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5th grade STEM curriculum

5th Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.86]

5th Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.86]

5th grade STEM curriculum

Check out the full episode on 5th Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series]:  


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Episode Summary

Today’s episode is the final episode in the K-5 STEM series. In this episode, I give an overview of my 5th grade STEM curriculum. I share an overview of the 5th grade STEM curriculum, a breakdown of a week of 5th grade STEM curriculum, and the top three skills I believe every 5th grader should leave the STEM classroom with.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • An overview of my year long 5th grade STEM curriculum
  • A breakdown of how I structure a week of 5th grade STEM curriculum
  • The top 3 skills every 5th grader should leave the STEM classroom with

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

What should a fifth grade STEM curriculum look like? In this episode, I am breaking down exactly how to plan for your year when it comes to fifth grade, an example of what a week and a project can look like, and also, in my opinion, the top three things that a fifth grader should walk away from my STEM class knowing. This is part six of the six part series where I am doing this whole system for all the grade levels K through five. So you definitely want to make sure you go and check out all those episodes, because you can see the whole wide spectrum of things when it comes to planning STEM and K through five. Whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher who’s implementing STEM, or any type of specialist who is also implementing STEM in their spaces, you’re gonna walk away with a ton of useful information. 

Naomi Meredith  01:22

Like I mentioned in the intro, this is the last part of this series. I do love recording series, because I can get in the mindset and the zone when it comes to talking about this topic. So this has been a really great series when it comes to your planning. And this is actually by request. So I had a lot of you fill out my audience podcast survey way back in February of 2023. And there was so much interest when it comes to planning and what that actually looks like in K through five. So I heard you and I answered on this series. So when you guys respond to me, sometimes it takes me a while just based on what I have planned for the year. But I hear you and I love saying what you need, and how I can fill those needs for you whether it’s me talking, or finding the right guests to talk about it. Now, when it comes to your needs, I just hosted a free live training, when it comes to actually planning out your full year. And what that looks like. If you missed out on the live training, have no fear, it was all recorded for you. And you can still jump in on that. So not only can you rewatch the video recording and see my lovely face, but a lot of you are here and listen to the audio of this podcast. So there’s also a private podcast option that you will get once you sign up. So you can access this at Naomi meredith.com/maytraining. And I am here to support you along the way. And it’s so exciting. This training was so much fun. And there was a lot of success in this. So you definitely don’t want to miss out. So you if you’re listening to this live, you only have until May 31, 2023, to access this training, and then it’s going to disappear. So I would love for you to jump in on that. So you can feel successful when it comes to planning out your whole year and STEM a great time ending the school year or going into summer. So you can have some time to think through everything and how it will work best for you. I can safely say after teaching all the grades K through five, there are some that are my favorites when it comes to ages and some that are not my favorite. I love children. Regardless, don’t get me wrong. There are some grades that are not my fave. And I would say for me personally fifth grade is pretty much up there next to first grade. I told you in the first grade episode, my thoughts about that. So go back and listen to that. Fifth grade, I love the content. I love being able to dive deeper with the kids. Their stamina on projects is incredible, especially when they are invested in things. But there’s just some things about fifth grade again, the attitudes. Maybe I don’t like the attitudes because I was one of those fifth graders with an attitude. I was very nice at school, just a little sassy at home. But there’s just submit about that. And I don’t do Well with that, because I’ll give it right back to them. So maybe I would be a really good fifth grade teacher because I don’t deal with that kind of stuff.

Naomi Meredith  04:22

But no, fifth grade is good, especially when I’ve had him for so long. We have a good relationship. And there’s some things like hey, you know me, I know you were not doing this in here. So fifth grade is very interesting for me. Like I said, I like the content, the age is not one of my faves. So let’s talk about what an overview of fifth grade can actually look like. Like I said, fifth grade lessons are actually really, really fun. So when I actually do my planning, I always start when I plan out my unit K through five. I actually start with third grade. I start in the middle because I know third grade really well. And then oftentimes I will flex all the way to get up to fifth grade. So a lot of times, I’ll do third, fifth, fourth, and then do second K and one. So that’s a lot of times what happens. So not always, sometimes I might think of a fifth grade lesson first. And then I have to pare things down. So here’s how this actual year looks like for fifth grade. If you’ve been listening along to this whole series, it’s fun that you can actually hear the progression of learning how it’s gotten up to this point. So we first start off the year. And this actually is one of my favorite STEM survival camp lessons. And it is build the shelter challenge, because that is the number one thing that they do in the show alone. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go back and listen to episode four, because I talked all about STEM survival camp. So students are tasked with building a shelter that will withstand the elements that are different stations for them to test. And they have a little small prototype of what their shelter could look like. After that, we get into digital citizenship, and we talk about a topic that you might not think that you should talk to students about. But it’s super important. And it’s all about information privacy, how websites might be trying to trick you to get your information. So when you’re thinking about the past lessons is digital citizenship, when we’re talking about private and personal information. This is really about what our websites doing to try to get that information and how we can’t fall for fake. This can be websites. But this can also be humans, different types of scams, and they’re getting trickier and trickier, even text messages, I tell them about things that happen to me. But this is a really good topic that aligns with Google’s Be Internet Awesome curriculum, which is free, or you might have also heard as Interland, but they actually have lessons that I like to teach in this unit. And students design a digital sticker that will be cut on cut out on our class Cricut machines that will represent how to stay safe online. So they have to get really thoughtful in their design. So it can be cut out Well and be used as an actual sticker. Then we go into our Maker month and all of our Earth Systems, K through five, and we get into that Makerspace. What’s interesting about this fifth grade lesson is yes, they have Makerspace items, but a lot of the things that they are using in this project are things that can be reused over and over again. So think about that. When your projects, yes, you have Makerspace. But there are things that students can use and actually put back. So that’s a little twist on this lesson. So we talk about chain reactions, and Rube Goldberg ecosystems where students research about different ecosystems. They’re provided those resources, and then they have to create a Rube Goldberg machine to show the chain reaction when it comes to all of the living things in that environment. And their pathways can get super complicated depending on how many steps that they add. Then after that, we get into our sensational space, our video and audio production unit, which is a fun one. And this one also intrigues the fifth graders a whole lot because we talk about podcasting. Now there are a couple episodes that I really go into depth when it comes to podcasting with kids. In Episode 80, I actually interviewed Jerry Colbert, who is from the who’s smarted podcast, and he gives his perspective on why podcasting is important. And then this lesson, specifically that I’m talking about is in Episode 65. So you can actually go back and listen to that one. Of course, it’ll be linked in the show notes for you to check out. But for this unit, students actually designed their own short podcast, it’s one to three minutes long, not very long when it comes to actual podcast. And you know, me, I like doing short projects, they can get all the things done, but jam packed in that tiny little project. So we actually go through the whole process of podcasting, which I’m also going to talk about when it comes to the breakdown of the week, then we end the year with our Hour of Code month. And by now students have had a lot of different experience when it comes to coding and feeling very proficient in their block coding. Now it depends on the grade, I will get into more of that JavaScript typing. So bitsbox is a great example of this. Or if it was my students need more practice, we will stick to that block coding and connect it using the Makey Makey, which is a system that there are little alligator clips that you clip on and it connects electricity. And when you touch the Eclipse or, or when you touch the item, it will then send the message to the computer and perform the code depending on it. So it’s making that more interactive. So like I said, it will switch off with a year depending on my kids knowledge and experience and also the time that we have. But you can see from there that progression of learning when it comes to the coding. After that we dive into our winter robotics in January. And the lesson that we are jumping into is all about the identity Right now here in Colorado, my students really haven’t heard about it yet are out. And you probably also sign out, have seen a theme with my lessons, I tried to make them more obscure because then they can’t tell me they know everything about the lesson, they have to listen to me and learn because we’re in school. So we learn about the idea to Rod and students are given a path of the identified race. And then they have to design a sled that their robot will pull through that pathway, and successfully complete the race through coding. After that, we will get into a 3D printing. And this is a more open ended design, when it comes to what they are creating. What has been really cool with my fifth graders, especially when it comes to their 3D printing is that their designs have really progressed over the years. So we are using that same platform when it comes to creation Tinkercad. So they’re used to the platform by this point, if they’ve been with me, but the way that they are manipulating the shapes and putting things together or deconstructing things, so that they will print better is pretty amazing. So their challenge is how can they create an invention that will help the environment to either protect the resources, prevent the resources from being harmed, or even stop a problem all together. So this is really helping them bring that awareness and that empathy, which I even talked about in that fifth grade episode, why your fifth graders might not be engaged in STEM, but really thinking about others that are not themselves, whether it’s their world around them, like their school world, or even bigger than that, and showing them all these problems out there. And what’s pretty amazing in this project is they actually do care. They are, they do care of what’s happening. So there’s some pretty cool things that come out of that. After that, I jump into LEGO builds, and there is some state testing tagged during that spring season. And I talked about it in the third grade episode. But it’s the LEGO spike essential kit, which is an excellent kit that I highly recommend. And it really differentiates first, first second through fifth grade. And we like I like to do the carnival games lessons in there. So students will build and actually code their design. And their code can get really sophisticated, again, re emphasizing having that circle, having that review of the skill and they can actually practice coding and figuring it out. So actually don’t do a whole lot of pre teaching when it comes to coding. It’s more of that. What are you now how are we going to apply it to this program. You can also fill in, of course, what LEGO education kits that you have, if you have your students for a while, I would actually say that the LEGO we do to point out when it comes to the actual building instructions, is quite simple. Now students can build and design on their own. But also the coding is pretty simple, too. So if you are able to level up your LEGO education kids, I would recommend that now in my opinion, the LEGO Mindstorms a little bit too complicated for fifth grade during a class time, I tried it three years in a row, even with a class that had a gifted and talented cluster. And just during that amount of time, it would just eating more time than what you have in a week. So you could do it as an after school club. But that’s just based on my experience, just how complicated not too hard, but just how it’s more involved when you’re using that tool. If we have time, we then will get into stop motion animation, whether students are building physically or doing things digitally. And they are talking about all of Earth’s spheres, sort of the hydrosphere, the biosphere, all of those spheres and what they are, how they connect together, and also how much water is on earth. So they create an animation to teach others about that. Then we end the year with our STEM-musement Park. And we talk about the different types of force and motion when it comes to also that potential and kinetic energy and students design their own roller coaster that a marble can travel through. And you might think that this is too simple, but these designs get very, very intricate and so much fun to see their creativity shine. And with me their last project that they end the year with. 

Naomi Meredith  14:08

Now you have an overall picture of what the year looks like. What does it look like when you break down that structure of the week? So I’m going to be breaking down that podcasting lesson if you want to hear more about it. There’s an episode that is more in depth about this lesson because I think podcasting is a great skill to teach students. It’s an awesome, awesome skill and it’s not as hard as you think even recording this podcast. I don’t think it’s too hard. Now I do have somebody who helps me. Thanks, Andria. But I could do it on my own if I had to. So if you need more help when it comes to planning, I actually do have a workshop a three to five step planning workshop that is pre recorded. You can jump on in everything’s there for you as soon as you sign up. So you can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/secondaryworkshop. Just like fourth grade fifth fifth grade. We can hit the ground running with these projects. And because the topics are so obscure, they really want to know what we’re going to do and how we’re going to get it done. So with this projects, we’re learning all about light pollution, which is a type of pollution that they don’t know about, and haven’t heard about. I hadn’t even heard about until my master’s program, maybe you have, but that’s where I’m at. So we actually before we even get into that learn actually more about what podcasts are some kids have an inkling of that not so much. I even show them my podcasts a little bit. And they’re super amazed. And then also a lot of podcasts that are made for kids to give them inspiration. So we do that ask and imagining for that first day getting ideas of what a podcast is, and what it could be, then the second day, we move into the plan. And it’s a little bit different, because they are planning out what their script is actually going to be like. So they take specific notes that are aligned to the standards. And then they take these notes to put it into their script and what they’re actually going to say and who’s going to say what, now a little bit different than my podcast, I do have an outline when I’m talking that I’m not typically reading word for word, what I’m saying, I’m looking at the camera the whole time. And so I look a little bit of a notes, but then I just start talking. But for kids, they need more guidance. So it’s not taking away their creativity. It’s setting up a base of what a podcast could be. And trust me, a lot of kids after this project end up creating their own podcasts on their own, but then they have a structure of having producing a really good podcast. So from there, the third, fourth and a little bit of the fifth students are recording and editing their podcasts. The podcasts are pretty short one to three minutes. Like I said, I like smaller projects because they can get everything done. But once they record, they can take out the parts they don’t like they can rerecord the introduction, maybe they want a little bit of a song for intro music. So they really start experimenting of what a podcast could be. And the best part their favorite part, especially for a fifth grader, because they care about what other people think about them. Other kids their age, so they get about them is they post their podcast on our class seesaw. And then they listen to each other’s work and give meaningful feedback, which again, we reiterate from what they’ve done in fourth grade. 

Naomi Meredith  17:24

So finally, when it comes to a fifth grader, what are the three things that I would want them to walk away my STEM class knowing. So in no particular order, here is what I have observed. And here’s what I would hope for. So first is really being thoughtful and not rushing through their work, I see a lot of trends when it comes to first and fifth graders, that’s probably why they’re kind of my least favorite ages of kids. But they kind of do a lot of the same things. So I noticed that they like to rush through their work and just get it done to be done so they can sit and chat with their friends. So of course I need not giving a more work, but more thoughtful work. How can you modify this, you’re not just checking the box off your list? How are you really thinking through this project and making it better. So that is something I’m always pushing to do with my first fifth graders, and they don’t like it, but then they really secretly do and their projects turn out so much better. So that is something that I want my fifth graders to walk away with knowing next, this is actually a fun one for the upper grades is having projects that will show off their skills, and using things that they have learned throughout the years, not just here years. And having some of that choice, it is pretty neat saying kids will talk kids will actually bring up past projects, they’ll say, remember when we did this, and I did this, and now I’m adding it to this project. That’s actually pretty cool. As a STEM teacher, if you teach multiple grades, you don’t always get that as a classroom teacher unless you’ve looped with them. So they’re taking those skills that we learned. I even gave the example of the 3D printing projects, how they are using those skills along the years. So giving them opportunities to keep practicing those skills, and showing what they know is pretty awesome for these fifth graders. It’s cool for them, but cool for me as a teacher. And the last thing that I would want my fifth graders walking away with is being able to share with a greater audience. And so yes, they have their classmates which are so important to them. But what are ways that we can share with the outside world? Maybe not for every project, but could we share a podcast with a another classroom? Could we share it with our book buddies who are in a younger grade and teach them about it? Can we have a STEM Maker Faire where we’re sharing our projects, so just other ways where they’re actually sharing with that greater world? This might even be in the form of an after school club or a competition that can also happen too, but Just really sharing getting out of their comfort zone and sharing their audience with the bigger world, which of course is great for any age, but they really start understanding it more when they are in fifth grade and beyond. 

Naomi Meredith  20:12

As a recap, here’s what we talked about when it comes to your fifth grade STEM curriculum. First, we talked about the overview of the year and what your lessons could look like. Then we broke down the structure of the week of how it actually plans out for a typical project. Then I shared with you my top three things that I would hope a fifth grader could walk away from my STEM class knowing, of course, I’m always here to support you. So jump in on that live training when we talk about planning out your year more in detail. So by this point, it is recorded, but definitely still meaningful, you can watch the video or get the private podcast link, it’ll just pop up in your podcast player, which is super cool. So that’s pretty fun. But you can grab that at Naomi meredith.com/may, training all one word, no spaces. And also I have all of these lessons in my TPT shop already done for you. So if you don’t want to spend all the time planning and researching and finding out all the things, I love this kind of stuff. And I love talking about it. And I love making them. So you can grab the whole year K through five all done for you. And there’s a lot more things that are going to be updated in this next year, including how I can actually be teaching the lessons. So you definitely want to jump in on that now at the lowest price because that will definitely go up with all the updates. So you can grab that in my TPT shop, I have the full K through five STEM bundle, you can buy just fifth grade, you can even buy just three through five. So that’s all in there for you. So if you want to save some time planning and start the year knowing everything’s all done for you, then jump in on that. Of course I am here for you. That is the end of this series when not the end of this podcast. There’s a lot more to talk about. So I can’t wait for those other episodes and how I can help support you with your STEM planning.

5th grade STEM curriculum


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

3rd grade STEM curriculum

3rd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.84]

3rd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.84]

3rd grade STEM curriculum

Check out the full episode on 3rd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series]:  

Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

In today’s episode, I’m continuing the six-part K-5 STEM series. In this episode, I provide an overview of my 3rd grade STEM curriculum, a breakdown of a week of 3rd grade STEM curriculum, and the top three skills every third grader should leave the STEM classroom with.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How I structure my year-long 3rd grade STEM curriculum
  • A snapshot of a week of 3rd grade STEM curriculum
  • The top three skills I believe every 3rd grader should leave the STEM classroom with

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

What should a third grade STEM curriculum look like? In this episode, I am sharing with you an overview of what the year can look like, a breakdown of a sample week, and, in my opinion, the top things that a third grader should walk out of STEM knowing. This is part four of a six part series where I am breaking down each grade level, and what it can look like with your STEM instruction. Whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher who is implementing STEM, or even a grade level specialist, you will find some useful information in this episode when it comes to implementing STEM with your third graders. 

Naomi Meredith  00:51

If you haven’t already had a chance, go back and listen to the first three episodes in this series. In those episodes, I am talking about Kindergarten, first, and second grade when it comes to teaching STEM with those grade levels. And even if you don’t teach those grade levels, it is still useful information to hear the broad range of grade levels. So this can help with your long term planning, especially if you’re jumping into a STEM space. If you’re thinking, “Oh, where should my students be at,” and they’re not quite where you think they should be, you might need to start them off at a level that is a little bit lower than what you might typically be used to, and then build them up throughout the years. So definitely worth your time. I also understand how hard it can be planning for multiple grade levels. I’ve done it and I’m doing it. And I want to help you out and ease that stress. I wish that past Naomi had this opportunity. But I am hosting this for you, and that is a free live masterclass that is going on on May 9. And if you’re listening to this live in 2023, I will be giving you the tips and tricks on how you can plan out your year long plan and help you feel confident going into the summer. Again, this is 100% free this class and I don’t want you to miss out on it. There will be a replay of the recording. So you can still grab that and if you’re listening after May 9. Again, you can catch the replay. So you can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/maytraining, M-A-Y training all one word, no spaces. And it will also be linked in the show notes for you. 

Naomi Meredith  02:54

When I started my teaching journey, I started teaching second grade for two years at a title one school. Around the time my second year of teaching second grade, I was going to move and I actually needed to find a school that was a bit closer to where I was moving. So I ended up applying to a few districts and some possibilities. And I ended up getting an interview at a school for Kindergarten, which I was super excited about. I’ve said this a few times, I’ve always wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher. So I applied and I got an interview. Well, when I was talking to one of my second grade teammates, she actually mentioned, “Oh my gosh, I think one of my friends actually works at this school.” So I already had the interview. But funny enough, it she was right. She had a friend from her master’s program who was working at this school. And I guess my teammate had talked a lot about me to this friend. So she texted her said that had an interview coming up and to put in a good word. And funny enough, that friend that masters friend did put in a good word for me even without knowing me. She had heard a lot of good things about me, which was pretty amazing. And so I already had a good word coming into this interview. When I walked into this interview, I look across the table, somebody different in the interview, I said, Oh my gosh, hey friend, and it was somebody from my master’s program, who was across the table. So I already had two connections at the school. Granted, I had the interview but I had two connections after the fact. And I interviewed and instead of getting this set Kindergarten job, they offered me third grade, and I almost didn’t take it. I thought they’re gonna be too old for me. But I ended up loving the teaching third grade so much I ended up doing it for four years. And when you think about that friend, that connection I never knew. She is actually a really good friend of mine to this day, Becca McMillan who was on the podcast in Episode 40. So you can go back and listen to that. And so we’ve become lifelong friends ever since then. And we knew each other without knowing each other, which is pretty fun. So besides Kindergarten, I love third grade. And so I can still say that teaching third grade for four years, and also teaching third in my K through five for five years. So definitely, again, they have another special place in my heart, it’s the best age. And let’s get into how I break down their curriculum gear. 

Naomi Meredith  02:54

Like I mentioned before, in the past episodes, I like to plan my year for K through five and thematic units. And I think of it in themes when it comes to the actual topic, and also the tool that they are going to work on. So I do a mixture of both. So you’ll hear very similar things. If you’re listening to this whole series and how everything connects together. This is a great series to binge listen to, because everything’s gonna make a lot of sense. But if you’re listening to this in isolation, that’s okay too. But that’s just how everything is plans and goes together. So when it comes to the overall year for third grade, I like to start off my year for K through five with my STEM survival camp unit, and you can hear all about STEM survival camp in episode four. So for third grade, their challenge is the game from the land. So they have to create a game to keep them entertained while they are out camping. Or if they’re isolated by themselves in the wilderness for more long amount of time, they are creating a game from the land, and they are gathering materials from the outside and also using some of the items that I have in my classroom, to design their game and what the rules of that game are. This is a great introduction to the Engineering Design Process and how that works and getting them used to that or refreshing their memory. So this is a great one for my third graders, and they get super proud of their games, and they love testing and sharing by playing each other’s games. Then we move into September when we talk about digital citizenship. Again, this is a topic that should be taught throughout the year. But how I zoned in on it and STEM is that I take those Common Sense Media lessons. And then when it’s in third grade moving into that Google Interland be internet awesome lesson plans, and how students are diving even deeper when it comes to private and personal information. With second grade that is also the topic that I talked about at more of a basic level. But we’ve dive in a little bit deeper when it comes to third grade. And we read different stories watch different videos, one of my favorites being #Goldilocks, a cautionary tale. And it’s a version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears which I know in third grade, you talk a lot about fractured fairy tales, and different versions of things where Goldilocks goes into these houses and does all of these bad things and documents her journey. So again, we talked about that private and personal information. And I have a project for them with this STEM twist, where they are creating game pieces that show their private and personal information, the private information, they don’t actually write it out, I have it listed for them. And then we do some coding unplugged with this game. on from there is my maker month for K through five. And we talk about different type of earth systems. So we do some Makerspace things in our STEM survival camp with a little more guidance. But this one is more open ended with more materials in my classroom. This lesson is pretty fun. And I realized when I was planning my year long plan, I do my lessons with water than I thought I did. So having some plastic buckets on hand are very helpful for all of your grade levels. And we talk about severe weather in this unit for third grade specifically about flooding. So I touch on all of the different types of severe weather, but we zone in on more on flooding, and they have a little house that they have to protect, and they are creating an invention that will help slow down the flooding or even better stop it from hitting the house. So we talk about different flooding inventions that are out there to give them some ideas. And then students take their ideas and run with it to create their invention that that actually will be tested with water. I did this unit a bit differently. The last time I taught it and for some reason I was the person pouring the water and I don’t know why I put myself through the trouble of that. And I took this as an opportunity to actually teach students how to measure liquids, which is a math standard. So I gathered a bunch of measuring cups, I enlisted the grade level teachers and I taught them how to measure and we documented how much water would hit the house. So when you get this lesson if you already have this lesson in mind, make sure to redownload it because I added that update with the measurement and it is so much better and how they can keep track of that. After that, Novemember, we move into our sensational space. And that is all about video and audio production. This is a topic I have actually become very interested in teaching kids, and how they can share their information. And the students love it too, because we all know they want to be on camera and YouTube stars hashtag, it’s only for me, I’m the cold teacher with the YouTube. Just kidding, I’m not that cool. But we talk about video and audio production. And with third grade, we do some more of that green screen. So I talked about was second grade, we did a green screen project, I use a different app for students. So again, taking that same concept, I talked about this a lot, taking that same concept or taking that same tool, but using it in a different way, whether it’s a more, whether it’s a more sophisticated tool, or you are doing different content, or both. So in this situation, it’s both. So we talk about worldwide weather reports and they are researching a place that they want to explore in the world, we write a whole script about it and how it changes throughout the seasons, what to expect with the weather. And then they record their green screen. And they do the editing on their own. I like to use Wii video. But there’s other great platforms out there. And the cool thing with third grade is instead of having one or two backgrounds throughout the whole time, they are developing the skills where they can add multiple backgrounds throughout their video. After that in December is the Hour of Code and computer science month. Again, this is something you can do at any time, it is really good at this time of year. And I do more of exploratory of different types of coding languages. So in third grade, if you know as a third grader, they most can read. And they are learning how to use reading as an informative tool. So they’re not necessarily learning how to read, they’re reading to learn. And so there’s coding languages that you can use can be more sophisticated, and still using that block coding, but there might be more words involved. And then they can just keep upping their skills from there. So I like to give them a choice board when it comes to their coding. After that we entered January and we talk about the Winter Games, the Olympics and how those are all above the equator, which you can figure out the reason why behind that. And we do some research using Google Earth to learn more about the different Winter Games and where they were held. And then students code their robot to travel to the different locations on the map. I use Ozobots. For this lesson, I know at the time of this recording, they’re hard to get your hands on, so you can modify with different lessons that would interest you. I do have an episode about winter robotics that I’ll link in the show notes that will explain more about this lesson, and just all of my winter robotics lessons in general. After that, we move into 3D printing for K through five. And this is one of my favorite 3D printing projects that I’ve done. And this was inspired by me traveling to museums and zoos and aquariums, which I love to do when I travel. We don’t have kids, but I still love traveling and seeing these types of things. And I get a lot of inspiration when I go I always am taking pictures like oh, this would be a really cool STEM lesson. So I noticed that museums and aquariums, there are a lot of displays and ways to learn about the animals in the exhibit. And a lot of times those can be helpful for people who can’t see as Well. And they might need more of that textile way of learning that more hands on learning, which is great for anybody hands on learning, we know has a lot of great implications. So for this 3D printing project, students are designing a model of a living thing after their research. And they design that and that’s printed out on a platform that can teach others about that living thing. Next, I will do some LEGO education kits and I used to do this at the end of the year. But I talked about this before I like to switch it up during testing season. I would say LEGO education kits are the easiest lesson to teach out of any of the STEM lessons because they are very guided. And so it also gives students a break in a sense, yes, there is creativity. There’s a lot of great things. But as a teacher, you don’t have to pull in as much. There’s a lot of great resources already out there. For my third graders I use the LEGO education kits we do to point out I don’t know if you can still get your hands on those. Those are like kind of like the OGs of LEGO education kits that a lot of us might have. Where students are building the science rover Milo the science rover, excellent kit. Love this kit. It’s still awesome and my third graders are obsessed about it. So if you have these don’t get rid of them. They are super, super awesome. I love them. Now if you’re looking to buy things that are brand new, I’ve mentioned the LEGO spike essential kit is excellent as well it can work first through fifth grade. And so if you need a different option to replace them what I talked about recommend that kit After that, if you have time, you can get into stop motion animation, which is really fun. Third graders really grasp this concept, where you take a ton of different pictures that have tiny, tiny movements. And in third grade, we talk about paleontologist, and how finding fossils and where they’re located can really help you tell the story of that fossils. So that’s what they will do with their stop motion animation, do some research about different fossils that have been found. And then they’re taking on the role as a paleontologist, and telling the story of what probably happened to that fossil based on its location and the type of fossils. Finally, we end the year with STEM-musement Park where we talk about force in motion in all of the grade levels. And third grade is talking about transportation in the park and how that can be done through the use of maglev trains. And so not all transportation is maglev. But we talked about how magnets are another form of clean energy that can be used. And it could be really cool if more trains use that. And so they design a theme park and then how the Maglev Train will travel in their park to get to different destinations. So if you’ve been listening to this series, you can see that the projects are a bit more sophisticated when it comes to their STEM skills. And you’re really thinking about that, too. If you have been a classroom teacher before, that’s just kind of how it goes in third grade, they are more simple at the beginning of the year. But as the year progresses, things are getting more and more sophisticated. And third graders will do almost anything you say it’s a really fun grade, and teaching their STEM projects are really fun. So let’s talk about what the structure of the week can look like. Now, if you really want to zone in on the planning and really see my whole process when it comes to planning with the Engineering Design Process, you can jump in on my pre-recorded workshop for third through fifth, I plan very similarly for all of those grade levels. And you can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/secondaryworkshop that will be linked in the show notes. And I give you all the planning templates, too. And the reasoning behind the way that I do things and give you some ideas. Now there were teachers on this live call, we talked a lot about video and audio production, which is an awesome skill for students to have. So you can hear that conversation when you go in on that workshop. And actually, I’m going to talk about an example here. So we can all connect together. I will say with my third graders, of course, it’s different for everybody the things that I do with my third graders now, and definitely my older kids now is way different than what I did with them when I first started. And so I’m definitely doing the things I always envisioned to do with my third graders. Now, you might have to take a step back, like I said, and do things that are more simple. But if you keep it up and build those systems and processes and have a structure for learning, that is just really inclusive of building up their skills, you can do these hard things with them, trust me, it will work. 

Naomi Meredith  02:54

So during the week, and this will be very similar for my third, fourth and fifth graders. So if you teach a little older, you could do the same thing. But I will see my kids all five days in a row for 45 minutes each. A lot of you actually see students once a week for 45 minutes. So you could still do this, it would just take you longer for the project. But who cares, it’s totally fine. I’m actually reading the book right now invent to learn the second edition, which is actually our book for June and the STEM teacher bookshelf membership. And I’m creating the guide for that right now. But it also talks about like for project, there’s no set timeline for things, we get stuck in our head as teachers, oh, we have to do a project in 45 minutes for five days. And it should be this long, it doesn’t matter. Like it could take all year, and that’s totally fine. So give yourself a break. When you hear me talk about these things. It’s the time that works best for you and your students. It doesn’t have to match up with mine. So during the week, I will propose things. So let’s say if I had five days, do whatever works best for you. But let’s say I have five days I will use the Engineering Design Process. And we will use the five days for this project. And sometimes we need to work on it after that when I see them a month later. So I will propose to them the question you can definitely develop the question with them. And I always like to phrase it as how can so we talk about the question and do some imagining and research and planning the first couple of days. So for this project, this is our green screen worldwide weather reports and how they’re reporting out on a place that they want to find in the world. This one it was a bit a little bit tricky because it was more open-ended. So we did do a mixture of using Epic Books as a research source. And then also some links to some other websites that had credible information of different places in the world throughout the year that I provided the links to them. They also had a script template to help them fill out and yes, they have a template, but all of their projects look the same and kids would scratch things out and add in their own things which is awesome. I know this sounds like too cookie cutter of a project. But I will say when it comes to video and audio production, you need to have some sort of script and kids will add their own creativity, for sure. But I’ve made the mistake of not doing any script at all. And the kids come up with some of the most random stuff. And that’s great, too, but also doesn’t answer the question. And so there is a lot of flexibility and creativity in this project. But that just gives them that structure so that they stay on topic, and get that practice to be on video and audio. I always give them the example of my podcast, I do you have some sort of script an outline, I have a lot of bullet points, I do pause. When I am recording this video and audio, I’m doing it simultaneously. So I’m looking at the camera the whole time. But this has taken years of practice when I first made videos long ago, like whenever I started, I wrote scripts, I still write scripts for a lot of videos I do and I record them in chunks. So it’s just a good skill for kids to have. And like anybody can make a video, but a high quality video and or audio is completely different. So there’s nothing wrong with writing a script, and then you just build off from there. When we are doing our green screens, it is hard to find places that are quiet. My classroom does have a blue and green wall, which is so beautiful. And technically, yeah, you can record videos. But when you have a class of 25 plus kids, you cannot record videos, they’re not going to be quiet, I’ve tried it, they won’t be quiet. So I did purchase some pop up green screens that are really great. And I will try to find more quiet places around the school kind of near my classroom. It’s not perfect that kids get frustrated, they want to be movie stars, like it’s the best we could do this. It’s a school, it’s going to be loud. But it is a lot better than just recording in the classroom. After the students record their videos, we go through some editing. And there’s always a couple kids who finished first, and they are great helpers. And they’re really into the editing. And then I just create some experts from there, we just learned together and we add all the things. So it’s a really fun and just very nice flow to the project. Everybody’s in different stages, but they are all able to produce something as they are collaborating together. 

Naomi Meredith  02:54

Finally, here are the three things in my opinion that I would say that a third grader should leave my STEM classroom knowing these are in no particular order. But these are things that I’ve seen in my students that I would hope for them. First is being able as a third grader to create more in depth plans. So taking from that K through two experience, they are drawing and labeling their plan. They’re being more thoughtful about the materials that they are using. As a third grader, I would want them to start getting more detailed with their plans by Yes, their drawing and labeling, but also explaining why they’re using certain parts. Why does is this going to work? Why is it going to be here. So being more thoughtful about that plan, and not just throwing something together, say, Hey, I made a plan. Good for me. So just being more thoughtful, I would really hope that for my third graders. The second thing that I would want a third grader to know after leaving my STEM classroom is having more stamina to their STEM projects. And this is in general with a third grader, they just any projects in general. So with my second graders, our projects last for maybe five, maybe three, not usually the full five days. But a third grader just based on the amount of work that we’re doing. It’s not more work, it’s just more sophisticated work is more tools, there’s more things to add more cool details, more awesome, fun things to try. And so I would hope that their stamina can increase to doing things at least five days, and really reiterating and developing their projects. So it’s just again, more sophisticated. And finally it goes back to that group work, I would hope for a third grader that they can work to in groups up to three to four, and also holding a role within their groups. I will assign specific roles when it comes to the projects that they are working on. And so being able to really hold that role in their group and being a good team member. This is just as good soft skill in general for any students, but third grade especially they are capable of this. And just being very explicit with that and giving them those opportunities and in a sense training on how to work together as a group when they’re holding a specific role. 

Naomi Meredith  02:54

As a recap, here are the three things that we talked about when it comes to planning your STEM year for third grade. First, we talked about the overview of the year and sample lessons you could teach and having a variety of those. Next we broke down the structure of the week and how you could go through the Engineering Design Process or whatever process you choose to go through an actual lesson. Then I gave you my top three things that I would have a third grader could walk away with when they are leaving my STEM classroom. Of course, this has a lot of information and a lot of things through trial and error. And I totally understand it’s a lot I’ve lived through it, I’m living through it. And so I invite you again to join my free live training, where I will break down the whole year of K through five, and how I actually plan this out. So make sure to not miss out on that that will be live on May 9, 2023. So you can jump in at Naomi meredith.com/maytraining, if you’re listening after the date, you can still watch the recording that will be available for you with the same link. So no problem at all. Or if you can’t join us live, you could definitely jump in on it there. Also, when it comes to your lesson plans, I have created everything. And there’s lots of updates coming in new lessons as Well. And so you can grab the entire year, you can see that with my free year long planned Naomimeredith.com/year long plan, you could see what I was talking about. But I have everything broken up, you could buy the whole K through five STEM plan, maybe you just need third through fifth grade, maybe you just need third grade. And so I have different options and bundles for you and my Teachers Pay teacher’s store so that you don’t have to come up with all these lessons. These are already tested with kids and kids love them. So you can implement those into your classroom right away. So you can not have to worry about other things. Maybe you just want to learn the tools, but you want to have the lesson prepared for you. Again,

Naomi Meredith  26:30

thank you so much for being here. I am so happy to support you. This is such a fun journey for me. And I can’t wait for all the future episodes. And all the feedback you’re giving me and the kind messages and lots of podcasts ideas. I’m not running out of ideas. I didn’t plan on doing two episodes a week for this long as you guys keep asking for really good content. So here we are, it’s still going. So make sure to check out the next two episodes of this series, where we’re going to talk about fourth grade, and then fifth grade. So thank you so much again, and I will see you then.

3rd grade STEM curriculum


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

2nd grade stem curriculum

2nd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.83]

2nd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.83]

2nd grade stem curriculum

Check out the full episode on 2nd Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas:  


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Episode Summary

Today’s episode is part 3 of the K-5 STEM series. In this episode, I’m breaking down my year-long 2nd grade STEM curriculum, highlighting some of the lessons I teach in a week and the top three skills 2nd graders should leave the STEM classroom with.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • An overview of my year-long 2nd grade STEM curriculum
  • A snapshot of a week of implementing 2nd grade STEM curriculum
  • The top three skills I believe 2nd grade students should leave the STEM classroom with

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

What should a 2nd grade STEM curriculum look like? In this episode, I am sharing with you an overview of the year for a 2nd grade STEM curriculum, the breakdown of a typical week and the top three things in my opinion a 2nd grader should walk away with after being in a STEM classroom a full year. This is part three of a six-part series where I am breaking down each grade level in K through five when it comes to a STEM curriculum. Whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher, or a specialist that teaches STEM, there is a lot of useful information in here to help you with your 2nd grade STEM curriculum.

Naomi Meredith  01:09

If you haven’t already, you can go back and listen to the first two episodes in this six-part series where I talked about how the this structure works for my Kindergarten students, and my first grade students. I walked into my K-5 STEM space with minimal tools and zero curriculum and only being a classroom teacher before with a lot of different experience to teaching different grade levels. So it is overwhelming. It is a lot of work. And you are typically the only person by yourself trying to figure this out. And that has been a huge mission of me creating this podcast and creating the resources that I actually teach my students. Because I am impacting the students in my classroom, but also you and your students. I don’t want you to feel the way that I felt. It’s a lot of work. I’ve been trying to document this for you to make it so much easier. So with that in mind, I have something special coming out for you. This is brand new to me brand new to you, and it is five years in the making, and I want you to benefit from it. I invite you to join me live on May 9, 2023. And if you can’t join live, it will be recorded and sent to you. So make sure you jump in on this link so that you get this special recording. I am going to break down how I have this whole year and how I really go through planning this whole year with K through five. So I’m breaking down all the grade levels right now but how does this work as a whole entire year. So join me in on this masterclass and there are some awesome goodies in there that I will be talking about. So again, you don’t want to miss out, you can grab that at Naomimeredith.com/special. And you’ll be sent the link to that masterclass where you can join in or if you want to listen to the recording later, you are definitely going to love this and you don’t want to miss out. I am here for you and I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. I’m here every step of the way with all of these things and more coming up. If you’re listening too after this date, you can still use the same link and it will still be sent to you. So don’t worry about that. 

Naomi Meredith  01:52

In this episode, we’re talking about 2nd grade STEM. And here’s a little bit more about my story. So when I first started teaching, I actually got a job at the school I student taught at. In my college program, they connected with partnering districts and we were placed in our schools. So we then get a choice as to where we got to be. So I student taught in various grade levels Kindergarten, first and third grade. I ended up getting a job in 2nd grade and it was a Title one school. It was a big learning curve, but it definitely made me a way better teacher. And I had the best team that I ever had. We hung out together, divided up the curriculum, take turns on who would be planning what, analyze data together, and shared students. We were so connected and so involved and it’s one of the best teams I’ve ever worked with. So if any of you are listening, you know who you are. So it was an amazing experience. And I am so glad that I got to meet those wonderful ladies and had some awesome students back then. So, 2nd grade definitely has a special place in my heart not my favorite grade, but it’s very special to me. I definitely understand 2nd graders. So first I’m going to talk about the overview of a year. If you’ve listened to the past two episodes, you’re going to hear those similar themes and you’re going to hear them in the other grade levels. When I am planning my units I plan with a progression of learning in mind. So when we are all doing STEM survival camp in August, everybody K through five is doing STEM survival camp. When we’re doing 3D printing, everybody’s doing 3D printing. So it really is taking that differentiated and broad spectrum of learning in mind. So keep that in mind when you’re listening to all these projects, and how they are sprinkled in throughout the year. If you want to see a breakdown of my year, you can grab it at naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan. It’s completely free, and you can see all the lessons are linked in there and the different standards that I teach. I’ve mentioned this before, there’s going to be a lot more updates in this upcoming year just based on what I have done with my students, and things that are working and things I’m modifying. So grab that now. And then I’ll share with you guys too when it’s updated. And you can see all that fun stuff. So let’s jump into the overview of a year when it comes to second grade. 

Naomi Meredith  05:53

As I just said, we start off the year with STEM survival camp. And this is one of my favorites. If you want to hear more about STEM survival camp, go back and listen to episode four, it is a very fun one. And I even decorate my room a little bit for it. So we start off the year with STEM survival camp, and they use some items from my classroom and some items from nature to complete the challenge. And in 2nd grade, their challenge is protect the food challenge. So they have to create an invention that will keep the food safe if they were camping. And this is a small prototype, it’s not huge. So it’s a small version of what the real version could be. Once we are accustomed with each other. And by this time, I’ve already had them for two years. So we’re on to year three, and we move into digital citizenship. And I talked about this before. Digital citizenship is important to teach all year. I used to teach digital citizenship first. But then I realized we needed that first month to really get acquainted with one another. So I switched it up and that’s why I actually do digital citizenship second. So in 2nd grade, we talk a lot about private and personal information. So what is information that we should keep safe, and to ourselves that private information, if we wouldn’t tell a stranger in person, we’re not going to tell them those things online. And then we go into what is that personal information, what could be true about anybody, this closely aligns to what the Common Sense Media curriculum is talking about. And then I give it that my own STEM twist in the classroom. So students build their own version of what a computer could look like. And then they have moving on their screen, different things that are personal, that could be true about anybody, and would be safe to share if they were to share any information. Obviously, sharing nothing is best. But there are some times where that happens. And so we talk about what that information is safe to share. Next, we move into our Maker month, and we talk about Earth systems. So how all of those connect together. And in 2nd grade, they have a standard that talks about how the land changes, and we’ve really zoned in on that water erosion. I know that’s not the only type of erosion, but that’s the one that we zone in on. So I talked about the different kinds of erosion. And then we’re really thinking about how we can slow down or stop water erosion. So through their research with the articles that I wrote for them, and their thoughtful planning, they design an invention that will help them slow down or stop water erosion. And we test their designs either inside using dirt in buckets. Or if the weather’s nice enough, I’m in Colorado, so you have no idea what’s gonna happen, or we’ll test our designs outside. After that we’re in November, kids are comfortable, they are using more technology. They’re more used to me as the teacher, and we move into our sensational space unit. And it’s all about video and audio production. We talk about green screen in 2nd grade. And they are definitely old enough to do green screen and do the editing on their own. I’m not doing the editing for them. I’ll do an episode in the future more about green screen. I know I’ve talked about video and audio production in different ways, specifically a lot about podcasting. But I definitely will plan some green screen because I know a lot of you might be interested in that. So we talk about green screen. And their green screen is all about Earth events. So how things on earth can change through either earthquakes, volcanoes, a lot of those things that we might think about as natural disasters. So we talk about those Earth changes. After that we move into the era of code. And like I mentioned in the other two episodes, it’s still great to do the Hour of Code if possible during the month of December. There’s so many resources out there and when it comes to the Hour of Code, so make sure to go and check out that episode my Hour of Code podcast episode, and I break more of that down for you. But this is when students in 2nd grade are getting into more hour coding. So before and first in Kindergarten, they’re doing more directional coding or coding with pictures. And so kids are moving into a little bit harder coding with more multi-steps, maybe they’re adding in more of loops. And maybe they’re adding in a different type of coding language. So they’re doing a little bit more written. They’re doing a little bit more of block coding when it comes to words written on the blocks. After that, we take that coding knowledge, and we’re into January, and we do some robotics. So we move into an animal migration unit, where we talk about different ways that animals migrate throughout the year and the reasons why. So students will research using the articles I gave them. And they will code the migration pathway of certain animals that we talked about. And they will code that pathway to where they migrate to, and they have to get them back home. So they have very specific maps with those locations. Sometimes I’ll have them actually put those locations on the map. But with time, I also have maps that have the locations for them. And then they have to figure out the coding that goes along with it. Next in February, I move on to 3D printing. So students have more skills, and they’re ready for the next step. And for students in 2nd grade, this is where I try out Tinkercad. So again, you can hear more about 3D printing and my 3D printing episode. And students may use Tinkercad to design a custom birdhouse to help animals in the area. And when I print these out, all of my designs are super small, so it’s more of a prototype of what the birdhouse could look like. And they could actually build the real thing at home. So they get really proud of themselves. Because they’re using a different program that they haven’t used in second grade, they use something else in first grade. So that’s very exciting for them. After that, we move into LEGO builds. And again, I have a kit, they only had for a short amount of time, they probably have something similar and it’s a simple machines kit. But you can replace this with any LEGO kit that you have. So I mentioned in the first grade episode, the LEGO spike essential kit is awesome. So it works for first through fifth grade. Or maybe you have a random collection of LEGO bricks and then maybe think about planning something that would be specific to that grade level. Also, I would say the LEGO wedo 2.0. If you have those kits, I think a lot of us might have those, those are still great as well. I would also recommend using those with 2nd grade. So during this spring state testing time, LEGO education kits are a great refresh. If you have more time or depending on the time, I will do stop motion animation. It depends when we did green screen. And that’s just a different type of video production. So maybe I want them to do more animation if we have time. And we will create a stop motion animation all about pollinators, and the different pollinators out there and how they actually help and why they are important. And finally, we end the year with STEM-musement park and I think this is one of my most favorite, STEM-musement park lessons. I’m a little bit biased because my Teacher Honey is a girl’s High School golf coach. And fun fact, we met at a golf course and he didn’t help me with any golf and I’m horrible at golf and I actually worked on a golf course. So I have some like background on golf but not really. And so for this lesson, 2nd graders create their own mini golf course. And we use our Makerspace supplies again. And then they test each other’s designs. So that is a breakdown of what I actually teach 2nd grade throughout the year. 

Naomi Meredith  17:10

So let’s talk about what does an actual week look like. So again, if you want to join in on my K-2 STEM planning workshop, you can actually see how I break down a unit when it comes to planning standards. And if you want to implement STEM stations, I did a lot more STEM stations with my 2nd graders my first three years in this position. My schedule looked a lot different and I didn’t have as much time to do things with kids. So I would switch off between STEM stations, and also doing a mini project with them. The last two years in my STEM position I have taught the kids K through five for the full week. So I have the same six classes every day for a week. And so I haven’t had to do much stations. My kids are more used to me and we can actually do bigger projects. So the projects I would say lasts between three to four days. And then the fifth day is kind of like a makeup day slash free time. It just depends on the class and what is going on throughout the week. So when it comes to that water erosion project that I talked about in that Maker month or Earth Systems unit that takes about three to four days where we are researching or thoughtfully planning our designs by drawing and labeling. They are thinking about how much money they have in their budget so you can listen to episode six where I talk about how I use a Makerspace budget, but students are purchasing their supplies, they’re building their design, and then we test it. And then we even share by taking a video. So I will actually take the video of it, I don’t want them near water with devices. So I will actually add that to their Seesaw. So that is how a week will break down. If students need more practice, then again, you can implement STEM stations that go along with this standard. So it really depends on your kids and how much time you have with them. 

Naomi Meredith  17:11

So when it comes to a 2nd grader, what are the top three skills that they should walk away with from your STEM space. So based on my experience, working with K through five, here is what I have seen and what I would hope a 2nd grader could leave my classroom doing and in no particular order. I would definitely want a 2nd grader to be able to use research to inform their plan. So in Kindergarten and first grade, I still have them research. And they do use that information to help their plan. A lot of times when they start building, they change their mind and they do something else that is related, but not exactly what they wanted to do. That is fine, as long as they’re still on topic. And they’re learning how things are connected together. But in 2nd grade, I think they are very capable of starting to use that research to actually be more thoughtful. And yes, your plan will change but it’s not going to change too much. And so using that research to thoughtfully plan is super important. Also, what I would hope a 2nd grader to do is to begin really making changes when things don’t work the first time. A lot of times with the younger students, I will make something and they’re one and done. I did it Whoo, yay. Look at my work. Look at my work. Look what I did. So a 2nd grader, they do that a little bit at the beginning of the year. But I really encourage them to think about ways to make their design even better. So yes, this didn’t work. What could we do instead? or Yes, we have finished here some other ways to make it better. So starting to use modification checklists are really helpful to think through their actual design. And the final thing I would want a 2nd grader to leave my STEM classroom knowing is using more sophisticated tools. I use a lot of similar tools with my kindergarteners and first graders. But in 2nd grade, I have them use more of their computers. Now this can definitely depend on the devices that you have and what access you have to everything. But I have my 2nd graders use their computers a lot more. And they are capable of those things. So it does take more practice, it does take them a lot longer. When I use Tinkercad, the 3D printing software, there is a lot of tears the first day when they’re typing in the class code, but they do it. They are capable, and then they are able to create something so it’s not impossible. It’s a little bit harder, especially if they don’t use their computers very often in the previous grades or even with their classroom teacher. They are very, very capable. So that is something I really try to push my 2nd grade students is using things that are a bit more sophisticated and have more multi-steps compared to the click one click solution for a first and kindergartener. 

Naomi Meredith  18:07

As a recap here is what we talked about when it comes to a 2nd grade STEM curriculum. First, I broke down the overall year and what that can look like in terms of the lessons for your 2nd graders. Next, I explained what a sample week can look like for that actual unit. And then I gave you my top three tips when it comes to what a 2nd grader should walk away, leaving your class knowing. Of course, I have a lot of ways to help support you when it comes to the STEM space and for your second graders and all your elementary students. So make sure to sign up for that live masterclass that I have going on May 9, and I would love to see you there, definitely jump in on the link, you will get sent the recording and you can watch that. So make sure to sign that up if you haven’t already at Naomimeredith.com/special. And all the lessons that I talked about are available for you that you don’t even have to create them. They’re already researched. Especially in second grade, I actually write a lot of the articles that they use research on, because they’re doing these high level topics that aren’t typically written at a second grade level. So I got you on that one. So you can buy the lessons individually or I have it in a second grade bundle for you. Or you can break it into the K through two bundle or go for the full year K through five. So that is all ready to go to save you some stress and overwhelm lessons that my second graders love. And I know that your students will too. Thank you so much again for joining me today and I will see you in the next episode where we will talk about STEM in third grade.

2nd grade stem curriculum


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

1st grade STEM curriculum

1st Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.82]

1st Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.82]

1st grade STEM curriculum

Check out the full episode on 1st Grade STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series]:  


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Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Have you wondered what a 1st grade STEM curriculum should look like? In today’s episode, I’m sharing an overview of my 1st grade STEM year-long plan. This is part two of a six-part series in which I’m breaking down grade levels K-5 and showing what it looks like in the STEM classroom.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The main lessons I teach my 1st graders
  • What a week of 1st grade curriculum looks like in my STEM classroom
  • The top three skills a first grader should leave your STEM classroom with

Resources Mentioned:

Some items are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account. When you purchase through my link, there is no added cost to you, but I receive a small commission in return.

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

What should a first grade STEM curriculum look like? In this episode, I’m sharing with you an overview of a first grade STEM year long plan, an example of a lesson throughout the week, and tips and tricks when you are teaching your first graders a STEM lesson. This is part two of a six-part series where I am breaking down each grade level, K through five, and what it can look like in the STEM space. Whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher, or a specialist that implements STEM, I think you will find a lot of useful information in this episode when it comes to teaching STEM with your little first graders. 

Naomi Meredith  00:52

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the last episode, I talked about how I break down everything in Kindergarten. I do get a lot of questions when it comes to teaching STEM with the littles. So if you haven’t checked that out, make sure to go back and listen. But not necessary, if you haven’t listened to it yet, you can still listen to this episode and then go back and listen. Likewise, if you don’t teach the younger students in STEM, don’t shut off this episode. It’s actually really good for you to hear where kids might come from when it comes to the STEM space. So maybe you don’t teach the littles in STEM, but maybe there’s an opportunity for classroom teachers in your building to teach them, and you could share this episode with them. So it’s great as a teacher in the elementary space to see that long range of what it can look like in the STEM space. Likewise, I know it is super overwhelming when it comes to lesson planning in STEM, especially when you teach all of the grade levels. I came from being a classroom teacher for six years and entered the K-5 STEM space with no curriculum whatsoever. But I have figured it out with tips and tricks along the way and through my experience for the past five years. So I am excited to help you all the time. I am working on something behind the scenes that I want you to join in on to get that extra support. So you can join at Naomimeredith.com/special. And you will be the first to hear about this brand new to me thing that I have never done with you guys. So definitely jump in on that you definitely don’t want to miss out. Also, if you’re driving, feel free to DM me on Instagram at NaomiMeredith_ and I’m happy to send you the link there because again, it’s something I’ve never done before and it’s so exciting to help you out in the STEM space. 

Naomi Meredith  03:18

For this episode about first grade, a fun fact is that I student taught in first grade for quite a while. My undergrad program was definitely trial by fire. I was working in a title one school. So my school that I went to for college had a partnership with a lot of districts in the area, a lot of Title One schools to push student teachers into these spaces. And oftentimes we got jobs out of these, which I actually did end up working at the school I student taught at so it was a school, a district I had never heard of. But a lot of my time, like I said was spent in first grade. And I have a special love, if you could see my face right now, I have a special love for Kindergarten. I still do. Kindergarten is still my favorite even after teaching them in STEM for five years. And I did also student teaching first grade. It’s just not for me. And I still feel that way. For some reason, a first grader and a kindergartner are very different to me. First graders are like tiny teenagers, I swear to you, my Teacher Honey is a high school teacher. And he’s not the best at little kids when it comes to teaching them. I’m also not the best at teaching high school kids. So that’s where we have our differences. But I told him he could definitely teach first grade because the things they say to me and their attitudes are what he tells me that his high schoolers have so we have a lot in common when I tell my first grade stories and he tells his high school teaching stories. So lots of fun to have there. But I’m going to share with you three different things when it comes to teaching STEM in the first grade setting. So I’m going to talk through a snapshot of the overview of the year. So the big main lessons that I teach my first graders, then I’m going to break down a sample week what that actually looks like. And then, in my opinion, three big things that a first grader should walk away with knowing in a STEM space. So let’s get into it. 

Naomi Meredith  05:19

If you’re curious to see the structure of my full year K through five, you can download the year long plan for free. If you go to Naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan or just go to my website, it’ll pop up and you can put your name in. I have a lot of updates in store for this next year, especially when it comes to the primary grades, so you can see where it’s at now. But like I said, there’s going to be some updates. And then you can re-download the plan and see what those awesome fun things are. So here is how I break down my year when it comes to first grade. It’s very similar to Kindergarten in the way I structure it. And so if you’re thinking about how you could do things for primary and Kindergarten, they’re very, very similar. I do teach different lessons when it comes to the major projects in first and Kindergarten. Now, when I do STEM stations, there are a lot of similarities or they might overlap the tools, but change out the content. So just keep that in mind. For this snapshot of the year, I’m just going to talk about the major projects and not the specific STEM stations. STEM stations are something that I started implementing in the past couple of years since I had more time with kids. And so that’s not reflective yet on the year long plan. So just keep that in mind. Also, with my year long plan, I do plan in curriculum unit. So K through five, we have the same big umbrella topic. And then there’s a progression of learning within that. So when you listen to this series, you’re going to hear those themes over and over again, because everybody’s working on a part of that theme that works best for their grade level. First, I start off the year to welcome kids back to school with STEM survival camp. And the first graders are tasked with the challenge to build a fishing rod or a fishing pole to catch the fish. So we talk about the Engineering Design Process. They use the materials in my classroom and things from outside, and they actually design a fishing pole. And there are different fish that I haven’t caught in my classroom. It’s so cute, they love this challenge. They do take them home, we make sure they go in their backpacks right away. But some of my students have come back and told me they brought their fishing pole on a actual camping trip, which is so so cute. From what I know, no real fish were caught with those fishing poles. But I love how they were taking the learning outside my classroom and into their own real worlds. Next, we get into digital citizenship for our next unit. And of course, digital citizenship is something that is taught all year long. It’s not a one time thing. And my vision of digital citizenship is that as a STEM teacher, you are giving a STEM twist. And really I think that about all the lessons that you should teach. So a classroom teacher is of course, and should be teaching digital citizenship, but you are also teaching it in your space, because it’s extremely important. I use a lot of Common Sense Media’s curriculum, it’s a completely free. I highly recommend they have some great video clips. And I have a STEM project that relates to those topics. So I know for sure that kids aren’t doing this lesson with their classroom teacher because I made it up. So what we talked about is safe online activities. So what are green means go activities, what are things that are good for kids at their age, because that is important. There are things made for kids out there, but they’re just not ready for it yet. So that’s when we talk about those yellow light online activities. So things that just want you to grow into. And then those red stop, those are not made for kids. We need to be cautious and really think about the things that we are saying online. So it’s really helping students with that metacognition, and what activities are safe, not safe and like a definitely big no, no. So we talk about the internet traffic light and we create a traffic light and we sort the different activities that I give them to help them understand what are different situations that can pop up in their little worlds. After that, we move into Makerspace month, and we are talking about bioluminescence in first grade. So there’s a standard that talks about how there’s Earth light. Well, we take it in a different direction, Earth’s light and living things. So not all light is coming from electricity, or even the sun, moon and stars but it can also come from living things like glowing mushrooms and anglerfish. I’m telling you first grade has some really great science content, first grade is hard for me kidwise. I love their science, they have some really fun content, and they have a lot of stuff about animals. So they love this topic, they are so enthralled by it. I wrote articles for them, me reading them out loud, to help them research more about bioluminescent things, and then they have to think of something that they wish was bioluminescent, and create that living thing and explain what that bioluminescent part helps them with. After that, we’re moving into November and this is a new lesson that I have been testing out with first grade, so it’s not up yet in my store. But they did an awesome job. And we talked about the sun, moon and stars things we can see in the sky during the day, during the night and both. And we’re doing a first grade version of video production. Now, there’s not a whole lot of editing involved. But kids can still make a thoughtful video that isn’t just rambling, if you know what I am talking about. So we talk about how the days are longer and shorter during different parts of the year, and how the Earth rotates around the sun and has that orbit. And students create props to represent these items, we create a guided script together. And then students help one another to use these props to demonstrate the concept that they learned. It is so cute to see the kids collaborating. Yes, we have the same script, because the whole goal is to really get them to be comfortable on camera, and also explaining their ideas thoughtfully. So one student is holding the camera, the other is doing the props, and they’re talking. And they’re really understanding these concepts and how the seasons work during the year. After that is the Hour of Code. So December is Computer Science Week and computer science month. And this is again, a great time to do this. I’ve said this on past episodes, I have a whole episode about the Hour of Code. But you really do want to do the Hour of Code during those December months because the kids are a little restless and it’s very low prep. This is one unit, I don’t do a whole lot of my own creation because there are so many great coding tools out there. So for first grade, I don’t do a whole big project. But I pull out a lot of different coding experiences, where they can explore different types of coding. A new one that I started implementing was the Osmo coding kit, which is excellent with iPads and Kindles. It’s a hands on coding, which I talked about it in the last episode, that Kindergarten episode. So I do this with first grade and it’s awesome. We are back from winter break and then we go from coding in December. And then we come back and work on some robotics. Again, another lesson that I tested with them. We were talking about animal babies and their adults and how the adults care for their babies. Not all animals care for their babies. So we talked about the ones that do. And there are different signifiers that help the parents take care of their young, like giving them shelter, giving them food, and giving them comfort. They always giggle when I give them the example that I am the animal parent of my dog, Frederick the dog. And if you are watching the video version, he is always sitting behind me in his little bed listening to me record. And I do all of these things for my little baby boy. So they giggle and laugh. And for this project again, another one that I am testing. It’s not up yet. So there’s a lot of updates coming to this year long plan that aren’t even written on the year long plan. Um, students were researching about their favorite animal that Epic Books had and how they care for their young. We create the animal baby and their adult. And then we have a zoo, where they code their robots to visit the different animals in the zoo. And you can use whatever robots in this one. So this is really fun, a quick challenge. We also do some STEM stations that are winter themed throughout the week. But that’s what I do for robotics. Next, we get into 3D printing. And I’ve said this before I do 3D printing K through five. And another standard that is in there for first grade is all about animal family traits. So again, we do some research about how parents and their young are similar and different in appearance. We talk more about their appearance, not so much their attitudes. And then again, they choose their favorite and then they design the baby animal and their adult and our 3D print program. And we print it out and then we add those physical features. So they’re so proud of themselves that they created. That is 3D printing. Next and I’m not sure if I talked about this in the Kindergarten one but I do switch it up and do my LEGO education kits. So currently in the year long plan you’re gonna see I do LEGO education at the end of the year. I actually switch that up and do LEGO education during the springtime because the kids are a little antsy and they need to work on that collaboration. In the LEGO we do 1.0, which is an older kit. You can’t get them anymore. So you can substitute the LEGO education kids however you want, if that’s something that you have. Now, if you don’t have the budget to purchase LEGO education kits, I recommend having some sort of task or challenge when it comes to LEGO, maybe not necessarily a build and take apart in one day’s situation. But think of a unit that they could do that’s related to standards that they could build and work on that. One kit I really am loving right now is the LEGO spike essential kits. It is diverse for first through fifth grade. So look into that if you are looking to buy some LEGO. I’ll do an episode about LEGO in the future and how I set that up with my students. But if you’re looking to buy something I highly, highly recommend. It’s so diverse, it can do so many things. Jennifer Mahin and I talked about it in her guest episode. It’s awesome. It’s really good. After that, if we have time in the year, we will get into stop motion animation, and we will talk about biomimicry. So how a lot of inventors use different things from animals. We will talk about the different things that humans see in nature that will inspire them for their designs, and really play off of those different things like think about a turtle. The design of it is a lot like a turtle shell it protects our head just like how it protects the body of a turtle. So students will research more about biomimicry, and then they will create their own invention that’s based off of biomimicry and all the articles that I wrote for them. And then they’ll create a stop motion to share their ideas. Then we will finish off the year with my favorite and the kids new favorite, it’s a close tie between STEM survival camp and we have STEM-musement park to end the year, they always ask about these two units. And we talk about how we can communicate things using light and sound. And how at carnivals they communicate using light and sound to attract customers to their station and also communicate if points are won. So students have to design a game that will have some sort of communication, whether it’s to draw customers in or it’s something in their game, and with light or sound, and they have so much fun designing this. 

Naomi Meredith  17:20

Now you heard the whole recap of the whole year. So what does it look like during the week. Like I said, it’s very similar to what I do in Kindergarten. But sometimes the projects can last a little bit longer in first grade, especially since they are used to me at this point. If you want to see how I actually go through and plan those, I have a K through two STEM planning workshop. It’s all recorded now, just two hours of your time. And you will be awesome at STEM planning and look at it from another perspective. So when I have my first graders, when I go back to that 3D printing example, I will do the project for about one to three days, I have kids five days in a row. But if you have a different schedule, you could do this too. We will work on the project for about one to three days. And then the last two days, we will do STEM stations, again, very similar to what I’ll do in Kindergarten, but I will change out the content. So I shared with you that 3D printing example when we’re talking about animal families and their traits. So we will go through that Engineering Design Process quickly for their grade level during those three days. And then the last two days are STEM stations. So some stations that I have done in conjunction with this unit is we have done pixel animals, so pixel art animals, I love using the blocks billboards for this or any similar type of small block that helps with their fine motor skills, then we will do some geoboard animals, and then move into a Seesaw lesson where there is one I created or one that I actually found off seesaw, which there’s been some really good ones in there lately. So definitely check that out. And then they will also do a robotics coding station where there are different animal traits on a board. And then they have to compare the baby animal and the adult, how they’re the same and different. And then code those different traits. Again, something else I am testing and working on. So this unit is going to get some revamping. First graders do an awesome job at stations. I know they do it with our classroom teachers. So I love doing stations with first graders and kindergarteners, once they get the hang of school. They’re really great and they are so calm. So if you want to see again, in my workshop, I’ll show exactly how I plan stations. When you think about the whole unit. It is an absolute game changer. 

Naomi Meredith  19:31

So you’re probably wondering, in my opinion, what are the top three skills that a first grader should walk away with when they are leaving a STEM class and are using those STEM skills? Maybe you’re a classroom teacher. What should they be able to accomplish? Based on what I’ve seen, here’s what I think a first grader should walk away with in no particular order. First is being able to use all of the elements of the Engineering Design Process or whatever method you are constantly using with your students. I do I use that with my students, but we really can get into it in first grade and being able to do that at a level that works best for them. So they should be able to walk away with a basic understanding of how that works, and being able to use that repetitive process. Next, as a first grader, I hope that they are able to collaborate in up to groups of three. So yes, with a partner and Kindergarten we talk about hopefully, you can collaborate with a partner, not just doing that parallel play. But sometimes in first grade, we can move up to a group of three when we have very specific roles. So that is something I really challenged them to be able to work on. And finally, I would love a first grader to leave my STEM space, being able to thoughtfully explain how their design works. So you get a lot in Kindergarten, look, look what I made. Look, see, see, see what I did, which they’re excited. Good. Awesome. Yeah, I’m so glad you worked. And you are creative on that. As a first grader, I still want them to be excited. I want all kids to be excited. But how does your design work? Tell me more about this. What does it do? What problem are you solving? And this is a great opportunity to share their thoughts in Seesaw because they love to chat. 

Naomi Meredith  20:18

As a recap, here is how I would set up my first grade STEM curriculum. We first talked about the overall year and how you can break that up over the course of the month and giving a whole bunch of different experiences. Next, I shared with you the structure of the week and how I would break that down for a unit. And finally, in my opinion, the top three skills that a first grader should walk away, leaving your STEM classroom with now I know again, it is so overwhelming and I am here for you, I am loving this podcast that I know you guys are too I love all the messages. And so there’s so many things I’ve created for you to help give you support, I have that new thing coming up. So that will be officially announced on May 1 2023. But it don’t want you to miss out on that. So just make sure you sign up using the link naomimeredith.com/special. And you will hear all about what that new to you and new to me thing is that will definitely support you. And also all the lessons that I’m talking about and the future updates who will be included. So those are all linked in the show notes for you. So the K through two STEM planning workshop, there is a bundle of just the first grade STEM lessons if you only want those lessons, but I also have it broken into K through two STEM lessons as a bundle and also K through five you can get the full year. Again, there’s going to be a lot more updates in this upcoming year as I have been testing things with my students and trying new things out. And especially when it comes to the STEM station. So if you grab any of those today, you’ll get it at the cheapest price. And you’ll get all those updates for free. So I really try to analyze and make these work best for you and things that I’ve seen work well with students. Thank you so much again and I will see you in the next episode when we are going to talk all about second grade.

1st grade STEM curriculum


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!

kindergarten STEM curriculum

Kindergarten STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.81]

Kindergarten STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas [K-5 STEM Series] [ep.81]

kindergarten STEM curriculum

Check out the full episode on Kindergarten STEM Curriculum, Tips & Ideas:  


Subscribe to the podcast HERE on your favorite podcasting platform.

Have a STEM question? Leave a voice message for the podcast!

Episode Summary

Have you been wondering what a Kindergarten STEM curriculum should actually look like? In today’s episode, I share what you should consider when planning your Kindergarten STEM curriculum, including an overview of what your Kindergarten STEM curriculum can look like for the year and on a weekly basis.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • An overview of what your Kindergarten STEM curriculum can look like for the year
  • An overview of what your week of lessons can look like
  • The top 3 skills I want my Kindergarten students to leave my STEM classroom knowing
  • Why these are the top 3 skills I focus on with my Kindergarten students

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 

Naomi Meredith  00:00

What should a Kindergarten STEM curriculum look like? In this episode, I am sharing with you an overview of what your year can look like in Kindergarten, a breakdown of the structure of your week of lessons, and also some major takeaways of skills that students should be learning once they leave Kindergarten in STEM. This is part one of a six-part series where I am going to be breaking down each grade level, K through five, and the same overall structure when it comes to the overall planning in your STEM space. Whether you are a STEM teacher, a classroom teacher who’s implementing STEM, a specialist, or any other elementary teacher who is interested in this topic, you’re gonna be walking away with a lot of helpful information to implement with your STEM Kindergarten curriculum. 

Naomi Meredith  00:51

When I walked into my K-5 STEM teaching and coaching position, it was a brand new to me district and school, and a brand new classroom with a few tools and zero curriculum. This was very exciting for me coming out from being a classroom teacher, I taught second grade for two years and third grade for four years. It’s so exciting to have really nothing but also very overwhelming. I’m sure a lot of you had a very similar experience to what I had. So you can definitely relate to this experience. STEM is so exciting in the elementary space and it is absolutely needed. However, there are so many ideas out there that again, it can get overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. So that’s why I’m doing this grade levels series for you really breaking down each grade level. There was a lot of interest in this when I put my podcast survey out a few months ago. So I’m really excited about this and just breaking down for you what it looks like really all day and all year in this type of position. Everything that I’m going to be sharing is 100% linked in the show notes too. You can go back and check those out and get what you need with all the resources that I’m going to be talking about. Each episode is going to have the same structure. I will be sharing an overview of the year, break down the structure of the week, and give you my opinion of the top three skills that students should walk away from in STEM at each grade level. It’s pretty hard to pick three, but just based on my five years in this role, what I have seen and those types of trends. 

Naomi Meredith  03:17

First, I start off the year with STEM survival camp and kindergarten’s challenge is to cross the river. So they are tasked using some materials from outside and also things from in my classroom, for students to figure out a way for their little characters to cross the river. They are given buckets of water, and they can think about things that go across the river, things that go in the river, and also things that float. So we also talk about floating and sinking. After that when students are warmed up in my class and have a basic basic understanding of the Engineering Design Process, more so just what my classroom is, we talk about digital citizenship at a Kindergarten level. There are a lot of great free resources out there for teachers, my favorite being Common Sense Media. There are some awesome lessons and video clips out there that are made specifically for every single grade level. So I use a mixture of that, but also created a STEM challenge that is based on those lessons. So if they’re doing those things with their classroom teacher, then they have something extra that I know they’re not doing in their classroom because I created it. So we talk about media balance in Kindergarten, while it’s okay to do things with technology and sometimes we need a break and do things without, but both are good and it’s really important to have a balance of those things. So there are a few different stories that we read about media balance. And then students actually engineer a balance to balance those activities that are on unifix cubes, those on screen and off-screen activities. So that is a one-day challenge when it comes to the actual building. But the lessons throughout the week apply to that digital citizenship lesson. After that, we move into my maker month, my Makerspace month for K-5 and talking about different earth systems. For Kindergarten, we talk about how some animals change the land to create their homes, and we’ve zoned in on specifically on ants. The kids think it’s so funny when I talk about how ants can’t go to Home Depot and go get some building supplies and build their homes, they start giggling and think it’s so funny. But ants, they decided, hey, this is a great spot of land, we are going to build our home here. So we explore different things that ants add in their homes and how they work together as a team. And then we take a couple of days and students build their own ant house, which is in the form of a moveable marble maze that can be held in their hands. And then they’re able to add labels and pictures that describe this animal home. Then we also have some STEM stations that relate to this standard that go along with that. So we dive in deeper, but our main project is focused in on ants and how they change the land to create their home. After that, we move into my STEM-sational space unit where we talk about video and audio production in K-5. And this is something that I have been playing around with. So this lesson will definitely come up soon. But we create a short video to explain how the shade actually works. So what is the difference of that and what are different shade structures that can be made to give shade. So we can definitely have that. From there, there are some different stations that we do, again, focusing on shade structures, and how those are important and even testing our design. So we really zone in and focus on those standards, while also creating a small video. And like I said, that is the lesson that I am testing. That will be part of the updates within that whole year long plan bundle. After that we move into the Hour of Code for December and giving students a lot of different opportunities to explore coding that works at their level. Now when I do Hour of Code, that is the only unit that I’m not necessarily doing a specific project, which you definitely can. But I’m really exploring coding with different types of resources. So I’ll pull out robots that have directional coding, lots of different apps that are free that students can explore the coding. There are some things on the hour code website that we take a look at. And even something new that I implemented were the Osmo coding kits where there are three levels of coding and they are hands-on and excellent. So if you have Kindles or iPads in your classroom, I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about the Osmos in other episodes. Back in the episode about the best STEM toys for 2022, I talk more about what Osmos are. But definitely a really great kit when it can bring hands-on elements to coding and it works really well for K-2. Then we come back for the year and implement different stations that are related to snow. So we explore matter with different stories when it comes to STEM and stories, counting snowflakes, building snow, people looking at the elements of math with snowflakes. We do a lot of different stations when it comes to snow and read a lot of stories. So we’re slowly building up into other bigger projects. But again, this is coming back into the year, their stamina is a little bit low. So doing those STEM stations is just building them back up and practicing. And using all of those different tools is what I like to do when we get back from the New Year. Then we move into February, the kids have the groove of things. And believe it or not, I actually do 3D printing with all of my grades, which I have a little mini 3D printing series that you can go back and listen to. But with Kindergarten, we talk about ways to take care of the earth. So we do a lot of different research planning of all those different ways we explore resources. And then students create a key chain to help remind them of how to take care of the earth. So some of their key chain designs are maybe planting flowers, maybe they actually create the earth to help them to take care of the earth. Some kids like to create a recycling truck. So all of those different ways to take care of the earth. And they are so proud of their keychain design, once I get those printed, and then we color them with Sharpies, put a keychain on it, and then they take it away with them a month or two later. After that with there’s more time and this is a unit I will play around with I won’t always do. But if you want to explore stop motion animation, this is a great time to do this, in the spring. So students create a stop motion animation to describe the weather patterns that we have kept track of throughout the week. Now this is something that I have done when collaborating with classroom teachers. So the week before they keep track of the weather, they have a little weather journal that they keep all the data from. And then when they come into STEM, they have that data or at least the teacher has that data. And then we will use that to create a stop motion animation with either paper or playdough to show the weather patterns throughout the week. If we have time, we will add a voice over with that or even just students will talk about it in Seesaw. So just a really cool way to get them exposed to stop motion animation. Then I like to move into LEGO belts. This is typically state testing season. I know Kindergarten doesn’t do our state tests, but it’s just a busy time in general. So I recently bought this STEAM Park kit from LEGO education. They come in these ginormous boxes. And they are those big LEGO bricks, those Duplo blocks and I am so in love with this kit. It has been an excellent purchase. I know LEGO education kits are expensive. And you might be thinking do I even need to invest in this and my little learners 100%. Yes, this has actually been one of the better ones that I have bought. Now the kits are really, really big they come everything is sorted in these bags. And so I went and ended up sorting everything by color. And then every day there’s a new challenge. So there’s a little story that goes along with STEAM Park. And then students solve the problem. They can follow the inspirational pictures or create on their own and talk about these different topics that come in STEAM Park. So it’s been an awesome success. I really, really love it. And just has been really good for my little learners. And those big blocks have not been babyish at all, they love them. So if you’re thinking about a LEGO Education Kit, I highly recommend that we finish off the year with my STEM Musement Park. And we talked about the standards with the force and motion, how things can change direction, which we’re going to talk more about in this next section. But we talked about that where they build their cardboard maze on the wall, and then we have some different STEM stations. So overall, that is a recap of the year and what I do with Kindergarten, definitely mix it up. 

Naomi Meredith  03:17

First, let’s talk about the overview of the year. If you are curious to see what my actual year looks like K-5, you can check that out at Naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan where I have my entire year long plan for free and all of those standards connected with those. This upcoming year I’m going to actually be adding a lot of updates when it comes to the lessons that are provided and include bonus lessons inside, especially for K and one because I’ve actually updated the way that I teach these lessons over the past couple of years. So jump in on that now and then you might want to download it again later, maybe in a few months, whenI have a bunch of updates. But overall, the structure of this will be the same. Now if you’re curious to see how I actually plan a whole year and the whole method behind this, go back and listen to episode 14, where I discuss how to create your scope and sequence in the STEM space when I am planning my overall years. So K-5, I like to plan with overarching themes. So I look at the standards and think about the different topics that are related within those grade levels. I also think about the overall skills that I want students to learn. So when I am teaching LEGO education kits, everyone is doing a LEGO Education Kit or a similar activity at that time. As a teacher, this is so much easier to plan because you have that progression of learning. You also are in that mind frame as you were teaching. So you’re gonna think about those tips and tricks while you’re teaching throughout the day. And, again, you’re gonna know all of those differentiation techniques. So within that same day, because you’re basically teaching it over and over again, just at a different level. So I know there’s a lot of different ways to do this, you could break it up throughout the year. But this is just how I like to plan and it just has made it a lot easier. Just having all the materials out at one time, at the end of the unit I can clean it up and put it away. I’m going to go through the major lessons that I teach in Kindergarten and just a little snapshot of each of those. Again, check it out in my free year long plan, where you can see more of an in depth discussion of those. 

Naomi Meredith  14:20

But here let’s go into what is the breakdown of my actual week. If you need more support with your planning, I have a K-2 STEM planning workshop. I did host this live but recorded it at the time so you actually get to hear me answer real questions from real teachers who were at the workshop. In this two hour workshop, I break down exactly how I plan and give you all the planning sheets so you can be successful for your younger learners. So that will be linked in the show notes or you can find it at Naomimeredith.com/primaryworkshop. This is a new thing that I have started implementing the way that I like to plan my weeks for my little learners. And what I’ll typically do is have a main mini project, which you heard me talk about in the full year. And that will last about one to two days, then I will have STEM stations that will last two days. And then if I need a fifth day or a sub plan, then we will do a STEM and stories where we will do a challenge that is related to the story that we’ve read. And this story might be fiction or nonfiction. So I talked about at the end of the year, I like to do a STEM-musement Park. So when it comes to breaking down the week, here’s how I would do that. So days one and two, we start with that standard. So that force and motion standard that is in the NGSS, how things can change direction and move and building to figure that out, figure out the science behind it. So students have a will plan and then design a cardboard wall maze that we will leave up on the walls, and use tape and then test their designs. So the students love this. And they really do a great job collaborating and working together to build their maze, then we will move into STEM stations, we’ll do a variety of tasks. So I have a huge whiteboard that is magnetic on my wall. So I found these magnetic marble mazes that stick on there. So again, very similar but different to the challenge that they did the pieces already created. And they get to build and create these different mazes on the whiteboard. Then another station is I have found their fake LEGO bricks, but a fake LEGO bricks that where they can build a marble maze that stands up that is not on the wall. So seeing how that will actually change how things will move and turn. Then there’s also an app that I found that where students can build their own mazes and add different pieces. And then we have a robotic coding station where there are balloon animals where they actually have to roll the dice, find the numbers, then add them up, and then find the sum on the grid. So find different challenges that go along with our STEM-musement park, mainly about force motion, but a really great way to hone in and really get into that standard. So as you can see, I really liked again, planning and themes. But really zoning in on this standard, I’m not replacing what the classroom teacher is doing. Or maybe you are the classroom teacher, and you just want more ways to implement STEM and just really have a different way of learning. I’m not replacing that for that classroom teacher. So even if kids have learned this standard in their class, I know they’re gonna be doing something different with me. And really just having that hands-on experience to focus on that vocabulary, which is good for all students, not just Kindergarten, it’s great for everybody. 

Naomi Meredith  14:54

Here are the top three things that I think a kindergartener should leave STEM leaving. And this was hard for me to really pick three. And I think it’s going to be hard to pick three for all the grade levels. So here are my top three. So aside from kindergarteners, just like learning what my room looks like, where it is in the building, where the bathroom is in the proximity of my room, we do take a field trip to the bathroom, the first two days, and everybody goes and then we know where the bathroom is. So by the end of the year, they actually know how to go the bathroom independently where it’s located. But here are my top three skills that I think a Kindergarten nourish, should leave my class with. They’re not really in order, you can mix them up. But these are the top important things. First is for a kindergartner to be able to gather materials independently. So finding where those are, and also being able to clean those up independently. This is really important as the teacher to set up those structures where this can be possible. And it is 100% bras possible. I taught preschool in college and we had our preschoolers do this. So I know a five-year-old, a five and six-year-olds are definitely capable. And I can get out all of those materials, and they will be cleaned up at the end of class. The second skill that I want my kindergarteners to walk away with is being able to collaborate with at least a partner by this point and their age. They’re very used to having parallel play where they’re playing by themselves, but they’re playing side by side with others. And that is definitely how I start off the year. But again, based on the structures that I set up for students, I really want them to be able to successfully collaborate with a partner, whether it’s a partner of their choice, or it’s a partner that I choose. So again, setting up those roles for them. Helping them be successful is really, really important. And this is going to help set them up for the rest of the years when they’re in my class but also in school. And the third thing that I want kindergartners to walk away from my class is being able to complete a project that lasts more than one days and up to two days long. So it’s very easy for students to complete things in one day, but having them actually have a project that has multiple that, and being able to start that cleaned it up, and then get it out and then pick it up where they left off and finish it up a second day is huge, because they want to rush through their work and just do the crate part. So I do still use the Engineering Design Process, even in Kindergarten, it is an NGSS, Next Generation Science Standards, K-2 has the Engineering Design Process. But having a project that can last one to two and maybe three days can definitely be done. But it’s something that we work up to probably don’t start it until maybe that maker month, when we’re talking about the ant hills in all of that that lasts about two days. But that is definitely something I want to work up to. So that they are creating that long-term memory and remembering Oh, I did this the day before. Here’s what I need to do next. 

Naomi Meredith  20:49

As a recap, here are the main things when you’re thinking about your Kindergarten STEM curriculum and just those tips and tricks along the way when it comes to your overall year. First, we talked about the overview of the year, then I broke down the structure of the week. Then we talked about the top three skills that that kindergarteners should know by the end of the year once they leave STEM. Like I said, I’m going to do this series. So we will be talking about first through fifth in the next few episodes. There are a lot of ways that I can help support you when it comes to your Kindergarten STEM planning. Definitely jump on In in that K-2 STEM planning workshop, you will get a professional development certificate to help you break down how to actually plan out these lessons. I also have a K-5 year long plan that has all the lessons that I teach and constantly updating and adding things to those. So jumping on that the sooner you jump in on that the cheaper it is. If you only need Kindergarten, I have it broken down in just to Kindergarten bundle, and also a K-2 bundle depending on what you teach. So thank you so much again for joining me. I’m happy to support you and your STEM journey. And I can’t wait to see you in the next episodes.

kindergarten STEM curriculum


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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!


How to Write Your STEM Curriculum Scope and Sequence [ep. 14]

How to Write Your STEM Curriculum Scope and Sequence [ep. 14]


Check out the full episode on How to Write Your STEM Curriculum Scope and Sequence:  


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Episode Summary

When you first become a STEM teacher, you most likely weren’t given any curriculum. This was my experience when I left the regular classroom and jumped into teaching K through Five STEM.

Through trial and error, I have written a year’s worth of K through Five STEM lessons connected to the STEM standards.

In today’s episode, I share the behind-the-scenes of my method for creating STEM curriculum scope and sequence.


In this episode, you’ll learn the three major steps in how to write your STEM curriculum scope and sequence:

  • Review your overarching themes
  • Backwards plan and find relevant standards that connect to your theme
  • Brainstorm lessons related to those standards

Resources Mentioned:

Episode Transcript: 


When you’re first walking into your STEM classroom, you are most likely met with zero curriculum. Like many of you, I left the regular classroom and jumped headfirst into my K through five STEM role with a handful of supplies and zero curriculum. Yet, through trial and error, I have written a year’s worth of lessons for K through five connected to standards. I’m going to be sharing


with you my behind-the-scenes method in this episode. 


Some schools are fortunate enough to purchase a specific curriculum for their STEM programs. If that is you, that is absolutely amazing, and I hope that works well for you. Now, based on teachers I have talked to on various platforms, most teachers in the STEM world have to write their own curriculum and start from zero. I know where you’re coming from since that was me. So, through trial and error, I built a K through five STEM program that has a progression of learning and standards and a mix of different themes and topics that students learn throughout the years when they come into my STEM space. Now, I will say this isn’t perfect. But, this is what has worked well for me in my classroom. I am constantly updating and trying new things with my students as the years go by to ensure that I am teaching relevant and meaningful lessons to my students. You can get a whole view of this year-long plan for free. This will be linked in the show notes. You can find it also at this link, naomimeredith.com/yearlongplan. 


I also want to mention that my first year teaching K through five STEM was all about building relationships and basic skills. The things my students do five years later compared to when I first started are completely different. I had to backtrack and build up the skills of my students, even when it came to basic technology like logging into the computer, learning how to use Seesaw to document their work, and how to collaborate with others, which collaboration is something we are always working on. So don’t feel like you have to do all the things you plan in one year. You can build up to all these lessons and perfect them as the years go on. So this is the future you that we are talking about. But at least you will get a great foundation for your year-long plan and where you want your STEM program to go. 


When first starting your year-long plan, you want to brainstorm the overarching themes that all students K through five will be learning in your classroom. In Episode Two, we talked about what STEM education means in the elementary space. I highly recommend this episode to help you build your background knowledge on what STEM is and what STEM should look like in the elementary space. When thinking about those themes, I am talking about Makerspace robotics and Hour of Code. Hour of Code is a freebie, and there are tons of resources out there already that are free for you. So you might not have to do much planning on that theme, but add it to your year-long plan. Your overarching themes can also include video and audio production, digital citizenship, and LEGO education kits if you have the funds. When you purchase the LEGO education kits, they come with their own curriculum that is connected to standards. So, if you are looking for something to purchase for your STEM space, I would save all of your money for LEGO education and kits. Also, if you can, add 3D printing to your lessons. If you don’t have 3D printing, you can still have students plan and go through the process of creating a 3D design online, but they might not have the opportunity to print it, which is okay. But, again, that is something to save your budget for, if possible. Once you have a well-balanced mix of those themes, plan them out for the month you will see kids or works best for you.


In Episode 12, I talked about creative ways to plan your lessons with students, especially if you see groups of kids one day at a time. When planning this year-long plan, I saw students five days in a row. This overarching theme can vary for you. I use the same theme for the whole month. But if you see kids once a week, maybe you want to keep the same theme for two months. But again, have an overall balance of themes you’re going to teach your students. 


For the purpose of this episode, I’m going to be using my theme of maker month and earth systems as an example to help you see how I planned out this overall unit. I wanted students during the third month with me to dive into our Makerspace and use that space independently. This is where I taught students how to gather supplies, use our money system, and plan a budget. This is a big part of this unit when it is connected to Earth System standards. Also, go back and check out episodes five and six, where I talk about how to set up your Makerspace and how to use the money, menu, and system. So for this theme, in my third month of STEM, students use Makerspace. Once you have all of your themes planned out for the year and you have a balance of different topics, you will backwards plan and tie in those relevant standards. In my opinion, you’re not going to teach all of the standards in your classroom. Most likely, you are an extension of the general classroom, especially regarding science. I don’t think STEM should be a replacement for regular science lessons. In fact, science in the regular classroom is so much fun. That is something I do miss sometimes, planning a fun science experiment. 


Your role as a STEM teacher is taking the science standards, integrating other standards, and giving them your own STEM twist. Now, maybe your principal and district have a different opinion. This is just me and how I interpret what STEM should be when the students come into my classroom. When planning my lessons through backward planning, I like to use science as my base and build on my other standards. From there, I use the NGSS, the Next Generation Science Standards. You may use your state standards for this planning. Start with your base for science and then integrate your common core state standards, including English, language arts, and math. I like to look at the English and language arts standards when reading informational text. When students build their background knowledge and research, they use a lot of informational text in different formats to gather that information. Check out those standards that will help you plan those imagined stages in your lessons.


When it comes to your math standards, you may be using specific standards regarding geometry, fractions, and telling time. But you might also want to consider the mathematical practices recognized in your classroom. For example, there’s a mathematical practice that talks about making sense of problems and persevering when solving them. That is a huge concept in STEM. So don’t forget about those mathematical practices. They are very relevant in the STEM space. Also, when you’re in those common core state standards, look at those speaking and listening skills. Again, there are so many things that you are working on in this STEM classroom when it comes to sharing work, participating in a discussion, and being able to collaborate with others. These are some great standards that you can target in your STEM space. 


I also like to integrate the ISTE standards for students. These are technology standards that have their own overarching themes. There is also one about digital citizenship, which you can easily tie into your digital citizenship lessons. They have their overarching themes and then little themes within those. Definitely become familiar with those. Those are also a must in your STEM space. Again, keep the science standards as your base, and then integrate the ELA, math, and ISTE within that to create well-balanced lessons. When thinking about assessing your students, when it comes to the standards, I would probably assess them how they show proficiency with the science standards. The other ones are skills that will help them to get there. But my assessment tool would be the science standards. If you are doing grades in your classroom, pick one or two that students can attack. You’re zoning in on that specific standard in your STEM way. For this example, for my maker month and Earth Systems, I was looking for standards related to earth systems when possible and standards that talked about students demonstrating through building a model, creating, or building, which made the most sense to me for a Makerspace standard. Those connected well. I went through and highlighted those on my computer and then really brainstormed ideas from there. 


That leads me to my third part, which is to brainstorm your lessons. Now that you have your overarching themes planned for the months, you know which standards you want to teach each grade level. This is where you can bring all those ideas to life, all of those different things you have been saving on Instagram, that you have been pinning on Pinterest, and that you have been googling. This is where you are going to bring in those ideas that are connected to standards. If you don’t feel like brainstorming, I have all these lessons made. It’s in a growing collection in my TPT shop. It’s also in my monthly membership where you can access the year-long plan lessons and other monthly lessons and resources to help you in your classroom. If you don’t want to do this part, I know it’s overwhelming for K through five; that’s six different grade levels. I have it all set up for you. I’ll link that in the show notes. When brainstorming your lessons, think about how you can bring a different experience to your classroom that is different from the regular classroom. You might have tools that a regular classroom might not have, so play upon that. Can you show lifecycles by using robotics? Can you use Makerspace to demonstrate a model that classrooms might not always have? Take those standards in another direction so you’re not repeating the same ideas for students, and they get to explore differently. 


I’m going to be sharing with you two different lessons in this maker month and the Earth Systems lesson and how you can see how I approached this standard with a STEM angle while the teachers are still covering it within their science and reading instruction.


Here’s what I did for the Kindergarten NGSS standard that discusses constructing an argument about how plants and animals can change the environment to meet their needs. I zoned in on ants. I was kind of a little unsure about talking about ants with Kindergarteners. I wasn’t sure if they were going to like it or not. Now, if you know, you know, with Kindergarteners, they might love something or they might not. They’re a complete mystery, and I love them. They’re my favorite grade. I could do a whole podcast about Kindergarten. But we talked about how ants change their environment to meet their needs. It is amazing how ants build their whole colony underground and above ground that comes literally from nothing. When you look deeper at their colony, they have a space special for the queen, a different room for their eggs, a different place for the baby ants, and another room for their food. It is amazing how they change the environment from literally nothing to meet the needs of their entire colony. So as a class, throughout the week, we looked at different videos, books, and images about ants. Then students, in their own Makerspace way, built a cardboard maze that showed the different spaces that ants have in their colony and then had a little marble that would roll through the different rooms to go and check them all out. This was appropriate for Kindergarten. I knew that my Kindergarten teachers weren’t talking about it specifically. They could still teach that standard while I taught it differently in my STEM classroom. For fifth grade, in this same unit, I picked two related standards that go together and how they could demonstrate their knowledge. It was the first NGSS standard that talks about developing a model to describe the movement of matter. The second related standard was to use models to describe that energy. For the standard within this Maker month and Earth Systems, fifth grade made a Rube Goldberg ecosystem. The students researched an ecosystem of their choice using the different tools I provided. This is a great opportunity to use epic books within your STEM classroom. Students researched their ecosystem and all the different components that come in it. Then we learned about Rube Goldberg machines and how it forms a chain reaction. With both of these pieces of information, students used materials from the Makerspace and other supplies I had on hand to build their Rube Goldberg machine to show the chain reaction of the movement of matter within their ecosystem. It was a very simple Rube Goldberg machine, but it was a great way for kids to be talking about that movement of matter and how different reactions should hit other or multiple chain reactions depending on what their ecosystem was. They were so excited about these Rube Goldberg machines. Many kids went home and started making their own and sent me videos that I could include on our school-wide news. 


These examples are two different ways, from the littlest kids to the oldest, we can take these science standards, integrate other standards within them, and have a progression of learning where they can show it in their own STEM way. As a recap, here are the three major things we discussed when planning your K through five STEM year-long plans. First, look at your overarching themes. Second, backwards plan and find relevant standards that connect to your theme. And finally, the super fun part, brainstorm lessons related to those standards. Of course, everything is linked in the show notes for today’s episode, including the free year-long plan, the ultimate STEM resource library, and the lessons that I talked about, so you can get a better idea of how this can work best for your classroom and your students.






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More About your host, Naomi Meredith

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership and STEM certificate, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there.

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!

More About The Elementary STEM Coach Podcast

Are you tired of scrolling online for your next great STEM lesson? Do you feel like there is no time to plan, research and test meaningful STEM lessons, so you throw together a hands-on activity and hope that it works? What systems and routines should you set in place to help students be creative, critically think, and collaborate? 

The Elementary STEM Coach is a podcast for K-5 STEM teachers, classroom teachers, GT specialists, and homeschool parents looking for actionable STEM solutions. Each week, Naomi Meredith will share tools, resources and lesson ideas that are actionable in your classroom and create highly engaging experiences with your students. You’ll learn systems and routines that will create control in the chaos and that will keep you organized all year long. 

Your mindless scrolling days are over! Your new STEM-best friend is now here in your ear buds!