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Tips for Managing Robotics and Coding for Kids [STEM Project & Behavior Management Series] [ep.156]

Tips for Managing Robotics and Coding for Kids [STEM Project & Behavior Management Series] [ep.156]

robotics and coding for kids

Check out the full episode on Tips for Managing Robotics and Coding for Kids [STEM Project & Behavior Management Series]:  


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Episode Summary

Coding and robotics are some of the most popular lessons in the elementary STEM space. It’s no surprise that there are so many different coding and robotics tools available. With all of these tools available, how do you manage them all in your STEM classroom? What are the best strategies for behavior management? What types of lessons should you implement? In today’s episode, we are diving into all aspects of robotics and coding for kids. I share the best systems, behavior management strategies, and lessons for coding and robotics in your STEM classroom.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Systems and behavior management techniques for teaching robotics and coding for kids
  • Why you shouldn’t only focus on coding and robotics in your STEM classroom
  • Robotics and coding lesson ideas

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Coding and robotics are some of the most popular lessons in the elementary STEM space. But with so many different tools out there, how do you manage them all in the classroom? Likewise, what types of behavior management and routines need to be put into place to ensure that kids are being successful? And along with that, what are some great lessons to get started with? We’ll be answering all these questions and more in today’s episode. Even when kids are so excited about lessons and tools like coding and robotics, you still need to keep in mind and don’t assume that kids already know how to use this technology. Yes.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:19]:

Kids are pretty comfortable using technology, but I have learned over the years working with kids when it comes to academic technology, it still isn’t automatic in terms of how to do all the intricate things with coding and robotics. They will grasp the coding pretty easily, but it is all of the ways to access the platform and some of the problem-solving that really trips kids up. So I’m gonna be sharing with you some systems and behavior management techniques that are really gonna help you. And then the lesson ideas, there are so many and actually a lot of resources I’ve put together over the course of the years to point you in that direction. When I was planning this episode, I was definitely going back and forth. Should I do just a coding episode and just a robotics episode? And when I was mapping out the episodes and the outlines, there were so many similarities between the 2, and you might even be doing both at the same time. I decided to put them in the same episode. So, there’s a lot of overlap between these resources and how you would use them in your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:40]:

When I did coding, I did specific computer coding during the hour of code, and that was in the month of December. So, all of December, I would do hour of code. You do not have to do this, but a big thing with this too, think about the time of year, December, you’re tired. You really have no energy to plan a super intense lesson, the weather is a little dreary, and you could have snow days, delayed starts, or whatever if you live in a snowy place. And this was a great time. It was midyear. The kids were excited to code, and then this is something that I could refer back to in other lessons. And it also set us up for success in robotics that we would do coming back from winter break.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:28]:

So that is just my preference in terms of using coding and robotics as big units but fit these in, whatever makes sense. Also, really think about it, are you only just doing coding and robotics? Coding and robotics are so important in STEM, but I have seen a lot of times where classrooms that’s all they do. And just so you know, not every kid likes it. Not every kid likes 3D printing. Not every kid likes Makerspace. But you really need to try to balance everything out. And if you’re saying, oh, well, we only do coding and robotics, then your class is a coding and robotics class. It’s not fully STEM.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:11]:

So, just keep that in mind. It is a component of STEM, but it’s not the only way to teach STEM. So let’s get into those systems that you should have in place. So there are specific things for each of these units you wanna do. For robots, if you’re able to have a designated charging station. You might need to take some time, like 30 minutes after school, to create a little station where you plug in all the devices and have them ready to go. My favorite way to plug in multiple devices like robots is I invested in these plugs that have multiple USB ports in them, and then you can put all the chargers into that port. It depends on the robot.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:01]:

Some come with charging bricks to plug them in, but we know in classrooms unless you have a brand new classroom that’s super remodeled, and even still, plugs are hard to come by. So, if you just invest in one of those USB charging bricks, that actually helps a ton. And then as you’re cleaning up your robot station, you can keep the plugs plugged into that brick, and then you just pull it out when you’re ready. I actually wouldn’t keep up my robots plugged in all year because I didn’t do robotics year round. This was also to preserve the battery life of my robots. I also didn’t want my robots out in the open all the time. I know kids would mess with them because they were so cute, especially Dash, the robot. The kids would always turn their heads, even as many times as I would tell them to not, they still would.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:53]:

So I actually would put them away when we were I knew for sure we were done with the unit. Also, depending on the robot, some robots need to be named physically, so you need to write on the robot their actual name. If it’s a fun name, great. If it’s a number, great. And then also in the app that it’s connecting to. Like I said, it depends on the robot, so just check out your robot if that’s something you need to do. If it is something that you name in the app, it typically will keep its name, and then that should also be an expectation with kids. We do not change the names of the robots.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:30]:

Here and there, kids will do it, so you would need to say explicitly, do not change the names. When it comes to coding, I didn’t have any laptops in my classroom or Chromebooks. When my room was remodeled, it was a computer lab, but then it got remodeled where they took the computers away, and then the school was 1:1 with devices. And so I made it a habit where in STEM, my 2nd through 5th graders would bring devices to STEM anyway, and that was just a great digital citizenship routine that we always had all year. And then when we got into coding, I had students bring in their headphones. And if they didn’t have headphones, they could borrow some of mine in the classroom. I would hang up my headphones year round in those clear shoe pocket holders, and it was really nice because of depending on where you hang it on your wall, your oldest kids can grab it from the taller sections, and then your youngest students can access the ones lower. So those were really helpful just to have year round.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:37]:

And, also in my role, I was the school wide tech person, so people knew that’s where my headphones were. If they were in a bind and needed to grab headphones, they could grab headphones and bring them back. There were some times when we did testing, we would just take the whole pocket organizer off the wall and put it in an area of the building where testing was going on. So that’s just a nice organizing hack. Also, I really recommend having headphone splitters. They’re extremely helpful. I had some older ones in my room that I knew were so old but worked great. And they only split into 2, so 2 people could be listening on the same device at the same time.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:21]:

You can definitely order different ones off of Amazon where they have multiple ports to split. Like, you could do a listening station. Really, you only need up to 2 or 3, in my opinion, but they’re really helpful when you get into coding, and we’ll talk about why you would want kids to share a device. Also, think about in your classroom, do you have an area that focuses on key coding vocabulary? Again, you could keep this up year round or just hang it up as needed. I had very limited wall space, so I would only hang up specific vocabulary when we were using it for that unit. So when we were doing coding and robotics, everybody at that time was doing coding and robotics, so then it was really easy just to keep that up, and for coding for the first unit, robotics the next, and just adding in a couple of things. You might also wanna think about some posters that show the different robots that you’re using, and then those robot posters could also show, oh, on this part of the robot is a sensor, or this part is the power button. That can be really, really helpful.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:31]:

I do have some robot posters in my TPT shop for a lot of the common robots in the elementary stem space. If there are some you want to see, write a message on there or just send me a message on Instagram. Like the last episode in episode 155 where I talked about your robot recommendations, there are robots that I haven’t heard of, so I can definitely do some research and possibly make some posters for those. Also, something that’s really helpful is if there is a robot that’s connecting to a platform, having those steps to log in and how to connect to the robot, having those readily available and hanging up is a great resource to have. Even if you print out some and you hand them to students, that’s really helpful, too so that they can be independent and go through those steps. Also, if there are any class codes that are needed, write those up, whether it’s class specific or just for your whole entire grade level. That’s really great too. Most of the coding platforms have a very specific vocabulary that relates to their type of code, whether it’s just a coding website or even coding with robots.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:44]:

So check out the websites for the platforms that they’re using. A lot of times, they have resources already. For example, when I did Bitsbox, which is a coding platform that uses a form of JavaScript where the kids are typing their code, There are specific codes that create different images on their screen, and I had some posters I would hang up during this time that would show them that vocabulary and the codes and how to write it. So that was really, really helpful. I also know that Wonder Workshop has the codes from their platform Blockly, where they are print and go. So you can use them for a vocabulary wall and talk about what each of the different colors mean in that platform. And then you can also add it in with some coding unplugged. I didn’t know where to put this part, but when you have robots that move forward in a specific length so let’s say your b bot moves 30 centimeters in one forward move, consider creating a grid for these types of robots.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:51]:

This will help students visually see where their robot is going and where they need to code their robot. I do have quite a few of those grids in my TpT shop as well, and you can actually add in images, on top of that, which is really helpful. Those are really, really popular in there. So it’s print and go. You can create whatever size grid you want. But creating a grid, I know you can purchase them too. That can be helpful. But if you’re on a budget, you can definitely create your own.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:20]:

Also, with your systems, think about how you are going to share the coding platform, whether it’s coding only or coding with robotics. Are you going to share with students a coding choice board that they need to access? Are you gonna leave the website in their learning management system? This is also really great for days you are gone. So think about your system of how you’re gonna share the website they need to log in to. Okay. So, let’s get into that behavior management. So, with robots in general, for the most part, pretty much the same. I always have their code on the floor. The only robot I would let them code on the table is Ozobots because they are super tiny, and they fit inside the palm of your hand.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:09]:

So those ones don’t go fast enough where it matters that they need to be on the floor. But for every other robot, I have students code on the floor. I also would remind them to code their robot like a robot. Don’t drive it like a car, meaning you can’t touch your robot and push it back and forth, back and forth. That really messes up the motors. So make sure to remind students of that when they’re carrying their robot to a new place, holding their robot with 2 hands, and then you also might have specific rules for each robot, again, that are in those posters that’ll be really helpful for you. For coding, not as many rules, but there are some to help with behavior management. I would make students with their devices leave it flat on the table.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:56]:

I wouldn’t let students move and code around the room because I wanted to make sure they were staying on task and staying on the website that I assigned them to. So it might seem kind of strict. It has to stay on the table. However, that way, I could see their screens are up, and they are doing what they’re supposed to do. Same thing with iPads. If I had my younger students coding with an app on iPads, those had to stay at the table. They were not allowed to wander around the room with the iPad. Also, they need to make sure that they only have the tab or the app open for what they are working on.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:32]:

This is good habits to teach your kids that if you’re finished with a task, close out the tab. You might see kids with 50 tabs open. They’re like, why is my computer slow? Well, your cool math games in the background is making your computer slow. It’s still running. It’s still open. Your computer is still thinking about it. So that’s just a really good habit to teach your kids, and, that way, they aren’t flipping back and forth and doing other things. You know how it is.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:05]:

For my coding and robotics, I actually have very, very similar rules. And I talked about this in one of the LEGO episodes, but, I will have the roles of a driver and navigator and then robot wrangler, which is for robots. But you have a driver and a navigator, and this is called paired programming. This is a real thing that computer programmers use, And the driver is the one who is controlling the device, so they are the one clicking the mouse. They are the one touching the keys. It doesn’t mean that they’re actually thoughtfully thinking about all the work. Everybody else can pay attention and contribute to the code. And then the navigator is like that wingman.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:50]:

It’s like checking things over, is helping out, and talking through it. So one person is literally controlling the device, the other is helping with that brain power, maybe of 2 navigators. And then once you get into that robotic side, you have those 2 roles, and then you have a robot wrangler. And that person is in charge of the robot, where they’re not coding the robot. They need to make sure the robot is set up where it needs to be. It’s in its starting position. Is it facing forward? Then when they run the code, they have to go get the robot and then bring it back to where it needs to go. This sounds like a silly task, but trust me, this will help so much, so kids aren’t fighting over it.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:35]:

For this type of role, I might have kids switch about halfway through. So setting a timer on your screen is going to help with this because the kids can’t always gauge, and then I would lose track of time myself. And so setting a timer that when the timer goes off, you are going to switch up your roles. Some groups wanted to do it day by day. And, again, just like when I mentioned with Allego, as long as the groups are agreeing and they think it’s fair, then let them figure that out. But most kids will need that specific, you will switch at this time because you’re teaching them how to collaborate well and being able to perform these different roles. Even if it isn’t their favorite, they get a chance. Also, when it comes to your behavior management, make sure you show kids how to clean up at the end.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:26]:

Where do you want them to put their devices? Do you want them to plug in their devices? How do they save their work and close out their tabs so that their computer is running as efficiently as possible? Where do they line up at the end to make sure that everything is cleaned up and where it should be? So, that’s really gonna help with that behavior management and making sure they stay on task. One big thing, this is what those little Ozobots I was mentioning. I would make sure that you count how many robots you start class with and how many you end with. I have had instances where students would try to take them, and they didn’t know I was counting. And their class tried to leave, and I said no. We can’t leave. We are missing a robot. And I ended up finding it, and, actually, the student tried to take the robot twice.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:22]:

That’s a whole other thing. And I knew exactly who it was, and, you know, we had some we had some consequences. Mean Miss Meredith had to come out, but definitely count those smaller robots. It might seem silly, but trust me from experience, I sadly had to deal with that. Alright. Now on to the lesson ideas and materials. Coming up soon, if you’re listening to this episode close to when it’s being released, the Spring International STEAM Summit hosted by Wonder Workshop is going to take place in May, and they just announced that it is live to register. It’s a free virtual Steam summit, and I’m actually going to have a session all about Wonder Workshop themed STEM stations that you can do in your classroom.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:18]:

So these stations actually are gonna be mixing in coding with the robots and also doing some digital work as well. So it is really along with this theme and works out perfectly. When I was map mapping this out, actually, I didn’t think about how this would all align. So make sure you find me over there. Super fun. I love, doing their summit. I actually did their keynote last year, which I believe is episode 100, if you wanna go back and listen to that. For the lesson ideas and materials, this is gonna be a little bit different than the other episodes in this series because I’ve talked about robotics and coding a lot in different ways and just really wanted to focus on those systems and behavior management.

Naomi Meredith [00:20:03]:

This is all gonna be linked in the show notes for you. So, if you’re worried, where can I find this? I can’t remember. This is gonna help you out in time. In the last episode, episode 155, I talked about the robots that you have used in your classroom. So, thank you so much for messaging me and responding to me on Instagram. So you tell me about the robots you use and then how it’s going. From there, in episode 43, I actually talk about my robot recommendations and the experience of different robots that I’ve used in my classroom what has worked well, and then some other improvements. In episode 99, I talk about cross-curricular lesson ideas that you can do with robotics.

Naomi Meredith [00:20:48]:

So just different ways where you’re not just coding some random tasks, you’re really integrating this content together. For coding only specific lesson ideas, I talk about Hour of Code, which, again, this can just be how you use coding platforms, I talk about coding specific lessons that you can do in episodes 38 and 136. So there are a ton of different ways that you can use coding and robotics. I talk about them in a lot of different avenues, so make sure to check that out. And, also, a little trick on my website, it might be easier if you’re on a computer. On my website, naomimeredith.com, there’s a little search bar, and you can search for any keywords on my website. And I actually search up my own website all the time. So, when I was writing out this outline, I was searching up robots.

Naomi Meredith [00:21:45]:

So if you just type in robots in my own search on my website, you can find every podcast episode and every blog post that I have done about robots. And, yes, there are blog posts on there. Same thing with coding. You can find all of that in all the other topics that I talk about. So this is extremely helpful. So, definitely check out that feature. I think that’s a nice little hack how to navigate all of my resources, and make sure that I have something about it. And if I don’t, let me know because that gives me inspiration for even more episodes.

Naomi Meredith [00:22:22]:

So as a recap in this episode about coding and robotics, we first talked about the systems to set up in your classroom. Next, we talked about different ways to handle behavior, and then I gave you a list of ways to navigate those lesson ideas. Again, definitely use that search on my website, and then I do have those episodes that are specific to coding and robotics grouped together in my free podcast playlist. So if you go to namiberedith.com/ podcast playlist, I categorize all my episodes. So if you just want episodes to play in order just about coding and robotics, those will all be there for you completely free, the same exact podcast as this one. It’s just organized in a nice way so that you can get the content that you are looking for. Thank you so much again. I appreciate all of you.

Naomi Meredith [00:23:19]:

Thank you so much for reaching out and letting me know what you need and what you’re searching for. I am never at a loss for podcast ideas. You guys are so awesome. Keep up the great work, and I will see you in the next episode.

robotics and coding for kids


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is an online K-5 STEM Coach in Colorado supporting elementary teachers world-wide navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there. With over a decade of experience teaching, 5 years teaching elementary STEM, along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM Certificate, Naomi helps teachers world-wide to navigate best practices, strategies and tools out there. 

She offers a variety of tools to help teachers feel successful teaching STEM to their elementary students through lesson plans, online courses, coaching and speaking events.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM, innovation and hands-on learning in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

Which Robots for Kids Should I Buy? [STEM Project & Behavior Management Series] [ep.155]

Which Robots for Kids Should I Buy? [STEM Project & Behavior Management Series] [ep.155]

robots for kids

Check out the full episode on Which Robots for Kids Should I Buy?:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Have you been wondering which robots for kids you should buy for your STEM classroom? If yes, then today’s episode is for you! I recently asked over on Instagram what robots you are using in their classrooms and what challenges you are currently facing when it comes to robots for kids. I’m sharing those responses and other tips and strategies for incorporating robots for kids into your STEM classroom.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Teacher recommendations for robots for kids
  • An overview of each of the robots
  • Tips for getting funding for robots for your classroom

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Which robots should I buy for my classroom? I asked all of you over on my Instagram at Naomi Meredith your opinion and what robots you buy for your students and the ones that you have experience with. I am sharing with you your responses as to what has worked well in your classroom and also what have been some sticking points for you. There are some robots that you guys told me about that I haven’t used before. So this was a very exciting episode to put together and get all of your opinions and expertise. 

Naomi Meredith [00:01:11]:

I have done an episode like this before. It was kind of like a bonus episode, and I had asked over on my Instagram about the 3D printers that you have used and your recommendations and things that have worked well and what haven’t. And that is a really cool episode because I had experience with only a couple of different types of printers. But knowing there are so many out there, I wouldn’t have been able to experience them all. And so that is actually an episode I share with teachers all the time when they’re asking that question just to hear other people’s perspectives. So, that will be linked in the show notes for you because I think that is super valuable, and I wanted to create a similar experience here for this episode as it relates to your experiences with different robots. Also, back in episode 43, I gave my specific robot recommendations and why I suggested those, so my experience and what robots that I had access to. Out of all of those, and you can hear about all the different kinds, in my personal opinion, Dash by Wonder Workshop is my absolute favorite.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:25]:

There are a lot of runners up, but that’s my preference for robots. To me, that is the most versatile user friendly robot. It can be used k through 8. It has a driving mode that is good for introducing this robot to younger students, but then you can get into that block-based coding that looks a lot like Scratch. And then a lot of people don’t know this about Dash, but if you have any of the paid tiers of your Make Wonder program, there is actually JavaScript coding and more advanced block-based coding. So, that is a cool experience that you can bring to Dash when your kids need more of a challenge. And they also have in those paid tiers, it is a virtual Dash, so it actually interacts with the code just like the physical Dash, and students can take their learning home with their virtual dash or just have another option. So that’s pretty fun as well.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:22]:

Something to keep your eye out for is their international steam summit that is coming up for Wonder Workshop for the springtime. So, there are things all things dash there, but also some really cool but also other really cool presenters and presentations that are all STEM based. So keep an eye out. I usually speak every year. I did submit a proposal, so fingers crossed I get chosen. But, it was fun. Last year, I did a presentation. I also got to be their keynote speaker, which was super, super cool.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:56]:

And I’m pretty sure I played that keynote here on this podcast. It might have been episode 99 or a100, which was pretty exciting. Alright. So in terms of robot recommendations, what are all of you using out there? And I thought this was really cool. I had so much fun talking to all of you on Instagram. So, thank you to those who responded. This was really fun to hear because there were a lot of commonalities with the types of robots that other teachers are using in their classrooms, and then also some newer ones on the market and their opinions. When you teach them, you often don’t get that opportunity to observe and check out other classrooms and see what is being done and what works well and what doesn’t.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:47]:

And so this was really, really exciting, to get this information and also share it with all of you. When I was talking to Christy B. Lewis, she uses primarily Dash the Robot, like I had just mentioned, but their district will not fund the paid version of Make Wonder, but using the freebies, which is definitely a great place to start with their freebies as well and totally understand, every district has different possibilities when it comes to funding and, what they want to fund and not. So, there are some really awesome things that they have for you to get started. When I was talking to her more, she also used these other little robots. They’re called Root robots. And I was messaging with her, and I said, oh my gosh. Those look like little Roombas. And we were looking more into it, and we’re pretty sure they are made by the same company, which, honestly, I don’t think that’s a dumb idea at all.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:51]:

When you think about our robot vacuums, there are those that are being coded. There is code in these robot vacuums. And so, why not make a kid version for kids to experience and understand how this piece of technology works in your home? I don’t think they vacuum up anything, but it was pretty cute. They’re like little baby Roombas, so she likes them. She said they’ve been pretty fun. Andrea_zimmermanstem. I was talking with her, and, she uses some different robots in her classroom. She uses the tail bot, t a l e, and the Vinci bot.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:34]:

And then Lego Spike and Vex Go are also robot options. And if you’re thinking, wait, LEGO, I thought, was just building? I did have episodes recently all about LEGO Education, and some of the kids’ students will build and code their creations. So, technically, it is a robot. I was asking her more about Marty the robot because I hadn’t seen that. And so she sent me a picture of Marty, the robot, and in my opinion, I thought Marty looked like the robot. Like, if you ask students to draw me a picture of a robot, this is what it would look like. She said that when you are coding Marty, the robot it’s using a remote control, and then the Marty blocks look a lot like Scratch Junior. If you’re not familiar with Scratch Jr, that is strictly coding.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:33]:

It doesn’t connect to any devices. There is a way to get it on Chromebooks. I think it might be in the Chrome Web Store. I’m not a 100%. I have seen Scratch Junior on Chromebooks, and then I’ve also used it on iPads. It is a free app. It’s awesome. It definitely is very relevant for your youngest learners.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:58]:

So, that was interesting to hear about her experience using this Marty robot and that the code, it seems like, is made for younger students. I was talking with Amber Likes Books and Cats on Instagram, and she uses b bots and Scratch. I might also be mentioning coding platforms here and there since that was the question I asked. B-bots are those little robots that look like a little bumblebee. They are comparable to the code and go mouse. They do the same exact thing. If you are able to spend a little bit more, I do recommend getting the b bots. They are more hefty, heavier duty.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:42]:

They will last longer than your Code and Go mice. So if you’re able to do it, do it. They are rechargeable. Code and Go mice use batteries that you do have to interchange. Now, if you get rechargeable batteries, that would work really well. But I recommend the bee bots. That is my preference since they will last you a lot longer. She also uses Sphero, but she also mentioned that they don’t follow the code lines as well as they age.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:13]:

And I noticed that too with some of the Sphero that I had. I love Sphero, the ball robot, but as they got older, mine also had an issue with connecting to devices for a long time. They would disconnect quite often, and then the battery life died pretty quickly over time. There were also a couple of other teachers who used Spiro in their classroom. We have miss Geeky Tech, Sarah, who uses Spiro, and then also leapy829 uses Spiro. She also has the Sphero Indy, which I have heard really good things about that for little kids. It looks like a little car, and then there are these colorful squares that each color makes the robot do a certain or different action. So kids are moving these squares around on the floor, and the robot will move around and is looking for those squares to perform the action.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:09]:

So they look really, really fun, and I’ve heard really fun things about them from teachers who have used them. I also know that Miss Geeky Teach uses Dash. She just wrote a grant through DonorsChoose and got a ton of those funded for her classroom. So, again, if you are hoping, after listening to this episode, you kinda have an idea of what kind of robots you might want to try, DonorsChoose is a great option for that. I did speak with somebody who works for DonorsChoose, which we’ll link in the show notes where she talks a little bit more about DonorsChoose, what their mission is, and some ways to help you get your projects funded, which was a really, really cool interview. Bree Smith 13 uses a lot of the similar items that we talked about, Sphero and Dash. For coding platforms, she also uses Codable and Codespark, which don’t connect to robots but just some other coding platforms. And then she also uses Ozobots.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:11]:

Hopefully, I think you can buy Ozobots for a while. You couldn’t, purchase them, but I think they’re back in stock where Ozobots are pretty cool. They’re these tiny, tiny little robots. They are, they can fit in the palm of your hand, and they read color patterns. So a lot like the indie where it’s looking for colors and it will perform the action, Ozobot will do the same thing, but the colors are colored with a marker. And so those are pretty fun. I use this for quite a bit of time with my 2nd and third graders. A big tip with those is to make sure you count them before your class leaves for the day.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:54]:

I did have a student try to take them more than once, and so that was a practice that I put into place with the Ozobots because I wanted to make sure they didn’t go anywhere because they are not cheap. For how little they are, they are not cheap at all. Back to Miss Geeky Teach. She also has the VEX 123 in her classroom, and she was saying that students use a coder where they slide in the code and then they hit play, and then it will run. She said that she has used the VEX 123 from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade, and they’re actually really easy to use. And they come with a lot of pre done curriculum, which is easier to jump into. So, if you need more experience when it comes to curriculum, it sounds like this is a good starting place, which can be a sticking point sometimes. Also, she does love Dash and Spiro, but, also, when you don’t have access to the curriculum, that can be tricky to get started.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:58]:

So definitely, for any robots, check out their websites. More and more robotics companies are trying to provide resources for you to get started because it is a newer thing, especially in the elementary space, and you wanna make sure that kids are being successful. So definitely check that out, but, when you are getting started with any of your robotics. I definitely have some resources for you to get started with robots, and continuously thinking about that for you as well. If you are hoping to dive in more about coding and robotics, what all of this entails in your STEM space, and what are some different things you can do around this topic, I do have a free podcast playlist that is all about coding and robotics, and I have my entire podcast categorized into categories. So same exact show that you’re getting here, but I have all the episodes organized, so you don’t have to go pick and choose and find all of the episodes that are related to coding and robotics. I have that all done for you absolutely free. So, it has all of the episodes listed in a spreadsheet.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:14]:

And then what’s really cool is there’s a special link for each of the playlists where you add it to your podcast player. And as soon as I organize the episode into that category, it pops up on your phone so those specific episodes for that category are already there for you. You can grab this free coding and robotics podcast playlist, oh, and all of the other free playlists over at Naomi Meredith.com/podcastplaylist. You just create a free little account. It’s all there for you, and easy for you to find the topics that you wanna learn more about. Thank you so much again for following along, and thank you to everybody who was chatting with me over on Instagram. I love hearing what you’re doing in your classrooms and being willing to share your experiences and what is working well and why what isn’t working well because that’s a reality of teaching. Right? So, thank you so much for sharing all that info with me.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:15]:

I definitely learned a lot of new things. Hearing what is going on in your classroom is super helpful for other teachers out there who want to add more robots in their space or don’t have any at all and are looking for where to get started. Thank you so much again, and I will chat with all of you soon.

robots for kids

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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is an online K-5 STEM Coach in Colorado supporting elementary teachers world-wide navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there. With over a decade of experience teaching, 5 years teaching elementary STEM, along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM Certificate, Naomi helps teachers world-wide to navigate best practices, strategies and tools out there. 

She offers a variety of tools to help teachers feel successful teaching STEM to their elementary students through lesson plans, online courses, coaching and speaking events.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM, innovation and hands-on learning in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

types of STEM after-school clubs

8 Types of STEM After-School Clubs [ep.116]

8 Types of STEM After-School Clubs [ep.116]

types of STEM after-school clubs

Check out the full episode on 8 Types of STEM After-School Clubs:  


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Playlist of each type of club in their own bite-sized segment: 

Episode Summary

You’ve made the exciting decision to host a STEM after-school club, but now you may be wondering what types of STEM after-school clubs you can host. That’s what I’m discussing today. With over a decade of teaching experience, I have gained much experience in hosting engaging and interactive after-school clubs that students love. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 8 types of STEM after-school clubs you can host, and I’m sharing some strategies to support you with starting your own.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 8 types of STEM after-school clubs
  • An overview of each type of after-school club
  • Tips and strategies for starting each type of club

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

So you’re ready to start hosting a STEM after-school club. What types of STEM after-school clubs can you be hosting? Based on my experience of being a teacher for 11 years and 5 of those being a K-5 STEM teacher, I have a whole list of STEM after-school clubs that you can try, and these are all clubs that I hosted in my classroom that my students absolutely loved and provided a variety of experiences. So let’s dive into these fun club ideas. 

Naomi Meredith [00:01:30]:

Pretty soon, I will be hosting a live workshop to take you behind the scenes on how I set up my favorite club of all my school-wide news. Not only will I be showing you exactly how the news ran day today, but all of the prework that I did at the beginning to get it all organized to get kids signed up. All of that behind the scenes work to what we actually did every week to set up the news where we didn’t have to go live every day and depend on that. There is a whole method to the madness Everything is all streamlined, and I kept track of it all. So I could show you exactly what I did. I don’t want you to miss out on this super fun opportunity. So make sure you join the wait list because you’ll be the first to know when it’s live And for people on the wait list, you always get a bonus. So make sure you join at Naomimeredith.com/newswaitlist. It’s also linked in the show notes, so you can check it out there. In the last episode, I talked about the three reasons why you should host a STEM after-school club.

Naomi Meredith [00:02:20]:

If you haven’t gone back and listened to it, no worries. Keep listening to this episode. And then when you’re done, Go check out that one because they all go together, and it will all make sense. I love after-school clubs so much they’re a lot of fun to plan, and also it’s an awesome opportunity for students. My first year teaching K through 5 STEM. I went a little bit crazy, and I hosted 4 days of clubs. The only day that didn’t have clubs were Wednesdays. But those clubs were all different because I wanted to have a whole variety of experiences for my students and have them interact with STEM in a lot of different ways.

Naomi Meredith [00:03:06]:

Also, in my district, all of the clubs were actually free. So We’re a really nice opportunity for them to join. When I did do creative clubs, sometimes I charged a small fee of $3 just to pay for extra materials. And that was plenty when I had about 20 to 30 kids. That could buy me enough supplies for what I needed for the projects I was thinking about. Also, for 2 of my other clubs, I designed shirts, which I’ll talk about when I get to these clubs later in this episode, And that was optional. Students didn’t have to buy a shirt, but this was a good way to promote the club, which again will make sense in a second. When I hosted clubs, the clubs typically ran for 4 to 6 sessions in a row. So if their club were on a Tuesday, it would run for the next 4 to 6 Tuesdays.

Naomi Meredith [00:04:03]:

The other specials, teachers in art, PE, and music, we went through and tried to really plan these sessions together so that it all made sense when it came to when a new club would start, when it would end, and all of those different sessions. There were a few clubs that I hosted that did last the entire year, but then they had their own schedule. So it goes into all of that management and all of that pre-work when it comes to setting up a club. which I will talk about in the workshop. And if anything, if you’re not even going to do school-wide news, joining the workshops is helpful because the way that I set up that club is exactly how I set up all of my other ones. So you’ll get the templates in that workshop anyway, so join it for the 1st hour and then leave for the next. I don’t know. But they’re all of that work, and all of that management helped it run smoothly for the rest of the year I had all the kids set up and organized, so I didn’t have to worry about it again.

Naomi Meredith [00:05:05]:

Another fun thing that I ended up doing once I had my school I knew running is me and the other special teachers started to make commercials promoting our clubs when it came to the time to sign up. They were anything fancy. A lot of times, my commercials had my dog Frederick in them, which all of the students in the school knew who Frederick was because he was in my commercials a lot, and he was also on the news with me when I had to record something last minute at my house, but it was so fun because we had made commercials about our clubs, and then our clubs were always full because they knew about them because they would go home and tell their parents about it. So it was a really fun way how we promoted these opportunities for kids. So kids always signed up. We also tried with our clubs when it came to signing up, where we would mix up the grade levels. So sometimes I would have a 4th and 5th-grade club running, and then the PE teacher might have a second and third-grade club. So kids could have a lot of different experiences.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:10]:

Sometimes we had clubs with kindergarten and 1st grade. I did that my 1st year, and the kids are really, really, really hired at the end of the day. So that’s definitely up to you if you host clubs for kindergarten and first. I don’t recommend it. I love the little one so much. They are my favorites, but they’re also really tired at the end of the day, and it’s just a lot. So that’s my 2¢ on that. My clubs ran for about an hour after school.

Naomi Meredith [00:06:40]:

I was still done at the end of the day by 4 p.m., got to go home, and there were about 20 to 30 kids in each club. Almost all of them I ran by myself. Here and there, I had some clubs I had some help with, which also depended on the club that I was running, but most of them, I was running by myself, and it worked out just fine. So let’s get into those eight STEM after-school clubs, the different kinds you can run, and I’m gonna be sharing with you just a little synopsis of what I did in each one. For some of them, I do have lesson plans created. Some of them I don’t. Some were just like on the fly, or sometimes it was a curriculum that was already created.

Naomi Meredith [00:07:22]:

which is going to make sense as you’re listening to this. So if I do have materials currently at the time of this recording, I will share them with you here. And, again, when it comes to the whole setting up a club, the whole process is exactly what I did for my school-wide news. So join in on that waitlist, Naomimeredith.com/newswaitlist, because then you can see, like, how to even set up a club to begin with. With the clubs I’m going to mention, you really don’t have to do them in any certain order. I don’t really have them in a certain order anyway. They’re just When I thought of them, I wrote them down. So here they all are, the 8 different types of STEM after-school clubs that you can try.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:05]:

The first one that you can try is computer coding or anything related to computer creation. This will take literally no prep from you, which is awesome when it comes to hosting an after-school club. The program that I really like to use for this club setting when it comes to computer programming on the computer is Google CS First or Google Computer Science First. It is a free program, and at the time when I did it, they actually sent stickers that went along with the challenges. It changes all the time. They’re always updating it and making it better, so I’m not quite sure if that is still a thing with this program. But what I really liked about it is that there are different themes of coding. So there’s a whole theme that you are deciding to create your challenge around.

Naomi Meredith [00:08:58]:

So there’s fashion and design, there’s storytelling, but you’re solving this problem through coding, which is pretty awesome because real world problems are using coding as one of the ways to solve them. So it was pretty cool. The curriculum’s all laid out there. they have a lesson that the students watch. They have videos. and then they apply what they learn using scratch. So they have both at the same time, and they are building upon that challenge to really solve it. It’s super cool.

Naomi Meredith [00:09:33]:

I highly recommend it. It’s a great way you could do this club a couple of times a year and just choose a different seam. I had everybody work on the same theme. So when I presented the club, it was computer coding, fashion, and design. So they knew what we were getting into, which was pretty fun. On this side note, this isn’t exactly computer coding. Now I know there are elements to coding with this, but you could do things like a Minecraft club. You could use Minecraft for education, as an option if you don’t want to do that as a regular classroom lesson, or also you could do a 3D printing club.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:13]:

This is a great time to try out 3D printing because the biggest management is you managing the prince as a teacher. So if you do this as a club, You only have a handful of students. You’re learning the platform. So try it as a club this year. And then the following year, you could do it with everybody. So a great way, pretty low preps since you’re using student devices. You don’t really have a whole lot of other materials to worry about. but computer coding on the computer is a great option.

Naomi Meredith [00:10:43]:

The 2nd type of STEM club to try is using LEGO bricks. Whether you have LEGO education kits or LEGO just mixed LEGO Bricks, This is a great club as well. Again, minimal prep. I did 2 versions of this club. I did LEGO 1.0 and LEGO 2.0. In LEGO 1.0, we just had quick one-day building challenges A lot of them I just made up, like building the tallest tower, and then we measured them with yardsticks. It was pretty fun. The kids liked it.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:20]:

It wasn’t so fun when the towers fell over, and they had to clean it up, but it was things like that that they would build in one day. We would learn about it. We would watch some videos about it. They would try the challenge, and then they’d clean up and go home. Super low maintenance. When it came to LEGO 2.0, They didn’t have to come to 1.0 to start. It’s just a fun name I came up with. In LEGO 2.0, we use LEGO Bricks and other materials to merge them together and do stop motion animation.

Naomi Meredith [00:11:49]:

This is actually when I tested out stop motion animation. I had never done it before in a class. So I tried it in my after-school club. I loved it. I love teaching it. There are a lot of units I actually like to teach. I feel like in every unit I teach, I love that one, which is pretty true. but it was really fun teaching stop motion animation came up with a whole unit, and actually, with that unit used it for a summer camp class that I taught all about stop motion.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:19]:

So that was a lot of fun. That lesson, I do have the whole thing that you could use for an after-school club. So you can check that out in my stop motion bundle, which I’ll link in the show notes. If you were looking more up for a LEGO challenge. I recommend looking into the junior 1st LEGO League. I might have mixed up the words of that. I always mess that up. but that is a competition based LEGO challenge.

Naomi Meredith [00:12:46]:

It can be a bit pricey. the prices change quite often. I did it for 1 year because our district decided to fund that, and then we did our own challenge within our district. But essentially, you have LEGO education kits. They do tell you which one you’ll use. And then you have a challenge, and then the students build and solve a challenge, and there’s lessons that go along with it. So it is pretty self-guided. Again, it is a bit pricey.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:12]:

So look into it first. but if you want more of a competition or something more guided, that’s a good thing to look into. The 3rd type of STEM club that you can host is a school-wide news club. Again, this is one of the most favorite clubs I have ever, ever, ever hosted. It was like having my own class again. which is why I think I liked it because I had the same group of kids. I thought of the idea one day when I was walking my dog, Frederick, and it popped into my head, and I figured out how I was going to do this. My biggest challenge was that I didn’t want to be going live every day because, for me, that was my planning time, and I needed my plan time to plan.

Naomi Meredith [00:13:56]:

And then here in Colorado, you get snow days, we get a delayed start, and I didn’t want the news to be dependent on weather and kids getting there. So I figured out a whole system of how to have the news pre-recorded. So my students would only come on Mondays, and then it would be the way we scheduled it out. Everything was ready to go for the next week or so. In the 1st year, I only had a courting team of kids. I had 40 kids, so I split them into 2 groups, and we alternated weeks, and it grew so much in popularity. The kids up absolutely loved it. I had little kids begging me to be on the news.

Naomi Meredith [00:14:37]:

The following year, it doubled. I had 80 kids sign up. So I had about 60 kids on my recording team and 20 on my editing. No. That’s not true. I had 50 in my recording and then 30 in my editing. So we would record on Mondays. I had 3 groups of 20, and then we edited on Tuesdays.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:01]:

I had 3 groups of 20. And then, the way I scheduled it out, they all had the same amount of time to be in the club. So it was a whole lot of fun. We had a logo. We had a brand. We had a whole brand about it. It was a huge privilege to be on it. kind of in a lot of ways, like student leadership, but in a different form.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:22]:

the kids were literally obsessed. So was I. I did have teachers help me with this one and help guide the news, but it was a whole lot of fun and very informative. We actually informed the school about what was happening. It wasn’t just random. Oh, what’s the sports for today? Like, we actually kept up with what was happening in the school. What were the current events of elementary school life? So I’m gonna share it with you.

Naomi Meredith [00:15:47]:

That’s a whole snapshot of what we did, but I’ll share with you how I set this up. So join that waitlist at Naomi Meredith.com/newswaitlist. The 4th type of STEM Club that you can host is creating things with your hands. I did this in a few different ways. One of them is that I hosted a Makerspace club, and this is where I tested out a lot of my seven stories lessons that you can get in my shop, which I’ll link to the ultimate bundle in the show notes. This was so much fun, where we would read or listen to a short story and then complete a related STEM challenge. I did charge about $3 for this club so that I could cover the cost of materials that I didn’t have on hand, and that was plenty. Most of it was recycled materials anyway.

Naomi Meredith [00:16:37]:

This was a great club because, again, I tried out lessons and things that I liked and didn’t like. It also let me see as a teacher how I wanted my classroom maker space to be set up because I have it had it set up all the time. It wasn’t something that I would bring out when I wanted. It was always set up. So having a club setting helped me see, okay, how is the flow of materials? Are there places where kids get stuck? where should the scissors go? Where should the markers go? What is a what makes sense in this situation? So that actually helped me find the flow of my maker’s face. If you wanna hear more about Makerspace, I highly recommend going back to listening to episodes 5 and 6, and I break down that whole thing And then all the things that I use to set it up, I have a bundle of that as well. So everything I just said will be linked in the show notes. Another creating club that I started but actually didn’t get to finish.

Naomi Meredith [00:17:35]:

So I was really, really sad about this. I started a digital branding basics club. In this club, the whole purpose was for students to create a fictional brand where they would be providing a good or a service, and they would develop the whole brand around it. So we were going to create a basic website to talk about brand colors when it comes to the psychology of that and why certain colors are used for certain things. Design a logo that they create digitally and also get it cut on our school cricket machines. And with the logo, we’re also gonna put it either on a shirt or on a hat, which I, again, was so sad. I didn’t get to do this club because the COVID shutdown happened.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:19]:

So we had 1 week of this club, and then it never happened again. And then, I went in a different direction with my club, so I didn’t have the chance to fit that one in. So creating clubs, definitely recommend it could be a little more prep work, but kids love it. The 5th STEM club to try is an experiments club. This is a great way to do those experiments that you haven’t done in a while that take a little bit of prep, like slime and ooblec. Only do ooblec if you don’t have carpet on your floor. Definitely don’t do that. And, also, just those things that are, engaging that they might miss out on the regular class.

Naomi Meredith [00:18:58]:

They may or may not be doing those things. So hands on experiments are a great club. With that, I also hosted an after-school club, which, honestly this one I didn’t really like very much, but we did it. I tried it. Didn’t do it again. but hosted, where we were setting up a school weather balloon that we were going to send up into near space, and the students were picking the things that we would have as the experiments that we would send up with the weather balloon, and they also set up the frame with help with some people from our district. And then, I had to go and set up a school-wide assembly event where the whole school went to watch this balloon getting set up, and the kids who were in the club got to help with that process. I didn’t like this one as much because it was very teacher driven.

Naomi Meredith [00:19:46]:

And I and, like, teacher driven in a sense where I was doing a lot of the learning and the trainings, and also I did have to drive and get the balloon. So I had to drive for 2 hours and then go find it in the middle of a field and drive back Also, this was very weird. It’s weird how a couple of clubs got affected by this, but the day the balloon got launched was the last day the kids had school for the spring because of the COVID shutdown. So it was weird. I thought it was cool, a cool experience, but also a lot of work for the teacher. So keep that in mind. Another club, number 6, that you could try is having a technology support club. This one is a lot of fun because you can train the kids on certain technology skills that are needed in the school that are constantly being asked of you, and they’re your eye support team.

Naomi Meredith [00:20:40]:

So I would tell kids that I am the manager and you are my employees, and I’m gonna train you on the ways of the different things that are needed in the school. the 1st year I did it every other week. And then, in the following years, I just did once a month. That was plenty. But if I needed help with certain things or teachers were asking me questions because I was the technology person. I would send out my eye support team, and they would be there to help. I did also have a logo and shirts for this 1, and they would wear them proudly, and they were definitely a lifesaver. Another fun thing that I had these kids do in the club is that they made videos for our school-wide news, and they would make videos of certain processes of how to use technology like plugging them in, hanging up headphones, logging into Seesaw, and they also made cleaning videos that we would send out every so often on the news.

Naomi Meredith [00:21:29]:

And likewise, during testing season, there were certain technology things that 3rd through 5th-grade teachers had to do. So those kids helped me make videos as well that we could play on the news. Two more clubs are coming at you. I told you it had lots of ideas. The 7th club that you can try is robotics. There are a lot of different curriculums out there, so this is actually a great time to use the curriculums that come with your robots. My favorite is the Dash robot by Wonder Workshop, and they do a whole robotics league competition that comes out in the fall. So I recommend trying that.

Naomi Meredith [00:22:05]:

Also, the Vex robots are really great. There is a competition element. So if you could get other schools in your area to do it, it’s a lot of fun. I haven’t hosted Vex as a club, but I have judged it, and it is super, super cool. So If you have the money in the space for it, again, that one can be a bit pricey, but that one is a lot of fun and a good challenge. And the last type of club, that isn’t really a club, but you can create take home STEM kits. This developed when we actually couldn’t do after-school clubs, and I can do a whole episode about this one, but I created Take Home’s STEM kits that were for purchase. And in the kit, there were 4 different STEM activities that had the instructions, a video, all the supplies, All of the related science, people in STEM, and explorations, all included in this box, and a new kit came out every month for 6 months.

Naomi Meredith [00:23:02]:

So it was a lot of fun to put these together. A great way for kids to be involved with STEM at home. I did make commercials to promote these to get kids to buy them. I didn’t really make any profit off of it at my school. It was really just to fund the materials, any extra money I just put back into the program to buy more masking tape, which is something I always seem to run out of, but I do have a couple of commercials I made. I will post those in the show notes They’re pretty funny. One of them has my dog Frederick who is the star of the video. So check them out.

Naomi Meredith [00:23:33]:

They’re silly. They’re cheesy, but they were a hit. As a recap, here are the 8 different STEM after-school clubs that you can do in your classroom. 1st, computer coding, 2nd, LEGO, 3rd, school-wide news, 4th, creating clubs, 5th, experiment clubs, 6 technology support, 7th, robotics, and 8th, which is a club, not really a club, take home STEM kits. In the next episode, I’m going more go into more depth about the benefits of having a school-wide news crew. which you definitely don’t wanna miss out on. It definitely changed our school-wide culture for the better. So that is an episode I’m really excited to record.

Naomi Meredith [00:24:19]:

And while you’re at it, make sure to check out the show notes. There are a lot of fun goodies in there, including the link to sign up for the wait list for my live workshop training, and you can find that at Naomimeredith.com/newswaitlist.

types of STEM after-school clubs

Video Commercial #1

Video Commercial #2

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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

cross-curricular connections

Cross-Curricular Connections: Robotics & Elementary Lessons [ep.99]

Cross-Curricular Connections: Robotics & Elementary Lessons [ep.99]

cross-curricular connections

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Episode Summary

When it comes to incorporating robotics and coding into your STEM curriculum, it’s important to be intentional about connecting them to the curriculum we are teaching. In today’s episode, I am sharing the audio from the presentation I did at the International STEAM Summit hosted by Wonder Workshop. In this episode, I am sharing cross-curricular connections for robotics and elementary STEM lessons.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to incorporate robotics and coding into your STEM curriculum
  • An overview of some of my favorite robots 
  • Examples of cross-curricular connections I’ve done with robotics, coding, and STEM lessons in my classroom

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith [00:00:00]:

Robotics and coding is such a great element to add to your elementary STEM curriculum. However, there is a major difference between using the tools and integrating them into your curriculum. In fact, there is a lot of great insight about this topic that is in the book for June that we are reading in the STEM Teacher bookshelf membership, which you can join in at any time. Join us at naomimeredith.com/stemteacherbookshelf. While there is room to have students to explore and see what the tools can do. You want to be purposeful about your coding and robotics and how they relate to the curriculum that you are teaching. Well, the audio from this episode has never been heard before on this podcast. This is a presentation I did in a past International STEAM Summit hosted by Wonder Workshop. I’ll be sharing with you examples for integrating coding and robotics in primary and secondary along with some fun bonus challenges.

Naomi Meredith [00:01:34]:

Hello, everyone, and thank you so much for joining me in my session today, and we are talking about cross-curricular connections, robotics, and elementary lessons. say that three times fast because I did, and I had to keep rerecording that part. Now this is intended for teachers who are interested in adding robotics into their classrooms at the elementary level. So whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher, or even a homeschool parent, this session will be perfect for you. Also, if you teach in older grades and you are looking for ways to differentiate for your students who might be more at an elementary level when it comes to their coding and robotics skills, definitely jump in. We would love to have you here. If we haven’t met before, I am Naomi Meredith, and I have a lot of different roles in my life. I am a K through 5 stem teacher and coach, So I teach over 500 students in my building while also supporting school-wide technology in my stem role and also have had the opportunity to co-teach with teachers in my building to help them implement STEM and technology. When I’m not busy teaching, I am also a business owner, so I love to help teachers like you implement, well, some technology and not feel so overwhelmed by that. You can find me in a lot of places, but I love to share a ton of ideas over at my podcast, The Elementary STEM Coach podcast. And at the time of this recording, I am a fiance, but by the end of the summer, I will actually be a wife, which is so crazy to me. I also didn’t share the little guy with the big ears, not my fiance, but that little furball, That’s Frederick the dog, and you can always check a little sneak peek of him over on my Instagram. So what we are exploring today is different options for how you can implement robotics into your lessons. So I think that one of the best ways to do that is just sharing a lot of different examples of ways that I’ve done this with my students over the years and just get your wheels turning on how you can make this actionable and usable for your students. So we’ll talk about primary examples, secondary examples in the elementary space, and then also some bonus challenges. So other ways that you can add robotics to your content. So this is way different than just throwing robots out there into the space where “Okay. Cool. Well, here’s a robot. Good luck.” That’s a great place to get started, but all of these lessons that I’m going to give you a snapshot of they are really, really intentional. So when you’re thinking about how robotics can fit into your curriculum, you still need to plan with the standards in mind. So like I said, I’m going to give a snapshot of these lessons, but all of these lessons except the bonus challenges, which are a little bit different, and you’ll see why when we get there. But all of these challenges took about a week, depending on what they were. So all of these were planned with the engineering design process, which we’ll also talk about. But all of these lessons were very intentional for the grade level that they were taught to. So they were researched and prepared with common course state standards, ELA, and math. Even thinking about those mathematical practices, which there are some excellent ones, as it relates to STEM projects. So definitely check those out. Then they also integrated the Next Generation Science Standards. Whether it came to the engineering design process, which is the Next Generation Science Standard, or if it was even more content specific when it came to specific science standards. So I have a mix of those, and we’ll share those in a little bit. And then, also, the ISD standards for students are another way to integrate that innovation and really be thoughtful in your planning. So I highly recommend checking those out if you haven’t already but really thinking about how your students can be innovators for today and our world tomorrow. So there are some really great technology ones in there, but also just the way they’re collaborating with a bigger community and sharing their ideas. So as I just mentioned, the engineering design process is a process that real engineers use to build and solve a problem. So this is my interpretation of it. Say, you might see similar words or some steps that are combined or not, but it’s generally that same process, and it is a Next Generation Science Standard. I know for sure in kindergarten, 3rd, and 5th, and I bet there is a version of it for the older grades. And so when you’re thinking about this when you’re planning your lessons, not all of your lessons have to follow the engineering design process. But if you want the students to build and solve a problem, this is a great method to think about. Not all of my lessons in my STEM space, whether it’s robotics or not, use the engineering design process. But, again, it is a great model for students to really think through those things. So we start with our ask what is the problem. You could develop that with your students, or you can have that question already prepared for them. Give them opportunities to imagine ideas, what are possible solutions out there, different types of research, how can students plan their designs thoughtfully, and creating, which is always their favorite part and wanna jump into, but really having those first three steps done can actually help design better things in that create stage. And then also giving them chances to experiment and improve. It’s not a one-and-done kind of thing. How can you experiment and make it better? And especially with robotics encoding, there is a ton of integrated experimenting, improving, and moderate modifications or a word that you hear very often iterations. and then giving students an opportunity to share their work. And so, how do you do that with robots? Well, I’ll share how I have them share. A big thing I like to use is Seesaw, so I have students take a video or take a picture. I said you can’t take the robots home, but you could take them home by taking a video or a picture. So some platform like that is really great because a lot of kids don’t have robots at home. They can get pricey. And so it’s really cool that students will have this experience in your classroom. And then, if they take a photo or video, they can share it with their families and really explain what was happening in their class. Alright. Before I get into the specific lessons for all of the grade levels, I just wanted to show you a variety of robots that are currently out there at the time of this recording in 2023. These aren’t the only robots out there. These are the ones that I have an experience with in my K through 5 STEM role, and they all do different types of things. So, really, think about what your budget is and what types of things you want your students to learn. So I categorized these robots as out of the box and ready to code. So once you literally unpack them, they’re ready to go, maybe download an app, and you are coding. Of course, we have our cute friend, Dash, which, of course, we are here in the Wonder Workshop summit, so had to include Dash. If you don’t have any other budget and you don’t know where to begin, just get Dash. You will be very happy you did. You can use Dash with K through 5. I made Dash really big because if you don’t need to get anything else, get Dash. And I’m not being sponsored by this, but I love Dash very much. He is my favorite, very favorite robot. Then we have the little sibling that I like to call them. We have Dot, and they can interact with each other, so Dot is a great addition. I didn’t add on here, but CUE is a little bit more robust robot when it comes to the Wonder Workshop families. So, definitely, those are some great out of the box ready to code robots. Some other options if you’re thinking about screen-free options, so you do need an app for Dash and Dot for them to perform their actions. They also have the virtual Dash as well, so that’s a really awesome feature. Check into that their class connects. But if you’re looking for something that is screen-free and very durable, I highly recommend the Bee Bot or the Blue Bot. The difference between the two, the Blue Bot has the capability of connecting to an iPad. It does everything that the yellow robot does, so it codes with directional coding so you can kinda see the arrows on top and it will perform the action. It’s been hit or miss when it comes to the Bluetooth capabilities. It might be my iPad. It might be the robot, but overall, super great robot. For a cheaper price, if you really, really don’t have a budget at all but you really want a robot in your classroom, the Code and Go Mouse does everything that the Bee Bot and Blue Bot does. Just not as durable. So think about that and how many students you teach at a time. But, again, if you need something for your younger learners, that is a great place to start. Especially if you’re a classroom teacher, you don’t have as many kids as 500 as I do filtering through the month, so I would definitely get a Code and Go Mouse. Then we have this cute one, the Code-a-Pillar. Super fun. So the Code-a-Pillar has different segments on its body. And when the student presses play on its back, it will read the segments in order and light up as it’s performing the action. So, again, it’s showing that sequential code and making it even more concrete than the Bee Bot. So the Bee Bot will remember everything that they do, but they don’t have a list saying, oh, what code did I do? The kids have to remember it. And so the Code-a-Pillar is even more simplified where it has those same types of movements and also has songs and sleeping mode in the segments, but students can actually visually see their code and as their robot is doing that. Another fun one that is new that’s good for, I would say, younger learners, but also, kKthrough 5 really like this one too, is the Sphero Indi, and it reads the code by the color combinations on these cards. So each card performs a different action, and the cards don’t have to be lined up, so Indi can read the colors and then zoom across and go to the next one depending on how you line up the codes. Very similarly, a lot smaller. I know it looks bigger in the picture. Probably on my computer, this is actually what the real size of this robot is, is the Ozo Bot, and so this one, depending on the model, you can actually code with the iPad, but this one will read color codes on the paper. So each code and the pattern that you write performs in action. So a little bit more complicated than Indi, but super fun. And then, in the bottom corner, we have the one that’s shaped like a tennis ball, and it is about the size of a tennis ball, which is the Sphero Bolt. It rolls completely like a bob. The company is based here in Colorado, where I live, which is super fun. But that one can have some more complicated coding opt options. There are some other models as well. There’s also a Sphero mini that’s about the size of a golf ball, again at a cheaper price. So if you’re looking for an affordable option and wanna add a variety, you can check that out. Then there are some other types of robots that I would categorize as build and code. So over the past couple of years, this isn’t a new concept, by the way. But when it comes to, like, the elementary space and thinking about how to take your learners to the next level, maybe you wanna add in an element of building and coding. So these are the, again, the only options, ones that I have experienced with or know at friends who’ve had been using these and just taking that coding and that manufacturing to a different level for your younger students. I did put Dash on there. Dash is a building code option, or I’m sorry. out of the box option, as I talked about. But there are some attachments that go on Dash and Cue, and you actually can build things, and Dash can use those things that you build, and there are other cool attachments you can put on Dash. I’m gonna show you later in this presentation something that my students built for Dash, And so that’s why I included Dash on here because there are some building elements that you could put on Dash to take it to the next level. At the very top, under the word building code, there are different options for VEX, VEX robotics. This one in the picture is the Vex Go, so a younger version is probably more appropriate for elementary. Just getting started with building and coding a robot. So similar to a LEGO kit, but not exactly. They do have the VEX IQ, which is a little more complicated. A lot of times, people will use VEX IQ in elementary but as an after school club. So Vexico might be a great option in the classroom, but Vex IQ, and you can check out their website. There are opportunities with competitions and all that. So definitely look into that. Dash also has competitions, by the way, the 1 or late robotics competition. So there are some building challenges and some creativity. So if you’re looking for another way to extend their learning. I also have the Lego Spike essential kit on there, and then Lego Spike Prime would be for the older students. We have Bird Brain Technologies, the Humminbird kit, which I just got some of these this year, and I’m gonna be collaborating on a project with my art teacher. So they’re gonna create something in art. And then, in STEM with me, we are going to build in code. And then a similar but different model, a different brand is the Sphero little bit kit. So lots of different options just when it comes to all of that. The examples that I’m going to be sharing are more when it comes to the out of the box types of robots, but think about how you can implement this with any type of robot. So that’s funny. In the picture, right there are kids with the Lego wedo’s. So that’s not the one I’m gonna be talking about, but I love some Lego wedos 2.0. Okay. So here are some fun examples is what you came for. All the stuff. But wanted to give you some background in case you didn’t know where to start. So we have right here an example with Greek. We were talking about communities, and teachers in their classrooms were talking about communities. And so, students were assigned a different part of the community and had to build that part then they had to label it with the predetermined labels. So when they rolled a die with those labels, they would code their robot to follow the pathway to get to those locations. So it was a really fun and collaborative activity, and it brought that building and coding to life and their classroom. And I am gonna explain these pretty short. As I said, all of these are literally a snapshot. These were more than a one-day challenge. These took at least 3 days to complete. So you get to see all the I’m doing the shared piece of the engineering design process. In a kindergarten example, is a new one that I did this year, but we were talking about animal habitats, and we zoned in specifically on the Arctic. And students were given a collection in epic books to research more about an animal of their choice, and they picked one of those animals to create and build using cardboard and paper, and they were thrilled that I taught them how to create an l brace. that will stand up their design and also the signs. And then at the end of the week, after all of their Arctic animals were created, we put them all on a grid. and then they coded their robots to visit all of the animals in the Arctic. So it was a great way for them to share. And then while they were coding and talking. They’re talking all about their animals and all the things that they learned that week. Another fun kindergarten example was connected to the very hungry caterpillars, so a great literacy lesson. This was actually one of four stem stations that I did in my classroom. after we read this story, that’s something that I like to implement. So I have a lot of resources to help you with that. But after reading the story, the students had the different items that the caterpillar ate in this story. They rolled the dice, and then they had to code to the thing that the dice landed on. You notice in the picture there are 2 dice. So if they were getting comfortable with the 1, then I added in the second dice, and they would have to code to one item and then code to the other, but their code had to play the whole time. So they couldn’t just code to one stop and then code to the other. They had to code the whole thing. You noticed in that back corner there’s the hungry caterpillar, but I disguised a bee bot. So the Bee Bots wearing a mask. So that’s fun too. Kids like to dress up these robots, so that can be a challenge in itself. In 1st grade, this one was very similar to the Arctic Animal one, but instead, we were talking about animal parents and how they care for their young. And so we talked about the main things that animal parents do for their young, the ones that do take care of their babies. That was a whole discussion too. Not all animal parents care for their young. Some just lay the eggs and leave, but the main things where how they feed, protect, teach, give them shelter, and give comfort. And so they studied, again, great books and epic books that they were able to explore. It showed 1st graders how to search. and also use the collection that I sent them. And then you can see they made the baby animal and their adult. They had to circle the ways that the parent takes care of their young and then very similar to the Arctic animals or habitat 1. They put them in a zoo, and then the kids got to cover robots to visit all the animals. This one was actually a one day challenge, again, another stem station, but this connected with the 1st grade standard. about day and night, and what are the things that we can see in the sky during the day, during the night, or tricky, tricky, both? So students had some of those pictures that you can see on there on a grid. They were printed in colors since it makes it a little more engaging, and also they can under and what they’re looking at. And so we talked about throughout the week, what are these different things? Like, what are stars? What are rainbows? So they had that background knowledge going into it when they went to that stem station, and then they would roll a die. And the dice said day, night, or both. and then they had got to choose where they coded their robot to travel to. So what item could they see only during the day? only during the night or both. Fun spoiler alert, moon goes with both. Okay. Moving on to 2nd grade. I know you only wanna hear all these things, but gotta move on everybody. Okay. So for 2nd grade, we were talking about and, again, these are things throughout the year, so don’t think, oh my gosh. I taught all of these in 1 week. These are things, like, through co teaching and other units. This isn’t, like, one thing I taught all the time. Okay? So this is a snapshot. Something I’ve done in 2nd grade is we talked about animal migration pathways, and so students research based on the articles that I wrote for them They were researching about different types of animals and why they migrate. And the reasons why they migrate aren’t always the same but there are some similarities and differences. And we use Ozo Bots for this one, but you could use whatever robot, and students were given a map that matched the animal that they wanted to learn more about based on the articles that were given to them, then using the codes that Ozobot reads, they had to create the migration path for the robot to follow, and they had to go to their migration spot and come back where they started. So the map did have some you can kinda see some stars so they knew where to go and numbers, but then they had to figure out the code. Another one is super fun. This is what I’ve always wanted to do when I taught third grade, and I didn’t have robots. But then I made it as a STEM teacher. So this one was fun. We were talking about predator and prey. And for this example, their robot was representing the baby grab it. So the baby rabbit on the grid and there is much more cards than this than they were cut out on a grid where the robot could travel to each of the spots. and their robot, their baby rabbit, had to get back home to its mommy. But the path for the robot wasn’t very very easy, so there’s different obstacles, but also good things along the way. So, you know, if there’s wildflowers that the bunny can baby bunny go through dandelions, go chat with his mouse friend, but he definitely wants to avoid the fox. So students had a fun time creating these pathways, so they had the chance to move the cards around and create a new path. I did tell them you can’t make it too difficult. It can’t be all predators and just, like, blocking because then the baby can’t go anywhere, which it is the circle of life. But this was a fun one. So you could do this for other types of animals. So talking fast, we just wanna make sure to get through all these again. Hopefully, you’re writing down good notes and getting lots of fun ideas. This is the stuff I love you. guys. I love creating lessons. Okay. So, count going into secondary, not much different, but more things to think about and things that are more content specific for them. So as a whole, this is just in general if you’re thinking about how to integrate robots with what you’re doing. Any grade, you could do use this as a practice tool. So in this picture, you can see that there are different math facts and whatever they land on they have to solve, and then they have to collect all of the math facts. Think about how you can integrate vocabulary or any skills that you want them to work on, maybe some social emotional skills, maybe putting things in order, a matching game. So You might even have flashcards already, but you can reuse them in a different way and add an element of coding. So you’re really making this more engaging. Our students want more engaging things. So what a great way to integrate that. So I just added that as an aside. This is a really good way to get started. For 3rd grade, we talked about the Winter Olympics. We also use those robots, but, again, you could use whatever robots you have. And we talked about how with the Winter Olympics, everything is above the equator, and you need to think about why. Why are they all above the equator? So we talked about that, and then students had to code the pass I would say, past 50 years, maybe not that far back. But past whatever years, in order of when they happened. So they really had to think about their mapping skills. And before this, they did actually go into Google Earth. and we learned more about those places and showed them how to use Google Earth. So integrating some other stuff in that lesson. With 4th grade, we were talking about lines, angles, and symmetry, and how snowflakes have all of those elements when it comes to those math standards in 4th grade. And so students used chalk to draw sketches of their snowflake on the floor, and they were absolutely like, enthralled by drawing in the flow of chalk. And then they taped their snowflake. They put tape over their chalk design, And then throughout the week, they had to figure out the code for their snowflake. Now I really made sure with this. They did use measuring tape measuring tape to measure their tape. Because if you really had a symmetrical design, you could add elements of your robotics with looping. I don’t have the video on here, but I did have a student who measured so precisely that their code was absolutely flawless, and it was on a forever loop. So the robot was tracing the Snowflake forever perfectly because the Snowflake was made perfect, and the code was very. So that was just a really cool way to extend this lesson, but also give a concrete way to apply their math vocabulary. Similarly, another winter slash spring because the Iditarod happens in, actually, the springtime. We added in that element of maker space. So we were learning a lot by about the Ididderad. And here in Colorado, students really don’t know what the Ididderad is. So it’s very exciting. It’s an engaging topic. They don’t know a lot about, and so you can see from the student plan that they were designing a plan for their robot to pull their sled throughout the Iditarod race. So we didn’t use a whole lot of materials, and they did have a pathway. So I did create the whole Iditarod track, where it had all of the stops along the way, and it was the track that matched that year because it changes every so often. And so students had to code it down the retroist treacherous pathway of the Iditarod. So a super fun lesson, and they were so proud of their designs. And then at the end, they did to race their robots because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t wanna do that? So, hopefully, those ideas just are getting your wheels turning in just some fun and engaging ways where robotics just aren’t an add-on. It’s something that’s integrated into what you’re doing. And that’s what we really wanna do. It’s it can be a natural part just like having a laptop in your classroom. It’s another manipulative. Yes. It moves, but it can do so many things. So it doesn’t have to be so scary and overwhelming. Think about lessons that you already have, maybe are a little bit boring. How can you add robots to make it more interesting? These are some bonus challenges that I’m going to be talking about. These were more so an after school club that I did, but If you’re scared to try robots, but you do have the opportunity to do an after school club, this is a little hack that I like to do as a STEM teacher. because it is a little more low key in a club where you have less students. It’s more laid back, and then you can try a challenge. This one is from an event that I co-planned in my district. Me and another teacher were in charge of our Dash robotics competition that was district led, so something that we did with the other STEM teachers. And he and I had plans for our whole side of Dash to be all about the Olympics. So there were all of these different challenges more than what is shown, but all of these different challenges that students had to apply their coding skills that they were doing after school with all of these different fun challenges. They kinda knew some of the things ahead of time. They had similar practice things, but they didn’t know it was going to be Olympic themed. As you can see on the left, they got to use the launcher to launch the ball into different basketball hoops and score different points. On the top right, they had to create a foot attachment to shoot the ball into the goal, and they got different points, of course. with that. And then, on the bottom, they had to create an attachment for Dash to carry an Olympic torch, so they had to make the Olympic torch and then code Dash to go all around the Olympic stadium. So this was super fun. It was a great event had a lot of fun planning this with that STEM teacher, and I even had some of my students help me make all of the little setups too. So that was just, like, another fun way. So even think about how you can collaborate with other teachers in your district. You could do something like this in person Or, again, Wonder Workshop has their Wonderly Robotics competition, and they have really great challenges every year, and you can implement that. And you can share your ideas there. So overall, I hope that you gain a lot of different ideas when it comes to integrating robotics into your lessons in the elementary classroom that are cross-curricular, but don’t let this session stop you there. I would love to connect with you after today’s session and also at my keynote speech. So definitely go and check that out at the closing keynote for the summit. But I would love to connect with you, and you can connect with me in a lot of different ways. As I said, I have a podcast, the elementary stem coach. I had Brian Miller, who you heard throughout this summit. On my podcast a while back, he had a great episode, so definitely go check out episode 32. You can email me or find me on my website, NaomiMeredith.com. I’m very active on Instagram, so you can check out all the things there and get inspiration at@naomimeredith_ And then you can also find me on YouTube or my tpt shop, teachers by teacher shop, and just search up Naomi Meredith. So definitely reach out. I’d love to help you on your journey with robotics, but for all things elementary STEM, I’m your go-to girl. But thank you so much again for your time, and I hope that I get to talk with you soon. This presentation had a ton of visuals, and I bet you are dying to see all of the examples and handouts. You can grab the video recording of this episode, the video slides I referenced throughout, student examples, and bonuses for only $5. That’s less than a fancy coffee drink. This will all be linked in the show notes, and you can check it all out here at naomiemeredith.com/pdreplay.

cross-curricular connections


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!