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Winter STEM Activities Kids Will Love

Winter STEM Activities Kids Will Love


Try these Winter STEM Activities in your classroom that the kids will love. Make the chilly days feel warmer by sparking creativity. There are a variety of low-prep, hands-on activities to try.

This video originally aired LIVE on my Facebook Page; Naomi Meredith: The STEMTech Co. 

Come and join in on the fun on Facebook, or watch the recording of this episode.

Here are the key takeaways from this episode:

Winter STEM Activities  | Watch the recording down below:

Sphero Sleds

A Sphero Lesson Plan where students go through the Engineering Design Process. A lesson where students create a sled for Sphero and code to pull it through the Iditarod Dog Race!

Throughout this challenge, students will learn about sled design and apply that to their work. While coding through the race, the use of angles and sped will help determine if Sphero can successfully travel through the maze.

Click here to grab this lesson for your class! 



Gift Wrap STEM Challenge

STEM activity with student Engineering Design Process printables & digital pages to help determine the most effective method for wrapping a gift. An area and perimeter activity that can be used year round.

Using the 3 videos provided, students are to pick one of the wrapping methods shown. Then, they actually wrap the gift with the method.

Afterwards, students will unwrap the gift and count how much tape was used, and the area and perimeter of the paper on the box. Encourage students to write on the wrapping paper to show their work.


Once students calculate their wrapping paper numbers, have students compare their results to determine which wrapping method might be best. There will be a lot of debate on this topic!

I found packs of smaller boxes at the Dollar Store for kids to wrap so that all the boxes were the same size. I had wrapping paper I bought on sale from the previous year. Or even asking for donations would be an alternative to get more wrapping paper for this challenge.

Click here to grab this lesson for your class! 


Playdough Snowmen | 3 States of Matter & Measurement

Learn about the 3 states of matter & how to build the best snowman. Build your own snowman and use the corresponding states of matter activity and measurement activity.

Students will model what each of the states of matter are, according to a snowman.

For the next challenge, students will build a snowman as tall as they can and use different tools to measure their creation.

This is perfect for a station that students might rotate to throughout the week or even during a class party. The must-have material needed before getting started is playdough of some kind.

Click here to grab this for your class! 


Toothpick Snowflakes | Angles & Symmetry

There is a lot of science behind how snowflakes are made in nature. Learn how snowflakes are made, build a snowflake with toothpicks and solve math problems by using your design!

After planning and building their snowflake design, students will modify their work and record the following math observations:

  • intersecting lines
  • acute angles
  • obtuse angles
  • right angles
  • straight angles
  • perpendicular lines
  • parallel lines
  • lines of symmetry

This lesson works well either whole group or as a math station that students travel to throughout the week.

Click here to grab this lesson for your class! 


Ten on the Sled | STEM & Stories

STEM activity with student Engineering Design Process printables & digital pages to accompany the book Ten on the Sled by Kim Norman. A Winter STEM activity for Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grades.

Connecting STEM & literacy is a great ways to boost students’ reading comprehension by helping them remember the story.


After listening to the story, students will watch a video about sled design to inspire their creations. Next, students will build their sled that needs to fit all ten animals out of popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and straws. I didn’t use tape to add an extra challenge and encourage kids to think about their materials in a way they haven’t before.

For the animals, I printed out the included images and had kids cut and tape them onto unifix cubes or LEGO pieces. This allows the animals to stand up on the sled.

Click here to grab this lesson for your class! 


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What questions do you have about these activities? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!