we can chat with each other and really think about things that will work best for your classroom and the time that you have with kids. 

Naomi Meredith  21:52

As a recap, here are the three things that are contributing to complicating your STEM lesson planning. First is you might be doing too many ideas at once. Next, we talked about how all the grades might all be doing different themes. And third, that might be complicating things is that you might be planning the same way for all the grade levels. Like I said, STEM is such an exciting thing. And it’s such a great opportunity that you are bringing to your students, and you are really getting their creativity and collaboration flowing. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think. And again, I am here to support you here with my podcasts and all of my resources. And we’d love to be in your back pocket where we can actually chat and almost like bringing this podcast live a live elementary STEM coach, but I would love to chat with you this summer and join me in my STEM into summer group coaching program. You can reserve your spot so we can get started in June 2023. You can find that at Naomi meredith.com/stemintosummer

STEM lesson planning


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

sustainable in the stem classroom

3 Quick Fixes That Aren’t Sustainable in the STEM Classroom [ep.88]

3 Quick Fixes That Aren’t Sustainable in the STEM Classroom [ep.88]

sustainable in the stem classroom

Check out the full episode on 3 Quick Fixes That Aren’t Sustainable in the STEM Classroom:  

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Episode Summary

As new STEM teachers, we often start with quick and easy strategies and activities as we adjust to our new role. We have to start somewhere, right? The thing is that if we stick with the quick and easy way of doing things, we will not create a structure that is sustainable in the STEM classroom. In today’s episode, I share three quick fixes that aren’t sustainable in the STEM classroom and what to do instead.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 3 quick fixes that aren’t sustainable in the STEM classroom
  • My experience with implementing these quick fixes
  • Strategies to use instead that are sustainable in the STEM classroom

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

There are quick and easy ways to get started in STEM as an elementary teacher. And these are definitely awesome things to get your feet wet in the STEM space. You definitely have to start somewhere, right? But when it comes to those quick and easy things, are they really best for the long run? Are your students really wanting more? How does that even pertain to their behavior? Is there a way that you can keep them engaged while doing even more complicated things? In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you three quick fixes in the STEM space that aren’t always sustainable for the long term, and what you can do to integrate other things into your teaching practice that will be beneficial in the long run. 

Naomi Meredith  00:57

If you are listening to this episode, while it is coming out, I wanted to remind you real quick of my STEM into summer group coaching program that is starting in June 2023. So in this program, we will set you up for success for the school year, you’ll get to get hands on with me and other teachers for 16 weeks to set up your year long plan. Take an audit of the lessons that you are teaching, make a purchasing plan for your materials and also get feedback and coaching along the way. You can send me an email if you have any questions at contact Naomi meredith@gmail.com. Or if you are ready, and this sounds like you and this is the extra hands on support that you need, you can claim your spot out of the limited spots I have available at Naomi meredith.com/stem into summer. Also for being a podcast listener, you can get an extra 25% off by joining this program. If you use this promo code at checkout STEMsummerpod all one word, no spaces STEM summer pod for your extra 25% off, would love to see you in there and build up your STEM year together. 

Naomi Meredith  02:34

Teaching is hard. No matter what you teach, I promise you, we all have really hard positions. My teacher honey teaches high school Spanish. And there are so many challenges when it comes to teaching in that space. And likewise, I teach K through five STEM. And that comes with its own challenges as well. So as teachers, we are always looking for those quick fixes and those things that can help us with those solutions. But there are some things in this STEM space that when you’re thinking about the long term, and your lessons for the whole entire year, and for years to come, sometimes those quick fixes and those things that you do to get you started might not always be the most sustainable option when it comes to your whole year, and building things off one another. So all these things that I am going to be talking about aren’t wrong. And these are all things that I also did to get started. And it’s a great place to start somewhere. But then you also want to build and grow and improve. And in turn that’s going to build and grow your students along the way. So here are those three not sustainable things in your STEM space and what you can do about it. 

Naomi Meredith  03:48

The first quick fix that always isn’t the most sustainable in your STEM space is only doing one day challenges. Like I said, when I first started teaching, this was my go to method, I was really getting day to day, I was spending my weekends planning, I was missing out on time with my friends and family because I needed to go into my classroom, and really wrap my head around this whole STEM teaching thing. And in turn, I was doing a lot more day by day lessons. Now this was great. The kids had something to do. But I realized pretty quickly if I was doing these one day challenges, then I was planning a lot more. Yes, I could repeat these for all the grades, which is awesome. Also great for sub plans. But I was thinking if I’m always doing these one day challenges and then the same thing for every grade, I’m going to have to do a lot of planning for a lot of grades. And they will say oh, we already did this last year which I don’t want to have to repeat the same exact lesson every year. It’s cool to practice the same skills but the same lesson over and over again. What are we really learning? So really, these one day lessons, were taking more of my planning time because I had to be creative and thinking of a lot more things to do. Also, a big thing that I noticed with these one day lessons is that I could only go so far when it comes to being deep in these concepts. So when I really switched to having these longer projects, we could go deeper on that one topic, showing a play up plan a lot of short activities that go along with the same topic. But having things that could stretch out multiple days, whether I saw them multiple days in a row, or even just once a week, I’ve had both kinds of schedules, that the results were actually a lot better with my students. And you can even check out how I plan these projects with my students with a free K-5 STEM year long plan. You can grab that at naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan. But I ended up taking a whole summer I would sit down and plan and research and really dive into the standards, and really thinking about my students and the time that I have with them. And I ended up mapping out a whole year long plan that had longer projects for my students. So yes, we could go deeper in these projects. They were making those connections, they were excited for the next day of my class, not that they weren’t excited before. It’s always a good time. But they were excited to come because we are continuing the work on this project that they were so excited about taking the time to really go through that summer. And spending extra hours yes, upfront. Yes, it was during that summer time and definitely did some planning outside as well. But when it came to coming back into school, I wasn’t taking up my weekends and really sitting there on a Sunday catching up on The Bachelor and planning my lessons while in my classroom. Yes, I absolutely did that, sadly, more times than I can count. And I wasn’t spending my Sundays anymore. My plan times during the week during the school year, was really dedicated to planning and just some basic lesson prep. So those are the things like Oh, I’m doing robotics coming up, I need to plug in my robots, or oh, we’re going to be doing LEGO education kits, I need to pull those down off the shelf, make sure all my apps are uploaded, maybe this whole few months, I am loading 3D prints and managing that on the side. So my time during my planning time was really prepping materials, going over lessons adding and updating things, but not so much. Oh my gosh, what am I teaching today? What am I rushing to do? There’s no rushing, it was already done, it was already planned. So just setting that time during the summer was so transformational for me to really set me up for success for the entire school year. And that way I could do all the extra fun things I could do the after school clubs, I could be on that planning committee. I know that everybody’s situation is different when it comes to how often you see kids how much time you have with them in a week. But this is definitely possible for you too. I’m sure you all want to gain back your Sundays and your time after school, you don’t want to spend it all on STEM planning. But taking that time during the summer can definitely again be transformational for you. And that is something in my STEM into summer group coaching program we will exactly do. And the cool thing about this, I was doing this all by myself. You don’t have to do by yourself, you can bounce ideas off of me and other people in our group, and really find success when it comes to your year long plan so that you’re not rushing from class to class and that you can be find peace in your lesson planning. 

Naomi Meredith  08:51

A second quick fix that isn’t always sustainable for the long term when it comes to teaching STEM in your classroom is only connecting STEM lessons to literacy. Again, there is nothing wrong with this at all. But if this is the only thing that you are doing, it’s time to branch out. Don’t get rid of it completely, still do it. I still do a lot of STEM in stories for when I’m not feeling Well that day. Or if I have a sub plan, maybe it’s the next day when I really don’t feel well. There’s nothing wrong with a seven stories lesson. Again, this is an excellent way to get started. But if this is the only thing that you are doing, you might be boxing your kids and to only doing literacy things. Maybe there are some real world problems that you aren’t attacking. There are some great books about real world problems, not saying there aren’t. But there are other ways that you can introduce the STEM project that aren’t always tied to a book. Likewise, it might be a little tricky to find the books all the time. It’s something that I would have a hard time with too is like I can’t find the book, or I don’t want to buy it right now or it’s not available in the library so that can be stressed Still tooth, again, goes back to the planning one day lessons, a lot of times these book lessons are a one day thing, which is great. But then you have to find a lot of books to do a lot of lessons. So definitely still sprinkle those in think of other ways that students can attack real world problems. And again, having those multiday projects can really be transformational for your students, and have that high engagement. Also, when you’re thinking about planning with your STEM and stories, what standards are you using to plan you probably have the reading literature standards, the RL and the Common Core State Standards. But are you having student is doing more informational reading, when I was teaching third grade before this position K through five STEM. So much of the reading that my third grader said was actually a lot of nonfiction. And there’s of course, there’s studies that everything but there’s a lot of stories about the real reading that we do as adults to gather information is nonfiction reading, and we need to have our students be informed citizen scientists of the world and do more nonfiction reading and using that reading to inform their practices. Back in the interview, actually, when I interviewed that children’s book author, Dr. Rajani, la Rocha, we were talking about this and how there’s so much reading in her position even as a doctor. So yes, maybe you are reading the story to kids, but think about your projects. Are you having kids read to gather information? Are you doing multiday projects where they are planning, revising gathering materials? So yes, still do that literacy, but maybe flip that literacy on them, and have them access the information, even think about what types of STEM careers or related careers can students explor as another option to connect to your projects as well. I actually recently hosted a STEM career day at my school, which I saved everything that I did for this, I will be talking more about this in the fall. So don’t worry, I know I talked about on my Instagram, but I haven’t forgotten about it. I have a whole series coming up about family engagement that I’ll do in the fall. But really think about what are those STEM careers are likewise, those skills that students can be exploring? What are those other standards that you’re not hitting? Or you have a hard time hitting? Or maybe you’re like, I haven’t even been planning with standards anyway, in my STEM space, that’s also very common as well, you just say, Oh, this fits, how are you actually planning with standards. So thinking about that other ways to plan when it’s not just stories all the time, there are more effective ways to plan on top of stories. And that is something when working with me and my program, I would love to be your guide, lesson planning is totally my jam, I get in the zone. It’s like my zone of genius when it comes to coming up with ideas for projects. I thrive on that. And let me tell you, I’ve been loving it for my wedding as Well, I have all the ideas. And I’m really good also at executing ideas. So I am a big picture person. But I can also get down to the details and make it happen. So that is something that if that’s not your strong suit, I love love, love to think of those things, and help it relate to your space. 

Naomi Meredith  13:17

And the third thing that isn’t always sustainable for the long term and your STEM space is only doing Makerspace projects. So again, Makerspace projects, I would say are the easiest things to get started with because of the materials they’re very easy to get your hands on and definitely stock up on those because we teach all the kids in the school, you need a lot. And I did so many Makerspace projects by first year I had a huge misconception that that’s what I needed to be doing all the time. They always need to be building with reusable things, and then always taking them home. Also, I had to be a free for all i just like kids build whatever and get whatever they want. And after my first class, I didn’t have anything for my next class and I had 24 classes, I ran out of supplies really, really fast. So even if you go back to Episode Six, you can hear how exactly how I managed my Makerspace. But I thought that’s what I should have been doing all of the time. And Makerspace is wonderful. And I still mix it in multiple times throughout the year. But what really changed for me is again, going back to those STEM skills in those STEM careers and also knowing your students. Not every kid likes to build with cardboard. Some guys really don’t like that. Some kids don’t like robotics, some kids love robotics. Some kids really love designing on the computer when it comes to 3D printing some not so much. So exposing kids to a lot of different topics is going to pull out these interests in kids that you might you probably never knew that they had and they probably didn’t even know that they had in themselves and a lot of kids will definitely surprise you. Of course, those expensive materials are something to work up to. Oftentimes, more often than not, we are given these spaces where we don’t have the supplies to do all of those amazing things. But it’s not impossible, there are opportunities to plan for that for the future. And to gather those supplies, that is definitely something that you can work up to. So really thinking through of all the inventory that you have in your space. So this can even help you when you have your year long plan. If you take inventory of your space, what do you currently have, and what are things that you can work up to in different ways of doing that, then that can really help you when it comes to your lessons, and really merge that together when you’re auditing your lessons based on the materials you have and where you want to go. So I even created a whole spreadsheet for both of these, like I said, big picture person really good at the little details to get there and make it happen. So I really had this inspiration to create this whole spreadsheet of how to keep track of all the lessons so really thinking through what lesson are you teaching? What grade level? What standards does it hit? How long does the project go? When are you actually teaching this project? What time of year? What materials do you need? So really going a deep dive of all these ideas that are floating in your head? And then in turn, creating a whole inventory of your space? And a plan from there? How are you going to gather the supplies? Who could you ask? What are some donations? So this is that whole thing that will really help set up your program where you are feeling successful, and you have a long term goal. Yes, you want to be prepared for the day, you want to be prepared for the week. But a lot of times I feel like that we’re missing because it is such a creative role. How are we prepared for the year, but also years to come? That’s when you get to that building a program. My kids are doing completely different things. Five years from when I started, I’ve grown as a teacher, but we really want to build up these things so that they are prepared for the world ahead of them. They’re having that exposure, they want to do these things in middle school. And that is what I am definitely here to help you with, I have those spreadsheets. So the first month when we will work together in the STEM into summer program is I have a whole lesson that’s actually never been released before. And these templates that you can have this foundation, you know what you’re working with. I’ll give you feedback on that. And then we can jump into our coaching from there. So really doing that work to be successful. And again, building up a program your principal probably asks you what do you want to buy? I don’t know, maybe I’ll just buy some cool robots. I’m going to ask this random Facebook group and see what they have to say. That can be really helpful. But what is their credibility? Who are these people? How do you know it’s gonna work, you don’t know why they teach. So really, breaking it down into really a sheltered group in a way, having people that you can continuously talk to and having me in your back pocket with that with audio messaging, and weekly video calls can really be transformative for you so you can be prepared and know what lies ahead. 

Naomi Meredith  18:18

As a recap, here are the three quick fixes that aren’t always sustainable for the long term and your STEM space. First is only doing one day activities. Next is only connecting your sound lessons to stories. And third is only doing Makerspace activities all the time. Again, I invite you into my STEM into summer group coaching program starting in June 2023, where you will be in a small group where we will chat with each other support each other. You have me in your back pocket to help support you when it comes to setting up your year long plan. Those lessons that you know are going to work and also taking inventory of the materials that you have on hand and also building out that program that you have always dreamed of. So I would love to have you jump on in to your limited spot. The doors are closing soon at the end of the month. So make sure to claim your spot and I would love to see you in there. You can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer.

sustainable in the stem classroom


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

stem teacher struggle

3 Things I Struggled with Most as a STEM Teacher [ep.87]

3 Things I Struggled with Most as a STEM Teacher [ep.87]

stem teacher struggle

Check out the full episode on 3 Things I Struggled with Most as a STEM Teacher:  


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Episode Summary

I share a lot about the highs and some of the lows of being an elementary STEM teacher on my Instagram and here on the podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the three things I struggled with the most as a new STEM teacher. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The three things I struggled with the most as a new STEM teacher
  • How I navigated those struggles
  • Ways I can support you with navigating similar struggles

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

I know on my Instagram, you often see the highlight reel of all the good things that happen in my STEM space. I love to share these things with you to help you be encouraged as to what STEM can look like at the elementary level. Likewise, I definitely still share the not so pretty things, too, especially on my Instagram Stories, you can definitely see what I look like without makeup, all the messy things in my classroom. And with that being said, I am here to share the not so pretty things and three things that I struggled with the most when I first started as a K through five STEM teacher. 

Naomi Meredith  01:09

After being a classroom teacher for six years and jumping into the K-5 STEM space, where I didn’t know any of the students or teachers, it made me feel like a brand new teacher all over again. Now luckily, in this situation, I had some experience under my belt. But there are also those things whenever you go into a brand new building, like what’s the Wi-Fi password? Where’s the staff bathroom? And how do I connect to the printers in the building? It’s all those things you don’t know, and it gets a little bit frustrating. And with that being said, I was literally thrown into this role, where not only would I be teaching all the kids in the school as a specialist teacher, but also being the manager of all the school-wide technology and also all the teachers when it came to co-planning and teaching to help them implement STEM technology and innovative practices. So leaving the classroom and into this big role was completely a big feat, not impossible, but definitely a lot of challenges. And so, speaking of the STEM role, specifically, here are the three major things that I struggled with the most. I think that you’re actually going to be able to relate to them too. I always tell my students that I wasn’t born knowing how to teach STEM, they weren’t born knowing all the STEM things. And they always laugh at that. But it’s true. Like I’m learning with you, I have to research everything. So it’s okay if you’re going into this role, or you’re in this role. And you still don’t know everything, I don’t still know everything. But here are those three biggest struggles. 

Naomi Meredith  02:55

The first thing that I struggled with the most was understanding what each grade level knew and needed to learn. So like I said, this was a brand new school to me, I didn’t know any of the students or the teachers. And I was really trying to figure out what they knew and didn’t know, the students and also the teachers too when it comes down to it. So this is really, I mean, when it comes down to teaching, when you have a brand new class, you don’t always know what everybody knows. That’s just getting to know your students. This was definitely brought out at a bigger scale, having 500 plus kids, and even the fact to learning their names. I’ve never learned that many people’s names at one time. So that was a huge thing. But even just being new to a building, I didn’t even know what curriculum they were using. What practices are done in the classroom? I came from a school that was really big on training us as teachers to be better with our instruction and have high-level learning and teaching with the workshop model. I came into a building, I found out later that wasn’t the case. So completely different. So that was a huge thing, just how students were learning in general. And also, my students had never had STEM before. And so, like, pretty much every single thing that I was doing with them was brand new. So I found out pretty quickly that everything was taking 10 times longer. And I couldn’t get done with everything that I wanted. I have this big vision in my mind. I’m a big picture thinker. I can definitely work up to the details, but I can envision things very, very well. And then I can get it done to get up there. So I really had to understand the kids’ starting point and really had to gradually build up to the program that I had dreamed of and created. I think in the episode, I can’t remember when we recorded this, or we talked about it on the side, but when I did the interview with Jennifer Mahin when we were talking about grant writing, she saw the same thing that when she got first started, she had to start everybody kind of at the same spot when it came to materials because they didn’t have any background in STEM. And I definitely had to do the same thing. Everyone was pretty much at that same level, I didn’t have a need or have the money, necessarily, to buy everything I wanted. But also, the kids weren’t ready for all of those things I wanted to buy. And we’ll talk about that too because that was also a challenge as well. But I really had to gradually build up to the program that I had dreamed up and created. And this is something that my principal at the time, when I first got started, definitely talked about that. And she was super supportive in my program, at least my first principal was. If you really want to hear about how I built up to this program, just finished a grade level STEM series, and that’s episodes 81 through 86, where I give you a snapshot of every grade level K through five and what I teach with them, and then a breakdown of their week and what we do. So definitely, through this time, I was nervous, I didn’t know if things would work. I still feel that way when I teach brand new things. But when everything’s brand new, I was not sure if it was going to work. How would we do this? How would we do that? I’m okay with failing. But it was just really, really stressful. But I can definitely say now that I am very confident that my lessons will work, even new ones. For the most part, I have that same structure, where I only have to do some adjustments. But the way that I plan and the way that I think things through now through my learning process is that I’m very confident that my lessons are going to work and also be adapted to each grade level. And in turn, has built up a whole year of lessons and curriculum that are planned out. So as students are going through my program, they have that progression of learning. And it’s not discussed jointed and random things where oh my gosh, like, okay, we’re doing this, we’re doing that, everything has a nice flow to it, there’s some organization, and they can definitely learn all of those skills. 

Naomi Meredith  07:19

The second thing that I really struggled with the most when stepping into this STEM teacher role was I didn’t know what content themes to teach. So this goes along with the first one as well. But it is a little different, too. So I was a classroom teacher before, and I took every free training that I could, I didn’t have a master’s degree in STEM education I do now instead leadership. But at the time, I was taking as many trainings as I could for your paid, trying to piecemeal everything together, watching videos, when I could didn’t have a mentor, just kind of figuring stuff out. Reading books, I had a little bit of background, but not really. I really knew enough, but not really. I don’t know how they hired me. Maybe because I was willing to learn, you can listen to that story in episode one. But I really was trying to piece this all together. And luckily, there were other STEM teachers in my district that I could reach out to and connect with and just hear them talk about their experiences. And they had been doing this for a couple of years more than me was really, really helpful to wrap my mind around things. And I know that this is super fortunate for me, not everybody has another STEM teacher, another them that they can connect with. Maybe it’s only a middle school teacher, which is similar but different. That could be helpful, too. But what was really, really helpful with my growth was connecting with other teachers who were in a similar role to me because, as I said, I didn’t have a mentor. I didn’t have anybody I could really ask besides a few teachers, which I was really thankful that I wish that I had somebody who was on the outside and could really guide me. And my district doesn’t even have leadership like that they didn’t really have that before. So just kind of figuring stuff out. And the leader in me had to figure it out. At the time, my district was providing training, so not necessarily a mentor, but they were getting some trainings and with some of the materials that we had in our classrooms or some things that they would give us and that happened all before COVID. So my first three years had some of that support. It was kind of inconsistent, but it was better than nothing. And then after COVID there was nothing so not really any support or anything like that. So really, I would say felt like an island, even within the five years have felt that still but I know that my lessons work and I’m confident. I’ve had even a middle school teacher, I chatted with her and after having my kids for five years, she can tell actually, she told me this: they know, the teachers know, especially the science and technology teachers know when there are kids who come from my school compared to the other schools in the theater, because my kids are able to critically think and they’re creative. They’re excited about doing projects, they have the stamina to do projects. And they try to rope in the other kids because they know what this can be. And she says it’s super apparent because not actually all the schools in my district have STEM, it’s actually the first thing to be cut in our elementary schools. But knowing that it took a while from going from, I don’t know, anything to really researching and reading and finding out those best practices. So through this time, I definitely can say that I have a community of teachers that I can bounce ideas off of, and feel like that I’m a part of a group that understands exactly what I’m going through. And that’s definitely huge. Because, think about it, you’re the only adult in your room all day, I mean, you might have a pair of TAs here and there to help you with those students. But you’re kind of in your own head, like everybody’s there, all the kids are there, but you’re kind of alone. So definitely through this whole time in this position, I’ve definitely been documenting everything, really thinking through and evaluating how things are going with students, and my lessons and how they’re learning and even making connections with our classroom teachers. Classroom teachers tell me, Oh, they were like, so excited that their kids had some background knowledge about a topic. So when they’re going into science, they could further that, which is really exciting. So learning those big content themes throughout the year. So thinking about robotics, Makerspace, coding, and all of that, it really helps having that community. So I could bounce ideas off of them and hearing what they’re doing in their classroom or things that I definitely wanted to grow with. 

Naomi Meredith  12:09

The last thing that I really struggled with when I came into this K-5 STEM space, and this is a very common one, is I didn’t know what to buy. So this was actually a huge shift in itself that as a classroom teacher, I had a very, very, very limited budget. And I mean, oftentimes you’re given those materials, right? So you have those math manipulatives, or you have some books that you can read with the kids, there’s not always a whole ton to buy. Of course there is, as a classroom teacher, I bought a whole lot. But it was so different being a K through five STEM teacher where I actually had to buy like really expensive stuff, and things that could be used over and over and over again. And that was like, Whoa, I did have actually a pretty decent budget my first year, and then it really dwindled after that. But I did not know where to start and what to buy and what would work. So when I came into my room, like I said, it wasn’t STEM before it was technology, there was a few buckets of LEGO bricks and an old 3D printer. And there were some random materials that were better suited for middle school, which I ended up testing out with elementary, found out was better for the older kids, not impossible, just they weren’t there yet, actually gave them to our middle school teachers. And they were really grateful for that. But like I said, I was given a decent budget. And I knew that I had to be strategic in my purchasing. So thinking about, yes, I have all this students in the school, but how can I really be strategic and what I buy? So I actually made a spreadsheet and took inventory of my whole space, and was really thinking about what are the consumable things that I needed in to replace the things that would get used up? What are some of those non-consumables that can be used over and over and over again, also, there’s a huge shift with the primary and secondary. I didn’t have anything for the little kids. And you’ve heard me talk about the little kids a lot. I love Kindergarten, they need a lot more when it comes to different types of activities. I didn’t have anything for them at all, I didn’t have crayons. So definitely thinking about what are those primary things that I needed, and also the secondary things. And from there, I definitely needed a mix of that high tech type of things. And also the low tech both have different importance. So really being strategic, I would spend so many hours researching and figuring this out, and really being thoughtful about how I would spend my money and also what did I really need now and what I need in the future. So I was able to create a budget plan for my current situation and for my future supplies, like my wish list for things in a five year timeframe. Of course, there’s always things to buy, there’s always that new thing or some updates or pieces that needed to be fixed. But I was able to find those resources. Even though my budget was small, after those five years, I was creative with my money. Often getting donations in various ways or grants were definitely a source of abundance in my classroom, and also connecting with other teachers in my building. So definitely not impossible, but definitely a strategic plan I really had to be thoughtful about and think about what the long-term could be instead of the day to day supplies. 

Naomi Meredith  15:41

As a recap, here are those main things that really were the biggest struggles for me when I came into the K-5 STEM classroom. First was understanding what each grade level knew and needed to learn. Next was also I didn’t know what content themes to teach. So connecting that with what they need to know and what they need to learn. But also what are those big things and STEM I should be teaching. And then also, I didn’t know what to pie. But like I said, these weren’t things that kept me stuck. These are things that I was able to work through, and document and really come to a place where this is something whole thing with this podcast. The reason why this podcast is saved the elephant tree STEM coach is to be your coach and your guide. So you’re not feeling alone, you might be listening to me in the car, or walking your dog or on your lunch break, maybe after school when you’re cleaning up all of the cardboard scraps. So that is definitely the whole thing with this podcast is just making sense of all of this. So that you’re not feeling and stuck in this place. Now, the podcast is definitely a great source. And I am so we are almost to 100 episodes, you guys, which is so insane to me. And we’re not even quite a year old yet. But definitely just taking this podcast and bringing it to life where definitely I’m here to actually be your coach. And I am so excited about this new opportunity to really serve you even better. Because I don’t want you to feel alone anymore, I definitely want you to feel successful. And in turn, your students can be successful too. So I am so excited to start my STEM into summer group coaching program, where we will have a awesome 16 weeks together where the first month will really be focused on your lesson plan and supply auditing, where I’ll give you those templates to do that, and also provide you some feedback. And then from there, those next 12 weeks we’ll have some live group coaching calls where you do get to have that community of teachers where we are talking about things to help us be successful, also have those replays in the form of video and a private podcast. So over those times throughout those live calls, you’ll also get that audio connection with me one on one, where we get to chit chat through audio, and I get to guide you and really get to be your coach and literally be in your back pocket. So you’re hearing this recording, but we actually all get to chat back and forth with each other. And the whole purpose of this time together is to create your customized and scaffolded STEM curriculum that works best for your unique situation, and also provides that engagement that you’re looking for adaptable lesson plans for multi grades, some of you teach pre K to eighth grade. That’s a huge span. To really think through a different type of unit for every single part of the year by yourself. It’s definitely not impossible. But that’s a whole lot to do on your own. And I would love to help you through that. And of course, creating those templates and outlines and resources that will support your planning. This is something that when I was co teaching in my building that teachers thoroughly enjoyed is they would have this idea they didn’t know how to bring it to life. And I would sketch some some things out and be able to create something that they were envisioning. So having that support and having somebody to talk through those things is something that I thrive in and absolutely love. Also, when through this time you will also get some bonuses so you will get a free 30 minute one on one live coaching call with me so we can see each other face to face and set up that foundation so we can create something that works best for you. And that I know a lot of you have been waiting for this summer to sign up because I know readings the best time reading by the poles of us but you’ll also get a free three months from June through August of the STEM teacher bookshelf. So you’ll get access to those three new guides and also the past months that are in there. So This is definitely something I have envisioned, like I said, the big picture person that I am even envisioning just with the name of this podcast, the elementary sim coach and bringing the coaching to, which is so much fun, so exciting. So I only have 10 spots available. I wish I could serve all of you at once, but I only have 10 spots. So you definitely want to grab your spot now so that you don’t miss out. And we will get started in June 2023. So you have until May 31, 2023, to sign up, which is not very much time you only have like a handful a couple of weeks to do that. So check it out at naomimeredith.com slash STEM into summer to claim your spot. And if you have any questions or if you are concerned about is this right for me, what what else does this entail? All those types of questions, definitely send me a DM at Naomi Meredith underscore on Instagram. Or you can also send me an email at contactnaomimeredith@gmail.com. And I would love to chat with you, but definitely bringing this podcast to life, the actual real life coaching that, yes, you can get all the ideas and tips and tricks for me, but it’s different when it is specialized to you. So thank you so much again for being here, and I will chat with you soon.

stem teacher struggle


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!