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How to Add a Timer to Google Slides

How to Add a Timer to Google Slides

how-to-add-a-timer-to-google-slidesLearn how to add a timer to Google Slides with this video tutorial. This tech tip can can help students manage time in your classroom. In just a few clicks, classroom productivity can be enhanced.

How to Insert a Timer to Google Slides Video

When picking the video timer to add to the slides, double check the timer sound first. There have been many occasions when I’ve had a timer that’s made the worst sound. Sometimes it’s even sounded like the fire alarm going off!

Google Tools Scavenger Hunts

Interested in growing your students’ Google Tools capabilities? These scavenger hunts are a great way to have students find and apply common digital literacy skills. 

You and your students will get to enjoy [for each digital tool]:

  • Prompting for student learning and reflection
  • A pre-reflection sheet to rate comfortability with the technology tool
  • Organized places to write and take notes about the technology tool before using it


Student-led scavenger hunt tasks to learn basic functions in an authentic experience

  • 12 Google Drive
  • 8 Google Docs
  • 18 Google Slides
  • 18 Google Forms
  • Post-reflection sheet for students to write excitements, frustrations, and wonderings

Animated and full-color, Google Slide presentation to teach students…

  • What Google Drive, Docs, Slides & Forms are
  • The difference between the Google App and another similar tech tool
  • Where to access each Google Tool
  • Prompting and directions for student-led scavenger hunt


  • All slides & worksheets are 100% editable
  • A Black & White animated version of the mini-lesson is also included for ink-saving printing
  • Colorful anchor chart showing what Google Tools are like in real life


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What other Google tools tricks do you love? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!