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investigator STEM teacher

First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

First Year STEM Teacher-The Investigator STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series] [ep.123]

investigator STEM teacher

Check out the full episode on First Year STEM STEM Teacher [STEM Teacher Pathway Series]:  


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Episode Summary

During my career as a STEM teacher, I went through different stages of what I call the STEM teacher pathway. The first stage of this pathway is the Investigator STEM teacher. In today’s episode, I’m discussing the first stage of the STEM teacher pathway and sharing my experience with navigating this stage. I also share insight into what I wish I knew during this stage and give tips and strategies to help you successfully navigate the Investigator STEM teacher stage. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is an investigator STEM teacher
  • What it was like for me in the investigator stage
  • Resources I wish I had during my first year as a STEM teacher

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Throughout my career as an elementary STEM teacher, there were different stages that I went through as a STEM teacher. I’d like to call this the STEM teacher pathway. With this journey in STEM, each stage had its own successes and challenges. Today, I am sharing the first of the 3 stages in the STEM teacher pathway, the investigator, and how my experiences were really shown within this stage of elementary STEM and how my experiences can definitely help you in your STEM journey. Before I was a K-5 STEM teacher, I was a classroom teacher, and I was extremely excited about my role.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:19]:

Now, not to say that it didn’t come with any challenges, and some not so pretty things as well. If you’ve been teaching some for some time now, or you are just getting started, or maybe you’ve been in it for a couple of years. I have put together for all of you a very special pop-up private podcast. You can’t find it in your regular podcasting app, but I do have a special link for you in the show notes or you can go to naomimeredith.com/STEMpathwaypod. In this 3 part mini-series that you can binge as soon as you get the link, I take you through my not so straight pathway in STEM teaching. And what I would actually do differently today if I were to do it all over again. Of course, it wasn’t all a miserable failure. But there are definitely some things that I wish I had the opportunity to do or even thought of and I thought that I might as well share that with you in this special pop-up podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:27]:

Now, with this podcast, it is for a limited time only. So make sure to jump in on that. Again, grab the link in the show notes and join me in that very special journey that I put together for you for free. From talking with all of you inside of my programs, whether it is my STEM teacher bookshelf membership, my group coaching program, my workshops, or even my STEM teacher 101 course, and sometimes even in my emails, and when you guys send me audio messages, and really also my experience in STEM is that there are a lot of different stages within this STEM teacher journey. Now, a lot of us have actually been in the classroom before getting into this role. Sometimes, it was voluntary getting into K-5 STEM. Like me, it was a choice, but some of us are kind of pushed into it because we might be showing some skills that can really benefit this STEM space.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:28]:

However you fell into this role, there are some markers when it comes to the stages of your STEM teacher pathway, and I’m going to be talking about that 1st stage today, the investigator. As the investigator, you have taught in STEM for no years at all, so maybe you dabbled in it within classroom teaching, but it is your first year in STEM, and you are definitely trying to figure things out. More likely than not, you actually were a classroom teacher before. You have some sort of teaching experience, and you are walking into this space with limited supplies, and, more often than not, 0 curriculum. You might have some formal training when it comes to elementary STEM, but you also are grabbing resources wherever you can. Maybe just like this podcast. You happened upon it when you googled elementary STEM podcast, and you saw me pop up in my pink jacket. So you are looking for resources to keep you afloat with not only creating this curriculum, but also building up the systems and routines in your classroom and getting to know all of your students.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:42]:

Oh my gosh. That’s a lot of names to remember. Right? You are looking at all of these different resources to not only help you professionally but also find the things that will work best when it comes to the types of lessons that can be used in your classroom. And you’re really figuring out what elementary STEM means and how to have experiences that are well rounded and different types of things that students can connect with. Here’s what it was like for me as the investigator. I had taught in the classroom for 6 years. I taught 2nd grade in a Title 1 school for 2 years, actually, the school that I student taught at. So, technically, I was in that building for 3 years. Then I moved and got a 3rd grade teaching role, and I taught in that role for 4 years.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:31]:

And within that role in the 3rd great is where I definitely fell in love with technology, innovation, and hands-on learning. I was taking every free and paid training that I could to definitely develop my skills and try these things with my students. A big turning point for me was actually when I went to the ISTE conference, I-S-T-E conference, which side note, is going to be in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2024. That’s where I’m from. And so if you sign up, you definitely have to find me. Maybe as I get closer, I’ll set a meetup where we can all meet up. That would be super fun. I will be there. I already have it on my calendar.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:12]:

But, anyway, that conference, it was in Denver, actually, years ago when I taught 3rd grade, and it definitely lit me up. And I knew that this was a pathway in elementary education that I knew I had to get into when it came to innovation and STEM. That word was kind of being used, not really. I remember clearly I was doing reading testing with my 3rd-grade students, and I was in between grading those assessments. And I was looking for other positions to help me grow as an educator and impact more students. And the position popped up for this K-5 STEM teaching position in a neighboring district, and I thought, okay. I might as well apply. You can listen to the full version of my interview and how that went all the way in episode 1.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:03]:

I’m very honest about how that went, but spoiler alert: I did get the job, which is awesome. And when I walked into my space, it literally was a brand new classroom. It was all remodeled I didn’t even have the glass walls. I taught in a fishbowl. One of my walls was all glass, but they didn’t have the glass wall installed yet. So it was literally this fiberboard that actually drew some innovation quotes, and I was looking at the pictures the other day. I’ll have to pop those into the video version of this podcast, but my room wasn’t even completely finished. And it was like, okay.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:41]:

Good luck with your position. My year is as an investigator. It’s this 1st year as an investigator had a very interesting schedule. It was super crazy. So this just kind of made my first year really, really crazy. It was super fun, but I’m telling you, it was nuts. On Mondays, I taught GTS science to students who are identified in science, I was helping them with project-based learning and meeting their science goals. Tuesdays I got to know the classroom teachers a bit better, and I got to co-teach in their classrooms to help them implement innovation and STEM within their regular content.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:21]:

And then, from Wednesdays through Fridays, I taught STEM as a specials K -5. So 6 classes a day, the same three classes in a row for 45 minutes each. Later on, in the years, I think it was my 3rd year, it was when I started teaching STEM 5 days in a row. But definitely, my role was very crazy, and I also was the technology person. So, managing school-wide technology that I may or may not know about and how to figure that all out along with after-school clubs, leading an innovation and tech committee for my staff, and also hosting trainings for your staff before and after school. So, needless to say, just even hearing about my schedule, it was a lot. Super high energy, which you probably can tell from this podcast.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:09]:

That’s just how I am. I do need a little bit of coffee to get me going, but I’m a very high-energy person. And so it was just a lot. It was just a lot going on in a lot of different projects. Now, when it comes to the actual STEM classroom, I was really, really figuring out behavior management and systems and routine. And with every classroom setting, it doesn’t matter what you teach. I am huge on behavior management. And how to have a really safe space for students but also we can be successful together.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:43]:

I’ve talked about this before, even in my podcast where I about why your 5th graders aren’t motivated in STEM, and I will link that in the show notes. But it’s really scary for kids to be creative, and that’s something that I actually was realizing pretty quickly this 1st year as an investigator that, oh, kids are excited to do projects, but they’re also very wary if they haven’t had time to really experience these things yet, they might not wanna do it. So not only was I trying to figure out the curriculum in my schedule, but also how do I manage a classroom, and it does change for different grade levels? I had taught most of them in some capacity before, but it does change the way that you deliver content. What do my students either know What are they learning in their classrooms? What are the standards if I even had to look at them? I will say this 1st year, my lessons were a bit all over the place. I did start off my year with digital citizenship, but that was totally fine. I didn’t really know what else to begin with, so that’s why I started with digital citizenship because that’s something I did when I taught 3rd grade. So, I thought that was a safe space to start with, which is fine. Eventually, the 1st month turned into STEM survival camp, which I highly recommend.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:03]:

I know a lot of you are actually starting to do that in your classroom, so definitely look into those lessons in my TBT shop, but I started off the year with digital citizenship and just understanding what you can know about technology. What do they not know? It was really a big learning curve. With that, I was also trying to figure out where do I like things in my classroom. How do I like to teach in this space? What is the flow of the room? Where should the furniture go? How should I even have crayons? I had crayons. Like, they’re actually very broken. Now broken crayons still color. I know. But I had a big bucket of crayons, and it was a project with 1st grade.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:46]:

I put it in the middle of the table. My tables were fairly big. They were great for K-5, but for a little kid, they couldn’t reach everything. And I just remember the screaming and kids crying because one of the kids wasn’t sharing all of the crayons, and I said okay. We need to share. That’s what we do, blah blah blah. And that student proceeded to put all the crayons in their mouth, chew them up, and spin them back in the bucket, which is awesome. So I learned, okay, a big bucket of crayons, in the middle of the table.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:15]:

Not a good idea. So even little things like that my 1st year, I could not have predicted at all. And it was just definitely a learning curve, and that’s okay. In a lot of ways, I felt like a 1st year teacher, which, thank goodness, there are things I did know about teaching in general, but it was just all of those things coming up yet once. Again, my lesson planning was very random, and I felt like I was just planning day to day and kind of not always thinking about the big picture of things and doing a lot of those quick one day lessons, which, in turn, you actually are planning a lot more. I also remember when I did make her space, I ran out of supplies during the first lesson. I thought Makerspace was a free for all, and students just built whatever they wanted. They make it how giant they want. They use unlimited tape. I was so wrong about that.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:15]:

No. That is not how it goes. So, again, So much fun. The students were learning about the class along with me. We were definitely building the airplane wallet flu. But there’s just a lot of things within this 1st year of STEM that you’re like, wow. What just happened today? So, thinking back to past Naomi and the things that she really needed, that first year teaching STEM, and also thinking about your guys’ experiences when I talk with all of you, all the different ways that we chat, I needed a full thought out K-5 STEM year-long plan of lessons that somebody has already taught with their kids has a lot of different experiences. So I could literally just plop that into my lessons and focus on my systems routines and behavior management.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:07]:

And really, for me, it was learning the whole school. I would love just to have something that was authentic and usable with kids. Not one of those curriculums that are just, you know, those big box ones. There are a few I have in mind, but something that actually works with students. So that’s definitely something that past, ma’am, you wish she had in this investigator role. But a good thing for you that is already created for you. I also wish that I had a podcast that I could listen to. My crime podcast through crime ones weren’t really helping me, when it came to teaching elementary STEM, maybe a little bit of the forensics part, but not really.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:46]:

And so I really wish I had a podcast. So thank you so much for being here and listening along the way. Some of you even said that this podcast is a long time coming, and they’re so glad you’re so glad that I have it. And so, definitely using this podcast as a resource, I do even have all the episodes categorized So if there’s a certain topic that you are looking for, we’ll put that in the show notes, but I do have a podcast playlist for you. So same exact show, just everything is sorted into categories, so you can see the episodes for a specific need. I also just wish that there was a course that could line up how to set up those systems and routines. So yes, having those plug and play lessons, but somebody who could guide me and say, okay, here’s what you should do for setting up your lessons. Here’s what you should do for setting up your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:38]:

Here are some things to think about. Here are some other ways to grow in your STEM journey. Just a getting started course to have that all ready to go, and it does exist now. It’s some teacher 101. So definitely thinking about where you’re at in your done journey. Or if they’re even if you’ve taught more than a year and you’re like, oh, I need to go back to that systems and routines thing. Then those things are definitely available for you that I have created. And again, those will be linked in the show notes.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:08]:

So, of course, I got through my first year teaching STEM, and I didn’t give up. I would be exhausted every day, but definitely figured out and was ready for my 2nd year in STEM and transitioned into that role in the STEM teacher pathway as the navigator. Which I am going to be talking about that role in the next episode. As a reminder, if you wanna hear more about my journey and the things that I wish I had. There are some other things that past Naomi wish I had and things that I would do differently. I have created a free pop-up podcast for you that is available for a limited time only, and there are 3 many episodes that you can binge within the hour and hear of different things that I wish I had and things that you can definitely consider in your STEM teacher pathway. Thanks so much, and I will see you in the next episode.

investigator STEM teacher


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

STEM coaching session

Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session- Part 1 [ep.93]

Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session – Part 1 [ep.93]

STEM coaching session

Check out the full episode on Behind the Scenes: Inside a STEM Coaching Session – Part 1:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

You’ve heard me talking about my STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program and this new way to work with me, but what does that actually mean? What does a STEM coaching session look like with me? In today’s episode, I am taking you behind the scenes so you can see what a 1:1 STEM coaching session looks like with me! In this episode, I am meeting with one of the teachers who joined the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program, DeLisa S. Many of you will be able to relate to DeLisa as you hear about her STEM teaching experience and some of the challenges she’s currently facing. Listen in to see how I support DeLisa with developing a plan specific to her STEM needs. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • About DeLisa’s STEM teaching experience
  • What’s currently working and not working in DeLisa’s STEM space
  • How I support my clients in the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

You’ve heard me talk all about STEM coaching and how this is a new way that you can work with me this summer. But what does this even mean? What does it actually sound like having a STEM coaching session with me, Naomi Meredith? Well, I am taking you behind the scenes in a never heard before type of episode where I actually recorded the coaching session with a teacher in the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. As one of the bonuses in this group coaching program, you receive a free one on one 30 minute video coaching call with me, where we get to know one another, your STEM program and the goals that you have for it so we can set you up for success for back to school. In this session, I am talking with DeLisa who teaches a K through five STEM after school program. Like many of you, she was given this amazing position with limited supplies and zero curriculum. DeLisa already has some great lessons in place, but it feels like her lessons are a little bit scattered. Likewise with the structure of her schedule, kids can be in and out and sometimes learn some content, but miss out on others. She wants to develop a program where she has lessons she can adapt for the summer and during the school year, utilize the materials she has on hand and provide experiences for her students that are meaningful even when students leave at different times or when the schedule suddenly changes and definitely the life of a teacher, right? Together, DeLisa and I set up a plan of action of next steps to take now and what to expect during the STEM Into Summer Group Coaching Program. During this session, I’m sure you’re going to find similarities in her program and the struggles that she is facing to what you’re experiencing in your STEM space. If you are interested in joining forces with me and other teachers who are building their STEM programs, there are still a few spots available. You can jump in at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer. Likewise, if you are unsure if this program is the right fit for you, let’s talk about it face to face. Schedule a free live call with me at Naomimeredith.com/call. Now let’s jump into this fun coaching session. 

Naomi Meredith  02:27

Well, thanks so much again for meeting with me and I’m so excited to meet you in person. Tell me how to say your name correctly.

DeLisa S.  03:05

It’s DeLisa,

Naomi Meredith  03:07

DeLisa. I love that.

DeLisa S.  03:09

I’d say DeLisa, and my mom’s like DeLeasa? Yes, Mama, you know, I’m used to a Deleasa is fine. Okay, DeLisa.

Naomi Meredith  03:15

Okay. Well, what I have everyone says my name wrong too. So I understand. Well, thanks so much. I was so excited that you signed up. What motivated you to sign up for this group coaching program?

DeLisa S.  03:30

Well, I have been actually in love with STEM, since I guess I was a kid, I’m gonna just, you know, throw that out there. But right now I currently work with K through five at an after school program. So along with that, I was originally working with pre K through a second grade teaching computer coding. And so we were using the robots and not a lot of fun things to go along with their literacy and math and all of that. So it’s just like, I wanted to do more with STEM, and a little bit of building activities. And we’ve done you know, with the coding, but including the arts and other things into it. So I love STEM. I’m just trying to find how to let me know I have great ideas and big thoughts, but I need to crunch it down and put it into a lesson plan and into a format of curriculum that I can follow.

Naomi Meredith  04:25

Mm hmm. That makes sense when I feel like that’s so common to when you have like there’s so many cool ideas out there and so many different cool things to try and then you want to do all of them and then it gets super overwhelming. And then you think okay, what grade levels should I be doing this with? Do I have the supplies? So that’s super, super common.

DeLisa S.  04:50

See in my background if I turn, I have stuff that I’ve purchased trying to do STEM activities like okay, my whole back room is gonna be so filled with educational stuff.

Naomi Meredith  05:04

Outside of mine, look at my floor. Like cleaning it out. I have a lot more stuff under my desk, but you can’t see it.

DeLisa S.  05:13

I’m just sneak over here. So you can kind of see, this is my corner of just collecting of stuff. And it’s like I know that too.

Naomi Meredith  05:22

So tell me more about your program. So you said it’s after school? Like, is it every day? How long? Do you have the kids? Is it something that they paid for? How does that work?

DeLisa S.  05:31

Yes, I’m there Monday through Friday, from three to 630. Okay, but it’s three to 630. And I do K through fifth grade on those each day. So I have with the school year, which is kind of crazy. I actually get them for an hour for each level. So say for instance, yesterday, I had K through first grade. Great. So I’ll get them. I had them yesterday, and today I have third grade. So with my third through fifth grade, which today I have third, tomorrow, I have fourth and fifth. I can do different things with them. But I Kindergarten first is kind of where okay, I don’t want to overwhelm them or no one’s cost, compared to what my third through fifth. So the summer coming along. I’ll have each group for two hours. Okay, so starting on the seventh, I’ll start with third grade, I believe. Now have them for two hours. So then,

Naomi Meredith  06:39

okay, so then it’s like third grade for two hours, fourth grade for two hours. Fifth grade. And then is it still okay, one combined for two hours?

DeLisa S.  06:47

Yes. I have them. Come on. Yeah. Oh, wow. hours during the summer, and then back when school starts back, then we’re back at our 45 minutes. Okay, stuff that’s going on at same time?

Naomi Meredith  07:02

Do you have it all like mapped out of when you see kids like how much time you have per grade level for the summer? And then the year? Do you have like a whole map out plan of that idea?

DeLisa S.  07:15

What happens is I can map it out. But if they have other educational programs coming in, it’ll throw everything off. So same day that I will have, for instance, yesterday, k one, Well, then a 330 to 430. They have Spanish. So that takes away from my actual coding lesson, because we also have to allow them to get the educational lessons in as Well. A homework help and assistance. So down to 30 minutes. So I usually have it all mapped out. But things change. So what that means it can be the same thing for the summer. So mapping out for me saying the summer I can say okay, yeah, I haven’t two hours. I haven’t from one o’clock to four o’clock. But then they may have a Spanish session coming in. everything off.

Naomi Meredith  08:05

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess having it would be helpful if you just a rough plan. And then we could always adjust what you have based on because that will help knowing how much roughly how much time you have. Because then you can always plan out for a little bit more. And then if you just have to repeat it the next week or do something similar or okay, we’re going to do this part of this lesson. And then we’re going to do the next part next week. So then maybe it’s not even new every single time. It’s like extending what they’re working on. Do the kids leave in the middle of that time? Or are they are they like so they go home? Okay, yeah.

DeLisa S.  08:47

And so now say for instance, today, I have third grade. So I’ll come in after their Spanish lesson, which is four o’clock, but then at 415 430 that you’re ready to break for dinner. Okay. Now during dinner time, I’m starting to lose my keys because I’m so I’ll have to start a lesson. And then come back, like I said the following week and try my best to get in as much as I can. And then the following week, try to finish up as much as I can. Yeah. So there because we started doing the Legos, not spike, but the other essential. Oh, yeah. So I have maybe three or four that’s able to build out robots, but then the other half they miss out because they don’t get the bill. So then then three or four get to come in and code the robot, but then my other group is missing out.

Naomi Meredith  09:37

Yeah. Okay. So that yeah, so that’ll definitely be something when we’re thinking about the lessons because I feel like you obviously have the materials and the ideas but thinking about the structure for that and how that’ll work because kids are leaving in and out. You have the different grade levels. So that is nice too though. You have combined grade levels. So that’s really going to help with your planning and Do you plan things thematically? Or do you just feel like you’re just throwing ideas out there? Like maybe third graders doing Legos, fourth graders doing robotics? And then or do you kind of do the same theme? So if you’re doing Legos, everyone’s doing Legos? Or do you structure it,

DeLisa S.  10:16

I do it differently per grade level. So like my fourth or fifth headache, haven’t even started Legos. And so third grade has been my only group that’s done Legos. My second grade group has done Scratch Jr. on the group has done Scratch Jr. I did introduce it to k one, but no slow down with that, because we’re leaving. And so they have the big bots. So they’re doing the robots. Yeah, that was kinda then what the fourth and fifth, we’re doing scratch, okay, I want to at least Oh, if I do this structure, I want to do it as a theme. And then it’d be much easier and to say, okay, I can introduce this. And then if we don’t get to a certain part, then I can continue on like I’ve been trying to do,

Naomi Meredith  11:00

I think it definitely can do that. That’s how I structure my year. So I was I started off like with you, where I was just kind of throwing things out there and just trying it out. Because I mean, I don’t even know sometimes like, Well, I don’t even know what this does. I think that’ll help too, especially when you’re teaching it and let’s say a kid leaves, I don’t know if they can jump in on your other sessions, like, oh, there’s two kids left, they can, okay, so they don’t do that. But that’ll help to with your materials. Because if you’re in the mindset of coding, then that’s going to help you think about the differentiation with all of those levels. And we can even talk more about resources. Like when we’re actually working through the summer, this is really good. I like Starbucks, I have a lot of ideas for you. But we can really think about that thematic planning. So you could have a coding unit, and then you can have a separate robotics unit, and then a LEGO unit. Now, if you don’t have enough supplies, we can mix up who does Legos. Because I know that’s really hard to because getting something for K through five for everybody is expensive. So maybe everybody but third grade is doing coding at that time or something like that. So we can definitely map that out. And then that way, when you’re prepping your materials, you’re like, Okay, we’re doing coding right now. Perfect. You even have a lot of similar anchor charts, a lot of vocabulary. So that’s going to help you and I’m really glad actually your k one is combined that that won’t be too hard.

DeLisa S.  12:33

It’s so much easier.

Naomi Meredith  12:36

I’m sorry, go ahead. Do you do a whole group lessons with k one? Or do you do STEM stations whole group,

DeLisa S.  12:45

Actually, and I loved your workshop on doing the STEM stations because I actually did STEM stations on Friday. Oh, they’re fun Fridays. Usually I try. If I don’t get to do coding on Tuesdays with k one, then I’ll do it on Fridays, where they have fun Friday. And so this past Friday, we did STEM stations where I did the playdough I did a coating. I did a little art station where they could color. And then what else did I add for Legos? We did LEGO challenges. Yeah, they helped me out so much with k one group. And so I definitely would like to incorporate them in where I work with one group, maybe with coding and then next time if I don’t get to them, I can come back and do another group.

Naomi Meredith  13:30

Awesome. I love it. I’m so glad that worked for you. And even at this time a year. I know. I know. They’re crazy. I just did sensations with k one and they’re fine.

DeLisa S.  13:39

Yeah, yeah, it worked out great. I mean, we’re fun Fridays for them. We put on a movie, we had the STEM station. So you’re more in tune with the STEM station than they were with the movie.

Naomi Meredith  13:50

Yeah. Oh, that’s good. Movie.

DeLisa S.  13:53

Yeah, go for it. 

Naomi Meredith  13:54

Yeah, You don’t need the movie, I think it’d be fine. And then that I like what you said to having a station where it could be even you like a station with you. I’m wondering too, I have done this. And we’re just thinking about the structure of how your kids are, and how they rotate in and out throughout the day and your program. I have actually done STEM stations with my older kids before. And it works really Well. We can think about what those are just thinking about what work will work best for you. Your kids are in school all day, and then they’re coming to you and so they have a whole lot of whole group instruction. And it really depends on the teacher from what I’ve seen. It’s actually not as common to do stations with older kids and even I with me, but it can it’s it still can be done. And I feel like just because they’re not finishing things or they might not have enough time or they’re leaving. I actually think stations would work Well for your older students. And that way You’re not planning as much, because you could still do two a day with your older kids, they will be at the station for longer. But then that way you okay? Okay, we have four stations in this unit. Let’s say we’re doing coding. We have four coding stations, you’re gonna do two this week and then two next week, and then you’re not planning week to week anymore. That way, you’re like, oh, my gosh, I have to do another unit again. Because you said you see each grade level once a week. Okay, so that, that’ll help too. Yeah. So if you did STEM stations, just thinking, I wouldn’t suggest it this for like a classroom STEM teacher, but for your program, I think that will help just with the rotation of kids. So then you don’t like if a parent has to talk to you, you’re like, Okay, I have to stop my instruction and go talk to them. And that’s going to free you up to especially, you know, they’re squirrely at the end of the day. So then excited yeah, and they love it. And they love what they’re doing with you. I’m sure they love it. But I think that’ll help with behaviors. Also, because they’re tired. They do want to do your stations, and your activities, but that’s gonna break them up as Well. So it’s just more focused on the activity. And then let’s say, Oh, I didn’t do this station last time, you could just split them into that station. And then maybe even the third and third and fourth week could be pick your favorite. And so maybe for your older I want to do this for the little kids. But I would have for the older kids, okay, so we did stations these past two weeks, maybe this last week, this third and fourth week, you get to pick your favorite. So then you could have, we could create like a choice board, where they pick their top two, and maybe they spend the whole day doing one station, and then the next week doing another station, um, just because they’re older, they’ll be able to handle that. With the little kids. I don’t know, you could do the same stations again, to be honest. So then that would take up a whole month. So if you have, let’s say k one, you do STEM stations, which was really good. How many did you get through with them?

DeLisa S.  17:08

I try to break them up and do a timer. So I allow them to get opportunity to get to touch it. So I put every 10 minutes. Okay. I give them 10 minutes per station, and then they rotate out. Yep. So keep them going. Yeah. So every last one, I’m here because I didn’t have that many kids because of course at the end of the year, they have comments. So every 10 minutes at least allowing their time so no, because now we’re into 730 to 530. We’ll have them all day.

Naomi Meredith  17:39

Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I think for Okay, for the school year, it says, since you haven’t a while with them, k one, you could do four, or however many board is six stations. I would maybe do four. But would you add five? I’d be at five. Yeah, five works. So keep the five because probably with your numbers too. And then I that obviously worked with your time so I would keep that and then you could do the same stations the next week. You don’t have to switch it every time. 10 minutes is not very long. And when I’ve doubled stations so sometimes the week I will actually do the same stations again and the kids are loving it they actually are excited to do it again. So don’t feel bad that you repeat things they probably want to go back to it.

DeLisa S.  18:31

They did they actually went I brought it they were they were all excited because they are the class is set up they’re actually already set up in kind of low stations anyway. Yeah. So helped me to be able to build their stations so they could rotate. So now this summer when new things come in, I don’t know how their classrooms gonna look because it’s yeah, I’m trying. But yeah, it they loved it. They love it every time.

Naomi Meredith  18:58

During the summer months, it can sometimes be a challenge thinking of activities to keep your students and your own children engaged in learning activities. Especially on a day when you have an afternoon rain shower, it can feel like your kids are bouncing off the walls. Well, let’s put those walls to good use. Let learning meet play time with the brightest glow in the dark stickers and all the land with glow play. Also, these aren’t your average glow in the dark stickers that you had on your bedroom ceiling as a kid that would fall off and hit your face while you’re sleeping. You know what I’m talking about? I recently received the sea animals that from Globe Life. I’ve mentioned many times here on the podcast that when I traveled with my teacher, honey, we frequent the local zoos and museums. So this sea animals set was a no brainer for me. My favorite were the sea turtles in this set. There was an adult and two babies so cute. If I were using these in the classroom, I would playing out in ocean theme week, where in each of the STEM stations, students could learn more about the topic. These glow plays stickers would be a great STEM station, where students could create a riddle about the traits they see on the animals and have others in the group guess which animal they’re talking about. For example, they could say, I spy a living thing with two flippers and no dorsal fin. The other kids in the group can guess which glow play sticker they’re talking about and say, Blue Whale. This is a great connection to the NGSS first grade life science standards. These glow in the dark stickers can be used anywhere, they glow a 70 times brighter than others on the market you might have used. Another great benefit to these stickers is that they can stick to any surface be peeled off and reapplied without any sticky residue. Your house will thank you and so will the custodians at your school so you’re not ruining any walls. Talk about on limited fun. Adding in the glow play stickers to your classroom materials and make an easy STEM station that would take minimal prep, but encouraged tons of engagement. You can grab this glow play see animals sets and other themes by visiting their website at let’s glow play.com. That’s LEGO. L e t s glow G lo play PLA y.com. Let’s slow play.com. Yeah, and they’re good at it.

DeLisa S.  21:36

Yeah. And I just did the same ones that I did the very first time you watched a workshop the same one.

Naomi Meredith  21:42

Oh, good.

DeLisa S.  21:43

They were excited about it.

Naomi Meredith  21:45

Yeah, I’m so glad I’m so happy to hear.

DeLisa S.  21:51

I’m just like, hey, this is an easy day.

Naomi Meredith  21:55

I know. I know. It feels so easy. But they’re not bored. They’re super engaged.

DeLisa S.  22:00

No, no. And even with those rotating and after once they go all around. Everybody had that one opportunity. They never like what I want to go from this stage. Can I go to this station? Where can I go to that station? And they spend their time wherever they want? Oh, yeah. So yes, it helped me out a whole lot. Yay. I’m

Naomi Meredith  22:17

so glad. Oh my gosh. Yeah, keep doing it. Because the kids are good at stations. And I think they’re kind of fun to plan because they’re not super high intense materials. Especially. Are you setting up so many different things? That way? Yeah. So for Okay, so I’m right, I’m typing notes when I’m talking to you. So thinking about your structure, k one, same five stations for two weeks, this would be like your school year, and then we could change it up for the summer. The summer too. We Okay, I have an idea for your summer. And then for second through fifth, I think you could do four stations. And they do two sets stations a day. And then you would have the same four stations for two weeks. So then you’re not planning week to week, you, they would have to do the other two, so and if they leave, they leave and then you would just maybe the last two weeks of the month, then they could have a choice and pick their like, top two favorite. And you could even have them do like one whole station that whole time. Okay, so then they could so kind of like for your older kids, your first two weeks, you’re exposing them to the materials like hey, this is like good when you have like introductory things like oh, we’re doing these robots. Here are the basics of this robot. Here’s how it works. So the station’s are done. It’s like introduction. And then for the last two weeks, you’re like, Okay, the next two weeks, you’re gonna pick your favorite. And you’re gonna really dive in and have a harder challenge with this. So then they get to spend that time really diving into it, you’re like, Okay, awesome. Now next week, you get to pick your second favorite, and really dive in deeper. And that’s going to help again with your materials so that you don’t have to have something for everybody. So then if it’s not their favorite that first week, they can pick for the next week. And again, that’s going to free you have to because then you’re probably just troubleshooting. But then they have they’re in independent with their longer station. So like yeah, like I said, the older kids do still do fine with stations, but they have more stamina. So you don’t need to switch it up. Like every 10 minutes for the little kids that I think keep doing what you did with the little kids because that’s totally good. You saw how good they were. But the kids like want more time they actually want to try more so. So they could do one station the whole time. And then I guess I mean, that’s okay if they don’t get to everything because not every kid is going to like everything that you do. Like I have kids. Yeah, you know, you’ve seen that.

DeLisa S.  24:54

Yeah, especially with the group

Naomi Meredith  25:00

Have you like, it’s okay. And then summer, you said you had each group for two hours. Um, so we can still do the themes. I think it’d be fun to like for your themes, because you’re just kind of like a camp, right?

DeLisa S.  25:13

Yes, yes. Yeah, we’ll have them I think for nine weeks, eight to nine weeks, I want to say, okay, so yeah, we’ll have all summer long, basically.

Naomi Meredith  25:24

Okay. That’d be cool if we could, and you might even have ideas. Like for having a like fun themes for the summer. Like you could have like a camping theme. And then all I do this, I have a sense survival camp unit that I do K through five. And so each challenge it’s based off of the show alone. Have you seen that show?

DeLisa S.  25:44

I have not. I’m gonna have to check it out.

Naomi Meredith  25:46

It’s for adults don’t show it to the kids. Oh, it’s for adults. I mean, the fifth graders are watching Indonesia at school, but they’re like stranded alone. And then they have to, like survive on the land by themselves. Yeah, so all the challenges are based off of the show, so that you could do something like that, like a camping theme. We could do like a space theme. Um, what else is a good one for summer? Like outside activities? Sign like sun and shade for the little kids face. And that could be of her part of space. But what else?

DeLisa S.  26:21

We did do animals. Yes. Trying to think what else did I I’m trying to remember some of the things that I did do last year for them. We did so camping space outdoors. I even thought about even even though this is even a technology thing. So yeah, owning in their studio.

Naomi Meredith  26:44

Do you guys ever bring in guest speakers? Is that something you can do? Are you allowed to do that?

DeLisa S.  26:49

Yes, yes. I think last week we’re bringing in actual, we have a place called Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub winning activity. So they have a mobile unit Makerspace where they’ll come in and let the kids designed like shirts or watercolor paintings. Not watercolor book chemistry. What else they get to do ceramics, they do different kinds of things that they can take back with them to take home that they can make. So they had like a mobile Makerspace form.

Naomi Meredith  27:20

Oh, that is so cool.

DeLisa S.  27:24

Oh, yes, we have them coming in. And then I wanted to do a Makerspace with them as Well. So I thought about maybe a Makerspace thing.

Naomi Meredith  27:33

Oh, yeah, do it. Yeah, Makerspace thing would be really good. And you could do even for the little kids based off those stories. I’ve done that as a club. So you read the story, and then have a challenge.

DeLisa S.  27:43

Makerspace story have put something like that for their their age group. K through two anyway.

Naomi Meredith  27:50

Yeah. That’d be really fun. Oh, I’m so excited to plan with you. I love planning. It’s so fun.

DeLisa S.  27:59

Still learning it because it’s like just trying to get all of these ideas and just condense it down. It’s

Naomi Meredith  28:05

hard. Yes, I know and don’t and like I said, Don’t feel like you have to do something new every single day with the kids. Okay, I always thought I had to, but honestly, sometimes the kids will get frustrated because they can’t go deeper into topics. And so then then they don’t feel successful because oh, I have to learn something new again, like sometimes they’re okay with having things be very predictable, in a sense, where Oh, I get to try this even more. I never feel bad about that. And actually, their behaviors went down because they’re not frustrated. Oh, I have to learn something new again. Oh, my gosh, oh, now it’s about something else. So even if it’s the same robots all week, but then you change out the content, then they’re feeling successful with the robot, but then you’re changing out the content, so then it’s not as overwhelming for them, because then they can get better at the robot. So it doesn’t have to be a new new brand new thing every day. Like you want to have a little bit of fun. Yeah, maybe it’s not a little bit. It’s a lot of fun. But, um, so don’t feel like yeah, you have to change it up every single time. Because that’s gonna make you feel so stressed out.

DeLisa S.  29:17

That’s where I’m getting because I feel like I have to change it out. Because I don’t want them to get bored. And I’m thinking, Oh, maybe they’re gonna get bored doing this. Now. I kind of was like, Okay, I’m getting overwhelmed with my, you know, trying to bring.

Naomi Meredith  29:29

Yeah, and those systems and routines, once you have a whole structure that will work best for you. That’s also going to help with the behavior. When I have kids come into my room, I like have the same thing that you come sit on the floor. I’m going to teach you for like eight minutes. If that six to eight minutes, then we’re going to have our work time and then we’re going to clean up and then talk about it and then I also go through the Engineering Design Process which I feel like for yours, you can still have elements of that. But also you have you have a little More flexibility because you know, you’re not in the classroom classroom, but you but you are, you have a really important role. So just having that same structure is really going to help you just how to plan your lessons have that familiarity, and then the content will change. And then also, in turn, all your planning is going to be easier, because you’re gonna know what to expect. And every, like, you just kind of have an idea of how things are gonna flow and it won’t feel so random.

DeLisa S.  30:26

Now I do have an opportunity, and I’ll probably sit more likely paying something out and send it to you because I know we are coming close to our time.

Naomi Meredith  30:35

Oh, no worries. No, you’re fine.

DeLisa S.  30:39

I have opportunities where I’m actually traveling further south to do some workshops with another group. So I’ll still be doing the K-2 five group, but I will be spending a whole day with each group.

Naomi Meredith  30:53

Oh, cool.

DeLisa S.  30:55

That I’m kind of stuck on there too. Because not just I have to plan for this. But I’m also having to plan at the end of June to do a whole workshop for each day for each grade level. Ah, helped me out so so much. So, ah,

Naomi Meredith  31:11

Well, this lesson, I think you’ll feel successful because this planning will help you. You can just teach him what you’re planning. Yes, yes. Yeah. So we can definitely work on that. Because, yeah, actually, it’ll all line up. You don’t need to create something, you know, you just you test it with your kids. And then okay, then that’s my workshop. Okay, I tested this. That’s my workshop. So that actually, you’ll have really good evidence of what worked Well. And what didn’t it? Okay, cool. Yeah. So then you don’t have to double Yeah, really try to repurpose this? Yeah. So then that’s gonna save you time, because you’re already planning it anyway. Now you’re just gonna present about it and how it worked out?

DeLisa S.  31:49

I work. Now I have, what do you say? Is your your standard activities? How do you go about if you want it to the sense to see how Well they’re doing? Or if it’s something that okay, I can bring back or something I need to take away or just to see if it’s helping them out in any other areas? Do you do anything like that?

Naomi Meredith  32:09

So I do more informal things. So there’s a couple of things. So first, obviously, my observations, noticing, really, is this over there level, like how our certain kids able to fit? Are they even able to finish the project? That’s a huge thing. Sometimes if they can’t, is it because of the week? Did we have less time? Is it too hard? So maybe they had plenty of time, but they still didn’t finish? So that will help let me know, oh, this was probably too hard to slash I might not have been clear enough in my directions. Also, like if I were to give a grade, I really would think about, like, for that individual? Are they able to really address the standard? So if I’m planning the standards, are you actually understanding what the standard is talking about, from that perspective? But then also thinking about the process? Are you like it? Let’s say they’re doing a stop motion animation? Are you doing a lot of pictures? Are you understanding how to actually use the tool, though, kinda, it is trial and error. And also based on the class, but really, it’s kind of like that process versus the product. I mean, I could use a rubric if I had to, but really more. So that observation, also their behavior, too. If they’re messing around too much, maybe it’s too easy. And if they’re really rushing, maybe the projects too easy. I’ve had that a couple times, not too often, that’s actually not as common as too hard. If it’s too hard, I will either maybe think about is this tool better for a different grade. Or maybe the tool is right, I just didn’t teach it Well enough. Like something you know, like when you are using, especially the technology tools, how many steps it is to actually get into the tool. So sometimes I, I haven’t done a good job, I have to go back and like really pre teach, okay, here’s how you actually connect your robot to this platform. So sometimes it’ll be okay, I’m going to show you how to do that, then go do it. And then come back, I’m going to show you how to use it in your project. So like it for your older kids, or even your younger kids too. You might have to show them Okay, for this station. Here’s how you do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then get started. So for me, it’s more observational, and based on their experience, too, because if they don’t have a lot of experience, you might have to do a little bit easier to get them familiar and confident. And then okay, now you have experienced now we can get more into this, so that’s okay, too. Gotcha. Yeah. Okay. So hopefully that helps.

DeLisa S.  34:48

It does. It helps me out on a toes stance to see how Well they’re actually catching on to it. So I think observation would definitely because I can observe him and sit there and look at him and kind of tell him or I’ve had some, like set a catch on real quick. Trying to figure okay, what can I do? Yeah,

Naomi Meredith  35:06

yeah. So for those kids, once you to get familiar with the tools, then you can kind of jot some notes down of ways they can improve. So for maybe the project is fine. And there are those kids who rushed through it. But you could even create like a modification checklist that could be there how to make it even better. So it’s not making the project, I guess, harder, it’s like going deeper in it. So let’s say you’re doing a Makerspace project, a Rube Goldberg machine where like it has that chain reaction? Or like, Okay, you did it? Could you add something that swings? That would be hard to actually how, where do you attach it? Where does it swing? Can you add something that rolls and then hit something else? So having multi step things? So really helping push those kids, you could have a modification checklist and just get from you observing? What are things like most kids doing? And even the kids who are improving? Or like, what are the things you are improving? So then again, you don’t have to necessarily change out the project, you’re just giving ways for them to go deeper in that content. Because that’s true. It’s like reading, writing math, for kids who are getting it quickly. Oh, it doesn’t mean you necessarily have to skip grade levels, you just need to go deeper in the content, and think, and even higher levels of learning. So it’s the same thing, the STEM to.

DeLisa S.  36:22

Definitely will try that.

Naomi Meredith  36:25

Yeah, bring all those sticky notes. Yeah, like bring your notebook, I do that I will write down notes all the time, when I’m watching kids, and you’ll get some random inspiration. Or maybe you’re driving your car, like oh, my gosh, I have to do this and then write it down. And done that. You too. And so I think for so we’ll meet, I think it’s I have it scheduled for next week for the kickoff call. So I’ll talk about in our kickoff call, like how we’re going to do like a lesson audit. So just take a look at I have a whole template for you. Looking at the lessons you have so far, or maybe ones you’re hoping to do. And then also have a template that you’ll use to like really map out the materials that you have. So having those you don’t need to have a year long plan yet we’ll get to that. But really thinking about with those templates, and I’ll take a look at them to kind of get an idea of what we’re working with, and what you want to do. So we’ll talk about that in our meeting, I think for before then, if you did have UI, if you did have a rough sketch of how often you see kids, even if it does change, that’s gonna help with knowing, like this doesn’t have to be like your year long plan, but just kind of knowing the timeframe, you see kids that’s going to help knowing how many different units that you’ll have to plan out. So then that will I think really helped bring the overwhelm down, because then you’re like, Okay, these are the timeframes I have to work with. So then we can think about like those bigger themes, like, here’s this chunk of time, here’s this chunk of time, here’s what you can do throughout the year. Even if I mean, that happens to as a classroom teacher, like you have school events, like I have that too, I have my year long plan. But sometimes I have to take out something in that unit, because we have Assembly that day, or that grade levels on a field trip. So that’s pretty normal. But if you are able to map out your kind of rough estimate of when you’re going to see kids and how often for each grade level, that’s going to help. And then once you have that spreadsheet on Google, I think it like this spreadsheet, it’ll like has all these drop down menus that you can plug stuff in, and then all the materials and then we’ll merge that together and then create your start working on that year long plan. And then at the very end of the whole weeks we have then we’ll even talk about like even more about materials and things like you might want to purchase in the future different ways to do that even we can work on some grant writing, too. So yeah. Do you have any other questions for me, I hope this was helpful for you.

DeLisa S.  39:05

Very helpful. I am very excited. I cannot wait. I couldn’t wait yesterday, I was like, fine, it gives me a stamp project. So yes, this is so helpful. And I appreciate it.

Naomi Meredith  39:19

You’re so welcome. I’m so excited to work with you this summer. And like I said, I love love, love lesson planning. And like this is like a big puzzle. So like using your ideas and every like things that you want to work with and what you’re comfortable with and the supplies that you have, I think we’re really going to be able to create something that will be definitely unique for your situation and something that you can keep modifying over the years and when new materials come in and out. Or your kids get better at stuff it’ll be easy to change things out because it’s like something you have that structure but then all the ideas will like fit in they have all the little little places for your stuff.

DeLisa S.  40:00

Yay, I’m so excited. 

Naomi Meredith  40:02

Yay, good. Well, I will actually see you next week. I think I put in your platform, the zoom, link, if not, I’ll put it in there. And then we’ll meet live. And then you’ll have that to work on in June. And then we’ll have live calls every week. And you’ll have audio access to me for the rest of the summer. So if things pop up like you have me in your back pocket,

DeLisa S.  40:27

And I was going to ask if I had to miss a meeting, and I think you just answered it. What do I be able to go back and replay it or? Yeah,

Naomi Meredith  40:35

yeah, yeah, you’ll be able to replay it. And then I’ll also have some of the video replay. And then I also take out the audio and make it like a podcast. I don’t edit it. I just use the audio so that way you can listen on the go as Well. Yeah, so you’ll have the replay options and all that.

DeLisa S.  40:53

Oh, I’m excited. Yeah, me too.

Naomi Meredith  40:56

Well, thank you so much for your time, and I’m excited to be working with you.

DeLisa S.  41:01

I’m glad I decided to work with you as well. 

Naomi Meredith  41:05

Yay! Me too. I will talk to you soon. Thank you. Oh, Well, quick question. Did you get your present in the mail?

DeLisa S.  41:13

I did get it. I have my pen but I forgot my notebook.

Naomi Meredith  41:18

I made myself one too.

DeLisa S.  41:22

I was looking for it and left it on the table. Grab some real quick. Oh, yeah. I have my pen and I appreciate it. My son took my STEM sticker. He’s like, Oh, mom is my sticker now. It’s like, hey, you know what? All right. I let you have it. Go ahead.

Naomi Meredith  41:36

I’ll send you another one.

DeLisa S.  41:39

So yes.

Naomi Meredith  41:41

I’m truly glad you got it. Well, thank you and I’ll talk to you later. I’ll see you next week. Okay, thank you. You’re welcome. Bye. I am so excited to work with DeLisa this summer. She already has a great start for her program and there is so much room for creativity and fun lessons that Deleasa and her students will enjoy. If you’re interested in having a one to one coaching call like this one and support throughout the summer to build up your program. Join us. There are only a few spots left at Naomimeredith.com/stemintosummer.

STEM coaching session


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

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What Does a K-6 STEM Teacher Do? with Kristin Kinner [ep.52]

What Does a K-6 STEM Teacher Do? with Kristin Kinner [ep.52]

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Check out the full episode on What Does a K-6 STEM Teacher Do? with Kristin Kinner:  


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Episode Summary

In today’s episode, I interview Kristin Kenner, who is a K through sixth STEM teacher who taught in a regular classroom for over 25 years. I know many of you will relate to Kristin’s experience since many of you were also in the classroom before your STEM role. Kristin and I were talking over the summer before her role in STEM, and she was super nervous and asking for advice.

I knew that the experience she already had would be so helpful in her STEM role. In this episode, Kristin shares her journey as a classroom teacher turned STEM teacher, how she’s received grants to purchase materials for her STEM classroom, lessons from my TpT shop that Kristin has implemented in her classroom, and much more!


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Kristin’s journey as a first-year STEM teacher
  • How she used grants to fund materials for her STEM classroom
  • Her process for getting approved for grants
  • STEM lessons from Naomi’s TpT shop that Kristin’s students enjoy

Meet Kristin Kinner:

Kristin Kinner is an elementary STEM teacher in her first year in STEM. She has taught for over 25 years in first, second, and fourth grades and has been a learning specialist and reading specialist in K-12. She currently inspires over 725 students to follow their passions in K-6 STEM. Kristin loves meeting and collaborating with other innovative educators and exploring new learning with her students.

Connect with Kristin:

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Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

In today’s episode, I am interviewing Kristin Kinner who is a K through five STEM teacher who taught in the regular classroom for over 25 years. I thought her experience was super relatable to many of you who are listening. Most of you were also in the classroom before this role, and I thought that this would be a perfect fit for a guest on this show. Kristin and I have connected over the years through different ways and platforms. More recently, the InnEdCO Conference, which is a local conference in Colorado that is all about innovation. So definitely recommend it if you want to take a trip to Colorado or you live in the area. It’s a really awesome conference. We were talking over the summer before her role in STEM, and she was super nervous and asking for advice. I knew that her experience that she already had would be so helpful in her STEM role, and you’re going to hear the passion in her voice. She loves teaching K through six STEM, and I’m sure a lot of you can relate to her story. Before teaching in K through six STEM she taught in first, second, and fourth grades, and was also a learning specialist and reading specialist in Kindergarten. She teaches over 725 students, which is a lot of kids. Kristin loves meeting and collaborating with other innovative educators and exploring new learning with her students. I am so excited for you to listen to this interview. She is so much fun, and I can’t wait for you to listen. 

Naomi Meredith  02:04

All right, Kristin. Well, thank you so much for being here today. I was so excited you said yes to me. We were emailing back and forth and like, “Hey, do you want to be on the podcast?” So I’m so glad you said yes to me because I think your experience and your background and teaching is super valuable. I think that your story of where you’ve been in education and how you got to STEM can really resonate with a lot of teachers here on the podcast. Because like me, and I’m pretty sure like you, we just kind of got thrown into it with a passion that we had. So if you wouldn’t mind telling us more about yourself and your teaching background and how you became a STEM teacher.

Kristin Kinner  02:41

Well, Hi, Naomi. Thank you so much for having me on your podcast. As you know, I’m an elementary to STEM teacher. This is my first year in STEM. I’ve taught for over 25 years in first, second, and fourth grades mostly. I’ve been a learning specialist and a reading specialist, so I have a background in special education. Currently I inspire over 725 students to follow their passion in STEM. I love meeting and collaborating with other innovative educators and just exploring new learning with my students.

Naomi Meredith  03:16

You have a lot of kids? 

Kristin Kinner  03:18


Naomi Meredith  03:20

Wait, did you say sixth grade you have or is it just K through five?

Kristin Kinner  03:24

It’s K through six, and then we have a discovery program at my school, which has four self contained GT classrooms. So I have those classes as well. So I teach teach eight classes a day. 

Naomi Meredith  03:40

Wait, how does your schedule work with eight classes? I thought six was a lot. I have six. How does your schedule work?

Kristin Kinner  03:47

So I start in the morning and I teach sixth, fifth and fourth. Then I have lunch and we have two buildings. So then I take my stuff over to the primary building and I teach K-3. Then I teach the discovery class at the very end. Yeah, it’s busy.

Naomi Meredith  04:06

Do you have two separate classrooms then, or are you teaching in their classrooms?

Kristin Kinner  04:11

I do. I have two separate rooms. I have an innovative lab at the intermediate building and I have a STEM lab that’s particularly primary in a primary building.

Naomi Meredith  04:22

I did not know this. I need to go visit your school. I did not know you did that. That’s a lot.

Kristin Kinner  04:33

It’s a lot of fun though. And it keeps me moving and motivated.

Naomi Meredith  04:37

So what has been your favorite part about teaching STEM? Because you you have so much background in teaching and you’re, I mean, I don’t know when you can retire by but you could be like “Hey, see ya,” but now look at you. You’re in STEM. So what have been your favorite parts about it so far?

Kristin Kinner  04:52

I really love robotics. So we’re doing a lot of robotics right now. Bee bots are being used with Kindergarten and first grade. Then I’ve got Dash robots for second, third and fourth. Then we’re going to get into using the Vex Go Systems with fifth and sixth grade as the year progresses. Yeah, so it should be fun.

Naomi Meredith  05:16

Yeah. Have you even opened up those Vex Go Sustems? Yeah, I haven’t used those, but I’ve heard really good things about them.

Kristin Kinner  05:22

I have opened them up. I haven’t done a lot with them. I’m gonna do some exploring over Christmas break to see what we can find.

Naomi Meredith  05:34

Yeah, cuz are those the kits where they actually build the robot? Or am I thinking of something else?

Kristin Kinner  05:39

Yeah, they will actually build the robot. Yes.

Naomi Meredith  05:44

That is so cool. Wow. So you have that many classes a day. So you love robotics? Has there been anything that like surprised you? Because I know coming from the classroom is a lot. You and I were talking at the InnEdCO conference, and you’re so sweet. Like, I’m so nervous. I don’t know where it to start. I’m like, “Well, you’ve been a teacher for a long time. I think it’ll be okay.” But has there been anything that has surprised you where you’re like, “Whoa, I did not expect this?”

Kristin Kinner  06:16

No, I think the hardest thing is going from teaching primary for so long to working with some of the older students. But a lot of the things that we’ve done, I tried to plan something that kind of fits with each grade level. So sixth grade, we use the global goals. They created PSAs to kind of talk about what they might do to work toward a global goal. Fifth grade, we have hydroponic gardens. So they are doing a whole hydroponic gardening unit, that’s just for their grade. With fourth grade, I’m working with otter cares and doing Project HEART, which is a service or a philanthropy unit. So they’re going to be creating some service projects that we carry out through STEM, just to keep some things going for each of them.

Naomi Meredith  07:08

Yeah, so how often do you see the kids then? Because those sound like really big projects? I haven’t heard of global goal or otter cares. Do you do these projects in five days? Or is this something that would carry on for multiple rotations? How does that work with your timing?

Kristin Kinner  07:26

So I see each class for a full week, Monday through Friday, and we have a four week rotation. So we have four classes on each grade level. So I repeat my lessons four times with sixth grade, the global goals, or the 2030 sustainable goals. So like, no poverty, free freshwater, those kinds of things. All people have proper nutrition. They worked on researching, and that took, like, a week. Then the second week was putting together what they wanted to put on their public service announcement. Some of them did Google Slides, because they were familiar with that. But once we introduced the green screen and actually recording using iPads, they were able to record. A lot of them recorded, and had and made videos and stuff.

Naomi Meredith  08:22

So is this more like project based learning? Or do you use the Engineering Design Process or kind of both? Because that’s super interesting. I haven’t talked to anybody who’s done long term projects like this, that I’m so curious how you set that all up.

Kristin Kinner  08:38

I can share it with you. It was just basically I had like a doc that they filled in, and I shared through Google Classroom. That kind of was the framework for what I wanted them to find out, and for what I wanted them to share in their public service announcement, and they just went from there. They’re on my website, so you can see what some of the kids did.

Naomi Meredith  09:04

Oh, yeah, we’ll definitely have to link that. That is super interesting. It’s funny you say that. I’m with you on having a harder time with the older kids. I mean, I think your lessons are really good. But a lot of people are the opposite of you. A lot of people struggle with the little kids more than the older kids. So are there any strategies you would say for the little kids that people should try? Because a lot of people I get have a lot of questions about little kids.

Kristin Kinner  09:30

I tried to connect the younger ones to stories. So a lot of the k one might be more just build oriented and creating that way. This week, we did your lesson on 10 on the sled, so they had to decide what they wanted to build for their sleds and came up with some really cute ideas. Those books are like kind of the vehicle to launch a lot of my lessons. First, second, and third, we did Tacky the Penguin. It was Tacky in the Winter Games. So they had to do a direct drawing of the penguin. Then they had some clothing that they had to either design or there was a copy page they could color them in. But I took it a step further with the second and third graders. They had to create a coding path for Dash Robot to dress Tacky, say to put the pieces all around the coding mat and collect them using the robot. So kind of integrating a few different things.

Naomi Meredith  10:40

 Oh, that’s a great way to start. I know I’ve talked about this in past episodes, like if you can integrate books, that is the best way to get started, or are just busy times of year engaging younger students, and even for sub plans. I don’t know if you’ve left books for subs, that’s something I definitely have done. It’s super, like everybody loves reading. But a lot of us in elementary love reading books anyway, we have a lot of our favorites. So you might as well integrate that. Do you ever do like STEM stations with the little kids or other types of projects?

Kristin Kinner  11:15

Yes, I do. I have some trays that are set up just for that purpose. So I have like six different trays. So when projects are finished, there’s different things that they can go to. If I’m ever out, I usually leave STEM stations for a set, because the directions are there on the card, and the materials are ready to go. So I just put them on the table and read the directions and have the kids go like four to a table. Then you rotate after 15 minutes, and it keeps it easy for the sub and it keeps the kids engaged.

Naomi Meredith  11:51

Yeah, what types of things are on the trays? I’m trying to visualize these trays, I’m so curious.

Kristin Kinner  11:58

One is just a whole collection of pipe cleaners. They have to make a net to collect a ball, which is like a paper ball. One, I have Legos set up in this large tray that my daughter made. She’s a student at CU. I put LEGO platforms in there. They’re building a whole hockey station in there. So kids can work on it continually. Then others can add to it. One of them is using Keva blocks to build a bridge. So there’s different supplies. I just take out the container and put them on tables and explain what’s what. Tthen they’re easy to pack up to.

Naomi Meredith  12:39

Oh, yeah, I love that organization. I’m thinking too like, what about the space, but you said you had two buildings you go to? So that’s nice too where you have, oh, here’s more of the primary supplies in the secondary because having those, you need a lot of stuff. I feel like for the little kids, I don’t know, that’s something that I have found. When I came into my classroom, I didn’t have any of that building stuff. So I asked classroom teachers if they have any extra math manipulatives. I used most of my budget that year on just simple building supplies that you mentioned. But I know that you had to gather, well, I mean, you had to gather a lot of supplies for two rooms. How did you get all the supplies for your classroom? Because that’s a lot of stuff you need.

Kristin Kinner  13:21

So I was very lucky to step into a well equipped, innovative lab and that was at the intermediate building. So fourth, fifth and sixth. We had a lot of tools for the students to learn and a lot of the consumables. I just set up another room in the primary building, which was a little more challenging, but I write a lot of grants and get a lot of funding from different companies. So all robotics last year, we’re funded through different brands. Yeah.

Naomi Meredith  13:53

Wait, so do you write directly to the companies? This isn’t Donors Choose? How do you do this? This is amazing.

Kristin Kinner  14:00

So there are some companies like one grant I got was through Toshiba America. It was $1,000, and I received funding for six Dash robots, and some other supplies for the robotics like chargers and stuff, so I can charge six of them at a time. Yeah. Then this year, I got a grant through Westera, and they funded the lights for my hydroponic gardens. Because like a true engineer, designer, I had gardens, but I didn’t have grow lights. So I was like, Oh, they’re not growing. I had to come up with a way to problem solve and come up with lights because nothing was growing. This whole project was flopping. So I wrote a grant and Westera and my principal both bought a set of lights for our gardens. So now they’re growing like there’s no tomorrow.

Naomi Meredith  15:01

Oh yeah, well, this is like kind of off topic, but it’s similar. So when my family moved out of Colorado, like you take stuff to Goodwill, so my mom’s like, take all this stuff to Goodwill. I’m like, okay, so she loaded all this stuff in my trunk. While I’m unloading it, all the people at Goodwill were laughing at me. Then I realized she put a bunch of grow lights and growing things in my trunk. So I really set somebody up for their home garden, whatever that may be like in Colorado, you guys can connect the dots. But yeah, you definitely need the lights for sure. Growing herbs, like legit herbs, my mom, like grew herbs on my counter, like, that’s it not illegal. But um, yeah, that’s a good point. So how did you find these grants? I’ve never heard of this. I’m thinking of Darrell. Darrell, if you’re listening, you’ve asked me about grants. So you need to listen to this part. How did you find these?

Kristin Kinner  15:53

I searched for educational grants, we can search by state. I found Toshiba that way. That was actually the second grant that I’d gotten from Toshiba. I’d got one a few years back. It was mostly for a collaboration station just for like furniture, and some other games and tools in my first grade class probably about six or seven years ago. I still have the table. But yeah, it’s just a nice way, especially if you need some of those, like, the Keva blocks. I have zoob tubes and extra Legos, if you need any of that stuff. Just a small grant, aside from Donors Choose, they will fund a few different things.

Naomi Meredith  16:35

Oh, yeah, that’s great advice because I know that can be really inhibiting in our position, like you have found where you need stuff. I mean, you can definitely teach them with having cardboard, and a Makerspace. But I feel like Makerspace is just one unit, which if that’s all you can afford, it’s better than nothing to be honest. But we really want to provide these experiences for kids and buying high quality materials that are going to last more than one time. So having the Bee Bots or Blue Bots are definitely worth your investment. More so than those Code and Go Mice do the same thing. They’re not very good. But that is so smart. I did not know you could do that. That’s really helpful for people. If you guys don’t know where to get started, I have a free guide for just a spreadsheet of different things that you can buy with different budgets. So that can help with your pricing and has a lot of the stuff that you mentioned Kristin with all of those really hands on materials, because you need you need all that cool stuff. I mean, it really helps like their imaginations and thinking of the world in new ways. So you said that the 10 on the sled was super fun with your kids? Has there been anything else of mine that you’ve used in your classroom that you’ve seen success with your kids?

Kristin Kinner  17:53

I’ve used a lot of your resources. 

Naomi Meredith  17:56

Oh, okay. I did not know this. 

Kristin Kinner  17:58

I did. Your marble maze, and the kids went bananas. They loved it. One kid made a really tiny one that was probably like four inches by four inches. They use cocktail straws around the edge. We even made marbles out of pieces of clay with one of the groups.

Naomi Meredith  18:18

Oh, yeah.

Kristin Kinner  18:21

Yeah, they did some amazing things. We did your spider pulley in October and they got to keep the spider ring.

Naomi Meredith  18:30

Oh, look at you go. I don’t. I take them back. I think I said that on my episode too. I’m like, I don’t let them keep them. Well, you are the nice STEM teacher, and I’m like give them back.

Kristin Kinner  18:40

That’s because I ordered a bag of about 500 of them. I’m not gonna get rid of these in just a year. What else did we do? Oh, I used your cardboard maker tree. We created a wish tree. We did a wish tree for all the specials teachers. We put little ornaments on them, and we asked for some donations like markers, glue sticks, masking tape and scotch tape because I do not have a lot of those at all.

Naomi Meredith  19:11

Yeah, I run out of masking tape like it’s water. Yeah, I ran into that so is such a cute idea. Have you gotten any donations? We are recording this in December. Have you gotten anything yet?

Kristin Kinner  19:23

I have I got some markers, and I think there’s a few more that’ll be coming in through the week. But just very excited.

Naomi Meredith  19:32

Oh I love that and you could definitely do that. You can make it like a palm tree I don’t know for summertime or if you have parent teacher conferences. What a cute idea on how to use that one. I didn’t even think of that.

Kristin Kinner  19:47

We did you’re all about me brick build. I did it with six during the first week of school and they loved that. They keep asking for more Legos and I think just picking the colors and giving them a little, you know, they could pick what they wanted. But I don’t know, it was kind of cool. It really worked out well. I used your Rube Goldberg lesson to show how matter travels through the ecosystem. 

Naomi Meredith  20:12

Oh, how did that one go? I’m always curious to see how that one goes in classrooms.

Kristin Kinner  20:17

So that was with fifth grade, and it was toward the beginning of the year. They kind of wanted to get it really involved with different animals. I was like, you only need three, have three, one to try to three. Like and if you want more than that, once you get to three, let’s add on. But they enjoyed that. We saw some videos about different Rube Goldberg systems. There are some cool ones out there and gave them some inspiration. Then they created some amazing things. Yeah, I use a lot of your stuff. 

Naomi Meredith  20:49

Oh, you’re so sweet. You sent me pictures of the posters. I didn’t know like, I don’t know. I’m like, Hey, I’m doing this in my own classroom. But the Rube Goldberg one is so fun. I don’t know if you showed this. But kids like that’s in Home Alone. I’m all Oh, yeah. Is it? Right? Yeah, like go watch it on Disney plus, like, it’s just a good movie. I’m like, also a little sad. He’s by himself. When we showed the part the part I could find on YouTube, where he was setting up the trap where it’s actually really dangerous if you rewatch it, but then we didn’t watch it actually go it like being launched, like hurting the robbers. I don’t know if we can show that at school. But he’s like pouring water on the steps. Then he has like, the fan with the feathers are like, Oh my gosh, but yeah, we were showing that when I did that with fifth grade, too. They were talking about him like, oh, yeah, let’s watch that part. So super fun. I don’t know if you had this happen. A lot of the kids didn’t know what a Rube Goldberg machine was. But they kind of knew the concept. Did you see that too? When you were teaching it.

Naomi Meredith  20:49

A little bit. But again, I shared videos to kind of say this is who Rube Goldberg was, this is why it was famous, and this is what we’re doing to try to find a difficult way to solve an easy problem was kind of how. 

Naomi Meredith  22:15

Yeah, totally. Again, it’s so fun. I have told kids like you should make them at home over break and send me videos. It’s a great at home activity on a cold day.

Kristin Kinner  22:30

It’s a good idea.

Naomi Meredith  22:32

Oh, yeah, I’m not patient enough for that. But I would love to see the kids videos.

Kristin Kinner  22:38

I would bet they do it too.

Naomi Meredith  22:40

Oh, yeah, I think so. So if there’s anyone else, I didn’t send you this question before so I’m getting you on the fly. But if there is a teacher, and who is thinking about a similar role as you, they’ve been teaching for a while, do you have any advice for them? Because I know you love your position. You’re just so sweet and modest about it. But I know you love it. 

Kristin Kinner  23:04

I do love it.

Naomi Meredith  23:05

Yeah, I know you. So what would you say to someone who is like you even six months ago, what would you say?

Kristin Kinner  23:13

I would say try them out in your classroom, like have your current kids pick a day, maybe it’s like, fun Friday, but pick a day and have like different challenges where the kids are trying them out because you know your audience and you can tell them, hey, I want you to test the sound I try. I want to try something new with you. I used to do that with my first graders all the time. Now I have all those first graders because they were in my class over the past five years. So now they’re in second through sixth. So I’ve got like robotics experts in the classroom, and I’ve got kids in every room that kind of know, what are some things that we did together. So they can now be the experts and lead others. That’s kind of what you want to do. You want to find what they’re good at, and you want them to feel like “Hey, I know this stuff.” So I’m gonna help you out and feel good about what they’re doing.

Naomi Meredith  24:08

I think that’s such good advice. I think that’s so good because it is a lot teaching all the kids in the school. But I know like some teachers who listen to this are interested in STEM who are a classroom teacher, they don’t know where to get started, or maybe they only teach a few grade levels. So I think that’s really good to hear because it can be a lot at first. Like it is, it’s a lot and even for me still starting new units it can be like super overwhelming sometimes but I think that’s really good just to jump in. You’re showing them to you have a growth mindset, and that’s like really important in STEM like you’re demonstrating what a growth mindset is because I think sometimes as teachers we don’t always do that. But I think that’s really good advice to give them. So you mentioned you had a website, are there any other? So how can teachers connect with you and get in touch if they have more questions?

Kristin Kinner  25:07

So I am on Twitter @kinnerswinners and I have a WordPress blog, but it’s been a while since I’ve added it’s called Innovationinfirst.wordpress.com. Then I’m trying to get better at Instagram, and that’s where I’m k_kinnerteaches

Naomi Meredith  25:34

Yeah, I think they’ll love that and definitely reach out. I think you have a lot of great nuggets that teachers can connect with and reach out to you and just fill up their STEM network. So I appreciate your time. Thank you for using my lessons. I had no idea that I never know I don’t know who gets the things all the time. So it’s just pretty cool, like hearing what you’re doing in your classroom and how you’re inspiring kids. I can’t wait to talk to you at the end of the school year and just like how it all worked out for you.

Kristin Kinner  26:06

Oh, you’re awesome. Yeah, your lessons are amazing. They’re pretty clear, pretty straightforward and really easy to follow. So that’s what I really liked about them.

Naomi Meredith  26:16

Good. Well, thank you. Well, thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you.

Kristin Kinner  26:21

Anytime! I will see you soon.

stem teacher do


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

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My First Year Teaching STEM: What Surprised Me the Most [ep. 30]

My First Year Teaching STEM: What Surprised Me the Most [ep. 30]

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Check out the full episode on My First Year Teaching STEM: What Surprised Me the Most:  


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Episode Summary

While there are a lot of similarities between the general education classroom and the STEM classroom, there are a handful of things that surprised me during my first year teaching STEM. 

Whether you are currently a STEM teacher and this is your first year, or maybe you’ve been doing it for a while, or you’re a classroom teacher who’s trying to implement STEM, or maybe you’re even a classroom teacher who is thinking about stepping into a STEM role, you will relate to many of the topics discussed in today’s episode. 

In this episode, I’m keeping it real and showing you the behind-the-scenes and the not so pretty behind-the-scenes of my first year of teaching STEM.


In this episode, you’ll learn four things that surprised me the most my first year of teaching STEM:

  • Sense of time and how it’s structured is different compared to teaching general education
  • Teaching STEM helps you grow your teaching abilities
  • You are an island, and it can be lonely
  • STEM is impactful but still very new, meaning there are limited resources and supports

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

I originally didn’t go to college to become a STEM teacher. In fact, my major is in elementary education. Through my six years of teaching in the classroom, my experiences and passions led me to my K through five STEM teaching and coaching position. I eventually did go back and get my Master’s in STEM Leadership and a STEM certificate while always continuing to refine my practice and learn more about this field. While there are a lot of similarities between the general education classroom and the STEM classroom, there are a handful of things that surprised me during my first year teaching STEM, which I will be sharing in today’s episode. 

Naomi Meredith  00:40

Whether you are currently a STEM teacher and this is your first year, or maybe you’ve been doing it for a while, or you’re a classroom teacher who’s trying to implement STEM, or maybe you’re even a classroom teacher who is thinking about stepping into a STEM role, I think you’re gonna find a lot of things in this episode that will be relatable to you. I am definitely keeping it real and showing you the behind-the-scenes, not so pretty behind-the-scenes of my first year of teaching STEM. Also, in the end, you’ll be hearing from other teachers who listen to this podcast, and they will be sharing how this show has been helpful to them. Make sure to listen all the way to the end for this special bonus. 

Naomi Meredith  01:53

What I realized right away during my first year teaching STEM is a sense of time is different. We always talk about as teachers how we never have enough time to do anything. Well, the same is true as a STEM teacher, just the way that time is structured, it’s completely different. I remember my first few weeks and how fast the time went. I didn’t get any lessons done. Let’s be real, I had a hard time getting things done with my classes. What was really tricky is I only had kids three days out of the week, and it was the same kids three days in a row. But time went by so fast. The luxury of being a classroom teacher is you do have the same kids all day. The downfall is you do have the same kids all day. But you do have the same kids all day as a classroom teacher, and if you don’t finish something in the morning, you can revisit it in the afternoon. As a STEM teacher, you typically don’t have that luxury. You only have that short amount of time with them. Sometimes kids will even forget that even to this day. I still have kids who are confused about why we are cleaning up, and I can’t let them build all day. I let them know, “I have three more classes who are coming to me, you have to put it away. I am so sorry. I’m so glad you’re having a good time, but we have to clean up.” 

Naomi Meredith  03:15

Time goes by so fast in a different way. Even that time in between classes, you sometimes get a moment to catch your breath, but not all the time, and you have to gear yourself up for the next lesson. I’m always so sweaty at the end of the day. I used to wear super cute outfits and fancier shoes when I was a classroom teacher. Not to say I look terrible every day, but I pull out a lot more teacher tees and skirts and comfortable pants these days because I am up and down on the floor with K through five years running around all over the place. I even tell people teaching STEM is a lot like hosting a birthday party six times. You have to have the same amount of energy for all six classes and make the experience special and meaningful for every single one. So I am like the cool aunt who hosts special birthday parties all day, every day. 

Naomi Meredith  04:11

Something else when it comes to time, I was always stressed out about materials and making sure that everything was prepped and ready to go for every single class. I still get that sometimes when I am implementing brand new lessons or brand new tools that I have never tried before. I have really tried to develop systems and routines, which you hear about in all my other episodes, on how I can get kids to be independent when it comes to gathering their supplies while also being collaborative. I have moved things around in my room constantly to make sure they are at kid height, kid accessible, and that they can do the bulk of gathering materials, being successful during work time, and also putting them away independently. This has given me a little bit more breathing room in between classes. I definitely didn’t have this figured out during my first year teaching STEM. So if you’re feeling it, that’s okay, you will get there. This is just part of the whole process of building your systems and routines. 

Naomi Meredith  05:12

Another big thing that I learned during my first year teaching STEM is that it helps you grow your teaching abilities. If you can teach K through five all day and have differentiated lessons for all of them while teaching, think about it, every single kid in the school, I really feel like you can teach anything. It’s funny because when I first got into teaching, when I was deciding on my major, I was really in between elementary education and also early childhood. Well, you know, I went the Early Childhood route, but I really love the littles. I really see their creativity and all of their amazing ideas each and every day. Now, when I was a classroom teacher, I only taught second and third grade. When I got my third-grade role, I actually didn’t apply for that job. I really wanted the Kindergarten job. Funny enough, when I walked into the interview room, I actually knew one of the girls in my interview completely by accident. That’s actually not why I got the interview. I knew her, and she was on that third-grade team. So when it came down to it, she really wanted to work with me. I thought, “Okay, why not, I will take a risk. I need to change.” I ended up loving third grade and taught it for four years. 

Naomi Meredith  06:29

However, I still do love the littles. I also really appreciate the older students as well, and how deep we can go in the concepts. I really do love the variety of having all the grade levels and seeing that progression of learning, especially year after year. This has been really eye-opening. It really has been testing my differentiation skills when it comes to particular grades, but also being able to meet the needs of all of my students literally on the fly. Sometimes I will think of ideas right then and there, and it ends up working. Sometimes it doesn’t. But being able to teach all the grades really tests and grows you as a teacher. If you are in a rut and you’re thinking about getting into STEM, it is really hard at first. But also, it’s really exciting because it is so different throughout the day when you have all of those different kids. The cool thing, too, that you don’t always get as a classroom teacher is you do get the same kids every single year. Unless you are looping with your students, which I know some teachers do or some schools are really big on that, as a specials teacher, you do get the same kids year after year. I am in year five of knowing my fifth graders, so I have known them since first grade. They forget they have known me that long. I’ve basically been their only STEM teacher, so it’s really cool to see all of the amazing things we have done together and how much deeper we can get into the projects. 

Naomi Meredith  07:54

I really do know those students, even though it is 45 minutes for five days in a row once a month. But really, knowing them over five years, it’s pretty cool to see all the amazing things that they do and know their passions and different things that they want to try. Also, when it comes to testing your teaching abilities, not only do you have to differentiate for their students’ needs, but also adjust to different teaching styles. Now you’re not always teaching with the classroom teachers unless that is the role that you have, which I have had that role before. Also, you may be pushing into the classrooms and helping teachers implement STEM and technology and innovative in meaningful ways. But when you have all the kids come into your classroom, you can definitely see the different styles of teaching that the kids are used to with their homeroom teacher. 

Naomi Meredith  08:46

Some are more laid back about things. Some have more strict behavior management. Some are all about collaboration and creativity. Some where kids have to be silent and listen to the teacher all day. It’s very interesting to see how kids will respond to your style, which I am all about being the guide on the side, not the sage on the stage, which the kids think I’m a little bit funny, not too funny. They’re a little more impressed that I have a YouTube channel if anything else, but I’m really all about giving them the information right away and letting them run with it and attack the problems. Not all teachers have the same style as me. I thrive in this controlled chaos. So it really does, again, test your teaching abilities, being able to adjust to different classes and what they’re used to with their homeroom or general education classroom teacher. 

Naomi Meredith  09:38

Another big thing when stepping into the first year of STEM is that you really are an island. Now, this can definitely be based on the school. I do have a team of specials teachers who are very sweet. They teach PE, art, and music. We do eat together, and we’re able to talk about kids, but we’re not really planning together all the time. There are moments when the art teacher and I might collaborate on some special projects. But it’s way different than being a classroom teacher, where you have a team and you can even divvy up the work where you can talk about the curriculum. You can talk about the units, or you might even be able to switch kids based on differentiation. As a STEM teacher, you really are an island. Now, this really helps you be a self-starter and problem solver when it comes to building your curriculum, which can be super overwhelming. 

Naomi Meredith  10:32

I stepped into a classroom that was brand new and remodeled and had zero curriculum. There were some tools in there, but nothing else. So I loved this challenge because I love writing lessons and trying new ideas, which you can see in my whole year-long plan at naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan, and even get every single lesson that I teach to my students all packaged up together. So you don’t have to do all that planning. But it was super overwhelming because I didn’t know the kids. I didn’t know what tools I was supposed to be using. So you really want to find your community, whether it’s other STEM teachers in the community or even neighboring districts, you can join online groups, find me on Instagram at NaomiMeredith_, or even if you find friends who are online, you can join Facebook groups. I have one as well, the Elementary STEM Coach Facebook group, which will be linked in the show notes. But finding our people can really help you collaborate and not feel so alone because it can get kind of lonely. Even though you see hundreds of kids a day, you really are by yourself, and you’re not always sure if your ideas are really good or not. So being able to talk to other adults can be really impactful. I learned that pretty quickly and reached out and have my STEM teacher besties, which of course, we heard from one and our first guest interview Jen Sevy, and I’m gonna have some of my other STEM teacher friends on future podcast episodes because it’s so important to find your people, especially in the education space. 

Naomi Meredith  12:07

The fourth big thing that I learned during my first year teaching STEM is that STEM is super impactful, but it is still very new in the elementary STEM space. There are various perceptions as to what STEM should look like in the elementary space and even in your own building. I realized this very quickly. First of all, the kids were excited to come to my class., but it was rebranded, as you would say. It also depends on if you’ve had a STEM teacher or a similar role before. Kids will bring in their biases as well. For my older students, in my first year, not all of them actually really liked to build and be creative. They were so used to past teachers in this role telling them exactly what to do, and it had to look the same. There was not much creativity within that. Then they did coding all the time. So they had a different experience when it came to STEM. It really took a long time to help build their trust and to create an environment where they wanted to create and try something new while also having a growth mindset. I had a lot more buy-in with my little kids because they didn’t really have much experience with that past teacher. So it will take time to build up those things with your kids. 

Naomi Meredith  13:28

If you’re not finding success that first year or if things are failing more often than succeeding, keep going. You are not a failure. It does take time, you’re building a program. It’s like as a classroom teacher, you build the thing the whole year, you were building that community for 180 plus days. As a STEM teacher or specials teacher, if you have a unique role, your time is a lot shorter, and it can take years to get to this high-level place that you have in your mind, and you know the kids can do. Keep trying, keep building that community keeps instilling a growth mindset, it is worth it, I promise you. There are also some biases from the teachers in my building as well. Before my classroom was remodeled, it was actually a legit computer lab. A lot of teachers kept calling my class computers tech, which I am not the computer lab teacher or the tech teacher. The kids kept calling me the tech teacher. I’m like, “Okay, so we really are learning what STEM means.” 

Naomi Meredith  14:34

One fun way that I did this is I created something called STEM style. So again, building my brand as the STEM teacher in my building. We really talked about what STEM is and like, okay, well, this is STEM. I am not your tech teacher. I’m not your computer lab teacher, but you do have a STEM teacher. Tech is one of those things in STEM. But here’s what the other letters mean. Here’s how we’re going to be doing them in this lesson. I always try to point out those things even to this day, in my fifth year teaching STEM. I tell them, “Oh, there’s a lot of m in STEM. Today, we’re doing a lot of math when it comes to our Maker money. So I will point out those things, and then they’re like, “Oh, okay!” Sometimes they get a little frustrated with the math, but that’s part of STEM.  I did something called STEM style. So we always talked about what STEM means. If kids wore shirts that represented STEM, science, technology, engineering, or math, I would take a picture, and it would go on my digital picture frame. I have all the pictures from the past five years of being in this role. There are hundreds and hundreds of pictures, and kids think if they stand there, they might see themselves. If they do, they’re super lucky, and they should go to Vegas. I know they’re not old enough, but that could be a lucky charm. But they get so excited. 

Naomi Meredith  15:46

It’s really helped them build their vocabulary of how there are so many different avenues when it comes to STEM. Then now they’re finally calling my class STEM, and I’m not the computer teacher or the tech teacher. I’m legit, the STEM teacher. Also, when it comes to the admin, there might be a lot of support when it comes to STEM, or there might not be. It could be that there’s a lot of support, and they have no idea what you’re talking about. So when you’re thinking about your evaluations, or who your admin are, and the different people you’re dealing with higher up really showing, explaining the reason why you are doing things. That is why planning with standards and using the Engineering Design Process is important because you’re really building the backbone of what your lessons mean and the why behind that. When you’re thinking about that differentiation and creating your year-long plan while there is a progression of learning, admins understand that they might not understand what coding is, or robotics, but they understand those things. So if you are being more thoughtful in your lessons, you’re gonna have more buy-in for your program. You can really explain the why behind you’re doing things. Of course, that is just a snapshot. 

Naomi Meredith  16:58

There is a lot of work to be had in the elementary STEM space, and that is a big reason why I created this podcast because, as of right now, there’s not a whole lot out there. We need more voices to help make a positive difference in this STEM space. Sometimes for me, it can be a little bit awkward just talking into a microphone, and I don’t always know who is listening and how this podcast is even helping. So I put out a call to action for this special 30th episode, where you could leave me a message on how the elementary STEM coach podcast has been impactful to you. You all stepped it up with your messages. They really put a big smile on my face. It continued to instill the drive in me to make a big impact in STEM education when it comes to Elementary in a positive way. So I want you to take a listen and hear all of these awesome words that you all had to say.


I love how Naomi gives such actionable tips. She doesn’t just give you the theory and the why. But she gives you something that you can take back into your classroom and really make it your own, which is so helpful. The elementary STEM coach podcast has been a phenomenal resource for me. This is my first year teaching STEM. And it has been my go to and listening and learning the ins and outs of STEM. I get super excited when I see that a new episode comes out. And I can’t wait to hear more.


Your Blog revives me Just when I think I don’t have any more ideas. What can I do? You send me a an idea. And I get revived I think the wheels start spinning and I think I can do this like it had. So it’s a jolt of creativity when I don’t feel I have any. Thanks so much for sharing.


Hi Naomi. My name is Amber Fraser and I’m a first year STEM educator at Maplewood Elementary School. I teach Kindergarten through sixth grade and I can honestly say that you have given this first year teacher all of the tools that I need to be able to change the lives of my students every day. I can confidently say that work does not feel like work because of people like you and the resources that you’ve given us. And the confidence that you instill in each of us with the things that you share. You have changed my life and the lives of all of my students. Thank you so Naomi for all the to do.


Hi Meredith. My name is peg Volek and I teach in paracasei, Pennsylvania. This is my 31st year of teaching. And after 27 years in the classroom, I took on a role of a STEM and gifted support teacher. Your podcast has helped me with management. Because even though I’ve taught for so long, managing kids once a week, is a little bit different. It’s a whole different world. Thank you so much for keeping it real, giving me good ideas and how to look ahead how to look at the whole scope and sequence that has been really helpful. If you can have any tips on how to make 45 minutes last forever, that’d be great. Because I feel like they forget everything from week to week. The least that’s how it seems. I love listening to your podcast because your troubles are the same as mine, and it makes me feel like it’s okay. It is the ways that the STEM world works. Thank you so much for your podcast. Look forward to the next episode. Thanks.


Hi, Naomi. My name is Katie. And I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this podcast with all of us, I transition from being a classroom teacher. Over the last Gosh, I’ve been a teacher for 12 years, and I’ve taught in a lot of different fifth and sixth grade classrooms, from teaching math, to social studies to English all over, you know, running the gamut. But I made a big jump this year to become a STEAM specialist in a three to five elementary school and I wasn’t sure how it would feel about everything if I could handle it all. And I have loved it. And I have loved turning to your podcast, to feel less alone and to get advice on where to move forward. Thank you so much.


Hi, my name is Donna and I love the STEM coach Podcast. I’m new to STEM this year because I have a stim club for the first time. Some of my favorite things about the podcast are the one day challenges, some tips for management, like the tape around the popsicle sticks. That’s my favorite, and all the great ideas for planning and lessons. Thanks for all the great ideas keep them coming. 

Speaker 8  21:46

Hi, I am a 15 year experience high school science teacher who now moved into a new role this school year at a K to eight, school. And my position is to help integrate STEAM into the fabric of our school. Your podcast has been so helpful for me in getting real tangible ideas of things to do as students as K to five is definitely not my area of expertise. And I really appreciated the concrete examples that you give and the resources that you share. It has probably saved me countless hours. Thank you.


I enjoy the STEM podcast, because it helps me find lessons specific to elementary STEM, which is really hard to find. It gives me lesson plans and different ideas on how to teach STEM.


Hi Naomi. This is Megan from West Virginia. This is my second year teaching STEAM. I travel between the three elementary schools in the county that I serve. And I listen to your podcasts on the way to give me ideas and be able to keep my mind on new STEAM ideas while I travel between the schools. Thanks so much for all your ideas. You were one of the first people I found when I started this new job after changing over from being a second-grade teacher for multiple years.

Naomi Meredith  23:19

Thank you to all of you who took a moment to record these again. They mean the world to me, you can actually leave me a voice message anytime. Whether it’s a question you have that you want me to answer on the show, something you’re wondering, or if you want to say thank you, feel free to record me a message. It’s super easy to do, you can just go to this link, Naomi meredith.com/voice. And it’s also always linked in the show notes. Thank you so much and can’t believe we made it to Episode 30. What an exciting celebration! I will talk to you soon.

first year teaching STEM


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!