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How to Teach Technology in the Classroom

How to Teach Technology in the Classroom

how-to-teach-technology-in-the-classroomOne of the biggest hurdles to overcome when figuring out how to teach technology in the classroom is the management. Likewise, the flow of the lesson when teaching the lesson while integrating technology can be a tricky balance. Especially as a teacher in the classroom, you are typically by yourself and are managing a new experience as the ONLY adult in the room. 

Don’t let the numbers game intimidate you. 

By setting up clear expectations, routines and models, using technology tools in the classroom can be a great success. 

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is: NEVER assume kids know how to use the tools.

Even if the device or tech tool was used in previous grade levels, assumption is dangerous. 

Assuming that the majority of students know how to use the tool using the processes you have in mind for the project can be detrimental. Level the playing field by setting up classroom expectations that are clear for all students in the space. 

Prior knowledge from students will be helpful, but it’s also important for all students in the classroom to be successful with the given project and build a strong foundation. 


How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #1 Set-up Expectations

This is the key to ultimate success. The most common mistake I’ve seen teachers make is not isolating the tools and how they generally work before diving into a lesson. 

Often times, teachers getting started with technology in the classroom will tell students to get their device, login, go to the lesson, leave the device open as the teacher teaches the lesson with the materials in front of students. 

In the meantime, students are on various steps, someone doesn’t know their password, a device isn’t charged and the rest of the class isn’t paying attention to the lesson that’s actually being taught. 

Does this sound familiar? 

There is a better way to teach it! 

When integrating technology effectively into a lesson, break-down the steps into smaller bite-sized chunks. Especially if it is the class’ first time using the tool, it’s better to go slow to go fast later on. 

how-to-teach-using-technologyFirst, set up expectations of how to use the tool. For example, if it’s an iPad, younger students often need explicit steps in how to “wake-up” the iPad when it falls asleep. 

This is a great time for adding in little phrases and rhymes you can repeat over and over again with a class. Just like those favorite commercials you remember as a kid… it’s because they are catchy!

Along with that, add in technology related vocabulary when explaining what specific buttons are, icons and tools. Students will start recognizing these markers and universal icons within other tools they use. 


Here are some sayings I regularly use: 

  • “When in doubt, ‘X’ it out!” (If a page doesn’t load, something unexpected pops up on the screen, typed in the wrong web address…)
  • “The iPads like to sleep when we aren’t using them so they can save their battery power for us! We are going to press the home button two times and say this at the same time, Wake-Up!”
  • “Can’t find all the options, press the Three Magic Dots…They stand for, There Is More!” (Ellipsis menu for more settings)
  • “Type it in exactly as shown, all one word, no spaces” (When typing in a website, username or password.”
  • Practice makes better!” Or “Everything New is Hard at First!” (When students get frustrated for using  a tool for the first time and it’s not “working”)
  • T to type!” (When adding in a textbox, most platforms use the letter ‘T’ as the symbol to add in this feature on top of a workspace.” 

How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #2 Get Materials Ready First

Once expectations are set up (and yes, these need to be reviewed EVERY time before use) have students get their materials for the lesson set up first. 

Model for students by visually showing what materials they will need set up to be successful for the actual lesson. 

These are the physical and digital materials. 



When modeling, students don’t have anything in their hands. This will force students to pay attention to the directions instead of their devices. 

Model by going through the steps on the screen. It can also be helpful to have the steps written out with visual markers as well. 

This is NOT the time to show them HOW to use the tools. This is all about WHAT tools will be used.

In turn, this is meeting multiple modes of learning and are great references for current and future lessons. 

I will have ALL students get their materials ready first at their table, have everyone at their table get their “screen to match mine” and join me back at the meeting area with NOTHING in their hands. 

While having the materials ready to go, students are now able to focus on how the materials will be used for the actual lesson. 

In the long run, this will save time as students aren’t stressed about logging in and forgetting how all of the pieces will fit together. 

Examples for setting up technology for a lesson

Primary Example: Students will be using Seesaw to complete an activity within the platform. Teacher will model the below steps first. Then, students will…

  1. Gather an iPad
  2. Wake iPad up
  3. Log into Seesaw
  4. Select the correct activity
  5. When finished, come back to the class meeting area, with nothing in hands
  6. Mini lesson on how to complete activity
  7. Students go back to set-up iPad to work on activity

Intermediate Example: Students will be researching using a Epic! Books, and taking notes on a digital document on their laptop. Teacher will model the below steps first. Then, students will…

  1. Gather their device & log in
  2. Log into Google Classroom & open up digital notes document
  3. Open another tab, log into Epic! Books account
  4. When finished, come back to the class meeting area, with nothing in hands
  5. Mini lesson on how to complete activity
  6. Students go back to set-up device to work on activity

How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #3 Allow Explore time

First time using the tool? Allow explore time

This step can be skipped if the tool has been used before. However, this step is important to add in the lesson planning process of a unit. 

In fact, once students materials are ready (as explained above), this exploration can be your ACTUAL lesson. 

Realistically, students are going to want to explore anyway, so harness that curiosity in a positive and academic way. ESPECIALLY, if it’s a tool that will be used multiple times in the classroom or for a long project. 


Instead of having a random exploration, make it purposeful with a goal in mind. 

  • What do you notice? Anchor chart
  • Tips & Tricks You Want to Share (T-chart ,teacher & students)
  • Create an anchor chart of important icons
  • Guided Scavenger Hunt with small mini tasks

Through exploration, students will develop comfortability using the tool and be able to produce a high-quality assignment since that initial struggle will be sorted out. 

How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #4 Dig into the Assignment

Once students know the expectations of the tools, how to set up their materials and basics of the platform, it’s time to dig-into the actual assignment. 

Again, these steps can all be done in an entire lesson, or broken up into mini-lessons throughout the week. 

When truly integrating technology, the lessons should pertain to content standards and promote higher-levels of thinking. 

Think about using tools that can allow students multiple ways to respond. 

For example, speaking, typing or drawing all within the same platform can be great for differentiation. 

As you become stronger in your technology lesson planning repitoire, you’ll notice more variety in students’ work and their ability to respond in ways that best show off their capabilities. 


How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #5 Build Independence Along the Way

As students are working through integrated assignments, new discoveries are bound to pop up. 

Likewise, unforeseen technology issues as well. 

Help build student independence by adding in the expectation of ‘Ask 3 Before Me’. 

As the teacher, it’s easy for the students to see you as the gate-keeper of all the technology information, however, don’t take-on that role!

how-to-teach-technology-in-the-classroomhow-to-teach-using-technologyYour goal is to have students become equal experts as well. In fact, as a K-5 STEM teacher, I will step in only as necessary if it’s an extreme problem like an account it locked or there is a battery issue. 

However, most problems are common like a student skipping a step or typing in a website incorrectly. 

The process of ‘Ask 3 Before Me’ can solve most technology issues during work time. In turn, also create an ‘Expert List’ throughout a project or even the whole school year. 


Instead of having one or two “tech-sperts” assigned as classroom jobs, recognize the skills of all students. Create an anchor chart to showcase the names of students (which they write themselves) of specifics problems they know how to solve. 

That way, when students have a problem, they can recognize that problem instead of saying “It’s not working”. Then, they know who they can specifically ask for their problem instead of floundering. 

Here are some categories that can be added to get your started on your Expert List:

  • How to Log Into Device
  • How to Log into (name of platform)
  • Fixing Microphone & Camera Accept/Blocked
  • Adding a Textbox
  • Deleting Objects 

How to Teach Technology in the Classroom: #6 Model Clean Up

The importance of caring or technology is just as important as learning how to use it in an academic setting. 

When the lesson is complete, model how students should close out for the lesson an properly put the device away. 

By being specific with these expectations, there is less of a risk for devices being damaged. 

This is coming from a K-5 STEM teacher who taught over 500+ kids each year with minimal devices being broken. I am very strict about device care for good reason!

Teach and re-teach these lessons throughout the year to ensure best device care: 

  • Turning in digital assignments
  • Closing Individual Tabs vs. All Tabs
  • Logging Out of platforms
  • Putting device away and plugging in
  • Where to store login information
  • Wrapping headphone cords and storage
  • Cleaning devices

By having clear structures in place when integrating technology can ensure greater success in the classroom. Even if you are the only adult in the classroom. 

It will take time and practice, but be as consistent as possible; with your expectations and technology use. The more students are using these routines, the better they will get for future assignments. 

This process is tried and true for all elementary ages and will change the way you integrate technology into your instruction. 

Resources mentioned in this post:

Other Blog Posts You Might Enjoy:


How can I help you navigate your STEM & Tech journey? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!

About the Author

Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned current K-5 STEM teacher and coach. Her role not only includes teaching over 500 students in her school, but also leading professional development and co-teaching with teachers to help them integrate STEM & Technology.

With over a decade of experience along with a M.Ed. in STEM Leadership, she helps teachers navigate the best practices, strategies and tools out there. 

She truly believes that any teacher out there can learn how to use STEM & Technology in their classrooms effectively. She can’t wait to connect with you and be your guide!


How to Make a Textbox in Google Slides

How to Make a Textbox in Google Slides

Wondering how to make a text box? There are a lot of ways to be creative when adding words with the text box tool in Google Slides and Drawings. Easily create a text box, change its color and style in this video tutorial.

Want to share this video with students but YouTube is blocked at your school? Click here to find the same {free} video in my store and you can get the downloadable version of this video that you can share with your kids.


How to Make a Textbox in Google Slides | Need help?

As you become more comfortable with Google Slide creation, you’ll discover all the tricks within the platform.

Still need more help? Stop spending hours on YouTube finding the perfect video to answer your questions. Let me sit with you and guide you through the ins and outs of Google Slides.

In less than 3 hours, you can be a Google Slides master while creating assignments your students will love. Click here to join me in my easy-to-navigate course, How to Use Google Slides for Digital Interactive Assignments

See you there!


Resources mentioned in this post:

Other Blog Posts You Might Enjoy:


What questions do you have about using Google Slides to create? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ or send me an email, contactnaomimeredith(at)gmail.com, and I would love to chat with you!



How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides

How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides


Are you wondering how to make worksheets in Google Slides? With these 5 easy steps, you can create interactive assignments for your students they will love.


This video originally aired LIVE on my Facebook Page; Naomi Meredith: The STEMTech Co. 

Come and join in on the fun on Facebook, or watch the recording of this episode down below.


How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | #1 Change the Page Size

Before creating the assignment, change the page size to be the same as a sheet of copy paper (8.5 x 11). To do this, go to the toolbar and click ‘File’–Page Setup — Custom.

This might seem like a strange step to start with, but there is a method to the madness. Although the goal is to create an interactive, digital assignment, having the option to print is a great backup. You never know when the internet will go out, a student needs a paper version for accommodations or someone has lost their computer privileges.

Having the page setup so that it can be printed is essential so the formatting doesn’t get thrown off in the future. It’s more of a pain to go back and change it later.



How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | #2 Create & Insert the background

The background is the part of the assignment that you want to “glue down”. These are the items in the assignment you don’t want kids to change.

Think of it like this.

When you make a photocopy of a worksheet, the students can’t move the directions and graphic organizers around. They are to complete the assignment and add their answers on top.

To do this in Google Slides, create the background of the assignment, download as an image, then insert it as the background.


How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | #3 Create moveable objects

Now that the background is in place, time for the fun part; the moveable pieces! Moveable objects can come in many forms digitally; drag & drop, typing in a text box or even watching a video.

While some question types can stay the same like traditional paper & pencil assignments, many can be enhanced digitally. With these moveable pieces, you’re transforming the work where students can be creators with technology and not consumers.

how to use google slides


How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | #4 Make a Copy for the Kids

Once the essentials of the assignment are created, make a seperate copy for the students in Google Drive. We don’t typically hand students the teacher manual with all of the details. Don’t do the same thing with your master slides.

After making a copy, delete any unnecessary slides the kids don’t need to complete their work.


how to use google slides

How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | #5 Share assignment!

Google Slides can be shared on a variety of platforms; Google Classroom, Seesaw, Schoology, Canvas and more! They can even be downloaded as PowerPoint files which is a great option for platforms that don’t support Google Slide assignments.

Make sure when sharing, you’re sending the student version that you made in the previous step.

How to Make Worksheets on Google Slides | Need help?

As you become more comfortable with Google Slide creation, you’ll discover all the tricks within the platform.

Still need more help? Stop spending hours on YouTube finding the perfect video to answer your questions. Let me sit with you and guide you through the ins and outs of Google Slides.

In less than 3 hours, you can be a Google Slides master while creating assignments your students will love. Click here to join me in my easy-to-navigate course, How to Use Google Slides for Digital Interactive Assignments

See you there!

how to use google slides

Resources mentioned in this post:

Other blog posts you might enjoy:


What questions do you have about using Google Slides to create? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ or send me an email, contactnaomimeredith(at)gmail.com, and I would love to chat with you!



5 Tips for How to Use G Suite for Education

5 Tips for How to Use G Suite for Education


So you’re ready to teach your kids how to use Google Tools, but where do you begin? Here are my top 5 tips for how to use G Suite for Education with students. After using these tools when I was a classroom teacher, K-5 STEM teacher and even training adults, these strategies have seen positive results over the years. G Suite for Education tools are a major asset to have in the classroom and allows students to be using applicable skills they can build on with various assignments.


This video originally aired LIVE on my Facebook Page; Naomi Meredith: The STEMTech Co. 

Come and join in on the fun on Facebook, or watch the recording of this episode.


How to Use G Suite for Education  | Watch the recording down below:

How to Use G Suite for Education | #1 Assess Prior Knowledge

One of the biggest things I’ve learned when it comes to students using academic technology is to never assume. Although students might be proficient using video games and YouTube at home, this doesn’t always translate to using academic technology. Kids are very capable and should know how to use basic technology skills proficiently; it might not be natural at first.

Before teaching a new technology tool, including G Suite, assess quickly what students may or may not already know about the tool. This can be a quick check in or even a class discussion with responses written down.

As a teacher, this will help with planning as to which skills should be taught first as a whole class, and others that may be taught separately in smaller groups.


How to Use G Suite for Education | #2 Keep Login Steps Consistent

When starting with a new technology tool, students need to know the exact steps for logging into the platform. Honestly, based on my experience, this step is the one that takes the longest and most practice for students. Don’t be discouraged when logging into the platform takes 20 minutes the first few times; it’s completely normal.

Create a class anchor chat with the exact steps as to how to log into the platform. Drawing, (or if you make a digital version, inserting images) images of what the step looks like is extremely helpful as well. This can be a great aid for all students when repeating this common step. Also, as a teacher, you can quickly point to the correct step when a student asks you, “What do I need to do next?”


Likewise, keep student login information where students can independently access it. It’s important to have this information on hand as a teacher, but the goal is to have students be successful and advocate for themselves. Here is an example of how I’ve done this for Google Classroom. 

Don’t waste important class time passing out student log in cards when they can be taped inside of their pencil box, next to their keyboard or student planner.

How to Use G Suite for Education | #3 Use Universal Icons

Universal Icons are simple pictures that are used to represent an action in multiple platforms. For example, the ‘play’ icon is seen on YouTube videos, phones and TV remotes. Google Tools also have universal icons within their platforms that signal a specific action.

Have students take note of these universal icons and notice what they mean. As you begin to use more Google Tools in your classroom, like Docs, Slides and Forms, students will recognize how these icons are across the platforms.

Keeping a running list in an area in the classroom or even student journals can help that visual recognition and build meaning. Here is one that I created for Google Drawings that can translate to many of the other Google Tools


How to Use G Suite for Education | #4 Explicit Baby Steps

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the steps you want students to learn while using G Suite for Education. As a teacher, you may know most of the tools naturally and it can be frustrating seeing students who might not even know the most simple tasks.

In addition, think about the basics you want students to know when using the tool. Then, break each of those skills into their own, separate task.

As simple as possible.

For example: Highlight the word you typed. Find the U icon and click on it. What happens to your word?

For an even bigger impact, have each of the tasks build on one another so students can begin to see how the tool is connected and interacts.

How to Use G Suite for Education | #5 Focus on One Tool at a Time

Just as it may seem overwhelming with all the skills you want to teach your students, it may feel the same as to which Google Tool to teach students first.

Whenever I am teaching my classes new technology tools, I focus on one tool during a lesson. I’ll use that same tool for multiple lessons throughout the week in various ways and subjects. When I see that students are becoming more comfortable using that tool, I’ll integrate another they might already know from a previous lesson.

As the year goes on, I’ll keep adding in new G Suite tools. Studente begin to see patterns within these tools as we use them for various assignments.

Here is the order I typically teach G Suite tools to students, but you can definitely change this up:

  1. Google Docs
  2. Google Classroom
  3. Google Drive
  4. Google Drawings
  5. Google Slides
  6. Google JamBoard
  7. Google Forms
  8. Google Sheets


How to Use G Suite for Education | Putting it All Together

After using G Suite for Education tools for awhile, you’ll recognize how you want to teach the skills you’ve developed to your students. These are the steps that I’ve taken and perfected over the years.

In fact, to help you save time, I have created and continue to keep updated my Google Tools Scavenger Hunts.

Each hunt comes with a pre and post assessment while also giving students specific, basic tasks to complete to learn each tool. The hunts can be printed or shared digitally.

Also, there is an editable version that comes with a mini-lesson to support teaching this tool to your students. (The non-editable version doesn’t include the mini-lesson).

Click here to grab these scavenger hunts for your class!


Products mentioned that can support your classroom:

Other blog posts you might enjoy:

What questions do you have about these tips? Have any other ideas to share? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!

Back to School STEM Activities Shopping Guide


Back to School STEM Activities Shopping Guide

This Back to School STEM Activities guide is to help you find resources that will be perfect for your STEM & Technology instruction. Whether you are teaching in-person, hybrid or remotely, I have resources already created to meet your needs. 


Back to School STEM Activities Shopping Guide: How to Get the Most Out of It

  • Print this out to read it like a magazine or view digitally
  • The clickable Table of Contents will direct you to a topic you’re interested in learning about more
  • All images are clickable and will take you directly to the product they are show
  • All images also have a corresponding number. Find the corresponding description for that page to read more about it

Click here to grab this FREE download!



What’s included in this guide?

  • How to use this guide
  • How to get free TpT Credits to Spend on Future Purchases
  • 6 Back to School Essentials for Any Classroom Setting
  • In-Person Learning Resources
  • Google Tools Scavenger Hunts
  • Digital Interactive Notebooks
  • Distance Learning Resources
  • Thank You!
  • Connect with Me!

Click here to grab this FREE download!


Other blog posts you will also enjoy: 



Need more help finding a resource that fits your Back to School needs? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!

Want more resources to support Technology & STEM all year long? Grab this FREE downloadable guide that I’ve put together for you!


Email Signature Picture Tutorial for Teachers

Email Signature Picture Tutorial for Teachers

email-signature-pictureHaving an email signature is essential. This allows your audience to know exactly who you are and other ways to contact you in the future. It’s also an opportunity to add a face to the name. With your email signature, you want to make sure people know who you are when it’s best to reach you and other qualifications that make you stand-out and be memorable.

In this video tutorial, the steps for creating an email signature with an image will be shown. All creation is done within Google Slides and then exported as an image.

Email Signature Picture Tutorial Video

After changing the size dimensions of the Google Slide and editing, this can then be downloaded and inserted into your email platform. If for some reason the image turns out blurry after downloading, screenshot the image. This can sometimes get a more clear image for your email.
Email signatures can be added at the end of all of the message automatically. This isn’t something you need to do manually every single time.

Unsure how to do this? 

Don’t feel like formatting the dimensions of the Google Slide on your own? I’ve saved you time with my Photo Email Signature Template. Just open, edit, download, and add!


Click here to grab this template for your email signature creation!


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How did your email signature turn out? Feel free to direct message me on Instagram, @naomimeredith_ and I would love to chat with you!

Want more resources to support Technology & STEM all year long? Grab this FREE downloadable guide that I’ve put together for you!